healing-hearts (18 page)

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Authors: Yvette Hines

BOOK: healing-hearts
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“You’ve just made his day.” An older woman with a light hazelnut complexion standing next to him commented.

“Yasmine, this is my lovely wife, Sarah.” Mr. Coleman introduced the lady beside him.

“Sarah, it’s nice to meet you.” Yasmine shook the other woman’s hand.

“Congratulations. I’ve known Jason since he came to work for my husband and I never thought he would get married; he was too much like Jeffery.”

“Did I hear someone mention my name?”

Yasmine had to bite down on the inside of her lip when Jason came up behind her and slid his arms around her waist, pulling her back toward his chest.

It amazed her that she so easily felt cocooned and safe in his arms. Chiding herself, she thought,
Don’t get used to it

“I was telling your lovely bride that you and Jeffery were both chronic workaholics.”

“That’s not news to her, it’s part of her job to make sure I don’t stress myself out.”

“Good luck.” Sarah eyes were full of humor, lighting her eyes.

Yasmine was relieved that the remaining two hours passed in good-natured ribbing, between new and old friends and family as they ate appetizers and drank champagne.

“As much as we would love to stay and chat, I believe it’s time for my bride and me to go.” Jason took Yasmine’s hand into his and headed out the door.

Leigh had already placed her small overnight bag into the car and had agreed to lock up her house after everyone had left.

As the weeks had passed, Yasmine had hoped that Jason changed his mind and that the two of them would circle the block until everyone left. Then she could return to her home and Jason to his.

Now that he had given her so much attention all evening and putting on such a good show of the besotted bridegroom, she felt even more apprehensive about the coming evening.

They waved good-bye to family and friends as they stepped into Jason’s silver two-door Lexus coupe with hide-away black tinted windows, and drove off.



As they rode the elevator up to their room, Yasmine’s heart beat faster with each floor they passed. She could feel the slight tremor in her hands and her temperature began to rise. The drive to the Williamsburg Resort, which Jason had chosen for their honeymoon, had not been long. The drive had only taken forty-five minutes. It was not enough time for her to become used to the idea of being alone in a room overnight with Jason.

They were both silent for the ride up and the walk down the corridor to the room. Jason slid the key into the lock. When the little light flashed green, he turned the knob and opened the door.

Before she could take the step into the room, Yasmine found herself swept up off the floor and held snugly in Jason’s arms as he moved forward into the room.

Once they stood in the center of the room, Jason let her legs go and as her feet descended to the floor, she brushed against the front of his body.

“I would’ve asked your permission to carry you over the threshold, but I figured you would have told me no.”

Still reeling from being is his arms and the feel of her body pressed against his, she struggled to push her words out so as not to sound breathless. “You’re probably right.”

She turned away from him, needing a moment to take a deep breath and calm herself.
Yassi, get yourself together, girl.

“Look around, I think you will like the room.” He spoke from behind her.

Yasmine didn’t have to be told twice. She looked around the large living room and kitchen area. The room had a full size refrigerator, four-eyed stove range with oven and a dishwasher.

The living room half was furnished with a couch, loveseat, and a large screen TV with DVD player. A large bay window completed the room. Out of it, they had a great view of deep, lush green foliage and a babbling brook.

He’d spent a pretty penny on a room where he wouldn’t even be getting any,
Yasmine thought to herself.

“If you pull the sliding doors to your left open that’s where the bedroom is located,” Jason instructed her.

“You seem to have the lay of this place,” Yasmine commented.

Jason didn’t appear fazed by her comment. “I got the information from one of my clients. Before I booked the place, I drove up here and checked it out. I liked it.”

She didn’t know what to say. Faking more bravado than she was feeling, Yasmine walked over to the bedroom doors and pulled them open. Her breath stopped in her chest.

There were white candles lit all over the room, and a hot tub against one of the walls filled high with bubbles that sparkled in the light. There were two empty fluted glasses and a bottle of what Yasmine assumed was champagne chilling in a bucket.

The bed was turned down and the peach colored silk sheets were covered with white rose petals that cascaded to the floor, trailing past the hot tub and didn’t stop until they had ended a step away from where Yasmine stood rooted at the door.

Yasmine could hear soft sultry sounds of Alexandre Pires, a Latin artist’s music, playing from somewhere in the room. It seemed to float around them on the gentle breeze coming from the open balcony doors, then mingle with the lulling sound of the water brook down below.

“Jason.” With that one word uttered, Yasmine was otherwise speechless.

She could feel the heat of his body as he approached her. The hair stood up on her arms as if she’d stepped too close to a live wire.

“Yasmine, tonight is our wedding night. Don’t think for one moment that I don’t respect your decision for us not to be intimate, but don’t misunderstand me...I would love the opportunity to ravish you sexually.”

Yasmine closed her eyes. She could feel the rhythmic vibrations of his voice as he leaned closer to her ears and she was almost positive she smelled a hint of honey under the spice of his cologne. The scents caused her blood to rush and pulsate between her thighs.

“But, with everything you have known of a man’s touch, tonight I just want to give you romance.”


“Are you trying to get me drunk?” Yasmine asked when he poured her a drink and passed it to her.

Jason chuckled. “No, even if it would allow me to have my way with you, I’d prefer that you remembered it in the morning, so you’re safe, it’s only a white grape blend.”

Jason watched her across the bubbles as she leaned back, chin deep in the warm water. Before she had agreed to get into the hot tub, she had made Jason call the front desk and purchase her a bathing suit from the hotel’s shop. Jason liked the blush that graced her face when she opened up the box the hotel staff had given her and saw the two-piece string bikini.

But, without a word, she went into the bathroom and changed, while Jason changed out of his black suit and put on a pair of shorts.

When she came out wrapped in a towel, Jason thought she would never drop her makeshift wrap. Finally she let it go and got quickly into the water.

At her show of modesty, he told her, “Remember, Yasmine, I’ve already seen you in a bathing suit.”

“Not one as bare as this one. I might as well have gone in my
.” She spoke from the other side of the tub.

“Your what?”

“It means underwear…panties. Sorry, I get the slipping into occasional Portuguese from my mom.”

“Oh. Well, the romantic evening is yours, but I must admit that the eye candy is strictly for me,” he told her.

Presently, he was enjoying the view of the relaxed look on Yasmine’s face. She appeared stress free. A look he had never witnessed on her face.

“Hmm. This feels so good. I don’t take nearly enough baths,” she was saying.

“I know something that would feel even better.”

She opened one eye and looked at him curiously, “Do I want to ask?”

“Dirty mind...give me your foot.”

When she hesitantly passed it over, Jason began to massage the small arch of her slender foot.

“How’s that?” he asked. Even though the look of pure joy was evident on her face, he liked to hear voice.

“If I get anymore relaxed I’m going to drown.” She risked sliding down a half-inch more.


Yasmine was in heaven. Never in her wildest dreams would she have expected a wedding night quite like this. As she leaned back, submerged in the inviting warmth of the water and Jason’s hands circling an enticing rhythm on one foot to the other, she was pulled deeper into the romantic atmosphere by the Latin man’s voice. He was singing about being with someone and believing in the illusions of love that allowed him to be alive each night.

It all caused her to teeter with the idea of making love to Jason that night.

She was on the verge of being swept away, when something slick that could only have been Jason’s tongue, slid up the arch of her foot.

Yasmine quickly snatched her foot out of his hand and sat up, causing some of the water to slosh over the sides.

“Figured that would get your attention.” A wicked smile graced his mouth. “I’ve called your name three times and you never responded.”

Yasmine felt embarrassed. She tried not to shiver at the cool air that touched her shoulders. “Sorry, I guess I was in a zone.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Why don’t you continue to relax while I go and order us something to eat?” Jason got out of the tub, grabbing one of the thick towels from the side and wrapping it around his waist, then padding toward the doors leading to the living room.

“I think I can manage that.” She answered his smile with her own. “Don’t let me drown in here. But, if I did, I couldn’t think of a more perfect way to go.” Yasmine punctuated her point by sliding into the depths of the tub.

An hour later, Yasmine found herself full of good conversation and good food, and immensely tired from a long day. She and Jason decided to retire for the evening. They would be meeting his brother and sister for an early brunch before his siblings flew back to their homes.

“While you change, I’ll take care of all of the candles, so we don’t catch fire.” He stood beside the small table on the balcony.

She placed a hand over her mouth, stifling a yawn. “Thanks.” Then she grabbed her small suitcase from the bedroom and headed into the bathroom. They had been lazy and eaten dinner in towels and robes. When Yasmine opened her suitcase to pull out the long modest nightgown she had packed, it wasn’t there. She flipped through the overnight bag in search of a T-shirt of something she could use. But with the current style of shirts stopping at the waist they didn’t work. A wispy piece of material caught her eye.

She lifted it out of the case and stared. Her granny gown was replaced with a sheer, maroon colored, baby doll nightie that stopped at the top of her thighs. Another glance through the bag proved it didn’t include underwear. At that moment, she would have given anything for a full bottom pair of underwear.

Yasmine had been wearing thongs for years, more out of habit than a desire for sexiness. But there was no way she was going to put them on underneath this outfit. It appeared as if she was trying to seduce Jason.
Thanks, Leigh.
Yasmine would remember to kill her friend the next time she saw her.

Opting to go without underwear, Yasmine pulled the robe back over the revealing garment.
I’ll sleep in the robe,
she vowed as she left the bathroom. All of the candles were blown out; the only light was the nightstand lamp on Jason’s side of the bed, where he was lying and reading a book he had brought along on the trip. The blanket was pulled up to his waist.

Is he naked? Hopefully he’s wearing sweats or shorts.
Nervous, she approached the bed.

He’d been a perfect gentleman all evening, so that didn’t bother her as much as what he would say if he saw her nightgown.

Reaching the bed, she got in on her side, and slipped neck deep under the covers.

She could feel her temperature start to rise.
I’ll burn to a crisp in this thing.

Making a decision, she began squirming around to get out of her robe and retain her modesty.

“You need any help over there?” Jason looked away from his book and smiled at her, wiggling his eyebrows.

“No, I’m fine.” Yasmine finally managed to get out of her robe and tossed it to the floor. “I never expected a workaholic to have time to read for leisure.” She relaxed and settled down in the soft mattress.

“I don’t.” He chuckled. “I enjoy reading, but I don’t get to do it much. For instance, I’ve been trying to complete this book for three months. I’m now at the halfway point.”

“I usually have too much time to read.” Yasmine stifled another yawn.

“Goodnight, hon. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Yasmine could hear Jason’s voice in the distance, and barely noticed when he leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead while she drifted off to sleep.


Yasmine ran down the hall. He was chasing her, even though she could barely hear the pounding of his footsteps over the deafening sound of her own beating heart. The cold sweat of fear ran down her back. She darted into an open door and pulled it closed behind her. The room was dark. Pitch black.

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