Heart Matters (24 page)

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Authors: tani shane

Tags: #love relationships, #bodyguard romance, #marriage arrangement, #billionaire contemporary romance, #friendhship, #lovers and friends, #popular romance, #betrayal and trust, #heiress romance, #husband and wife romance

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When his heated hands reached to cup her
breasts, she moaned sinking her fingers in his hair. His mouth
sought her hardened nipple and when his tongue flicked out to lick
it, she couldn’t bear it anymore. Her nails dug into his shoulders
even as he sucked at it, drops of sweat lining her brow. His hands
traced the silkiness of her fluttering stomach then slipped further
searching the core of her womanhood.

“Steven!” her cry was shrill, tears clinging
behind her closed eyes. He mistook her cry for her fear and paused
but she reached out with shaking fingers to force open the button
of his cotton jeans. “I want you, now.

He shed the remainder of his clothing and
shifted to cover her. She relished the hot, sinewy length of his
desire and arched feverishly. He parted her willing legs and gazed
down at her even as her eyes remained closed. “Look at me darling,”
he whispered hoarsely.

She opened her eyes only to drown in his
deep, navy eyes that shone with naked passion. He pressed his hard
length to her opening and she immediately gasped and closed her
eyes. He paused. “No. Don’t close your eyes, sweetheart. Look at
me. I want you to remember this; our first time together. No more
fear. Is that understood?”

She once again opened her eyes to place her
palm on his cheek, gazing at him tenderly. “I could never forget
this, Steven,” she whispered hoarsely. She spread her legs for him
with a shy smile. “Take me, Steven, I’m all yours.”

He smiled at her tenderly. His fingers
sought her entrance making her gasp in surprise. “It might hurt a
little since it’s been so long for you,” he whispered hoarsely,
“You’re ready?” She nodded slightly from her passion filled haze.
She had never felt more ready in her life.

Steven claimed her mouth in a deep kiss and
then with one smooth, burning thrust he entered her silken depths.
The sudden entry had her gasping with shock and he paused, waiting
for her to relax against him. He released her mouth to grin at her.
“You okay?” he asked watching her large eyes as they stared at him
burning with pain and pleasure.

“Yesss!” she managed to gasp reveling in the
wonderful feeling of his length within her. “Oh, Steven!” A
primitive command told her to rise towards him so that he could
fill her completely and she dug her heels into the soft bed to
obey. He lifted her urgently, cupping her buttocks to hold her
securely to him.

But he didn’t move making her frown up at
him. She lifted her hips towards him in desperation. “Aren’t you
supposed to move?”

He gave her his drop dead gorgeous grin,
wriggling his eyebrows comically. “I was waiting for you to relax.
You want me to move do you?” When she realized he was teasing her,
she blushed but nodded. “Okay, let’s move.” He pulled out slowly
before plunging back into her. “Like that?”

She nodded, biting her lower lip even as he
pulled out before thrusting back in. This time she gasped as he
found a spot deep within, sending waves of pleasure down to her
toes. He grunted in response, pulling out to thrust back in a
little harder than before.

She quivered like a leaf in a storm, her
arms at his powerful waist. His mouth claimed hers in a wild kiss
and she answered with equal abandon. Her arms wrapped around him as
she sought to rise up to meet the pace of his thrusts. Her head
rolled back causing his lips to seek her neck with a long moan.
“Jessica!” he growled his passion, holding her hips firmly against
him. Something torturously unbearable rose deep inside her trying
uncontrollably to break free. She bit the side of his neck feeling
out of control with her passion. He grunted his pleasure, licking
her neck before returning her bite.

“Steve..nnn!” Her ragged whisper in his ear
was almost his undoing.

“Yes, my love, come with me,
come with
” Steven groaned huskily, towering above her as his thrusts
reached an agonizing pace.

“Y..es!,” she cried out, going over the edge
of ecstasy, just as she felt a deep shudder leave him and lose
itself in her. Jessica rocked frantically with him trying to draw
as much as she could from him.

He finally slumped against her, breathing
erratically, his body covered with sweat. They remained as they
were for a long time, savoring their moment of togetherness.

When his heart had calmed, Steven lay back,
drawing her in his arms to let her nestle in the crook of his
shoulder. His hands caressed her naked form absently. “Did I hurt

Inexplicably, Jessica was close to tears.
“No,” she mumbled, “It was beautiful...Steven?” She looked up to
gaze into his tender blue depths.

He smiled easily. “Yes, darling?”

Her heart constricted painfully. She wanted
to tell him then that she loved him but she knew she couldn’t. He
did not want her love he had made that clear right at the
beginning. It hurt to hold the truth in her heart but she did not
want to spoil the bond that had unconsciously developed between
them. “You’re amazing,” she confessed instead.

He chuckled in response, drawing her closer.
“And you my dear are simply terrific!” He gazed into her deep eyes
sincerely. “Somehow I knew just once wouldn’t have been enough with

She gasped in shock. “What?! When did I ever
ask for a one night stand with you?”

He laughed his sardonic laugh before kissing
her outraged lips. “You didn’t but I remember distinctly well
asking you to bed me on the night of Niki’s party.” He turned over
to pin her under him and grinned at her shocked eyes. “Your kisses
that night drove me wild, Jessica and I wanted you so badly that I
convinced myself if I could have you at least once I would be free
of this out of control desire I feel for you. But what we had just
now, by heavens! I can never have enough of you!”

She blushed furiously making him laugh even
as he dipped his head to kiss her. The phone by the bedside rang
abruptly and Steven reached for it reluctantly. He listened to the
voice on the other end before turning to her with a broad grin.
“Keon tells me dinner is served. Are you hungry?”

She reached up and brushed aside the locks
that had fallen over his forehead. “Yes, can we do it again?” she
whispered innocently, leaning towards him to bite delicately into
his neck.

He bit back a surprised moan. “Keon, we
won’t be eating tonight,” he said into the receiver before shifting
to imprison Jessica with his charged weight. He replaced the
receiver on its hook and smiled at her seductively. “You were

She ran her delicate fingers over his smooth
form, relishing the shudder that passed through him. “I was saying
I’m hungry. Are you?”

For an answer, he claimed her seeking lips
and made love to her with an intensity that left her gasping for
more. They fell asleep in the wee hours of the morning, thoroughly
satiated. Outside, the storm raged on but as Jessica fell asleep in
the arms of the man she loved, she knew she was finally at

Chapter Sixteen

Steven awoke in the morning to find his
wife’s head nestled peacefully on his chest. He dropped a kiss on
her forehead then slid her gently on to the pillow taking care not
to disturb her. She sighed dreamily before settling down once
again. He turned on his side supporting his head with one hand and
lay watching her in the filtering sunlight with contentment.

He hadn’t felt so complete in a long while.
They were so perfect together that it somehow frightened him. No
other woman had managed to satiate him like Jessica. He was glad he
had married her. Once would certainly not have been enough with
her. He could easily imagine himself as a seventy year old still
getting excited over her. He reached out to brush aside a tendril
from her cheek. He would never let her go. Never!

His phone buzzed and he swiped it to read
the message. He was required urgently at the L.A. office. He was
about to sign a deal with a film production company and they had
decided it was now or never. He shook his head in annoyance. Just
when things were looking great from him and Jessica! He had wanted
nothing more than the next few days buried in Jessica’s arms making
wild love to her.

He leaned over and kissed her soft,
vulnerable mouth teasing her lips to a dreamy response. She smiled
sleepily, her arms snaking up his neck. “Steven,” she whispered and
he took advantage of her open mouth to deepen their kiss.

After what seemed an eternity, he broke the
kiss and hovered over her with a seductive smile. “Had a good

“Umm,” she responded, opening her eyes and
stretching lazily.

He groaned then crushed her against him
making her break out in giggles. “Do you know what that does to

Her palms spread out against his chest,
slowly slipping lower. “I think I do.”

A deep color flushed across his cheeks and
his restrain broke. “You will pay for teasing me!” he declared
throatily and parted her legs to make love to her with reckless

Later when they lay spent in each other’s
arms, Steven bent over her to kiss her tenderly. A brief knock
sounded on the door before Niki walked in without waiting for a
reply. She saw them and gasped in surprise. “Jessi? Steven? What
are you doing here?”

Jessica almost squealed and tried to draw
the sheets to her chin but Steven deliberately took time to finish
the kiss and raised his head to grin at Niki cunningly. “What does
it look like? I’m trying to make love to my wife, without

Niki giggled shamelessly, coming up to place
a tray holding a pot of hot coffee and a mug on the side table.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were here. We got in late last night and
nobody mentioned you’re here. I thought Jessi was sleeping late so
I brought her some coffee. Care for some?”

“Niki!” Jessica interjected, disguising her
embarrassment and glowering at her cousin, “Will you please save
the conversation for later?”

“Well, if you really want me to,” Niki began
tongue in cheek then laughed gaily, “All right, all right, I’m out
of here. Will you guys be joining us for lunch?”

“Niki, out!” Steven ordered and she left the
room giggling hysterically. He grinned, kissing Jessica’s red
cheeks. “Now, sexy, where were we?”

Shedding her embarrassment, she drew his
face to hers. “Here,” she said before losing herself in his

Later they took a shower together and
Jessica let her eyes roam over him unabashed. He was undeniably the
most virile and sexy man she had ever seen. He caught her ogling
and chuckled. “Like what you see?”

She felt his perfect contours with enticing
fingers and made a skeptical face. “Will do, I guess.”

He crushed her against the steamy wall and
gave her a punishing kiss. “If I wasn’t due back to L.A. I would
have taught you a lesson you would never forget.”

She stilled, her safe cocoon suddenly
abandoning her. “You’re leaving me?”

He sensed her dejection and drew her in his
arms. “I’m not leaving you, darling. I have to be back for a very
urgent meeting. I’ll be away only two days, then we can have a
proper honeymoon.”

His assurance failed to impress her. “Can’t
I come along?”

“You could but I thought it would be better
if you were here so I could get away faster. You know how my
schedules are, honey.” He massaged her shoulders and peered into
her disturbed eyes. “I’ll be back before you know it. Then we’ll
get rid of those two downstairs and spend the whole day in

A smile tugged at her lips. “You’re awful
talking like that about poor Niki and Sean.”

“I don’t want those
ruining my honeymoon,” he chuckled, kissing her again, “I’ll be
back before you know it, darling. And I’ll ask Sean to get a doctor
to see your foot. All right?”


Jessica wondered later if it really was all
right with her. Steven had left shortly before lunch and then Sean
had a doctor from Hana pay her a visit. The doctor, Marcus Sommers,
was a red-faced Englishman who had chosen peaceful Maui as the
ideal place for his clinic and home. He gave her a shot to guard
against possible infection and then re-bandaged her wound. In the
daylight with the blood having clotted it did not appear altogether
menacing. Of course, all touring activities were forbidden for a
while until the wound healed thoroughly.

Niki and Sean chose to give her company at
home instead of going out that day. They sat in the lounge sipping
cool lemonade. The day was as hot as the previous one and the cool
breeze from the overhead fan provided little delicious respite.

“Keon please switch on the air conditioner,”
Niki asked lazily, sliding deeper into the couch she sat on. “I’m
going to perspire to death.” She smiled at Jessica, her eyes
glinting mischievously. “I think you are so lucky Steve found you
out there last night. It must’ve been so
! A raging
storm and the man of your dreams carrying you in his arms.”

“Oh, puhleez!” Jessica exclaimed going red
as Sean chortled. “The storm hadn’t even broken out then.”

“Still it was romantic!” Niki insisted,
putting her arms around Sean who sat next to her. “Why don’t you
carry me somewhere, honey?”

Sean snorted. “Look at her and then look at
yourself, then look at Steve and look at me. I’d crumble with the
first step!”

She punched him and he rolled away laughing.
“Are you calling me fat, Sean Hart?”

“No, your highness, I’m calling myself
fragile,” he replied, sliding down the couch to avoid her

Jessica laughed doubling over. “Stop it you
two. You’re killing me!”

“Wait your turn! I’m not through with him
yet!” Niki lunged at Sean only to be turned over and receive sharp
spanks on her bottom. She scrambled to take cover behind Jessica
and accidentally pulled her along with herself on the floor. Sean
who was just behind lost his balance and the three landed in a pile
laughing and tickling each other until tears rolled down their

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