Heart Matters (26 page)

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Authors: tani shane

Tags: #love relationships, #bodyguard romance, #marriage arrangement, #billionaire contemporary romance, #friendhship, #lovers and friends, #popular romance, #betrayal and trust, #heiress romance, #husband and wife romance

BOOK: Heart Matters
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She felt him sigh and giggled. “Thank god
this is a private beach!”

The sun shone off his honey blond hair as he
chuckled and rolled off her. “Yea, affluence has its perks, doesn’t

She watched him sideways with a sly smile.
“You sure we’re completely unseen here?”

“Yes, hon.” He caught her smile. “What’s on
your mind?”

“This.” She rose and straddled him much to
his surprise, grinding her bottom over his limp state. He went hard
immediately and she guided him deep within her. Her head fell back
as she began riding him, his hands holding her bottom.

A deep groan escaped Steven’s lips as he
bucked under her, striving to give her all that she wanted. “God,
Jessica! I’m never going to have enough of you.”

For an answer, she rode him with frenzied
passion till they both exploded around each other and she collapsed
on his chest thoroughly spent. His heart thudded under her ear and
she felt the heavens were a witness to their love. Love, yes, this
was love.

Steven kissed her hair, his arms around her
in a tight embrace. “Come on, let’s get out of here. I told Keon to
serve breakfast for us. I don’t want to stand him up a second
time.” He dropped a gentle kiss on her lips. “Don’t think the day’s
over, darling.” She shivered in the sunlight, savoring the unspoken


At the villa, Keon was waiting for Steven
with a call on the phone and Jessica went ahead for a quick bath
and returned downstairs, glowing with happiness. She wore a cotton
wrap around floral skirt with a cool blouse that she knotted over
her waist. She tied her wild hair back with a tight string and kept
her face free of makeup. When she entered the dining room, she
found him seated on a chair drinking coffee from a large cup. He
had taken a shower in one of the spare bathrooms and was dressed in
khaki trousers and a white tennis shirt. His casual attire made him
look even more devastatingly handsome and Jessica felt her heart go
out to him. She knew she would always cherish this picture and
wished then she could love him openly.

He noticed her and smiled holding out his
hand. “Come here.” She went to him and he sat her on his lap. “What
are you thinking?” She couldn’t answer him for she was afraid the
truth might break the magical moment. Instead, she lifted the towel
that hung about his shoulders and used it to rub the excess
moisture off his hair.

Steven gazed at her perturbed by the
emotions that rose within him. Why did he feel as though he could
never let her go? Why did he feel a special bond with her that he
had never felt with any other woman? Why? Why was she so special?
“Jessica, darling?” he called out to her and when she looked at him
with her smoky eyes, he felt a stab of pain in his heart. “What are
you doing to me?”

She smiled wryly, tracing his mouth with her
finger. “The same I hope that you have done to me.”

The blue eyes widened, surprised. “And
what’s that?”

She wanted to say ‘love’ but instead kissed
him tenderly. He kissed her back, drawing her in the secure world
of his arms.

“Why, isn’t this
!” a familiar
voice interrupted them and Jessica felt Steven tense. He lifted his
mouth from hers to find Ida’s venomous eyes staring at them.

Steven’s face wore a harsh look as he faced
Ida. “What are you doing here?” he hissed through his clenched

She pouted beautifully, coming into the room
with a provocative gait. “I know you said we could meet later but I
couldn’t wait,

Jessica searched Steven’s face, a sudden
empty feeling passing over her. He avoided her eyes and instead
nudged her aside to go and stand before Ida. “What is it?” he
growled roughly.

She snaked her arms around his neck. “Aw! Is
this the way to greet old
?” She raised her lips to
him. “Don’t I get a kiss?”

“Sure,” he returned, placing a chaste kiss
on her cheek. He reached to release himself from her arms. “Now,
why don’t you get back to your hotel? I’ll see you there

“Is that a
,” she drawled

“Yes, now go!”

She made to move closer to him but he held
her back. “Steve, please kiss me!”

He scowled furiously, his blue eyes hard as
stones. “What the hell is the matter with you, Ida?”

She clung to him desperately. “I want you,
Steve. I know you still love me!”

His lips hardened in a dangerous line. “Ida,
I don’t want to discuss anything with you right now.”

She was relentless. “Oh, I know all about
your so called
! It’s a sham!” She scoffed at
Jessica with her eyes. “You don’t love her, I know that! You can’t
love anyone but

He glared at her getting impatient. “I have
not asked you to analyze my feelings for anyone, Ida.”

A pained look shone in her eyes. “What has
happened to you, Steve? You love me! I told Davie you did and he
jealous! He begged me to stay but I came to you! And
now you’re telling me, you don’t want me?”

“Call for you, Steve, long distance,” Niki
announced coming into the dining room and he strode away looking

Left alone with the cousins, Ida glowered
threateningly. “I see you’ve got under his skin,” she accused
Jessica, “But it won’t last for long. He still loves me! Why do you
think he agreed to meet me at my hotel? I just spoke with him and
he said he would come to me as soon as he could. He’s here for me,
you hear? He’s just playing up to you because of the marriage
condition you have with him. You see
happen to know Steve
is very ambitious!”

“Oh, shut up!” Niki exploded, failing to
keep her cool, “You’re living in a dream world, Ida. Life moves on,
you know?”

Steven returned slowly and Jessica caught
the exasperated look on his face before it was replaced by a
lighthearted smile. “Well, ladies, how about lunch? Niki, where’s

“Left for the beach a while ago, he’s
starting a new painting,” Niki replied exchanging a quick look with
Jessica. She too had noticed the sudden change in his attitude. He
was behaving as though some great burden was thrust upon him and he
didn’t quite know how to handle it.

Steven looked like he was about to explode
but kept smiling till Jessica felt the urge to go and slap him. He
looked around agitatedly. “Where’s Keon?” he asked as if expecting
the butler to be hiding behind some furniture in the room.

“Out sight-seeing,” Niki offered
sarcastically, folding her arms.

“All right then,” he said absently, shoving
his hands in his trousers pockets. “Care for a drink anyone? Come
on, Ida, you’re invited to stay.” Ida was only too willing to take
the offer and shot a meaningful glance at Jessica. She put her arm
through Steven’s eying him longingly. He raised his brows at the
cousins. “Well? Aren’t you joining us for a drink?”

“Oh, let them be, Stevie darling,” Ida
cooed, her eyes gleaming triumphantly, “They know we have a
to catch up on.” She sneered at Jessica, her arm going
around Steven’s waist. “I knew
! I knew you’d come to your
senses, darling. You don’t need her now, I’m back!”

Jessica felt her heart begin to beat wildly.
She realized she had been holding her breath the moment Ida had
entered and now her lungs were feeling the stress. She looked at
Steven who was carefully avoiding her eyes. Why was he allowing Ida
to talk like that to her? Was it true? Had he decided he wanted Ida
and not her? She had to know! She called out to Steven, her voice
quivering. “Is that true, Steven?”

The blue eyes that stared back at her were
troubled and uncertain. “Let’s just go and have a drink, shall we?
We can discuss this later.”

“Stop groveling, my dear,” Ida smiled
sardonically, “Don’t you understand English? The man doesn’t

Jessica ignored her, beseeching her husband
with her eyes. “Steven?” His blue eyes gazed back at her hiding a
strange desperation in them. He looked like he was almost pleading
her to back off.

Ida tugged at his arm, her eyes suddenly
spewing venom at Jessica. “Lay
, you little bitch! Do you
think no one knows you
yourself to poor Steve for a few
green …”

The sharp slap that she received was neither
from Jessica nor Steven. It was from a furious Niki. Ida gasped
wide-eyed and raised her hand to retaliate only to have it caught
in Steven’s iron grip. She struggled, trying to lunge at Niki. “Let
me go! How dare you hit me, you bitch? I’ll kill you! I’ll…”

“Enough!” Steven’s resounding roar altered
her hysteria abruptly. “Stop behaving like children, both of you!”
He scowled ferociously at Niki. “Niki, please apologize to Ida, you
had no right to hit her.”

Niki’s rage filled sky blue eyes narrowed
upon him. “How can you say that? What about the way she abused
Jessica? How can you stand there and listen to this crazy woman
talk to her like that? I’m surprised
didn’t hit

“Hitting women is not my style,” he growled,
“And you would do better to stay out of this, Niki. It’s none of
your concern! Jessica can look after herself. I think she’s mature
enough not to get into petty squabbles. Now for the last time, can
we all have something to drink?” With that, he strode away while
Ida followed him like a faithful dog.

“The swine!” Niki abused angrily, “Can you
believe that? What does he mean you can look after yourself? He’s
your husband, isn’t he? How can he let that woman talk to you like
that?” She looked at Jessica’s slumped shoulders and gave her a
comforting squeeze. “Hey, are you okay?”

Jessica nodded feeling too drained to say
anything. She felt oddly humiliated. “I…want to be alone for some
time, if that’s okay with you, Niki?”

“Yes, sure. I’ll go look for Sean,” Niki
paused at the door, “Will you be all right?”

Jessica managed a frail smile. “Yes, don’t
worry.” Bold words, she thought after her cousin left. She was far
from feeling all right. She felt as if someone had placed all her
happy moments with Steven on the floor and then stomped all over
them, crushing them mercilessly.

A lone tear fell down her cheek. Steven. Why
did she love him when it was clear he didn’t think of her more than
a bed partner? He had not bothered to stop Ida when she had said
that Jessica had sold herself to him. Was it because she had been
too close to the truth? After all Jessica
started off by
selling herself to Steven. She had preferred to think of it as a
bargain but it really was a sale. Her body in return for a marriage
that would give her access to her inheritance. A fact that neither
could forget, especially now that his true love was back.

She felt cheap in comparison to Ida. Steven
had loved Ida unlike her. He had married her for a purely physical
relationship. Why would he need her now? Ida was a very attractive
woman and she was his true love. At this moment, they were probably
thinking of a way to tell her she was no longer needed.

She rose to her feet unsteadily. No, she
couldn’t bear to hear it, not so soon! She drew in gulps of fresh
air once outside hoping that would help calm her mind. The coconut
trees that swayed at the back of the villa beckoned her to walk
under their soothing shade. She began walking, avoiding the beach
where she would run across Sean and Niki.

Tears began cascading down her cheeks when
her heart refused to curb the turmoil it felt. Images of Steven and
Ida laughing together drifted before her eyes making her sob more
Oh, lord, I’m going to have a nervous breakdown!
she thought, leaning against a tree, unable to go any further. She
had been such a fool! It had been a brittle illusion that was
shattered as soon as Ida breathed on it.

Get a grip on it, you fool!
scolded herself, raising her hand to wipe her tear drenched face.
What was the use crying over someone who was never yours? The
world did not start and end at Steven!
She looked skywards,
sniffing loudly.
Didn’t it, lord?
she asked and then began
crying anew. Right now, she couldn’t think of anyone but Steven.
Her heart belonged to him! She once again wiped her face determined
to get hold of her emotions. Why was she so pitifully weak? Why was
she crying while he was in there enjoying the company of some other

Her smarting eyes roved over her
surroundings. Nature was so perfect. Everything existed in harmony
with each other. She wished absurdly she could disintegrate and
become one of the elements. Then there would be no more tears, no
more heartache.

A tropical bird screeched suddenly swooping
so close to her head that she had to duck. She smiled unwittingly
following its path through the tall trees. How typically human of
her to be startled by the very thing she was wishing to be! A twig
snapped behind her making her turn swiftly, her eyes searching the
source. She saw nothing but the trees and the villa beyond.

She frowned and made to turn when a pair of
arms suddenly came around her. A hand clamped on her mouth and she
heard a rasping breath in her ear. Jessica struggled in panic,
trying to kick away the person who had detained her. Her assailant
was a strong man and held her firmly while he searched for
something. When she saw the knife glint in the sun as he raised it,
she wriggled harder. He had to free her arms to hold her mouth with
one hand and the knife with the other and she took full advantage
of it to throw wild punches at him.

When she landed a hard kick on his shins,
she felt his grip loosen but before she could twist away, she felt
a hard rap at the base of her neck. The brutal blow threw her off
balance and sent her face down. Excruciating pain shot through her
head and the trees swirled around her before her eyes closed to
give in to the descending darkness.

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