Hearts Are Wild (15 page)

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Authors: Patrice Michelle,Cheyenne McCray,Nelissa Donovan

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

BOOK: Hearts Are Wild
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Chapter Two


Kev gave a low chuckle that caused Nicole to shiver beneath him. “Finally got you where I want you,” he murmured close to her ear, causing the fine hairs to rise on her neck again.

Nothing doing. She was
going to have anything to do with Kev, no matter that she’d made the bet. Not that her cousins would even know.

Nicole rose up and pushed him away from her. “You just back off, Kev Grand.”

She twisted around—and found his face just inches from hers, his arms on either side of her, still braced on the trunk. For a moment she couldn’t move, couldn’t think. He’d shaved off his mustache, but he looked just as hard-edged and weathered, and just as much of a bad boy as ever.

His straw Stetson shaded his hazel eyes so that all she could see was his angular jaw, his firm lips, and his tanned face. Damn, but a man in a Stetson turned her on. With one finger he pushed up the brim of his hat. She caught her breath as his gaze settled on her lips, then slowly traveled down to her full cleavage, her breasts nearly spilling out of her tight little dress. Her eyes followed his to her nipples, which were hard and oh-so obvious through the thin material.

His gaze returned to hers and his mouth quirked into a sexy grin. “Why, Nicole Landford, I do believe you’ve got the hots for me.”

“You wish.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Cocky sonofabitch.”

Kev’s eyes fixed on her breasts again. He raised his hand and brushed his knuckles across her nipples in a slow movement.

Nicole’s knees went weak. In that instant, she could picture him hiking up her dress and placing her bare ass on the trunk of her ‘vette. He’d drive his cock into her pussy and fuck her like there was no tomorrow.

His gaze met hers again, and there was definitely smugness mixed with desire in his eyes. He knew exactly what he was doing to her, exactly what she was thinking.

And that pissed her off.

“Bastard.” Nicole slammed her fist into Kev’s gut, her knuckles coming into contact with his solid abs.

He didn’t even flinch. Instead he grabbed her hand and drew her tight against him, so tight she could feel his erection against her belly, right through his Wranglers.

“Like it hard and rough, do you, hon?” He blocked her arms against her sides, grabbed her ass and pressed her tighter against his cock. “I always knew you would.”

Nicole swallowed. Kev was talking like he knew all her fantasies—how she wanted a man to take control rather than always being the one to push things to the limit. And that limit had never been enough.

Thunder boomed closer now, the sky darkening as clouds rolled in. A horse whinnied behind Kev and Nicole startled. Earlier she’d been so wrapped up in her car that she hadn’t even heard Kev ride up on the horse.

Nicole eyed Kev square on and leaned further back against her car so that his face wasn’t quite as close. “It’s not like you’re gonna find out just how hard I like it.”

Kev’s lips hovered above Nicole’s and she caught his spicy scent of pure male that made her body ache. “I think maybe you’re wrong about that.”

She sucked in her breath. Maybe Kev
be the perfect candidate to fuck for a month and then ditch like a bronc bucking off its rider. After all, Kev was the first man to come close to interesting her since she’d made the bet with her cousins.

No, no, no!

Nicole could feel his breath on her lips. “You’ll just have to keep on wondering.”

Lightning cracked the sky and thunder rolled across the desert. Quarter-sized drops plopped on Nicole’s and Kev’s faces. He raised his head and looked over his shoulder to the south.

“We’d best get to shelter.” His gaze moved to rest on Nicole’s. “We’ll head to my ranch. You and I have some unfinished business.”

“Like hell.” Nicole never let a man tell her what to do, especially not Kev. She freed her arms and pushed against his chest. Raindrops splattered freely over her face and hair, and she blinked away the water on her lashes. “I’m going to the MacLeod ranch.”

Kev glanced to the ‘vette and back to Nicole. “Looks like you’ll have a long walk ahead of you.”

She glared at him and he gave a soft laugh. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

Nicole sighed. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, she knew he was right.

After she grabbed her purse, rolled up the windows on her car, and put down the hood, Kev grabbed her upper arm and led her toward the big bay gelding several feet away. Clutching her purse, Nicole’s heels sank into the now muddy ground and rain plastered the thin material of her outfit to her body, outlining every curve.

Kev’s hands were hot through her dress as he grasped her waist and helped her mount the horse. Just as she swung her leg over, her dress rode up high on her thighs. Kev palmed her ass as he settled her in the saddle. She shot him a look and he gave her an unrepentant grin before swinging up behind her in a fluid motion. He wrapped his arms around her waist to grab the reins and scooted himself up so that he was firmly against her ass.

Nicole’s pussy tingled at the feel of his erection. His hard male body felt good next to her bare back and she found herself relaxing despite herself. She wasn’t about to let Kev into her pants, but she wasn’t above a good dose of teasing.

Another crack of lightning and boom of thunder filled the air. Kev clicked his tongue, tugged on the reins, and the horse started off at a quick trot down the edge of the dirt road, toward his ranch.


Kev had wanted to get some serious time alone with Nicole for years. The two had never seen eye to eye, but Kev had always liked Nicole’s spunk and her fire. He’d known it would only be a matter of time before he’d have a chance to show her just exactly how hot the fire could burn between the two of them.

He pulled Nicole tighter between his thighs, and as her ass rubbed against his cock with every jar of the horse, the tightness in his Wranglers became almost unbearable. He flicked Sport’s reins, casually brushing the insides of his wrists against Nicole’s breasts. The woman wasn’t wearing a bra, and he’d enjoyed the view before he mounted the horse.

Right now he wanted nothing more than to mount Nicole and fuck her like she’d never been fucked before.

He let his wrists rub against her nipples again and he was sure he heard a soft moan.

“Damn it.” Nicole tossed her long, wet hair over her shoulder, slapping strands across his face. “You’d better keep your hands to yourself.”

He leaned close to her ear and nuzzled her hair. The soft scent of rain, musk, and woman flowed over him and his cock hardened even more.

Nicole shivered. “Knock it off, Grand.” She reached back with one hand and pushed his face away from her, nearly knocking his Stetson off in the process.

Kev grinned. She wanted him all right.

Rain continued to pound the desert and the two of them were good and drenched by the time they reached his ranch and rode into the barn. His nephew Brad was there, brushing down his mare.

Brad raised an eyebrow at the sight of Nicole on the horse in front of Kev. His gaze rested on her lap, where her dress hiked up her thighs, barely covering her. “Why, ‘Cole. What brings you out here?” he asked as his gaze traveled up to her generous cleavage before meeting her eyes.

“Thought I’d come and visit you, good lookin’,” Nicole said with a sugary sweet note in her voice.

Kev scowled and Brad grinned as he hooked his thumbs in his belt loops. “Never thought I’d get so lucky.”

Nicole laughed.

Kev’s scowl deepened.

Brad had a reputation with the women around the valley and Kev was none too pleased to see the man’s obvious interest in Nicole.

Kev dismounted his gelding. “Brush down Sport,” Kev ordered as he put his hands at Nicole’s waist to help her down.

Brad raised an eyebrow. “Sure thing.” He caught Sport’s reins and gave a good-natured grin. “I can see you’ve got your hands full.”

Nicole braced her hands on Kev’s shoulders as he slid her off the horse. Her little dress was hiked up so high that he caught sight of the thin strip of her blue thong covering her pussy, and this time he couldn’t help a low groan from escaping.

When her heels hit the ground, Nicole tried to push away from Kev, but his grip was firm. The bastard had a possessive look in his eyes that made her panties wet, but she wasn’t about to let him get to her.

Of course she wasn’t.

Brad chuckled and led the bay gelding away. Kev slid his hands from her waist to her ass and squeezed. “Come on in the house and get dry.”

Her hands were still braced on his shoulders, and this time she succeeded in pushing him away. He let go and she stumbled back. Just before she fell, he caught her by her wrist and brought her close to him again. “Careful, hon.” His voice was low and sensual, making her nipples tighten. “Wouldn’t want you to fall on that pretty ass of yours.”

“You can just go to hell, Kev.” Nicole jerked her hand away. “I need a phone to call Trace so she can pick me up.”

He pivoted on his booted heel and headed out the barn door, back into the rain. He paused just outside the doorway, rain dripping from the brim of his Stetson. “Are you planning on staying out with the horses, or coming into the house?”

Nicole would have stomped after him if she hadn’t been wearing those damn shoes. Instead, the spiked heels sank into the straw and dirt floor of the barn, and her ankles wobbled as she followed him out and into the pouring rain. She sighed and glanced at her purse. Even it was drenched.

Lightning flashed and thunder followed, closer now, and rain pounded her and Kev. She left the barn smells of hay, sweet oats, and manure for the scent of summer rain as she trailed after Kev the best she could in those fucking heels.

While she followed him, she couldn’t help but notice how fine his tight ass looked in his Wranglers. The rain had molded his denim shirt to his hard-packed body. Broad shoulders and a muscular back to dig her nails into, tapered hips to wrap her thighs around…

Mentally, Nicole shook herself. Shit. No way was she fucking Kev Grand. No matter how badly her body wanted to at that moment. Hell, in high school he’d punched her prom date, dumped her best friend, and she and Kev had always argued about everything as long as she could remember. Nothing doing.

When they reached the front porch, Kev held the door open for her. Despite the fact he was as soaked as she was, heat emanated from him as she walked past him and into the ranch house.

The door shut behind them with a bang. She didn’t have time to do much looking around. Before she had the chance to take a breath, Kev whirled her around and practically slammed her up against the wall.

Chapter Three


Kev braced his hands to either side of Nicole’s head, pinning her up against the wall beneath his hard male body. She gasped at the force he’d used. He hadn’t hurt her at all, just caught her by surprise.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she managed to say despite the fact that his dominance and the desire in his eyes made her pussy wet.

“What I should have done a long time ago.” Kev pressed his full length tighter against Nicole, her back flat against the wall. “I’m going to fuck you, Nicole Landford, like you’ve never been fucked before.”

Her belly pitched and she dropped her purse. Oh, God, how that statement turned her on.

“Like hell,” she said, ignoring the part of her that wanted to jump him. Her voice was hoarse and unconvincing even to herself.

“I’m through with talking.” His mouth came down hard on hers in a punishing kiss that took her breath away. She braced her hands against his chest and pushed, struggling to get free, but she really didn’t want him to stop. She couldn’t have stopped if she’d truly tried.

His Stetson bumped the top of her head and it fell away with a soft thud on the floor. He bit her lower lip, just hard enough to make her groan with desire, long enough for him to thrust his tongue into her mouth. His stubble chafed her skin, burning her, branding her with his mark.

The kiss was deep and fierce, unlike anything she’d experienced before. His erection pressed against her belly through her thin dress. She could feel every masculine inch of him, as if she was wearing nothing at all.

She couldn’t help it. She kissed him as hard and fiercely as he was kissing her, with all the pent-up desire that had been building like the thunderstorm since he first tripped her trigger. Damn but she wanted the man. Maybe she’d always wanted him.

What was she thinking?

Their kiss grew unbelievably wilder yet, and Nicole’s mind literally spun. His hands moved from the wall, down her arms, his touch making goose bumps prickle her skin. He palmed her ass while he thrust his hips against hers.

Nicole dug her nails into his powerful shoulders. His denim shirt rubbed against her sensitive nipples, and she longed to be free of the constraining material.

As if reading her thoughts, Kev tore his mouth from hers. His breathing was heavy and his normally hazel eyes burned a deep and passionate green.

He released her ass and brought his hands up to her breasts. With a movement so fast it caught her by surprise, he gripped the flimsy material and tore the neckline until her large breasts spilled out.

“My dress!” Despite her shock and the fact he’d ruined her favorite outfit, she gripped his shoulders tighter and arched her back, raising her chest up higher, offering herself to him.

“I’ll buy you a new one.” Her breasts overflowed his large palms and he lowered his head. “Hell, I’ll buy you two.”

And then his tongue flicked over one nipple and Nicole nearly screamed from the wild sensations that zipped from her breasts to her belly to her pussy.

He squeezed and fondled her breasts while moving his hot mouth from one nipple to the other. Nicole slid her hands into his blond hair and hung on for dear life. If he didn’t have her pressed up against the wall, she would have slid down to the floor, her knees were so weak.

Kev groaned and brought his mouth back to hers and his solid chest and denim shirt rubbed against her nipples. He bit at her lower lip and she nipped back at his, their kisses wild and passionate.

“I always knew it would be like this.” He kissed a wet trail to her ear. “You and I making fire together.”

“Oil and water,” she said with a gasp.

He gave a low chuckle. “Oil burns on water, hon.”

She had to give him that.

While he traced her jaw with his mouth, Nicole’s fingers slid from his shoulders, down his hard chest to his taut abs, and to his belt buckle. It didn’t take her long to undo it and the top button of his Wrangler jeans. She unzipped them, yanked down his briefs, and his hot erection filled her hand.

“Damn you’re big.” Nicole stroked his cock and he groaned. She couldn’t believe it when she said, “I can’t wait for you to fuck me.” But then a part of her told her she’d been denying what she really wanted all along.

Kev brought his hands down to the hem of her wet mini-dress and yanked it up so that the material was around her waist. “Woman, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll be begging me for mercy.”

Nicole groaned as his hands found the sides of her thong. “Never.”

“We’ll see about that.” Kev shredded her thong in one sharp movement so that all she had on was her torn dress around her waist and her spiked heels.

Kev grabbed her thighs and hiked her up so that her legs were wrapped around his waist and her breasts were at his mouth. She clung to his shoulders and tilted her head, her long wet hair trailing across her back.

He rubbed the head of his cock against her pussy and she moaned. “Fuck me. Now,” she demanded.

He spun her around. Before she knew it, he’d taken her down to the floor so that his jean-clad hips were between her thighs and she was flat on her back on a rough braided rug. She looked up at him and shivered at the intense desire in those sexy hazel-green eyes of his.

Mesmerized, she watched him as he rose up and ripped apart the snaps of his western shirt and flung it aside, where it landed on a lampshade. He pulled off his belt and threw it over his shoulder. The buckle clattered over the wooden floor. He stood and stripped off his jeans and briefs, and all she could do was stare at that lean muscular body, conditioned from years of ranching, and early on when he competed in calf-roping on the rodeo circuit. He was one fine man.

“Damn you’re beautiful, Nicole.” He knelt at her feet and his gaze met hers. “I always knew one day you’d come to me.”

Heat rose to her cheeks at his statement that she was beautiful—Kev Grand may be a lot of things, but he wasn’t a liar. She had confidence in herself, knew what she wanted, and went after it, but she’d never thought of herself as beautiful.

Nicole scraped her long nails down his chest. “You’re not so bad yourself, you arrogant sonofabitch.”

Kev gave her that sexy breath-stealing grin of his while he slipped off one of her shoes. He tossed it over his shoulder and she heard a crash and the sound of breaking glass. Kev never paused. He yanked off her other heel and disposed of it the same way, and something hit the floor with a loud thump. He reached for her then, grasped her dress and ripped it completely away from her body, flinging the ruined material aside.

By the time Kev settled between her thighs, she was ready to scream. She could smell her own juices mixing with his scent of sun, wind and intoxicating male musk.

Naked body to naked body, Kev braced himself so that part of his weight was against her, then brought his face close to hers.

“Kiss me,” he demanded.

Nicole raised her head and fastened her lips to his, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He pressed against her mound and she could feel his cock and balls rubbing her pussy. She wrapped her legs around his thighs, begging him with her body to take her now.

Instead he rolled onto his back, bringing her with him so that she was on top. He filled his palms with her breasts and she leaned back, her drying hair caressing her bare skin, almost to her waist. She moved her pussy along his cock, rubbing her clit and building up the fire already burning inside her.

Nicole brought her face to his and kissed him, her hair dropping over her shoulder to hang like a curtain around their faces. Their mouths mated and their kiss was wild and crazy, and she could feel her head spinning more than ever.

Kev moved in an athletic movement that must have come from years of calf-roping. One second she was on top of him, and in the next she was beneath him again, his face above hers.

He crushed his mouth to Nicole’s, dying to get inside her. He wanted her so bad he could barely rein himself in. But he wanted this first time to rock Nicole’s world. If he could hold back just a little longer…

Nicole moaned and kissed him back just as fiercely. She grabbed for his cock but he caught her hand, holding her back.

Her chest rose and fell beneath him. Her lips were red from his kisses and her skin pink wherever his mouth and hands had been.

“What are you waiting for, cowboy?” She squirmed beneath him.

“Are you protected?” he asked.

Nicole nodded. “Definitely. Now, come on.”

“You want it hard, hon?” He pumped his hips against hers. “I think you do.”

“Real hard.” Her voice was low, husky. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Kev hooked his arms under her knees, spreading her wide open to him. He placed his erection at the entrance to her pussy, his gaze focused on her beautiful blue-green eyes. With one swift thrust, he buried his cock deep within her core.

Nicole cried out and arched her back. Oh,
, he felt good inside her. He moved her legs so that her ankles were around his neck and he began thrusting hard and fast, and oh-so deep.

“Damn, Kev.” She reached up and dug her nails into his back. “Yeah, just like that, cowboy. Ride me.”

He pumped harder into her, the sound of flesh smacking flesh filling the room. She looked between them and watched him moving in and out of her core. His cock glistened with her juices, and her scent mixed with his male musk was intoxicating. She loved the smell of their sex, loved the feel of him pounding into her so hard it made her breasts bounce and her head bump against a piece of furniture.

Rain pounded on the roof as Kev pounded into her. Thunder boomed, or maybe it was the blood rushing in her ears.

Her climax built up inside her, so wild that her vision blurred and she could barely focus on Kev’s face above hers. He was gritting his teeth, sweat dripping down the side of his face. His balls slapped her pussy and he banged against her with the force of his powerful thrusts. She’d never been fucked so hard or so good.

Nicole grew dizzy with the intensity of her need to come and she thrashed beneath Kev. She raked her nails across his back and bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. Everything was spiraling out of control. Closer and closer and closer—

“Fuck me harder.” Nicole dug her nails deeper into Kev’s back. “I’m gonna come.”

He rammed into her so hard, her hips rose high off the floor.

All hell broke loose inside her. Nicole screamed as the most powerful orgasm she’d ever had slammed into her.

Sparks flared behind her eyes. She screamed again as a second orgasm rocked her body right after the first. It felt like the Fourth of July, the way fireworks were exploding in her head.

Kev thrust into her several times more, drawing out her multiple orgasms, and then he came with a shout. His thick cock pulsed inside her pussy, his hot semen flooding her core.

Nicole’s body continued to tremble with aftershocks as she stared up at Kev. His breathing was heavy and sweat dripped from his face onto her skin.

“Now that I’ve had you,” he said in his deep, sexy voice, in between heavy breaths, “I’m not about to let you go.”

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