Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations (19 page)

BOOK: Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations
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There’s no escape; and it’s instant.

It is terrifying beyond description. I smelled the stink of demons. I banged on walls wanting out. I was surrounded by a thousand little bodies like deformed cats and dogs. They were chained. Behind their eyes was fire. Their intent was to harass me and terrorize me. The floor was covered with a thousand demons. I didn’t have to count them, I just knew how many there were. They were the size of little spiders. They looked up at me and in the most terrible language, far worse than any on earth, they began ridiculing me for turning down the Savior so I was now there with them. They said, “We’ll never let you out. We’ll give you the hell we’re experiencing.”

They crawled up the side walls of this cavity and around my face and then they started a concert. I had never heard anything like it on earth. So loud, so haunting, obscene words and language I would not repeat. They continued to taunt me, thinking I had died and gone to hell, “You got here because you turned down the death of Jesus on the earth.” They continued, “Why did you think there was an earthquake when Jesus died on the cross? It was to make the nails in His hands hurt worse. The terrible black cloud—that was us demons. Satan had us come and paralyze what God was planning to do so there could never be salvation.”

I asked, “Why are you in hell?” They said, “We had already accepted Satan as our savior and we had no choice. We’re here forever and we’ll never let you out.” The stench was absolute death because Satan is the inventor of death. The demons were enjoying it because they knew nothing else.


Then I was snatched out of there and placed before a white throne. The Spirit was still with me or I wouldn’t have gotten out of hell. I said, “Jesus I want to see the loving eyes of my heavenly Father.”

Again He said, “My son, didn’t you read my book? To look at my Father’s face would destroy you.” Then He said, “There is a white throne and there is a time of judgment, and He is the Righteous Judge. He will not allow a verdict to be decided until they’ve had their day in court.”

I saw a book in His hands and in Hebrew it said, “The Lamb’s Book of Life.” With lightning speed He was turning pages and looking for my name. The Lord said, “He’s looking for your name.” The book was closed with a clap of thunder. Jesus said, “Your name is not in there. I’ve expunged it to show you there is such a book and it will be looked at by My heavenly Father.”

Then suddenly I was back in Lazarus’ tomb, the light came on, and the two ladies were with me again.

Now Jesus was still speaking to me mind to mind. He said, “I went there first before you were born and I took the keys to hell and death.” He went on to say, “I had to form a new place that would be in total isolation from God.” I asked why. He answered, “Because that was the desire of their hearts. The only way people can get into hell is by their own volition. I’ve given each person a will. The desire of the hearts of those who will not accept Me is that they want Us to stay out of the way. They don’t want the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit. They say, ‘Leave me alone, I’ll make it.’ They think they can make their own lives, live the way they want. That’s the will of people who deprive themselves of salvation. So I immediately had to create a place of total separation.”

People on earth do not have much
time to waste.

Jesus had taken my place when He died for my sins and He wanted me to see what would have happened if I hadn’t taken Him as my Savior. He said it very clearly: “When I’m sitting beside the Father, unless you confess Me before others, I am tongue-tied by your action. Unless you confess before men that you have taken Me as your Savior, I cannot turn to My Father and say, ‘This man has accepted Me as his Advocate.’ There is soon coming a day when all the prophecies will have been fulfilled. People on earth do not have much time to waste. All they have to do is accept Me.” He said, “I’m simply showing you that your spirit body is not restricted by the earth.”

Then I heard gorgeous music. I realized this music was entirely different from anything I had ever heard. I stood there letting it bathe me. I don’t know how long I was listening. It was the first time I ever knew something so beautiful could exist. It was not vocal or instrumental, it was heavenly. It was different. It is impossible to cut up eternity with beats, which is about time. There is no time in Heaven. Eternity is timeless. On earth, music is regulated by beats because it’s all about time.

I asked Jesus, “What is eternity?” He answered, “It’s now.”

We move in time here on earth, where our whole lives are regulated by the time the earth circulates around the sun. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In Heaven, our lives are released from the confines of time. When we hit the shores of Paradise, we are no longer bound by time. It’s also part of our salvation. Even now, when we are deep in prayer and in concert with Him, we forget about time.

Jesus said, “Tell them that when I created man I gave him a will, and I will not override it. I made him with the necessity of following and worshiping. The choice is Myself or the adversary, the devil. Tell them if they choose Me as their Lord and Master, it’s free. When I hung on that cross and I said, ‘It is finished,’ I was not kidding.” He used the word kidding because when He had showed Himself to me in the hospital to bring me back to life, I still had a dead and bloodless body. I reacted as a doctor and said, “You must be kidding.” He told me He was not kidding when He died and there’s nothing left except to accept it.

Tell them, “Get rid of the pride that is between them and their Creator. Unless they do this soon, it will be too late. I am ready to return as soon as My Father says it’s time. What you saw happens to be the first death. I had overlooked the second hell that burns forever. The antithesis of Heaven is the pit of hell.”

The horror of being out of relationship with God is to be totally isolated in hell. I felt it with my hands and my feet. Those who don’t believe it don’t want to believe anything.

Don’t go to bed tonight thinking that all this doesn’t exist—it does.

That’s the message I have to tell.

…Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…
(Joshua 24:15).

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory
(Colossians 3:2-4).


Heaven is a wonderful place, but there is the reality of hell as well for those who do not accept what Jesus did on the cross to pay for their sins. If someone is brain dead for even a few minutes, they are considered a vegetable. Dr. Eby was dead for ten hours. Nothing short of an incredible miracle could have put him back together so that he was completely whole.

I (Sid) interviewed Dr. Eby at age 86, and he was still completely well and still telling people what Jesus instructed him to tell them. His testimony presents us with a choice, for those who have not already made the choice. What could you be waiting for? The facts are there. It’s Jesus and Heaven, or hell and demons. Accepting Jesus means acknowledging that you need a Savior—someone to save you from the consequences of your sin and from living independently from God. Only someone perfect could be your substitute and only Jesus was the perfect, sinless Son of God. I urge you to consider this very carefully. It is the most important decision you will ever make in your life.

About Dr. Richard Eby

After his experience in Heaven, Dr. Eby continued his medical practice for a time, but soon gave it up to travel and tell people the message Jesus had given him to share and to tell of his experiences in Heaven and hell. A great many people came to the Lord as a result of his testimony. Dr. Eby lived a healthy life into his 90s and is now in Heaven with Jesus.



It doesn’t seem real. I can’t even relate to the man I was. Before I met Jesus, I was a Jew who did not even know for sure if there was a God. And if there was one, I didn’t know if He was interested in me as an individual. I did not know what would happen if I died. I just assumed I would cease to exist. I did not know there was a real Heaven. I did not know God would answer prayer. I did not know God would speak to me. I did not know I could experience His tangible presence.

The Bible says you become a new creation when you believe in Jesus (see 2 Cor. 5:17). That’s the way I feel. The old Sid Roth does not even exist. When I had my experience with my Messiah Jesus more than forty years ago, my spirit became brand-new.

Man consists of three parts—spirit, soul, and body. The spirit is our contact with God who is a Spirit. Our soul is our mind and emotions, and our body is our “earth suit.” It took many years for my mind to be renewed to understand the invisible world. Although my earth suit is older and has a new color roof—gray instead of blonde—my spirit has gained the ascendency over my soul and body.

Life is like an iceberg. Ninety percent is under the water, invisible to the naked eye. The only way to understand the supernatural world is through the Bible. I don’t know how I existed without knowing God, or living in His love 24/7, or experiencing His peace no matter what the circumstances, or gaining His wisdom in all of life’s choices. I can honestly say I now have no fear of lack, sickness, or even death.

If you do not know Him before
you die, Heaven will not be
your home.

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