Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Heavenly Angel (30 page)

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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His deep voice resonated with feeling as he said, “I love you, sugar.” Then he sang along with Andrea Bocelli, whispering the words to her. Tingles went up her spine as she listened to him.

“Has Angel ever told you how he got his name?”

“No, he hasn’t.”

He chuckled. “Well I’ll tell you. My mother said Eleazar charmed her into falling in love with him by singing love songs to her. She said he sang like an angel. Long story made short, she married him and his brothers, and a year later it was time for their first baby to be born. Her labor was difficult and painful. He was her first baby, and the only thing that would calm her was if Eleazar sang to her. The midwife wouldn’t allow him in the bedroom with them, so he stood beneath her open window while she labored.

“Angel was born that night and she took one look at him after the midwife presented him to her and wept, calling him her sweet little angel. We all grew up on the ranch, singing like our fathers. It calms the horses, as well. Anytime they are in the doghouse with our mother, my dads sing to her. It never fails to break down her defenses.”

“I hope you’ll sing to me, too. I never knew you had such a beautiful singing voice.”

Joaquin’s lips twitched with a hint of a sexy grin. “Thank you, sugar. I guess we got out of the habit. If it makes you happy, we’ll sing for you.”

Marco tapped Joaquin on the shoulder as the song ended, a teasing twinkle in his eye as he murmured a warning to Joaquin to be “less obvious” in the way he charmed his new bride. Teresa smiled, knowing he was right but she was like putty in Joaquin’s hands.

“So, you have succumbed to the charm of
my boys?” Marco asked as he guided her smoothly around the dance floor. He led her in the dance as though this were the hundredth time she’d danced with him and not the first.

“Yes, sir. I love them very much,” she murmured happily.

“I can see how much they love you. They certainly have a way with your son,” he said, indicating Michael who was busy talking to both Angel and Joaquin. Both men took a little hand and led him to the drink table for a glass of punch. Teresa laughed with Marco as Michael studiously attempted to walk the same way they did.

She smiled up at Marco and said, “Michael adores them both.”

“Joaquin told me he fell in love with you the moment he saw you standing in the doorway that night.”

“Yes,” she replied, feeling her cheeks heat.

Marco nodded, a tender, faraway look in his eyes. “It was that way for me and my Maria. Eleazar introduced us at a dance. She looked up at me and smiled with fire in her eyes, and I was lost to her from that moment to this.”

“Now I know where Angel and Joaquin get their romantic ways from.”

“I merely tell the truth, Teresa. Ah, here is Ricardo, ready to push me aside,” Marco murmured as he twirled her into his brother’s arms.

Ricardo bore the closest resemblance to his brother, Eleazar, just as Joaquin most closely resembled Angel of all his brothers.

“Now, little angel, you promise to call me and tell me if my sons step out of line, won’t you?”

Teresa giggled. Of the three brothers, Ricardo was the also least formidable to her. The playful twinkle in his eye reminded her of Joaquin. “Oh, they would
do that, sir. They are kind and gentle with me. Very chivalrous, like their fathers, I’m sure,” she replied coquettishly.

Ah! She flirts!
I remember meeting a shy and demure little Teresa at the hospital a few months ago. What have you done with her?”

“Angel and Joaquin have charmed her from her scared little shell into the light.”

“So, they have been as good for you as you have been for them. We love you dearly, Teresa, and we welcome you to our family,” Ricardo said affectionately, and she hugged him tight.

“Thank you,” she whispered against his lapel as he hugged her back then led her to her men. Her men.


Chapter Twenty-five

Teresa was pleasantly surprised when she, Angel, and Joaquin returned to their home to find a fire lit in the front fireplace. Michael was staying at Grace’s house, playing and getting to know his newest set of grandparents. Angel set her down after carrying her over the threshold, and they looked around in wonder at all the twinkling lights which led back to the master bedroom. Joaquin lifted her and carried her down the hall to the bedroom. A chilled bottle of wine and one wineglass sat on one of the bedside tables in the bedroom, and a fire flickered in the fireplace there, as well. Candles flickered everywhere.

Teresa asked, “Would you mind if I took a shower?”

“If you want to,” Angel replied before kissing her tenderly. “Can we help you out of this dress?”

She giggled. “If you do, will I still get my shower?”

“Of course, sugar,” Joaquin murmured in his deep Texan drawl as he began kissing his way down the back of her neck to her shoulder. As Joaquin loosened the bow that secured the ties for the corset-style closure at the back of her gown, Angel knelt before her and slipped her white satin peep-toe pumps from her feet.

Teresa gasped as he slid his hands up her calf and thigh. He gazed up at her while releasing her stockings from the garters on the white silk corset and then smoothed them slowly down her legs. Her pussy pulsed with warmth, and a needy ache ignited within her. Joaquin continued working the laces at the back of her dress as Angel slipped the stockings from her feet, one at a time, leaving them where they lay. He drew a whimper from her as his searing fingers moved upward until they reached the tops of her thighs and grasped the G-string she wore beneath her corset.

His eyes and his words were warm and tender. “I promise you’ll get your shower, beautiful. But I want to feel your silky skin beneath my fingers. We’ve missed you since Wednesday morning, haven’t we, Joaquin?” At Joaquin’s silent nod, he continued. His fingertips were right there, about to discover if waxing really had made her pussy as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

Another rush of hot moisture flowed to her engorged pussy lips as Angel’s fingers neared their destination. “He and I want to feel your sweet—
oh god…”
He groaned as he pressed his mouth to her thigh through her gown. She was sure she felt his teeth nip lightly at her through the fabric. He’d found the completely bare lips of her pussy. His fingertips sifted through the neat patch of curls that pointed the way to her slit, which was abundantly slick with her juices.

The dress drifted from her body in satiny waves as Joaquin slid the shoulder straps down her arms, and then he was on his knees before her as well. The hunger in their eyes as they feasted them on her throbbing pussy gave her a feeling of heady power.

Desire shot through her as they stroked her thighs. Her pussy trembled as they caressed her sensitive, bare lips. Her knees almost buckled when Joaquin trailed his fingertips through the slippery moisture that seeped from her. She watched breathlessly as he slid his fingertips between his lips, and he growled softly.

She reached up and unfastened the hook and eye closures at the side of the corset as her men watched on their knees before her, enthralled.

They rose to their feet as the corset fell away and led her to the bathroom where more candles burned. Angel turned on the shower for her and whispered, “Hurry, beautiful. We ache for you, both of us.”

When she returned mere minutes later, Angel and Joaquin lay beneath the covers on either side of the bed, waiting for her to fill the center between them. The hard ridges at their groins could be seen even through the sheet and blanket. The sight sent an exhilarating thrill through her. She smiled at them, relieved now that they hadn’t waited for the first time to be tonight. There were no nerves for her tonight, only eagerness for the pleasure she knew was to come.

As she moved toward the bed, the feathery tufts on her little white mules tickled Teresa’s insteps. She was clad in the white satin gown and sheer robe they’d given her. The way it moved around her made her feel exotic, self-confident, and worthy of these men.

“You look…stunning,” Joaquin murmured. As they sat up, the sheets dipped to their hips, forearms on their knees, just drinking her in. One of them had opened the bottle of wine and poured some in the wineglass on the table by the bed.

She stopped at the foot of the bed and slipped her feet from the mules, lifted the hem of the gown, and went on her hands and knees to them, her heart thumping and her pussy aching for the touch of their fingers again.

“Thanks for being patient,” she whispered as she undid the bow that held the front of the robe closed under her bust.

“You were so lovely tonight in your bridal gown, and now in this.” Angel reached for the shoulders of the robe as she settled between them, facing them on her knees. “I’ll never forget the day you came to the ranch that first time. Do you remember?’

“When I brought you the pie?” She smiled, remembering like it was yesterday.

Angel smiled and nodded he carefully drew the robe from her arms. “I almost fell over I was so happy to see you.”

She blushed. “You squatted down and put your hand on my door. I wanted to reach out and touch you, but I couldn’t do it.”

“You were like a scared little rabbit. I
to reach out and run my fingers along your pretty pink cheek.” He caressed her cheek as if making up for that missed opportunity.

Teresa turned her misty gaze to Joaquin. “Remember standing in the doorway, Christmas Eve?”

“Yeah. I felt like you were looking right into my soul,” he said, chuckling as he twined her fingers with his.

“I loved you both, practically since the moment I met you.” She gazed into Angel’s golden eyes. “Angel, thank you for being so patient with me, for teaching me to trust, and for allowing Joaquin…”

“To love and adore you, too?” Angel finished for her when her words trailed off.

“Yes. Thank you.” Teresa’s lip trembled as she laid her fingertips on their handsome cheeks.

She slowly lifted the gown from her body and felt a tingle of heat in her cheeks as they gazed at her with appreciation. They drew her to recline on the piled-up pillows with them.

Angel offered the wineglass to her. She took a long sip and handed it to Joaquin to share with him. He drank from the glass as his fingertips traced her upper arm, over her shoulder. He handed the glass to Angel, who finished what remained and set the glass aside.

Angel turned back to her and rested his cheek in his palm as he said, “Teresa, do you want our wedding night to be like our first night together was? Or would you like to try something new?” His fingertip made a slow trek over her collar bone, sparking a tingling sensation as it slid downward toward her nipple.

She giggled at his tickling touch. “You’re my husbands now, and I want my husbands to teach me every position they know. I imagine you know quite a few?” Her cheeks grew warm as other parts of her tingled at the thought.

Joaquin chuckled sexily. “Angel, I love our kitten’s frisky side.”

“Me, too. But before we teach our wife something new, I want to more closely inspect that smooth pussy of hers,” Angel stated as he sat up and ran a hand down one of her thighs. Joaquin mirrored his motions until they reached her ankles then she realized their intent.

Teresa’s heart thumped at the carnality of what they intended to do. “You mean you want a
good look?” she asked as they lifted her ankles and spread her legs, tracing their knuckles down her inner thighs and making her shudder in anticipation of their touch. Their eyes were riveted on her denuded skin.

Joaquin slid a finger over her smooth outer lips as he murmured, “This will make your pussy even more sensitive to our touch.” Teresa gasped as he stroked a fingertip over her perineum and her asshole, obviously noting that she’d gone the “extra mile” for them. “Completely bare, our kitten was brave,” he added in an admiring tone.

He skimmed his fingertips over her bare skin and into the shorter curls that formed the triangle above her slit.

“We love your pussy this way. Thank you,” Angel said, tracing her slick inner pussy lips with his fingertips then dipping into her entrance, swirling her juices around her clit in a circular motion before sliding in again. Her pussy muscles tightened on his finger, increasing the pleasurable sensation. “You’re going to come so many times tonight you’ll lose track.”

Angel sweetly tortured her with his tongue, flicking her clit teasingly as Joaquin whispered in her ear, “You might as well leave your panties off this week, sugar, because we won’t be able to keep our hands off of you. I can’t wait to have my turn at that bare, beautiful cunt. I want to feel it pulsing under my tongue while you come for me.”

“Oh, Joaquin. Anything,
you want,” she whispered as the heat in her pussy flamed higher. Waxing the hair away did indeed make her much more sensitive to their touch. She felt every puff of Angel’s hot breath on her skin and the fullness of his lips against her wet flesh.

Angel laved her clit, and it seemed to swell much more than she remembered from last time. Even his finger still pumping into her pussy felt different, bigger. When he added a second finger and the two digits curled inside her cunt, finding her G-spot, she wanted to scream in pleasure.

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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