Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Heavenly Angel (32 page)

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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Joaquin murmured in her ear as he came back down over her, his sexy voice devastating her senses. “Soon, we won’t need to use these rubbers, sugar. I’m going to fuck you until you come so hard you think you died and went to heaven. Then Angel’s going to fuck you, too. You’ll know you’re ours, and so will we.” He punctuated his words with his strokes as he drew her back up to his chest.

Each word sent her into a heightened state of arousal. He was wrapped around her and she was still on her knees with her legs spread wide, but now she was pulled upright over his lap, his arms around her. In this position she felt both powerful and vulnerable.

Raising her arms over her head, she gripped his shoulders behind her and a wail broke from her as she arched her back. She could feel his hips against her ass, moving against her, and the erotic sensation broadcast an image to her mind of how they must look together. The unspeakable intimacy of the act tugged at her heart, and tears overflowed from her eyes. She was theirs.

His cock pistoned into her three more hard times, and they both came together, her sobbing in ecstasy and him roaring as he held her tightly to him, his cock pulsing deep inside her. Angel’s fingers against her clit gentled as she sobbed with each hitching breath.

“Damn, that was hot to watch.” Angel murmured, groaning as Teresa melted in Joaquin’s dominating embrace.

Joaquin nuzzled Teresa’s throat under her ear and held her tightly to him. “It’s like there is heaven inside her.”

“All yours,” she whispered with her eyes closed. Her lips trembled as she added, “Only for you.” Tilting her head, she looked up at Joaquin.

Joaquin smiled at his brother and nodded at him to come near. Angel took her upper body in his arms, supporting her as she wrapped her arms around him while Joaquin took his time withdrawing from her. He caressed her pussy lips, drawing a little shuddering sigh from her as Angel enveloped her and tucked her into his arms. Joaquin rose from the bed and went to the bathroom.

When he returned to the bed, Joaquin stroked her back, sitting down next to them.

Raising her eyes to them both, she smiled, feeling in utter bliss. She rested her head on Angel’s chest and held onto his forearm as she caressed Joaquin’s hip.

“I think she needs a little break,” Joaquin said, and kissed her cheek.

Angel nodded as she looked up at him through half-shut eyes. “I think so, too. Grace told me there’s a tray in the refrigerator with some fruit, cheese, cold-cuts, and crackers on it. I’ll pour us some more wine. Why don’t you get the tray, Joaquin?”

Joaquin rose from the bed and walked nude down the hall to the kitchen and retrieved the thoughtfully prepared snack.

They tucked her in under the sheet between them and took turns feeding her little tidbits from the tray. Teresa never had to lift a hand except to drink from the wine glass they shared. Her inhibitions vanished as she talked with them, giggling at their touch, opening to their kisses and responding to their erotic words. There were no walls, no traces of fear, only trust and love. A great, heart-rending, beautiful love.

“Feel up to some more loving?” Joaquin asked, his voice a seductive murmur. “I’ll bet Angel wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to make love to you right now.”

“Mmmm, I don’t think I would turn him down, either,” she replied as Joaquin placed the tray and the glass on the bedside table. Turning in Angel’s embrace, she kissed him as she straddled his hips. He hissed at the contact her pussy made with his bone-hard erection.

“You feel good there, beautiful,” he drawled sexily, pressing up against her as he held her hips.

“Angel, I owe you a lap dance, don’t I?” She smiled playfully and then reached for the lubricant. She looked at Joaquin and smiled sexily. “Tell me, Joaquin. Do you think Angel might enjoy a lap dance?”

“Speaking from experience, I think he’ll be your willing slave if you’ll dance for him.”

“You think so? After he gets his lap dance, maybe he’d like it if I slid down on his big, thick cock that’s pulsing against my pussy right now.”

With eyes practically aglow with lust, Angel finally piped up, “I think ‘
fucking love sliding every
rock-hard inch
into your teasing little pussy.”

Feeling a little wicked, she leaned down to him and caught his lower lip between hers and sucked on it, flicking it with her tongue playfully before releasing it with a pop. “You sound enthusiastic about it. Are you sure that my inexperienced little lap dance will be enough to satisfy your tastes?”

“I think your lap dance is the
one that
satisfy me. I’ve developed quite a taste for your little body,” Angel drawled.

She squeezed a generous amount of lubricant onto her fingers and spread it over her bare folds and into her opening before spreading a little more over his erection. Her heart throbbed with love for this man, even as her pussy clamored to be filled with him.

“Sugar, it’s going to feel even better to you, too, with your pussy nice and bare now. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if you come before he even gets inside of you,” Joaquin murmured in a deep, sexy voice that set her insides to wobbling and quivering.

“I hadn’t thought of that. Yum!” Giggling, she centered her open slit over his thick, hot length, and he groaned in pleasure. She was grateful again for the most recent candid, and frankly, entertaining, conversation she’d had with Grace on the subject of pleasuring a man.

Bracing her hands on his thick pecs, Teresa asked, “Does that feel good on your cock? Nice and hot?” As she spoke, Teresa arched her back slowly which slid her pussy down Angel’s long, hot shaft to his balls. She heard Joaquin groan softly beside her and reach out to caress her hip and ass.

Angel moaned and drew out the words, “Yes, baby.”

Teresa leaned slightly forward, brushing her outer lips over his cock in a circular motion, swirling over him. Her long black hair fell in waves over her shoulders. Her pussy was definitely more sensitive now, especially since making love with Joaquin, but her bare skin was hyper-sensitive, and she could feel him all over her pussy and not just in her open slit. The sensation of her body slickening his and his hardness brushing against her tender flesh sent waves of pleasure to her clit. It was entirely probable that she would come during this lap dance. Her mind embraced the thought and her body raced to catch up as she settled more firmly on him. He groaned in pleasure as she established her rhythm.

Rising into a more upright position, her hands slowly slid up her flanks. The backs of her nails raked over the sides of her breasts as she sighed in pleasure, her fingers drifted up into her hair. With her arms over her head, she thrust her breasts out invitingly.

Joaquin sounded a little strained as he said, “Look at the way she moves. Our shy dove is a tempting vixen when the mood strikes her.”

“Mmmm, the way she moves. She’s more graceful and talented than any dancer, and she tells us she’s
. These hips,” he murmured sexily, stroking her hips but not inhibiting her movements.

Their words were having a powerful effect on her heart and her body. She was about to come any second, and her heart leapt with pleasure to know how much her body pleased them. Their words made love to her soul, just as surely as their bodies made love to hers.

“Ours.” Angel groaned.

Moaning as she changed her rhythmic strokes to undulating figure-eight movements, Teresa stretched her arms up and curled her forearms behind her head. Angel groaned in response to the change.

“Such full, beautiful breasts,” Angel whispered, stroking her swaying breasts. He gave a deep growl of approval as the juice flowed over his cock from her pussy. She never would’ve thought she’d enjoy listening to them talk this way.

“Ours,” Joaquin murmured sexily as Angel’s hands firmly cupped her breasts, stroking the nipples with his thumb and drawing a moan of pleasure from her. Covering his hands with hers, she returned to the circular motion, grinding over him with slow, wet strokes of her pussy. Beneath her, his cock grew harder.

* * * *

“These luscious thighs,” Angel whispered, reveling in the feel of Teresa’s satiny flesh spread wide, straddling his body as she pleasured them both. He could tell by her breathing that she was approaching climax.

Angel intertwined his fingers with hers when she reached for his hands. She held on and used them to brace herself as she found the rhythm and stroke that would bring her to orgasm, her body taking over. Her head fell back, and a low groan escaped her open lips as her movements became smaller and more focused.

He exerted every bit of control he had not to come, as she rocked her pussy against him. Flooded with her juices, she leaned forward and braced her little hands against his chest and slid up over his cock to the head. Her beautiful face was ecstatic as her orgasm overtook her. With a sobbing scream, she undulated wildly over him.

The split second before it happened, he knew what was coming and barely had time to brace himself, too late to still her motions. His cock jerked hard when she slid up to the head, and instead of grinding back down his length, his cock slid right inside her pulsating, coming pussy. She screamed again louder at the invasion and ground harder against him, unable to stop herself and quickly seating him to the hilt inside of her, her rapturous sobs of ecstasy telling the tale.

Angel’s back bowed and he gritted his teeth at the sudden hot embrace of her pussy around his cock, trying desperately to stem the erupting tide as his body fought to explode inside her. He wasn’t wearing a condom.

“Holy fuck!” he ground out, gripping her thighs desperately. She toppled over on him, her breath coming in great heaving sobs.

Joaquin silently retrieved another condom from the drawer, not breaking their fragile moment together with words. Angel gathered her limp form to him and rolled them over. Regretfully, he pulled out from the heavenly wet recesses of her body. Joaquin handed him the torn wrapper, and he sheathed himself quickly in the condom before returning to her. She reached for him silently and lifted her knees as he settled in the warm cradle of her body, his cock nudging her entrance. Teresa gave a mewling cry as his cock slid slowly back into her pussy.

Seated to the hilt, he stayed that way with her, gazing into her love-dazed eyes, his hips motionless as he nuzzled her throat.

He whispered, “You think her pussy is heavenly now, Joaquin. Wait until you can slide into her with no barrier. I think I died there for a few seconds being bare inside her like that.” She was so hot and silky inside. He could have stayed that way with her for the rest of his natural life.

Teresa whispered shakily, “I’m sorry, Angel. I completely lost control, forgot all about the condom. It—it was so

Angel pressed a finger to her lips. “Don’t, beautiful. That was easily the most incredibly erotic thing I’ve ever experienced, if unexpected.”

Joaquin stroked her arm and the side of her breast as he lay alongside them. “Sugar, that was wild. You are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I thought for sure I was going to come just watching the two of you.”

Her tingling cheeks became even hotter. “Really?”

“Without exception.” Angel murmured and rolled his hips against hers, making her gasp.

“Oh, Angel. You feel so good inside me,” she said as she held tightly to him, flexing her hips against his.

Angel groaned and said, “Ready to ride, cowgirl?” He gave her a lopsided grin and made her squeal as he rolled them back over, never breaking the connection. Carefully she rose up and pulled her knees up under her with his help then lay back down over him. Joaquin smoothed his hand along her naked back and over her rounded tush.

“This is a pretty sight, sugar. You tucked up nice and tight over Angel with his cock buried deep in your pussy, ready to be fucked.”

She smiled at him and gave an experimental grinding move with his cock deep inside her. They both groaned at the unbelievable feel of it.

“Beautiful, do that again.” Angel rolled his hips against her in counterpoint as she moved over him, continuing the circular grinding motion. She smiled ecstatically, and her eyelids slid closed as she rose up over him. Bracing herself at his shoulders, she moved sinuously, practically purring for them as Joaquin stroked her back and her ass.

“Damn, that feels incredible. Oh,
damn baby
, what the—” He growled as she lay down on him and began a reverse thrusting motion over him. Her pussy muscles gripped his cock hard as she came off of him then slid back down again. It felt like a fist gripping him then allowing him to slip back into her liquid depths. On each downward thrust, she ground her lips and her clit against his pubic bone and was rapidly gasping as her body took control of her motions again. Angel glanced over at Joaquin to find that he was lying there unmoving, as he watched her. His brother glanced into his eyes and mouthed one word. “Perfect.”

Angel thrust against her, cooperating with her movements and timing his strokes with hers so she received the stimulation and contact on her clit that she needed. He growled as her body tensed. Her pussy drew up tighter, and her breathing turned to panting.

Angel whispered, “Damn, she’s a natural. Baby, you make love to me like you’re reading my mind.”

Grinding hard on him in an upright position, her pussy clenched tight as a vise as she screamed herself hoarse in her ecstasy. Pulling her to him, he rolled them so she could lie back. He lifted her hips, tilting her to him, and pumped into her, rubbing against her clit on every thrust, glorying in her cries as her fading orgasm was chased quickly by another. Her pussy clamped down on his cock harder than before as she wailed. Growling in satisfaction when he saw her cream gush from her and coat his cock, he grasped her hips hard and pummeled into her several more times before roaring with his own release. He thrust hard with each pulse as she milked his cock of every drop of his cum.

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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