Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Heavenly Angel (46 page)

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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She heard the shower running in the other bathroom as she settled back in the tub. The loving attention her husbands paid to her made her feel like a princess. Sighing dreamily, her breath hitched in her throat, and her heart ached with happiness. So beautiful she made his eyes hurt. That’s what Angel had told Joaquin. Tears formed in her eyes.

How strange life was, the places it took you. A year ago next month, she’d met Angel for the first time. Attracted to the point of utter speechlessness, in that moment she would never have believed she would be here tonight. If anyone had told her she’d share her life with him and his brother, she would have told them they were insane. It was Angel’s unswerving patience that had gotten her here, eased her into this state of bliss she now reveled in. A small sob escaped at the thought of a lifetime spent in the arms of two men who loved her with a passion that made her ache with need for them.

Her cunt clenched and pulsed as though a miniature orgasm brought on by her thoughts had just come over her. She smiled and sipped her wine, closing her eyes and sinking deeper in the foamy hot water.

The shower shut off in the other bathroom, and she heard a deep, muffled voice. The sound of that distant tone made her pussy quiver. A minute later, the shower started again as her other man got ready. Finishing her wine, she laid her glass aside and rose from the tub. She rinsed the bubbles from her flushed skin then dried off.

She drew on the long, diaphanous robe that she’d worn over her white satin nightgown on her wedding night. It seemed appropriate that she wear the robe, which was completely sheer,
the nightgown for this evening. Nothing was held back from them anymore after they took her in this manner. She’d left the ties to the robe undone and then put on the silver nipple rings with the attached chain that would drape down between her breasts. Five dangling turquoise charms swung playfully from it, adding a delicious weight to the rings tugging at her nipples.

Pressing her lips together to stifle a breathy sigh, she slid the silver clip down over the hood of her swollen clitoris and then slipped the dangles onto her inner lips, tucking the little sparkling crystal and polished turquoise beads inside her lips for them to be surprised by later. After it was on, she rested her hands on the bathroom counter and waited for the tremors in her pussy to fade.

When she’d purchased it, she thought the men would love it but had no idea how incredibly wanton she would feel putting it on. Her pussy welled with moisture, and her clit throbbed against the heavy turquoise bead. With the clit clip and dangles in position, even walking was going to be an erotic experience.

She shut off the light and opened the bathroom door. The room glowed from the light of several candles and the merrily crackling fireplace.

Over the sound of her pounding heartbeat, she heard the rustle of fabric and a shaky exhalation. “Damn.” Joaquin.

“Beautiful,” Angel murmured as they both climbed from the bed.

“What do we have here, sugar?” Joaquin asked as he drew her closer to the glow of the fire instead of to the bed. The light from the dancing flames made the clear crystals and polished beads sparkle. Her breath hitched at the green lust that glittered in his eyes for her.

Angel’s eyes smoldered as she faced the fire, and they drew her sheer robe from her breasts, revealing her jewelry. Angel slid a hand along her abdomen and over her ribs to cup her breast in his callused hand, admiring the turquoise and silver beads that dangled there.

“Well, isn’t this pretty?” Angel strummed her nipple, and she shuddered as the erotic sensation communicated itself to the jewelry hidden between her legs, making her throb even more.

Joaquin cradled her other breast in his hand. “I like your new jewelry, sugar. This is so pretty. How does it feel?” His finger slid down the chain that draped between her nipples and gave a light tug to set all five charms swinging. More heat bloomed in her pussy and spread outward through her body.

Quivering, she murmured, “Mmmm, it feels even better than I imagined it w-would.” Being near the fire made her nipples tingle. Her clit and pussy engorged from the luxuriant heat and her juices trickled.

She allowed the robe to slip from her shoulders and land in a puddle around her feet. “There’s more.” She traced her index fingers over their pectoral muscles down to their abdomens. She bit her lip as she gazed at their fully engorged, firmly erect cocks. Power surged through her when she licked her lip, and Angel’s cock twitched, and he groaned. They were as desperate for her as she was for them.

A tear of pre-cum seeped from Joaquin’s cock as he asked, “Any hints?” His eyes twinkled as he lightly stroked her nipple.

“No. I know you’ll probably find it the first place you look.” Teresa allowed them to lead her to the bed.

“Teresa seems to have a lot of confidence in us, that we’ll find this other jewelry pretty quickly,” Joaquin said, kissing her fingertips one at a time. “Where do you think we should start?”

Angel answered without hesitation. “At her toes. Lots of ladies wear rings on their toes nowadays. We should start there and work our way up
very carefully
.” Angel smiled wolfishly at the look she gave him.

Oh! You big tease!

“Yeah. We wouldn’t want to miss it. It
to be thorough,” Joaquin said wisely with a nod as he moved with Angel to the foot of the bed, leaving her all alone up at the pillows piled against the headboard.

“Hey, now I’m
!” she pouted as she teasingly lifted a turquoise dangle from her chain and twiddled it.

Angel chuckled. “Oh, we can’t have that. Let’s try divide and conquer, Joaquin. You start at the top and work your way down, and I’ll meet you in the middle.” Teresa giggled and nodded enthusiastically. “Teresa’s frisky tonight, isn’t she?”

“I fricking love it when she’s frisky!” Joaquin chuckled as he nuzzled at her throat and shoulders, making a show of checking her for hidden jewelry. He stretched his big, muscled body out beside hers and fanned her hair on the pillows. Licking her earlobe, he moved downward and left a trail of wet kisses from her collarbone to between her breasts. He paused at the chain and nipple rings.

“Do you want me to remove this?” he asked, then flicked a hard peak with the tip of his tongue. “Or would you prefer I leave it on?” Joaquin smiled when she moaned at the dual sensations as Angel sucked on her toes. Teresa had no idea how erotic
would feel.

“I wore it to please you, but I have to admit I like how it feels, especially when the charms are swaying. But I don’t want it to be in the way, later,” she murmured as her fingertips slid through the silky, long strands of his hair.

Joaquin flicked her nipple with his tongue again. “I’d love to fuck you from behind while you wear this jewelry. I bet it would feel amazing, all these little charms swaying as you move with me.” He carefully loosened the silver ring with his fingertips before sucking it off of her nipple.

Teresa gasped as the blood flow returned, making her nipples feel even more sensitive and engorged. The insistent throbbing in her clitoris increased in response. Angel made his way up her calves, caressing her ankles and the back of her knees. She wrapped her hand around Joaquin’s cock, delighting in his erotic growl.

Forging on, he laid the nipple rings and chain aside and proceeded to her bellybutton, caressing her abdomen and her hip bones as he stroked the indentation with the tip of his tongue.

Smoothing his hands up and down her thighs, Angel lifted one and murmured, sounding casual, “Joaquin, I haven’t found anything. Maybe our lovely wife was pulling our leg?”

Oh, no
, I would never do that,” Teresa said in an innocent voice. “There’s one place you haven’t looked yet. Remember, it pays to be thorough.” Levity and desire warred for dominance in her tone.

Angel and Joaquin smiled at each other then looked to her. Stretching out on either side of her, they each palmed a hip bone and gazed into her eyes. She was bewitched as they leaned toward her, first one kissing her then the other, in no particular hurry for the game to end. They moved down her throat to her still throbbing nipples and suckled before laying a trail of wet kisses to her completely bare mound.

Angel hummed in admiration. He trailed a finger over her mons and her outer lips then surprised her by laying a light kiss there. Joaquin followed Angel and nuzzled her mound with his lips, kissing her and licking in small light strokes directly over her slit. The beads shifted, and she gasped as the movement tugged slightly at her clit.

Joaquin’s eyes met hers in triumph. “Wait, Angel. What do we have here?” Joaquin asked as he nuzzled against her outer lips, causing the bead to shift yet again. Moisture seeped from her slit as they took turns nuzzling her there without going deeper. Both men reached for the back of a thigh and lifted slightly before palming her thighs open. Moaning rapturously, she felt her outer lips part.

Joaquin drawled sexily, “Well, now isn’t that a pretty little thing she’s got there.”

Angel chuckled. “It’s
been pretty. Now she’s got it decorated for us, don’t you, beautiful?”

Panting softly, she nodded, arching as Joaquin touched the clip.

Oh! One touch! One touch! Please!

Joaquin’s slid s fingertip over her clit, and she spasmed a little at the electric sensation, crying out.

“You okay, sugar?” he asked, smiling at her.


“Can I kiss you?” Angel murmured as he kissed the junction of her inner thigh and her mons.

“Oh, please, yes!”

Turning his head slightly, he nuzzled her swollen flesh, his tongue slowly smoothing over her clit in a long, leisurely lick, causing another quivering spasm in her pussy. Teresa felt sure she’d come any second. Her clit felt so swollen, and Angel was the giving type as his tongue lovingly stroked her again, flicking the beads dangling from her pussy lips and clit back and forth, rubbing them against the side of her clit, which drove her wild.

Joaquin’s fingertips slid up her inner thigh, seeking her slit, but careful to not dislodge the clips. He dipped a finger into the well of her pussy, causing her to moan and clench hard on his fingertip before he slid out and smoothed her wetness over her anus.

As his fingers brushed that virginal opening, all the nerve endings came alive, making her as acutely aware of it as she was of her clit. The ring of muscle clenched then relaxed as she reminded her body to allow his penetration. His fingers circled on the tight rosette, pressing firmly as Angel’s tongue became more insistent with each pass.

Working in tandem, they brought her to the pinnacle where she flew free, her orgasm tumbling her into a warm pool of ecstasy. Once she was finished and every pulse had washed through her, Angel lifted the bead with his teeth and tongue and carefully loosened the dangles, freeing her lips and clit and sending a powerful aftershock through her. She stretched luxuriously for them, practically purring.

“The way you arch your back is so sexy,” Joaquin said admiringly.

Kissing him, she looked up into his crystalline green gaze. She licked his lips and flicked his tongue with hers as he parted his lips for her. “Joaquin, I’m ready. Angel, I want it all. Now.”

Joaquin paused and turned to make eye contact with his brother. She waited, heart and pussy throbbing through their silent exchange, then Joaquin turned back to her.

“Thank you, sugar,” he said deeply as he rose to his knees. “Up on your knees, straddling Angel.”

His voice was rough with desire, but his hands were gentle, helping her into position. Angel moved to the center of the bed, and she climbed astride his hips. Angel’s cock lay completely engorged against his belly, ready for action.

Angel covered her hands with his, where she braced them on the thick muscles of his chest. “You’re sure?” He gazed seriously into her eyes.

“Yes, Angel. Completely,” she whispered back as she leaned forward to kiss him tenderly. He was almost worshipful as he caressed her waist and hips.

“Angel is going to help you stay relaxed,” Joaquin said as Angel pulled her onto his chest for a kiss, his pulsating cock trapped between them. Joaquin applied a generous amount of the lubricant to her asshole and the area around it. He pressed some of it into her, making her groan and flex against him. She arched her back to give him as much access as she could.

“Mmmm. Easy, sugar. You’re anxious for my cock, aren’t you?”

She whimpered against Angel’s lips and then looked over her shoulder at him. Joaquin took the time to apply a generous amount of the lube to his cock. Resting her cheek against Angel’s broad chest, she felt him shift into position behind her Angel pulled her to him and put his strong arms around her, not trapping her but merely grounding her. Joaquin lifted her hips so she was in position for his cock. Making a sound that was half moan and half sob, she murmured, “Joaquin, yes!” Her heart throbbed, desperate for them both.

Joaquin’s staying hand was warm on her tailbone. “I’ll be moving slow, sugar. Breathe for me, okay?”

“Listen to Joaquin, beautiful. Relax for him.” Teresa rested her cheek on Angel and nodded, taking several deep breaths.

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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