Heavenly Angel (47 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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“That’s good, baby,” Angel whispered. His heart pounded beneath her ear, letting her know how much he was affected by the moment.

Joaquin’s hands slid in soothing firm strokes over her ass. “Such a gorgeous ass, sugar,” he whispered as he caressed her quivering opening. He must have felt her trembling because he asked, “You’re not afraid, are you, sugar?”

“Of you? No, I can’t help it. I need you.”

She was startled when the blunt head of Joaquin’s cock brushed against her lubricated opening.

Angel stroked her back then slid his hands down to hold her ass cheeks. His callused fingertips pressed near her anus felt so intimate.

The butterflies in her stomach disappeared, and she was filled with a feeling of rightness in this moment. Her body relaxed as Joaquin pressed for entrance, giving her body a chance to adjust to his size. Her asshole burned, but she knew there was enough lubrication. Her body just needed to give in, like with the plugs.

The muscles finally relaxed under his insistent pressure, and Joaquin’s cock slid into her a fraction. He hissed and groaned, and she clenched against the burning pinch of pain. Joaquin softly cursed, and Angel stroked her ass, which helped her to focus. She breathed deep and willed her body to relax and accept Joaquin there, and he hissed in pleasure.

“You all right, sugar?” he asked, breathing roughly as he caressed her hips and gave her time.

Sensations swirled over Teresa all together. Most obviously, the small pinch of pain as he took her ass for the first time but also the electrifying, intense pleasure of being filled in a place that was largely considered taboo was a dark, thrilling rush, and she reveled in it. “I love it, Joaquin. I want more.” She flexed against Joaquin, trying to take what she wanted. Angel stopped her.

“Joaquin wants to last until we’re both inside you. You keep moving like that and you’ll make him come too soon. We want you to feel what it’s like to come so hard you see stars while we both make love to you together.”

Teresa lay against Angel’s chest, breathing deeply and willing her body to open for Joaquin. She moaned happily when he advanced another inch, then withdrew, then repeated the motion, never pulling completely out and gaining a little more ground with each thrust.

“Thank you, sugar. This is so beautiful what you’re giving me, giving us, by trusting us like this.” Joaquin arched over her and kissed her shoulder. His hips were pressed fully against her ass. He ground the thick root of his cock against her, and her pussy pulsed in response. She felt consumed by the immense fullness in her bottom. Joaquin slid out a few inches then thrust back in and growled then did it several more times as the stirring of her orgasm began already.

“I’m going to come, Joaquin,” she whimpered, realizing that when she said it she was allowing him control of when she came.

“Hold it for me, sugar. Wait until Angel slides in, too. Don’t let it go. Hold it for me.” There was no way her body could’ve denied his request.

She moaned in assent as she nuzzled Angel’s chest.

Joaquin pumped a few more times then wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off of Angel so he could position his cock at her pussy. Angel’s hands were on her thighs as he pressed for entry, as well. Her breathing turned to frantic panting as Angel’s lubricated cock slid somehow into her overcrowded cunt. Her pussy throbbed as his heated length found its home inside her. Feeling completely overwhelmed by her love and lust for these men, she held onto both of them and experienced the storm as it swirled inside her.

“Oh, Angel,” she whispered in awe. “It’s beautiful.” She tried to stay still but found that her hips were flexing and squirming on her men’s cocks whether she wanted to or not as instinct took over.

“Yes, it is,” Angel said as he gazed at her with smoldering eyes, smoothing her hair back from her hot cheeks.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Joaquin said as he withdrew a little and allowed Angel to thrust then countered as he thrust and Angel withdrew. Quickly they had a rhythm going so that she was always filled with one or the other. Bearing her weight on her hands, she rocked with them and quickly found her place in the rhythm, her orgasm spinning out of her control.

“Yes, sugar, come hard for us. Don’t hold it back.” Joaquin growled. Even though his voice and his grip were intense, Teresa could still tell that he was under control and thrusting as gently as possible. The realization that, even in this explosive moment, he cared so much for her wellbeing that he held back sent her skyrocketing. Her orgasm built to a burning intense crescendo, and they all came at once, their cocks filling her with their seed as they undulated and bucked together in an orgasm that seemed to go on and on until all three collapsed in a panting heap.

After kissing her between her shoulder blades, Joaquin carefully withdrew and left the bed. Teresa heard water running and felt his return when the mattress shifted behind her. Teresa felt the heat of a washcloth at her throbbing entrance, and she squirmed slightly.

Joaquin placed a hand on her hip and stayed her movements. “No, sugar. When we take you like this, we will always do this afterward. It’s the least we can do.” He wiped the lubricant from her ass cheeks and cleaned her up.

Angel kissed her lovingly. “It would be inconsiderate of us to do otherwise. You’ll get used to it.”

“Truthfully, I probably couldn’t stand now if I tried. I seem to have lost the ability to move.” She chuckled as she wiped a lock of hair from her forehead.

With satisfaction thick in his voice, Angel said, “Then we know we did it right.”

“I’ll say,” she moaned. “That was intense,” she added drowsily. Sighing as Angel’s cock slid free from her pussy, all she cared about right then was sleeping tucked between the two of them. While Angel cuddled her into his solid embrace, Joaquin lifted the covers over them before he left the bedroom to take a shower.

“How do you feel?” Angel asked as he stroked her back lightly. Snuggled up to him, she pressed a kiss at the base of his throat.

She felt like the blissful smile on her face must be a mile wide. “Good. My body is humming. Thank you for helping me relax.”

“The privilege was mine, Teresa. That was another fantasy fulfilled.” He brushed her hair from her cheek, and she cuddled closer to him, struggling to stay awake, nuzzling his chest with her lips.

“I love you so much, Angel.”

“You are my heart. Everything good in my life.”

Joaquin returned to the bed after showering and spooned to her back, providing his biceps for her pillow as she preferred. As she drifted to sleep, she felt their hands stroking her. Her last waking thought was a feeling of completeness, looking to her future.


Chapter Thirty-seven

Two Weeks Later

Angel looked up when he heard a car door close and smiled. Michael shifted and balanced on his shoulders and looked in the same direction.

“There’s my
mommy,” Michael murmured as Teresa walked into the barn greeting the ranch hands as they walked past her to the corral.

“She sure
pretty today.”

Lately, Teresa seemed to glow with happiness. He could recall a time when she would have been afraid to walk through the barn by herself, being noticed by the other men. Now she sauntered through proudly, her eyes on her destination. It was good to be her destination. Real good. As she drew closer, she eyed both of her men and winked at Angel. Her eyes flicked to his groin, at the tingling bulge that developed there any time she was nearby, and she didn’t suppress the urge to lick her lip. Little vixen.

“Damn,” Joaquin muttered quietly from where he stood beside Angel. “How does she manage that?”

“Manage what, Dad?” Michael asked as he tilted forward to look into Joaquin’s face.

Angel suppressed a chuckle.
Manage to get us hard with a single look or flick of that little pink tongue of hers, that’s what.

Joaquin chuckled and stumbled for a reply. “Oh, um. How does she always manage to look so beautiful?” his brother said as Teresa went into his arms, a knowing smile on her face.

Michael chirped. “Oh, that’s
! It’s cause she loves us so much. It spills all over on her face.”

Ah, the wisdom of children.

Joaquin hefted Michael from Angel’s shoulders as Teresa came into his arms and encompassed him in her fragrant warmth.

She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him. “All right, I’ll be back after lunch. Remember, don’t lift the lid on the cake in the refrigerator. It’s a part of your birthday surprise.”

Angel grinned, “I promise, beautiful. Enjoy your lunch with Grace.” Angel kissed her, and she blushed as he caressed her hips. She went to Joaquin and kissed him then squatted down so Michael could give her a kiss, too. He promised to be a good boy.

Angel stood with Joaquin and watched as their beautiful woman walked back to her car and got in before driving up to the ranch house to pick up Grace. All Angel knew of their excursion today was that Teresa and Grace were visiting Discretion and then planning to take the owner, Summer, out to lunch.

When she arrived home later in the afternoon, Angel brought Michael in to use the potty and to say hello to her. She hastily hid something in the closet and greeted him with a kiss and a hug.

Michael came into the bedroom yawning, which caused her to yawn, and she didn’t deny it when Angel asked her if she was sleepy and wanted to take a nap. Michael had been active that morning and so he didn’t complain too much as his mommy slipped his hat and cowboy boots off then trundled him onto their bed to lie down for a while with her. Angel kissed them both and covered them with a blanket and closed the bedroom door.

A few hours later, she emerged from their bedroom looking dazed but well-rested, her cheeks rosy. Michael sat in Angel’s lap with a storybook open. He looked at her over his son’s head and smiled tenderly at her as he recited the story for Michael from memory while Michael turned the pages.

Joaquin looked up and smiled when she cuddled into his arms. Angel and his brother were both in agreement in how much they both loved the way she would melt into their arms like this. She stayed that way with him for a minute, her face hidden against his brother’s chest. Joaquin whispered quietly to her, and Teresa nodded as Joaquin stroked her and kissed the top of her head.

Joaquin invited Michael to come out and hold the pan while he placed the shrimp skewers and corn on the grill, giving her a moment alone with Angel. Teresa climbed into Angel’s lap, and he wrapped his arms around her as she settled.

“Hey, sugar, what’s this?” he whispered, seeing the tears that welled in her eyes.

She smiled, one tear escaping and skating down her cheek. “I’m just…in the moment, Angel. It needs an outlet sometimes. I’m so happy with you and Joaquin. I never imagined I’d be this happy in my life.

Angel held her little body to him tightly then tilted her chin and kissed her. Her lips were tender as her velvety tongue stroked his. The kiss went on and on as he expressed his love to her without words.

Angel cleared his throat, his voice husky with emotion as he clasped her to him and said, “I understand what you mean. I sat and watched you sleep for a little while this afternoon. My heart felt like it was gonna burst from my chest.”

She nestled quietly to him for a few minutes. He would sit there with her snuggled in his arms all day if it was up to him. Then he heard her stomach growl. Chuckling, he patted her bottom and said, “It’s time to feed you.”

She helped him set the table while Joaquin and Michael kept an eye on the shrimp and vegetables outside on the grill.

“So how was your first day of freedom?” he asked, nuzzling her throat, breathing in her womanly scent then kissing her beneath her ear. She was now officially a stay-at-home mom and no longer worked at Stigall’s.

“Wonderful. How about your day, birthday boy?”

“This birthday is completely different from last year’s. I don’t need big celebrations or grand gestures, but as I recall, I got a phone call from several of my family members wishing me happy birthday, and I sat in front of the TV and ate a frozen dinner I heated up in the microwave.”

“Oh,” she said sympathetically. Teresa made no comment about the past, only said, “Well, those days are over, Angel. The day you were born is a big cause for
to celebrate.”

After supper, Joaquin helped Michael take his bath. Angel heard muffled laughter coming from the hallway and went to check on them.

“Little dude, trust me. You’ll figure it out in a few years,” Joaquin said as he sat on the toilet talking to Michael while he played in the tub. Joaquin had his hand over his mouth, shaking his head and chuckling. He grinned at Angel and rose to go out in the hall. “Be right back. No standing in the tub.”

“’Kay.” Splash.

Angel whispered, “What’s so funny?”

Joaquin gestured farther down the hall as Michael began singing “Stuck on You” by Sugarland in the tub.

“Michael was getting undressed to get in the tub.”


“He took off his underwear, showed me his penis, and said, ‘Daddy, how come I got this big ol’ long thing for peeing?’
Showing it to me.
You’ve seen him, right?” Joaquin asked, holding back more laughter.

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