Heavenly (36 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Laurens

BOOK: Heavenly
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such a way that all doubt vanished with my next breath.
I'll miss them.

That love you carry with you.

I closed my eyes, the yearning, the missing not gone—but tucked away, placed in a constant vivid display of happy

moments—like photographs—at the forefront of my thoughts offering me comfort.

I've never felt anything like I feel now. Here. For you.

I wish I'd known you in life.
I closed my eyes holding back a sudden surge of tears.
wish we could have been

Were together now.

His arms wound around me, an eternal encirclement of completion.



Read a sneak peek at the exciting follow up book to Heavenly:


I was awake.

But I was dead.

Was the vast gouging ache in my heart or in my soul? It didn't matter. I writhed in agony trying to escape, willing to

do anything—even hurl myself from a rocky cliff, or into a turbulent black sea to rid myself of the dread spreading

throughout my being.

Just seconds ago I'd been cradled in the arms of the man I loved. Complete comfort had surrounded me. Joy. Peace.

Safety. All of those gifts eluded me now.

Now, a fierce fire raced through my veins. Bruised muscles screamed. My heart pounded out each difficult breath.

Flashing images of the accident blared into my consciousness. More vibrant and real than any memory I'd ever

recalled when I'd been alive. Jarred, I gasped. My heart sped. I reached for Matthias.

Concern flashed over his face. "Zoe?"

"I..." I gulped for breath. Night. Pouring rain. The yellow and black truck. Scraping steel. Blinding headlights. "I see the accident."

"Look at me." His hands reached out in urgency for me, but he was disappearing—being sucked away. "Zoe. Look at me."

I'm trying!

Through the blast of crashing images, I strove to keep my gaze locked on his. I could barely see his face through the

collage of the accident whirling in my mind. My body felt weighed down, as if I'd taken in a breath of leaden air. Like a

tornado the sensations stormed, tearing apart Matthias' face, ripping him further and further from my view until he shrunk,

devoured in the vortex.

I strained, reaching back. Screamed for him. Kicked and clawed as though I'd been dropped into the dark abyss of an

open grave.
Please! I don't want to go. I want to stay with him!

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