Read Heavy Issues Online

Authors: Elle Aycart

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary

Heavy Issues (16 page)

BOOK: Heavy Issues
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“Let me see you pleasuring yourself.”


He rained sweet kisses over her while his cock pounded into her. “Put your hand on your pussy and rub that pretty clit for me.”

She tensed. “I don’t—”

Fingers still laced, he took her hand to her mouth. “Lick your fingers, now,” he ordered.

A bit hesitant, she took the tips of her index and middle fingers into her mouth and licked them. His balls drew up tighter, and when her wandering tongue moved onto his fingers and sucked them in, he had to close his eyes tight and still his movements, praying to God he wouldn’t spill his seed on the spot.

Cole brought her hand to her pussy, and keeping his fingers on top of hers, he pressed against her clit while she cried out and her head fell forward, her hair covering her face. Panting loudly and pressing back at each ram, asking for more, she uninhibitedly massaged her clit using his fingers and hers. So fucking hot. He loved feeling her like this: her swollen folds parted for him, her clit pulsing under his finger pads, her pussy milking him.

“Fuck, I’m coming, babe,” he said, but he doubted she could hear him because she was coming herself, her pussy contracting around him in strong, almost violent, spasms that would have floored a lesser man.


SHE WOULD HAVE slid to the floor of the damn garage if it weren’t for Cole’s hard body holding her up. She stood still, her breath coming out in short pants, and waited for her legs to stop trembling while she heard him disposing of the condom and zipping up. She was going to pull her skirt down and turn around, but before she could manage any of it, he lifted her in his arms and took her inside to his bedroom.

He looked so intense, so focused it was almost frightening.

In no time he had her dress pooling at her feet and her on her back on the bed, wearing only panties. He came over her, and she reached for him, kissing and pulling at his clothes. Even before he stilled her hands, she felt his lips quirking into a smile.

“You’re hell on my self-control,” he stated almost in a whisper, shaking his head as he moved to the dresser and got out from the drawer something that looked like…handcuffs. “Do you trust me, baby?” She dragged her gaze away from the cuffs and looked at his face. He stood still.

Was she okay with this? Of course she wasn’t, but apparently her lower parts totally disagreed, because at the sight of Cole holding those padded cuffs, her womb spasmed.

She nervously licked her lips. “Do I get my turn cuffing you?”

“I don’t think so, sweetheart.”

“You don’t play fair.”

He loomed over her and placed a quick kiss on her lips. “I never said I would. Now, do you trust me?”

She stared at his intense eyes and nodded. Some emotion she had no name for passed over his face, and he took her mouth again, this time more slowly. Deeper. Afterward he raised her hands over her head, cuffed her around one of the bars of the headboard, and checked that they weren’t too tight on her wrists.

“I’ll make you come like crazy, fuck you senseless, test your boundaries, but play fair? No. That I never do. Now open your legs,” he ordered as he climbed out of bed and shucked his clothes with efficient movements, standing naked in front of her soon after that, eating her with his gaze. God, he looked breathtaking. Imposing.

And she was naked and cuffed to his bed. She gulped and glanced toward the lamp nearby, pleading silently, but he wiggled his finger left and right, a somehow amused stare on his face.

“Dream on, babe.”

Yes, lights were staying on.

As Christy remained immobile, he crossed his arms, a cocky smile on his lips.

“Christy baby, I have no qualms about tying your legs to the bed if you won’t open them wide. I have two more pairs of cuffs. Do I go get them? I’m all for it. I didn’t want to use them because I didn’t want to totally freak you out, but seeing as you—”

She opened her legs. Wide. No, no need to get the extra pairs. She was at enough of a disadvantage as it was now.

He went to kneel between her legs. “Good girl. Bend your knees. Yeah, like that, sugar. Totally open for me.”

“Cole, I feel on display.”

Ignoring her words, he grabbed the crotch of her panties and tugged up, the movement burying the material between her soaked folds. She cried out at the electric sensation and lifted her hips while he slid the cloth back and forth along her slit, the material lodging itself deeper and deeper and rubbing against her clit.

“Yes, you’re on display. For me. And as sure as fuck I’m appreciating it,” he said, the huskiness in his voice abrading her senses. Then he lifted his gaze to hers. “A ripper, huh?” Not waiting for an answer, he ripped the material, his lips quirking, that predatory smile of his a promise of sorts.

With the ruined underwear dangling from her left hip, he traced her slit. “You’re so fucking wet, babe.” Barely able to breathe, she watched as his wet fingers tickled her skin on their way up to her stomach. Then they took a detour around her nipples, then up to her mouth, where he painted her lips with her juices.

He bent over her and took her mouth in a devastating kiss that all but stopped her heart.

“You look gorgeous bound to my bed.”

His mouth skimmed her jaw, then her throat, his lips warm against her skin, his tongue licking here and there. When he reached her breasts, he inhaled deep, nuzzling his whole face in her cleavage.

“Fuck, I love these.” He toyed with one nipple, rolling it, while his mouth teased the other. Cuffs rattling, she arched toward him, wanting more contact, but he kept his lower body away from her.

“Please, Cole…”

“Please what, babe?”

“More. Don’t be a tease.”

He chuckled. “Soon, sweetheart. Let me enjoy you awhile longer. I want to kiss and touch you all over. I promise I’ll make it good for you.”

He licked her breasts, lapping at them, tormenting her tender nipples until they were aching and she was out of her mind, after which he moved to her stomach and nuzzled it, dipping his tongue into her navel before slowly gliding down. By then she was so turned on she was bucking against him. Being bound to the bed bumped up the sexual tension to such an extent her body literally hummed with the need for release.

“I’ve had you twice today, and I haven’t yet found the time to properly go down on you. I’m dying to have my mouth on those silky-smooth folds. Besides, I promised I’d kiss it all better, remember?”

He blew at her open core, and at the contact with the cool air, her whole lower body jerked.

“Easy, sweetheart. So sweet and soft. I love you waxed for me.”

He grazed her tender skin with his teeth, his breath adding extra sensory data. It felt as if she were being touched for the first time, as if he were waking up hidden nerve endings that had remained dormant until now.

“Eyes on me, babe.”

She obeyed him, and a jolt of pure energy raced over her at the sight of his tongue lapping at her flesh. He nipped her clit, ever so gently, and she arched, lifting her hips. She needed more of that, whatever it was he was doing to her, and she needed more right now. He sensed her urgency and chuckled, keeping her down easily. The bastard.

He licked her thoroughly, nibbling her flesh, his tongue exploring every curve and valley, lapping at her slit, playing with her clit. Then he gathered some of her lube and moved to her ass. As she felt the tip of his finger breaching that tiny hole, she froze.

“Don’t worry, babe. I won’t be fucking this pretty ass. Today.”

Oh God. The sheer sensuality of his words made more liquid rush to her core. And her ass clenched on him.

“I see you like the idea, don't you? Of me parting these cheeks and fucking this tight ass?”

All she could do was whimper. It felt so good. So unbelievably erotic with that mouth pleasuring her and his fingers toying with her behind, everything else flew out of her mind. She didn’t care how awkward she must look, tied to the bed, open to his heart’s content and begging to get more. No one had ever done that to her, gotten her to forget everything but the sex and the moment—and the searing pleasure. Cole did that to her. When they were together, she never felt inadequate or lacking.

As he sucked her clit and added two fingers into her pussy, fucking her deep, she came so hard she thought she’d passed out. When she floated back, he was rolling on a condom and mounting her.

A long, hard plunge and he was buried deep inside her. Standing against the light, his body bathed in shadows, he looked huge. And dangerous.

“That’s it, babe. Take every inch of me,” he said in a ragged breath. His face was harsh, his jaw locked, his lips drawn in a thin line. The corded muscles of his upper body rippled and bulged, rock hard with tension.

He fucked her with methodical strokes, grinding at her with every thrust. The whole bed rattled, and as his rhythm intensified, she began pulling at the restraints.

“Sweetheart, you’ll hurt yourself,” he whispered, stilling her movements.

“But I want to touch you too,” she said, disappointed.

“Later, babe. Now it’s about you.”

His reasoning sounded dubious and didn’t convince her in the least, but he did that plunge and grind thing with his pelvis again and she lost her train of thought. She thought she couldn’t come again, not so soon, not after such a hard release, but it was as if Cole had a straight connection to her body. Everything he did pressed her buttons.

After she climaxed, he reached over and uncuffed her, leaving the cuffs dangling from one of her wrists. Maybe now she could touch him.

He pulled out, painfully hard still. “On all fours, babe. I want you from behind.”

Or maybe not.

He turned her effortlessly and lifted her on her knees.

“Look at this pretty pussy,” he said as he roughly parted her legs and palmed her.

She tensed. “Cole, um…I don’t know about this.” If she had been on display before, now it was a thousand times worse.

He picked up right away on her uneasiness, and the why.

“What, babe, too exposed for you?”

She chewed her lower lip and turned to look at him. With a wicked grin, he thrust in to the hilt, ripping a gasp out of her.

“Tell you what, love, if you can unsaddle me, I’ll be a good boy and let you turn around,” he whispered roughly into her ear. “I’ll fuck you all nice and polite. Missionary position. No lights. Prim and proper under the covers. But for that, you have to unsaddle me first. Until you do, though, I’ll be fucking you from behind, watching how my cock sinks into this pretty pussy and comes out all glistening from your juices, again and again, until I come all over you.”

His words worked as a detonator, lunging her into frantic action. She began bucking against him, but the more she tried to dislodge him, the stronger his hold on her and the harder he thrust in, hands gripping her hips. She felt feverish as his shaft slammed at her womb, and sweat dripped from his face onto her back. While he reached around to stroke her clit, his mouth nipped her neck. She was sure she couldn’t come in this position, but she was wrong—so wrong. As she exploded, Cole took total control, encircling her waist with his arm and lifting her hips to him, her knees not touching the bed. He thrust into her, going as deep as one could go, and shouted his release, his balls slapping at her clit, prolonging her spasms.

He fell on top of her, and they remained like that for a long while. She was probably turning blue from the lack of oxygen, but she was too exhausted to complain about it. Besides, who needed to breathe after sex like that? He shifted his weight off, letting her lungs expand, and basking in the afterglow, she sweetly drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later her cell startled her.

Hey yo, you’ve got a call, dude.

Cole groaned. “We’re going to have to do something about this surfer dude business.”

As she moved, the cuffs still attached to her wrist rattled, and heat swept over her face.

He reached for her and removed the cuffs, kissing her wrist—licking it, actually.

“You taste like vanilla and cherries.”

It was the excess sugar. Five years later and it was still oozing out of her through her pores.

“Your pussy too,” he finished.

Blushing, she grabbed the cell, checked caller ID, and flung her head onto the pillow. “Jeez, it’s my mother again. It’s two in the morning, for crying out loud.” She turned it off completely. She wasn’t letting Martha intrude into this, whatever it was. Cole looked at her questioningly. He might have been asleep a minute ago, but now he was wide-awake, his gaze burning a hole into her.

“She’s been pretty much bugging me nonstop since I called off the wedding. She thinks it’s a mistake.”

“What did happen with your fiancé?”

She covered her face with her forearm. She so didn’t want to talk about that.

“Come on, Christy, you’ve already told me about the food. You’ve trusted me with big stuff. You can surely tell me about the shit-for-brains jerk.”

She smiled against her arm. Shit-for-brains jerk? Very well described. “Not much to tell.” He pried her arm away and propped himself on an elbow, looking ready to wait for as long as it took. She sighed. “Remember I told you how when we got engaged, he said it’d be romantic to wait to have sex again until after the marriage? Well, half a year into our sexless engagement and two weeks before the wedding, I found him getting a blowjob from my neighbor.” She’d come home earlier, passed by Cindy’s house just by sheer chance, and there was Todd, pants around his knees, thrusting into Cindy’s mouth and grunting all sorts of enthusiastic remarks.

Cole laughed. “He had you in his bed, didn’t fuck you for months, and instead went banging your neighbor?” Christy nodded. He shook his head. “Imbecile. What was his excuse for cheating on you?”

“‘This isn’t what it looks like’ excuse, of course. He said he didn’t know what happened.”

He stared at her and laughed even harder. “So he tripped over and accidentally stuck his dick in her mouth, is that it?”

She had to smile. “Something like that. Stupid Cindy kept nodding. As if her corroboration would give more veracity to the story. Can you believe it?”

BOOK: Heavy Issues
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