Heavy Metal Heartbeat (6 page)

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Authors: Ambear Shellea

BOOK: Heavy Metal Heartbeat
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Gently he squeezed her closer to him. Closing his eyes, he planted a sweet kiss on her forehead, thankful just to have her.

Everything is going so well. Why do I feel like the other shoe is about to drop? I don't care what happens, as long as she and my family are by my side, I can handle anything.

He felt her stir under his arms
, and he loosened his grip, watching her movements. It was just what he had been waiting for; her bright blue-eyed smile. He grinned back at her.

What are you all smiles for?” She asked.

I am just happy, that is all.”

She nuzzled closer, playfully. “Why are you so happy?”

“Because...” He rolled her onto her back, nibbling her ear. “Forever and ever I get to do this.” He pressed his mouth to her neck. “And this.” He trailed kisses along her collar bone. Her tiny frame vibrated against his touch with each loud playful giggle.

I will never tire of hearing that sound.

Pulling away and smiling, he looked at her.

“I will always love you
, no matter what. I meant what I said. Nothing and nobody will ever change that.”

I love you too, Ozzie. I was so scared when I thought I had lost you.”

Well, we don't have to worry about any of that. I am fine and I am not going anywhere.”

With his thumb
, he wiped the tears from her cheeks.  He swallowed the cry that shook her chest when he kissed her. As the passion flowed between them, he pressed his kiss harder, as if it were the last time he would ever hold her in his arms again. He drank her in, savoring all of her. The room became a blur of movement and emotion. Clothes found themselves airborne and strewn across the floor. Sheets and blankets went in disarray.

He held her against the wall, pressing into her, his mouth wetting her chest and neck. Her moans fueled his beast, igniting his fire. Holding her tightly
, he moved them to the dresser. Pictures, clothes, make up and perfume crashed to the floor, as he swept his hand across it, making room for what he planned.

He laid her across the top, exposing her intimates to him
. He took hold and devoured her. With her hips in his tight grasp, she writhed beneath him and begged for more. Leaning forward, he kissed her cries of pleasure from her lips. They slid to the floor with her on top of him, never breaking rhythm. He reveled in the sensation of her warmth and desire as he broached the tip of explosion. Again, the world disappeared.


He held her close to his chest as they caught their breath. He kept his eyes closed as the room spun from disorienting excitement. She rolled off his chest and lay beside him, smiling.

“Wow! That never gets old
,” She said.

Leaning toward her, close to her ear, he whispered, “Nope, it only gets better.”

He moved from her ear to her lips and his hand gripped her hip.  Wild and disheveled, his wet hair stuck to her chest when he rested his head and listened to her rapid beating heart. He tightened his grip and held her, enjoying the feel of her.

His eyes drooped and he was heading off to dreamland when a loud
, unexpected noise penetrated his blissful quiet. He stirred in her arms when she shook him and told him what he already knew.

Ozzie, your phone.”

Getting from the warm and soft pillow that was her chest
, he ambled over to the nightstand, picked up his phone and answered it.


His mother's frantic
high-pitched voice sounded in his ear.

Ozzie? Oh my God, is that you?”

, Mom, it’s me. I am fine.”

He heard her sigh through the phone, rattling the small speaker.

“We have been so worried. Why didn't you call us?”

“Mom, I hadn't been awake from recovery that long when
Dad showed up to investigate. A lot has happened in a short time.”

“You promise me you are

“I promise
. I am perfect, Mom.”

“Well, since I know that you are
OK, what happened?”

“The short version.” He sat on the bed and leaned against the wall. “Paige's friend
, Anna, was sleeping and we were watching the house for her. A wolf tried to attack Anna while she slept and Paige and I killed it. Well, a few days later, his friends come to seek revenge and we kicked their butts, but one tried to attack Paige from behind and I jumped between them to save her. She is fine, we are all fine. I got a little banged up, but I am Zane, I can handle it.”

He held Paige's hand when she snuggled close, listening and laughing at the inquisition from his mother.

“You make it sound like just another day.”

, in the Zane family, it is just another day.”

“I know, but I worry so. It
’s your fault. You know that I worry so much.”

“How is that my fault?”

“Because you don't come and visit often enough. I mean, you have been dating that Paige girl for quite a while and I haven't even met her in person.”

I promise we will visit soon.”

“You better.”

“Speaking of Paige, I have some great news.”

Did you get that girl pregnant? Good lord, Son, you are not even married yet. Wait, you're not married yet, right? Son, I will turn you over my knee if you ran off and got married.”

He ran his hands through his hair, laughing

“Mom, calm down. No one is pregnant and no I didn't run off and get married. Although, I did
propose and-”

“Well, she said yes of course!”

No. She refused my proposal.”

His mother gasped on the other end of the phone.

“She did not.”

, she didn't, I'm messin' with you. She said yes. We haven't set a date yet, but as soon as we do-”

That settles it. The two of you will come to dinner on Sunday.”

“Mom, I

“Oliver Markus Zane, do not make me come for you. You are not too old and too big for me to turn over my knee! Let's try this again, young man. You will be here for dinner Sunday, yes?”

He tossed the covers over Paige's laughing face and cleared his throat.

“Sure thing, Mom. Sunday is great

That's a good lad. Give my love to Paige and I will see you both Sunday. Please let your father know that we will be having a family sit down Sunday.”

I will tell him, Mother. I love you.”

“I love you too, Son.”

“Wait, Mom?”

“Yes, Oliver?”

“I do apologize for not coming to see you much. I promise to visit more often.”

I would love that. Be sure to bring the lovely Paige with you.”

Will do. Bye, Mother.”

“Bye, Son.”

He closed the phone and turned to Paige and her laughter.

“What is so funny?”

You got in trouble,” she said in a sing-song voice.


I heard your mom use your full name in that stern 'mom' voice. Would she really turn you over her knee?”

Yes and no.”

It can't be both, Ozzie.”

Actually, it can. What happens is, she says bend over and we just do it. My sister and I not only have enough respect for my mother to just do it, but if we don't, my father, and his team if need be, will make sure of it. When I was fifteen, I once told my mother no and my father got a hold of me and tanned my hide pretty good. It was mainly because I disrespected my mother not for whatever it was I had done to get into trouble.”

That is why I love you.”

Why is that? Because I respect my mother?”

Yes. You truly are one of the good guys.”

He sat the phone on the bedside table and rolled over toward her, plastering a smirk on his face.

“Ya know, even villains respect their mothers. I could be a villain.”

Her wicked smile ignited his fire, and her smooth finger tips trailing down his arm fueled his need. His beast fully awakened with the teasing words said in a sultry voice.

“No Ozzie, that is me. I am the bad girl. I am the one in need of a spanking.”

He raised
an eye brow and asked, “Is that so?”

He watched with wild anticipation as she crawled onto his lap, her back to him, and slid her naked body between his legs, her ass slightly lifted in the air.  Her feet
rested on his shoulders. She turned her lustful stare his way. His inner animal burst through its cage. The radio played “S.E.X.” by Nickelback, adding to the euphoria they created.

His hand moved across her ass slowly, teasingly. When she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation
, he swatted her. Her body tensed and she moaned. He got on his knees, hovering over her. Kissing her neck, he ran his hands down her side and smacked her again. Her cries of pleasure almost sent him over the edge. A third swat and they were in the floor as she rode him. The contents of the table were strewn across the carpet around them. With his back against the wall and his mouth over hers, he held her in place as she moved above him. The fiery inferno built momentum and force, racing to the surface. Her teeth sliding across his skin and her nails digging into his back was his undoing. The volcano erupted, sending him over the edge. He held her tightly as she writhed above him, her moans in his ear as she reached the point of no return and fell limply into his arms.

Breathing hard, he smiled at her.

“I will never grow tired of this.”

Neither will I.”

Chapter 8

“Well, it sounds like they are in the shower. Good lord, I thought they were never gonna stop. They have been at it off and on for hours.”

Anna, be patient. This may be what he craves.”

She narrowed her eyes at Sebastian and his 'all knowing' persona.

Ugh, I would love to smack him sometimes. Thinks he knows it all, he does.

“So, Sebastian, you think he is
vampire then?”

I have no idea, Anna. I have learned that with you, anything is possible. They only thing we can do is wait and see what unfolds.”

She paced the floor between the kitchen and living room, her feet
changing from warm to cold as she moved from carpet to hardwood.  “Dirty Work” by Halestorm vibrated the speakers as it played through the room.

I need more coffee.

She detoured around Jaxson's frame, went to the coffee pot and poured herself a steaming hot cup of French vanilla. Her hands wrapped around the mug. She inhaled the sweet aroma and welcomed the few seconds of stolen bliss.

“Anna, try not to worry. It will be fine. You'll see.”

She opened her eyes and glared at Jaxson. He pressed his luck, moving closer to her. Setting the mug on the counter, she fell into his embrace when he pulled her close. His voice sounded muffled through the vibration in chest.

“I know it is
nerve-racking, but Sebastian is right. The only thing we can do is wait and see.”

Pulling away and looking at him,
she said, “I know. I am worried about both of them. I don't know what Ozzie is capable of and that makes me worry for Paige.”

Jaxson's body bounced with the soft laugh she loved so much. She eyed his cocky smile and joined in

Anna, I think the only casualties in that room are Paige's things...lamps from the sound of it. Other than that, I think the two of them are perfectly fine.”

She pulled away and grabbed her mug once more. “Well, I'll say this
: if it wasn't for the occasional moan coming from that room, I would think they were going to war with each other.”

She drank her coffee waiting for a reply that never came.
“Animals” by Nickelback played in the background and she couldn't help but laugh a t little.

This song kind
of fits the two of them right about now.

So, do we have any theories about Ozzie, then? We can at least discuss worse case scenarios.”

She crossed the kitchen to the table and sat down. Jaxson and Sebastian joined her. When neither answered
, she prompted them again.

Well? What do you think we are up against?”

I'm not sure we should worry, Anna. I mean, he seems perfectly fine,” Jaxson said.

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