HedgeWitch (11 page)

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Authors: Silver RavenWolf

Tags: #witchcraft, #wicca, #witch, #spell, #ritual, #sabbat, #esbat, #solitary wicca, #worship, #Magic, #Rituals, #Initiation, #body, #mind, #spirit, #spiritual, #spirituality, #spring0410, #earthday40

BOOK: HedgeWitch
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Eighth Night

Your affirmation for today:
Through my thoughts and actions, I am in complete control of my destiny. I am the lightning and thunder of my own being.

Your symbol for today:
thunder (visualizing a thundercloud may be helpful, or the number eight, as explained on the next page)

Begin your day:
Begin in the morning by reading the affirmation and the focus for the day. Today's segment concentrates on thunder, associating this energy with that of Spirit. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, smile, and allow Spirit to fully enter your body. Then repeat the word
softly, conjuring your vision of the partnership of lightning and thunder in your mind. Open your eyes and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Remember to smile as you finish! Throughout the day, repeat the affirmation as many times as you like. Begin and end with a smile. Write down in a small notebook (or your HedgeWitch journal) anything unusual about this day and events, people, or places that carry a strong thunder (or the partnership of lightning and thunder) association. In this way, you will be prepared to perform the eighth night Rite of Thunder.

The rapid expansion of heated air causes the amazing sound of thunder. Thunder results at the same time as lightning; however, because sound travels slower, you don't always hear it right away when lightning strikes, depending on your position in relation to the lightning. Lightning and thunder are indicative of all actions in life. We don't necessarily see the results (thunder) of what we have done (lightning) immediately, depending upon our position (personal vibration). Metaphorically, all of our actions include the duel phenomenon of this incredible partnership of light and sound. Nature shows us, too, that our thoughts are exactly like lightning and thunder. What we think, we subsequently create. The delay of the thunder allows us to adjust our thinking so that our thoughts serve us in the healthiest way possible. The more focused our thoughts, the more powerful our “lightning” and the louder and faster the resulting

In the HedgeWitch material, we associate the number eight as a representation of the partnership between lightning and thunder—the totality of manifestation in balance. Eight is the first master number (eleven and twenty-one are subsequent master numbers). Eight represents the mastery of the material world and your place within it—the body in life. Eleven reflects the mastery of self—the personality and how it presents itself both internally and externally—the perfect mind. Twenty-one signifies one's mastery of mind, body, and spirit, creating a perfectly balanced human being—the integration of self with Spirit.

To do today:
Find a tape, CD, or sound recording of thunder. You may find a visual DVD helpful. You can even pull the sound of thunder off the Internet from free files if you cannot afford to visit a music store or simply don't have the time to do so.

Today I will release…
all old movies or music that I no longer listen to and have no desire to hear or see again. I can take them to a second-hand shop, give them away, or simply dispose of them in the trash.

Weekly planner:
If you are spending a week on this rite, compose your own ritual music by lining up specific selections to play during your HedgeWitch dedication. With today's advanced electronics, you may have the skill to seamlessly create several recordings. Take the time to learn HedgeWitch tea-leaf reading, and try it out on a friend (see Section 5). Remember, learning to listen is the key!

Herbs for today:
Choose one herb/plant that has a strong and pleasant aroma. Research the magickal associations of this herb/plant before beginning tonight's rite. Have a plentiful supply that you can crush in your hands to release this aroma.

Supplies for tonight:
chosen herb, one white candle, last night's combination of black and white plates that has remained undisturbed, one blank three-by-five-inch card, pen, one battery-operated light (this can be a flashlight, a stick-up closet light, etc.—I frequently use one of those small, round closet lights in my own work), your magick bell or chimes

Rite of Thunder

Arrange the white candle, the bowl of aromatic herbs, and your magick key on your altar near the black and white plate project from last night. This particular rite is mostly mental, so relax and take several deep breaths before beginning. Prepare the thunder sound effects you will use shortly. Check the closet light to be sure the batteries are working properly. We will start with the light turned off.

Begin playing this recording. On the white candle, inscribe the word
with a pin, nail, or clay-inscribing tool, or draw the figure eight symbol. Ring your magick bell in accordance with your magickal number, then ring the bell again, slowly, eight more times.

Light the candle, and intone the following charm eight times:

The boom of roiling thunder reminds me of the sound

Of power at my fingertips to bring the energy down!

Drums beat out the chant of magick in the air

Thunder tells of cause/effect—that what I do is there! Thank you!

It always works. Always a blessing!

Smile. On the notecard, write down eight qualities you would like in your life, or eight items, or a mix of both, or use what you wrote on the back of your affirmation card last night—your choice, because the changes we are making in your life are tailored specifically for you. And, once we produce the lightning of the thought, then the thunder of manifestation will follow. For example, you might write as your eight choices:


Good health

Rewarding job

New, black Ford F-150 pickup truck or better

Needlepoint computer software program, professional version or better

Good reputation or better

Healthy body weight that is perfect for me

A fun, safe, and exciting vacation at a tropical island this year or better

As you can see, I mixed up qualities and items—the order doesn't matter. Place the closet light where you can easily reach it. Settle back and close your eyes, keeping your list close by for reference if you need it. Listen to the sound of the thunder. Visualize that each rolling rumble represents the manifestation of one of the items on your list. Smile. See yourself happy with this desire. Repeat the words (for example, “happiness” to match the sound of the thunder). Let this thought go. Immediately reach forward and turn on the light, saying: “Done! Thank you!” Squeeze the herbs in the bowl to release a pleasant aroma. Smile again. Take a deep breath. Turn off the light, and go to the next item on your list. Do this same procedure for all your desires written on the notecard. Ring your magick bell eight times, slowly, allowing each note to fluidly extinguish.

When you are through, leave the light burning for the next twenty-four hours. Allow the candle to burn completely, if you can. Bury the cold candle end and the used herbs on your property. Copy your sigil for thunder in your HedgeWitch notebook. Remove the ash/walnuts from between the plates. Put the leaves/walnuts, the notecard, and the lock of your hair in a small bag. You can carry this with you, or you may wish to burn it outside. Be sure to say thank you. You might wish to wash the plates to use them again. Finally, before you go to bed, draw an imaginary figure eight in the air over your altar to seal your work. Softly say thank you, and smile.

Before you drift off to sleep, close this evening by saying:

Peace with the gods

Peace with nature

Peace within.

It always works.

Always a blessing.

Remember to smile!

Ninth Night

Your affirmation for today:
I am connected to Spirit every day in every way. In every day and in every way, I move in harmony with Spirit. I easily integrate Spirit in my life.

Your symbol for today:
a piece of jewelry

Begin your day:
Begin in the morning by reading the affirmation for the day. Today's segment concentrates on metal, focusing on the flow between yourself and Spirit. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, smile, and allow Spirit to fully enter your body. Then repeat the word
softly, conjuring your vision of metal in your mind. Open your eyes and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Remember to smile as you finish! Throughout the day, repeat the affirmation as many times as you like. Begin and end with a smile. Write down in a small notebook (or your HedgeWitch journal) anything unusual about this day and events, people, or places that carry a strong metal association. In this way, you will be prepared to perform the ninth night Rite of Metal.

Metal represents the solidification of any project and in many cases is a conduit and booster in working with flowing energy. On this night you will dedicate a favorite piece of jewelry that represents your study of the HedgeWitch craft. Your choice is entirely up to you—a ring, bracelet, necklace, pin, or even key ring if you often carry your keys on your person. The only requirement is that it must be made of metal; the type of metal chosen is entirely up to you—gold for success and good fortune; silver for intuitive ability; sterling silver (which is made of copper and silver) for flow as well as intuitiveness; etc. The cost of the piece is immaterial.

To do today:
Choose your piece of jewelry that most suits your needs.

Today I will release…
all old and tarnished jewelry that is of no value. If I have jewelry that I wish to keep, I will clean them myself or make arrangements to have them cleaned. I will also remove any and all broken tools or bent, broken, or tarnished silverware and cutlery that is of no value.

Weekly planner:
If you are spending a week on this rite, spend six days collecting photos that represent the essence of Spirit to you. Design a collage that can be hung on your wall or used as a divider in a magickal notebook. This collage will become a marvelous meditation vehicle for you in the future, as well as a signature of what you are thinking right here, right now. In a year or six months, design a new Spirit collage. Contemplate how you have grown!

Herbs for today:
lavender, rose, eyebright, frankincense resin

Supplies for tonight:
above-listed herbs, spring water, incense of your choice, your chosen jewelry, one white candle, a favored magickal oil, mortar and pestle, container to hold water, two white candles, cleansed pieces of copper (pieces of solid copper are best, but pennies will do)

Rite of Metal

Once upon a time, magickal symbolism in jewelry, such as the pentacle, the Star of David, or even the Helm of Awe could render the wearer a death sentence. Although we no longer live in the Dark Ages, the tradition of empowering gemstone jewelry rather than magickal symbols has persisted. The empowerment process given here is appropriate for magickal symbol jewelry as well as those gemstone treasures from the Earth Mother.

If jewelry is second-hand, add lemon juice to the holy water. Rub your chosen piece with a bit of the herbal cleansing mix you created on the first night, and place the jewelry item beside your “metal” candle representation.

You will need this recipe for tonight's rite:

oly Water & Herb Potpourri
for Char
ming Jewelry

teaspoon lavender herb

poon rose petals

teaspoon eyebright herb

Small amount of frankincense resin, ground

Hold your hands over all items. Take several deep, cleansing breaths. Say the following conjuration, in your mind seeing all items aglow with white light:

One heart, one mind, one magick

One truth, one body, one energy

In perfect joy and perfect peace

In perfect love and perfect trust

I open the gateway of transformation

And call forth the power of Spirit

Bringing the serenity of divine order

To these gifts of the earth

As above, so below.

Done. Thank you!

With mortar and pestle, grind herbs together to a powder (or leave whole). Mix with ground frankincense (you don't need much). Place the bowl on the altar or sacred area along with the candle, incense, magickal oil, your chime or bell, magickal key, and the jewelry to be empowered. Dot the candle lightly with magickal oil (not too much) or “dress” in the enchanted manner you are most comfortable with. Add a bit of the herbal mix to the holy water bottle, along with three drops of your favorite magickal oil.

Light the incense. Pass incense over the herbs, holy water, candle, and jewelry. Say:

Sacred smoke, I do invoke one heart, one mind, one magick.

I cleanse and consecrate thee,

Filling thee with the universal power of _________

(you choose—harmony, love, passion, etc.)

Light the candle. Pass the flame over the incense, holy water, jewelry, and herbs. Say:

Sacred flame in holy name

One heart, one mind, one magick.

I cleanse and consecrate thee,

Filling thee with the universal power of _________

(you choose—harmony, love, passion, etc.)

Sprinkle jewelry with a bit of the holy water, saying:

Liquid light, sacred sight

One heart, one mind, one magick

I cleanse and consecrate thee,

Filling thee with the universal power of _________

(you choose—harmony, love, passion, etc.)

Sprinkle jewelry with a bit of the magickal herb mixture, saying:

Enchanted flower, lend your power

One heart, one mind, one magick

I cleanse and consecrate thee,

Filling thee with the universal essence of _________

(you choose—harmony, love, passion, etc.)

Take several deep, cleansing breaths, and relax. Hold your hands over the jewelry, and speak the following incantation nine times:

The power of one

The unity of two

The trinity of three

The stability of four

The change of five

Six—center, earth to sky

The success of seven

The mastery of eight

The wish of nine

Ten—the infinite blend

Spirit here will never end.

As you chant, see the purpose going into the piece as if that energy is living light permeating and undulating around the jewelry. Dot the piece with your magickal oil to seal your working, then lay your hands directly on the piece, close your eyes, and say: “Done! Thank you!” Smile. Ring your magickal bell matching your magickal number. Draw a figure eight in the air over the jewelry. Snuff the candle, and remove this candle from the altar. The jewelry is now ready for tonight's rite.

On a fresh white candle, inscribe the word
with a pin, nail, or clay-inscribing tool. Scatter cleansed pieces of copper around this candle to increase the power of the working. Place the candle in a safe holder, and light. Intone the following charm, holding your hands over the jewelry:

Gifts of metal, speak to me

Of flowing grace in energy

Of bringing thoughts to vibrant form

Of symbols cast that can adorn

Yet carry secrets in their mist

Of how to move and make the shift.

It always works. Always a blessing!

Remember to smile! This charm is a riddle, and the word
is spelled correctly. It may take awhile until the secret is revealed to you. Be patient. The answer will come.

Meditate for fifteen minutes on the meaning of metal in the life of a spiritual person. Allow the candle to burn completely. Draw your own symbol that represents metal in your HedgeWitch journal. Wear your chosen jewelry until the complete dedication is over. At that time, you may wish to re-cleanse it or continue to wear the piece and re-empower every thirty days for maximum benefits. When not in use, place the jewelry in a black bag to protect it from harmful energies. Give the remainder of the herbs and holy water to the spirits out-of-doors, or create a conjuring bag of the herbs along with other ingredients, such as a lock of your hair and a petition to carry with you, that match the purpose of the original empowerment.

Before you drift off to sleep, close this evening by saying:

Peace with the gods

Peace with nature

Peace within.

It always works.

Always a blessing.

Remember to smile!

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