HedgeWitch (10 page)

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Authors: Silver RavenWolf

Tags: #witchcraft, #wicca, #witch, #spell, #ritual, #sabbat, #esbat, #solitary wicca, #worship, #Magic, #Rituals, #Initiation, #body, #mind, #spirit, #spiritual, #spirituality, #spring0410, #earthday40

BOOK: HedgeWitch
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Fifth Night

Your affirmation for today:
I welcome healing energy into my life. Every day and in every way, my body enjoys the healing perfection of the universe. Thank you for my healing. Rain cleanses, regenerates, and blesses all it touches. I welcome the healing of rain.

Your symbol for today:

Begin your day:
Before doing your affirmation today, ring your bell or chime the number of times that matches your lucky number. Take your time; let each note drift and fall silent before you begin the next. Now, begin in the morning by reading the affirmation for the day. Today's segment concentrates on rain, associating this energy with that of the healing power of Spirit. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, smile, and allow Spirit to fully enter your body. Then repeat the word
softly, conjuring your vision of rain in your mind. Open your eyes, and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Remember to smile as you finish! Throughout the day, repeat the affirmation as many times as you like. Begin and end with a smile. Write down in a small notebook (or your HedgeWitch journal) anything unusual about this day and events, people, or places that carry a strong rain association. In this way, you will be prepared to perform the fifth night Rite of Rain. Don't be surprised if it actually rains today!

To do today:
Find a unique and interesting bottle to hold the water used for tonight's rite. You may wish to select a bottle that has a large-enough opening to insert herbs and a good cap with an easy-pour function. A fancy oil/vinegar bottle might suit your needs. From now on, this will be your healing bottle, used in various cleansing and healing ceremonies. Sterilize the bottle before tonight's ceremony.

Today I will release…
anything in my life that refers to sickness. I will replace these things with bright colors, affirmations of healing, etc. Rather than worry, I'm going to do activities that keep my mind off my fears of sickness. Instead of saying: “I feel sick,” I am going to say: “I feel good. Thank you for my healing,” and then I will smile. I will wash all my curtains, throw rugs, pillows, etc.

Weekly planner:
If you are spending a week on this rite, look through Sections 4 and 5 of this book and choose one or more projects, techniques, or formulas that you feel relate to healing, and make those items. In this way, you will continue to build your HedgeWitch magickal cabinet of supplies.

Herbs for today:
Yarrow, one vanilla bean, birch or willow leaves, rose petals, spearmint; place a small amount of this mixture in the sterilized bottle. For incense: a ground mixture of dried allspice, peppermint leaves, pine needles, and pulverized lime peels (or two drops of lime essential oil).

Supplies for tonight:
small fire-safe cauldron, above-listed herbs, one bottle of rain water (best) or spring water (if rain water is unavailable; you will need enough to place in your special bottle and the cauldron), one aqua candle, a candle holder that can fit in the cauldron, incense mixture, incense holder, charcoal tab made specifically for incense, a light blue or light green (or this color combination) piece of cloth with the type of healing you desire in your life written on it (size of cloth varies to suit your needs—use one square yard for asperging a large area with sacred smoke, or you can choose an
or six-by-six-inch cloth)

Rite of Rain

Place your magick key and the special glass bottle filled with the listed herbs beside your pebbles on your altar. Fill bottle with blessed water. Swirl the bottle nine times, intoning the following charm:

Gifts of rain and flowing grace

Create for me a sacred space

Where peace and healing now abide

And Spirit travels by my side.

Sprinkle the pebbles with a bit of the holy water from the special bottle. On the aqua candle, inscribe the word
with a pin, nail, or clay-inscribing tool. Place the candle in a safe holder. Put the holder in the cauldron. Fill the cauldron with blessed water, covering the candle holder with water. The bottom of the candle should be immersed one inch in the water. Light the candle. Add seven drops of the herbal holy water to the water in the cauldron, repeating today's affirmation three times. Step back, smile, relax, and connect to Spirit. Ring your bell or chime the number of times that matches your personal magick number. Intone the following charm at least nine times, until it begins to sound like a sweet mantra:

Herbal magick's secret seal

Of rain, of hope, and how to heal

Spiral power in my palms

I activate the healer's song.

Light the charcoal incense tab and sprinkle the herbal mixture on the tab. Waft the smoke over and around your body with the healing cloth you prepared, pushing the smoke (negativity) down and into the ground. Repeat this action until you feel cleansed and peaceful.

Meditate for fifteen minutes on the meaning of rain and healing in the life of a spiritual person. Draw your special rain sigil in your journal. Allow the candle to burn completely until it is extinguished by the water in the cauldron. Bury the candle end off your property. You can either burn your healing cloth or carry it with you, filled with healing herbs, until you are fully healed, and then burn it. You can also cut the cloth into small pieces to burn in a small cauldron. If you absolutely cannot burn it, shred the cloth and distribute it off the property in various trash bins. Now that you have experienced using cloth and sacred smoke as a cleansing vehicle in ritual, you may wish to embroider a special cloth that can be washed and hung out to dry after each use. You can also refrigerate the remaining water in your special bottle (shelf life is about two weeks). This water can be used to asperge sacred space, in healing work, dotting on petitions, etc. Dispose of the water that was in the cauldron off your property, preferably at a crossroads. Do not drink.

Contemplate, in your journal, how you are continuing to build your spell of personal transformation. Speak not of what you are doing. Silence, as in a garden of perfection, will whisper great power in your ear.

Before you drift off to sleep, close this evening by saying:

Peace with the gods

Peace with nature

Peace within.

It always works.

Always a blessing.

Remember to smile!

Sixth Night

Your affirmation for today:
My personal journey is a worthwhile contribution to the world within and around me. I always find riches and treasures wherever I travel. The stability I desire is already a part of me. I see the truth of joy in all things.

Your symbol for today:

Begin your day:
The mountain represents journeys that are worthwhile; of treasure hidden beneath the surface, teaching us to look deeper into any situation; of learning not to take people, situations, or things at face value; of burying good habits deep inside of us for activation at will; and of protective, long-lasting life and stability. If you live near a mountain, begin in the morning by reading the affirmation for the day while viewing the mountain. If you don't live near such a land form, you may wish to find a picture of a beautiful mountain on which to gaze, or you can look to the horizon for the highest point. Even if you live in a city and can't see a mountain, you will most likely see a structure built of stone. Speak to the mountain as if it is an honored ancestor, teacher, or friend. Today's segment concentrates on mountain energy, associating this energy with the stability and gifts of Spirit. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, smile, and allow Spirit to fully enter your body. Then repeat the word
softly, conjuring your vision of the mountain in your mind. Open your eyes, and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Remember to smile as you finish! Throughout the day, repeat the affirmation as many times as you like. Begin and end with a smile. Write down in a small notebook (or your HedgeWitch journal) anything unusual about this day and events, people, or places that carry a strong mountain association. In this way, you will be prepared to perform the sixth night Rite of the Mountain. If you can enjoy a sunset over a mountain today, please do so. Be sure to whisper a special request to mountain energy as the sun slips under the horizon and the shadows come out to play.

To do today:
You will need to collect at least fifteen to twenty stones the size of your palm, and two cups of either potting soil, dirt from a mountain, or one pound of ground coffee. Contemplate the path you are on and what changes you may wish to make. Remember to think and write in the universal primordial language, as you learned in the beginning of this book. Clean out at least one closet or dresser drawer, or a whole room if you can!

Today I will release…
anything broken and unstable in my house. I will call the junk man if I have to, or bag up this stuff for the next trash day, or make an effort to find someone who may need it for parts. I will make sure these items leave my house today, even if I have to set them outside until the scheduled pickup. I will replace these with quality items at my convenience if I need to.

Weekly planner:
If you are spending a week on this rite, why not use your talents to create an object that a loved one will treasure? From knitting a scarf to building a cabinet, the choice is up to you! At the end of the week, cleanse and bless the item, and give it to the intended. In giving our talents, we receive fulfillment.

Herbs for today:
dried sage, frankincense, sandalwood (chips or powder, preferably white), or plants collected by yourself from a local mountain where you have permission to do so (a few leaves will do)

Supplies for tonight:
above-listed herbs, one purple candle, candle holder, water from the special bottle empowered in last night's rite, one nine-inch-long, thin dowel rod, two small pieces of white parchment (on one piece of parchment, write something good that you would like to bury within yourself), pen, tape, fifteen to twenty palm-sized stones, a half-cup of ground coffee, sandalwood incense (or burn some of the sandalwood powder or chips on an incense charcoal tab), one conjuring bag (white cotton or color of your choice)

Rite of the Mountain

Light incense. On a purple candle, inscribe the word
with a pin, nail, or clay-inscribing tool. Place the candle in safe holder, and light. Intone the following mountain charm:

Herbal magick, speak to me

Of mountain's sacred journey

Of strength and will along the way

Of choosing carefully what I say.

Treasures lie inside myself

Tonight I grasp my own true wealth

And give to earth that magick seed

To grow and thrive deep in me. Thank you!

Mix coffee, sage, frankincense, and sandalwood, and “charm” it by using the following incantation:

Sacred Spirit, light the way

Bless my work with herbs this day!

Air bestowing…

Sunlight glowing…

Droplets flowing…

Earth for sowing…

Moonlight nourish garden growing

Hand of joy and heart of knowing

Leafy vines and sweetened fruit

Cast this pattern of pursuit!

HedgeWitch power I invoke

Heaven's prayers like sacred smoke

Clear the way to manifest

That desire which I think best!

Empty the herbal mix in the cotton bag. Insert the paper with the quality you wish to nurture and grow within yourself in the bag, along with a lock of your hair. Tie the bag shut. Place it on the north edge of your altar. Cover the bag by stacking the stones over it. As you place each stone, either repeat the above mountain charm (the first incantation you spoke this evening) or repeat today's affirmations, whichever applies best to you. Then say: “As surely as I have placed these rocks, so will my desire manifest. Thank you! It always works. Always a blessing.” Smile.

Sprinkle the stones with a bit of the water you prepared yesterday. Pass the incense smoke over the stones. Meditate for fifteen minutes on the meaning of a mountain in the life of a spiritual person. Draw your mountain sigil on the other piece of paper, and put it underneath the top stone of the pile. Copy the sigil in your journal. Allow the candle to burn completely. The following day, you may be filled with a new sense of purpose. On the night of your final ceremony, you will uncover what you wish to grow inside of yourself.

Before you drift off to sleep, close this evening by saying:

Peace with the gods

Peace with nature

Peace within.

It always works.

Always a blessing.

Remember to smile!

Seventh Night

Your affirmation for today:
I walk in perfect balance. I have the power within to accomplish anything! I can have anything I desire!

Your symbol for today:

Lightning results when the negatively charged bottom of a cloud reacts to the buildup of positive charges on the earth. When the negative charge is within 150 feet of the positive charge, a stepping-stone phenomenon occurs with the two charges meeting each other, which results in lightning. The energy of one bolt can power a light bulb for three months. Lightning strikes the earth 100 times per second every day. It teaches us the amazing power in perfect balance. There are three kinds of lightning—ball, cloud, and spider. Research these for a little (pause)
on energy.

Begin your day:
Begin in the morning by reading the affirmation and the focus for the day. Today's segment concentrates on lightning, associating this energy with that of the perfect balance required to produce a surge of energy that can power your magickal work. Close your eyes, quiet your mind, smile, and allow Spirit to fully enter your body. Then repeat the word
softly, conjuring your vision of lightning in your mind. Open your eyes, and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Remember to smile as you finish! Throughout the day, repeat the affirmation as many times as you like. Begin and end with a smile. Write down in a small notebook (or your HedgeWitch journal) anything unusual about this day and events, people, or places that carry a strong lightning association. In this way, you will be prepared to perform the seventh night Rite of Lightning.

To do today:
Research the different forms of lightning, and contemplate how each could be used metaphorically in your life. Jot notes in your journal on how you might use the power of lightning in your future. Be sure to entitle this entry
as above, so below

Today I will release…
all my old clothing that is torn, no longer fits me, or doesn't suit the style I have envisioned for myself. At the same time, I would consider, if my budget was unlimited, what my dream wardrobe would be.

Weekly planner:
If you are spending a week on this rite, consider creating and decorating your HedgeWitch magickal robe or garments chosen specifically to work HedgeWitchery. If a robe is too much, think of decorating an apron, magickal carry bag, etc. (Read about magickal stitchery in Section 4 for further information.)

Herbs for today:
Lightning is often associated with fire, because it can create a burst of flame when it hits an object. Ash and walnut trees are believed to attract lightning. If you can obtain the bark, leaves, nuts, or a branch of such a tree, add this to your ritual this evening. Walnuts can be purchased at your local grocery store, or you can take a trip into the woods to find either tree, should you live in an area where they are bountiful. Better to take a limb off the ground; however, you can take from the tree as long as you do it with honor and permission and leave a gift in return. For this rite, you need only a very small piece that will fit in the center of a plate.

Supplies for tonight:
one white candle, above-listed herbs, a picture of lightning that you can write on, pen, one white plate, one black plate, today's affirmation written on a notecard, along with your initials and a lock of your hair

Rite of Lightning

On the white candle, inscribe the word
or draw a lightning bolt with a pin, nail, or clay-inscribing tool. Place the candle in a safe holder. Put your magick key beside the candle. Put your representation of ash or walnut in the center of the black plate. On the back of your affirmation card, indicate an area of your life where you would like to be empowered. For example: “I want to empower my creative abilities to the best of my advantage,” “I want happiness,” “I want to work in a peaceful atmosphere that inspires me,” “I want good health every day in every way,” or “I want the body weight that is perfect for me and my good health.” Put this card on top of your herbs along with a lock of your hair. Cover the black plate with the white one. Place the candle holder on top of the plate. Light the candle. Intone the following charm:

Positive and negative

Unite to make the flame

Perfect charge between them

Manifests the change

Sparks of power lie within

Just waiting for the lead

Knowledge is the thunder

Of planting any seed. Thank you!

It always works. Always a blessing.

Smile. Meditate for fifteen minutes on the meaning of lightning in the life of a spiritual person. Again consider the different types of lightning and how they are scientifically manifested (from your research). Draw your personal representation of lightning in your journal. Allow the candle to burn completely. Leave the plates with their contents untouched on your altar, as you will be using this symbolism in tomorrow night's rite.

You are now over halfway through your dedication process. Take a few moments to review what you have learned in the past several days. Write down anything you feel is important to this journey. Tomorrow, we invoke the thunder of change!

Before you drift off to sleep, close this evening by saying:

Peace with the gods

Peace with nature

Peace within.

It always works.

Always a blessing.

Remember to smile!

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