Helion (16 page)

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Authors: Olivia March

BOOK: Helion
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Helion seemed to consider her for a few more moments, his
expression unreadable. Then he left the bed and straightened up to his full,
intimidating height. He crossed his arms behind his back hard, as though trying
to resist the urge to snatch Gwen up and dominate her. Which Gwen had to admit
she wouldn’t be opposed to. She couldn’t wait until Helion took her to his bed
again, couldn’t wait for him to take her so hard she could pretend he really
wanted her, not just a convenient bedmate and someone who could give him

“I believe you misunderstand my interest, little mother. If
I just wanted my child, I would take him and raise him myself on Arloren. I
wouldn’t need to marry you, to tie myself to you for all eternity. Because that
is what mating is to a Keeper. Our marriage is forever. Whatever strange
practices humans engage in, Keepers do not make breakable bonds. After our
ceremony, you will be tied to me and I to you for the rest of our lives.
Neither of us will ever know another from that day on.”

Gwen could only stare incredulously, shocked from head to
toe. So Helion gave her the time she needed, leisurely walking in a slow circle
around her, seeming to contemplate some very naughty things if his eyes were
any indication. As much as Gwen supported any plans to debauch her, she just
couldn’t wrap her mind around the level of commitment Helion was promising her.
Mates for life? No others? Helion pledging himself to her and telling her he
would never cheat. Could she believe him—should she hope?

“As for your last desire, little mother, I see no problem. I
can feel your love every time you look at me. You have no idea what it does to
me to feel such emotion sliding over my skin every moment we’re together. I
know your senses can’t do what mine can so I can only tell you, as earnestly as
I can, that I love you. You captured my attention when we saved your life. You
captured my lust soon after. And by the time I finally made you mine, you had
my heart.”

Helion cupped her face, maintaining eye contact as he
lowered his head, letting her see his emotions in his eyes, so she would doubt
him no more. And in the end, he connected their lips, making sweet love to her
mouth. Slow, insistent, but full of every emotion that was coursing through his
body for her alone. They stood like that for a time, letting all things said
and unsaid pass between their lips.

“We have to go now, little mother. I would get you and our
children to safety as quickly as possible. But look me in the eyes now and tell
me. Tell me you love me, that you’ll marry me. Tell me you’ll come with me when
this war is over, be my wife and the mother of our children. You and our
children are all I’ve ever wanted for my whole life. Complete me. Say you will
be mine.”

Helion held her face in both hands, looking earnestly into
her eyes. He already knew how she felt and that was no surprise. But he wanted
her to admit it, he wanted her to commit herself to him. Gwen was drowning. She
could hardly breathe. It was so much to take in that this gorgeous, strong
warrior wanted to marry her, loved her. Her heart was beating so fast it felt
on the verge of bursting.

But there was no denying she loved him with an intensity
that frightened her. The idea of losing him had made her cautious but if Helion
was to be believed, then he wanted to make her his one and only for all their
lives. She could think of no better future than to be his wife forever, to
raise their kids together in safety and security. The future was a little
frightening but she’d rather face that fear with Helion at her side than face
life alone. In the end, the choice she had to make was between the coward’s way,
always worried about what might be, or she could show courage and take a leap
of faith and love, believing Helion would be there to catch her.

“Yes then, my darling. I will marry you and be your one and
only. We’ll raise a pack of children together, on your world instead of mine. I
want our kids to be safe and I want you by my side for all the rest of our
days. I love you so much, I feel as if my body can’t hold it all inside and I’ll
just explode from all these feelings inside me.”

Gwen’s breath rushed from her as Helion pulled her forward
and sealed their lips again, their passion igniting between them. The kiss
lasted minutes, felt like hours, but was still too short. Helion’s eyes
promised he was nowhere near done with her, nor was she done with him. But too
soon Verdun was back, packing recommenced and chaos reigned as everything was
prepared to strike camp.

This was a beginning, not an end. There was a traitor to
find, a war to win, a wedding to plan and children to raise. And even though
war still raged and danger hid around every corner, Gwen had more hope for the
future now than she’d ever had. Whatever was thrown at her now she could
handle, because she had her children and she had Helion. The future had never
held so much promise. Gwen was going to jump into this with both feet, with
Helion by her side, and build a new and better future for their family. Now was
the beginning.



The traitor watched his Commander’s tent for a time. His
plan to kill the woman had failed. At first this had enraged him but now…now it
delighted him. Because, somehow, the human had taken the Commander’s seed. That
insignificant human held inside her an heir to the throne of Arloren. What a
boon that could be, to have Prince Helion’s mate and heir under his control…

Just thinking about the possibilities lit the fires of greed
in the traitor’s blood. Oh the things he’d do to that human before he killed
her. He just needed to get her in his possession, then he could torture her for
months before stealing that babe and finally having the pleasure of ending her
life. The future looked bright indeed.


About Olivia March


Olivia March is a happily married mother of two with a
passion for books, both reading and writing. She got addicted to romance novels
at the age of twelve and never looked back. When she’s not working her day job
or running after her kids you can always find her curled up with a good book or
typing away on a book of her own. Add in one (or three) chocolate candy bars
and a soda and that is the recipe for Olivia’s perfect evening. What could be
better than happy endings, endorphins, and caffeine?





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Ellora’s Cave Publishing









ISBN 9781419995453


Helion Copyright © 2016 Olivia March


Edited by Rebecca Fairfax

Cover design by Kelly A. Martin

Cover photography by Yeko Photo Studio, michelaubryphoto,
everlite, Amelia Fox


Electronic book publication July 2016


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