Hell Is Burning (2 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Hell Is Burning
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“I need a way to get to them.”

Kenneth wanted to laugh, but he knew his boss was three days past sane. If he even tried to suggest some mental help, the man would end his life.

“You can’t, boss. They have interests everywhere. Greyson Croft has his fingers in every pot. From the casinos to the strip, his eyes are on every prize.”

Dominic punched the wall, and then shook his hand to make sure it wasn’t broken. He hated that the Crofts were untouchable.

There had to be a way…

“Who’s running their businesses?” he asked, trying to find a route into the hen house. If he couldn’t go at them head on, he’d take a different path, ending up at the same destination.

Or so he hoped.

“Croft’s brother, Dante. You can’t buy him. That man is loyal to his brother and cut from the same cloth.”

“What can you tell me about him?”

“He’s an ex-soldier too, and now in charge of running the businesses while the Crofts carry on with work. Word on the street is that Croft is renovating Mason’s old place, and he’s made it a freaking fortress. We hear the glass is bullet proof, and that he’s circling his wagons.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“His brother is going to be living there with him. Croft has cut off access to him too. Dante is well protected. They’re moving out of Sky Villa, and into an even tougher place to get access to. There’s security and dogs.”




He’d thought of just about everything.

“And Greyson’s job?” There had to be a way to get to him. No one was impenetrable.

No one.

“Croft is staying in-house a lot more. We can’t get access to him at the FBI building. We can take a shot at his wife, but we all know how that would end.”

Yeah, badly.

Dominic didn't get why they both still worked. He really thought they were crazy. When you had all that money, why would you keep yourself busy with being a public servant?

It was beneath them.

It was insanity.

“Okay, so maybe the brother is the best way to get to him. What else do we have on the younger Croft?”

“There’s some hearsay going on about his sex life,” Kenneth offered. “It’s only gossip, but maybe there’s some truth to it.”

“What? Does he like whores? Is he in debt because of it? We can get him in a bad position with a dead hooker and take him down that way,” he suggested.

The man shook his head. “Yeah, not likely, boss. Dante Croft has been seen buddying around with Doctor Steele Bentley.”

The man looked over. “Roderick Bentley’s boy?” he asked, his ears perking up at the name.

Kenneth nodded.

Dominic began laughing. He’d worked with the man’s father, and he knew what was going on in that family. Dominic may have just gotten incredibly lucky. He was right. No one was impenetrable. Here was his best shot.

“So the gossip?”

“He likes dick.”

Dominic thought back to the man who once worked for him. He was pretty sure he’d mentioned some concerns about his fruity son.

“Yeah, he’s definitely gay. Maybe we can break Greyson Croft that way.”

Kenneth didn't know about that. He was worried. In all honesty, they were all wearing a bull’s-eye on their backs. Greyson Croft could bury them if he was so inclined, and he made sure they knew it. If they poked the bear, they were likely to get clawed to death.

“Sir, but what about his muscle? You know that the Crofts have private security now. If Dante is moving in, and he is seeing Doctor Bentley, then he’s going to be there too.”

Dominic pondered it.

Yes, he’d heard rumors about a lawbreaking Russian bodyguard, but up to that moment, it was only hearsay. “We’ll drop the bait and see what happens,” he stated.

If it failed, it might just sully the man’s character a little more. If he loved his job so much, why not make it more uncomfortable?

“I’m telling you that Bentley is our way in. We can’t go at Emma, and we sure as hell can’t go after Croft. Let’s watch and see what happens if we rattle the cage a bit.”

Kenneth rolled his eyes. He had a feeling this was going to backfire, but you didn't say no to Dominic Marianna.

Well, not if you wanted to live.

“I’ll get people to watch him.”

Dominic grinned. “Yeah, you do that. It’s time to have some fun at the Crofts’ expense.”





* * *
  Croft & Croft  * * *





Midway Motel

Las Vegas




The sex was hot. It was probably the hottest sex she’d had in a long time.

The way he slid in and out of her body, filling the emptiness in her life was erotic. The way he moaned her name as she rode him hard was enough to satiate the pain in her heart.

It gave her warmth.

It made her happy.

This man was giving her that long sought peace that she was missing.

“God, Brynn, more!” he begged as she bounced erratically on his erection. There was a fine sheen of sweat covering both of them, and neither wanted it to stop.

She moaned in pleasure as he found his way deep into her body.

“Come on, baby. Make me cum.”

She didn't hesitate.

“Take us to heaven!” he ordered.

She wanted to feel that more than anything else in the world. Being here with him was a sure fire way to do that. Here, while he was buried balls deep in her body, she could forget it all.

Brynn Westmore-Briggs could forget she’d been forced to leave the homicide division, she could forget she’d been forced to move, and she could let go of the memories of a better time when she had a say in her life.

This man beneath her gave her peace. While they were swapping spit and getting down and dirty, it was all about her choices.

It was all about him.

“Jesus, baby! Milk those balls.”

She gave him what he wanted. All that mattered was him between her legs and coming.

“Harder,” she whispered, thrilled when his hands went to her hips and he began pulling her down roughly. The tip of him kissed so deeply into her body, it was like he was trying to be part of her.

She never wanted this to end.

Now she could forget.

“Oh, Brynn, baby,” he moaned, on the edge.

“Not yet! Not yet!” she warned, still needing that roughness to help her forget how shitty life had become.

When she leaned down, biting his lip, he came. It was hard, it was hot, and it filled her. The warmth chased the chill, and she followed him into the orgasm.

“Oh God!” he shouted, as she collapsed onto his chest.

The ride was over.

The heat was abating.

Reality would soon be coming back.

“That was amazing,” she whispered, leaving a kiss on his throat. As she nuzzled into his body, there was still that lingering peace in his arms.

“Yeah, it was.”

He couldn’t disagree with that. Each time they met there after work, the sex was phenomenal. It was like she was running hard to hide from something, but he didn't care. He didn't mind getting lost with her.

As their breathing calmed, Brynn rolled off his thick muscular body. Gently, she rested her head on his shoulder. For a second, she tried to forget.

She tried to feel bad.

She tried to…

“I have to tell him that I filed for divorce. I feel bad springing it on him. When he finds out, he’s going to be pissed.”

He looked over at her.

This was tricky ground, but he knew that when he got involved with a married woman.

“Brynn, baby, what are you going to tell him? That you’re sick of being married, and you’ve been boning some guy three nights a week to forget about your shitty marriage? That’s going to end badly for you and me.”

She knew he was right.

If Curtis found out, it would break him, and that’s not what she wanted. What Brynn really longed for was a way out of their impromptu marriage.

“I won’t tell him about us. I’m going to ease him into the divorce, and when he sees how I filed, that should cut the ties.”

Yes, she felt bad. It was true that she loved Curtis, but not like she should. She loved him like a friend, not a partner. They’d lost that when he went caveman on her.

“Thanks for that,” he said. “I don’t need a mess. Are you sure you want out?”

Oh, she was sure. The night she shacked up with another man, she’d cut that tie, and she knew it. There was no going back from the ultimate betrayal.

It wasn’t like she didn't warn him. Their marriage was exactly what she feared most. The second she was hurt at work, Curtis had forbidden her to see Emma and Greyson, and that hurt. They were her family, but she bought into his pain filled excuse.

They risked her.

It was all their fault.

He’d convinced her they were the enemy.

It didn't stop there. Then Curtis made her move. She’d liked her place, but he didn't want to live where they could find them. Plus, it reminded him of the ‘incident’ and that was unacceptable.

She came home one day to find all her things packed, her lease paid out, and them on their way to a new place.

He never even asked her what she wanted. After all, she was the one who was abducted. It was her life turned upside down, but he didn't care.

Curtis laid down the law.

This was her fear--Curtis was becoming a mini-Croft, only a million times worse. While Emma might like it, she’d repeatedly told him she didn't.

Technically, this was his fault.

Curtis crossed the line.

He’d made her cheat.

He’d made her file for divorce.

Well, that was what she was telling herself.

To make it worse, she was a prisoner. The first two weeks back to work, Curtis dropped her off and picked her up. To escape his insanity, she went to second shift just to have some peace.

That’s how the affair started.

The second she saw him, he was her way out. This man was so laid back that he could never be a caveman.

She loved it.

She loved him.

Brynn knew it was wrong, but she needed to escape the tyranny. This was the only way she could find peace, and as shitty as it was, she wasn’t going to stop.

Curtis didn't own her body. He only thought he did. Brynn was taking her life back.

“You okay, baby?” he asked, kissing her softly on the lips.

“I feel guilty,” she admitted.

He didn't say a word. He knew the battle she was fighting, and honestly, this wasn’t his fight. They were friends with benefits, and he didn't want to get in the crossfire.

Not yet, anyway.

Brynn closed her eyes. She did feel so much guilt over it all. The day he took her ring, she shouldn’t have been swayed with five dozen tulips. She should have stood her ground. Brynn should have stuck to her guns. Had she?

They wouldn’t be here.

Now she was in deep shit.

“He’ll get over the divorce. This is Vegas. More people get divorced here than anywhere,” he offered.

“I know. I shouldn’t feel bad because we sleep in separate rooms, we don’t have sex anymore, and it’s painful to be there.”

“You’re tough, Brynn. You’ll get through this. After, we’ll have celebratory sex. I’ll make you forget.”

That cheered her up. He was right. She could do this. When he was handed those papers, it was over.

She’d be free.

“The sad part is that he’s a sweet guy, but he’s not the one for me. I don’t want to settle down. I wanted bars from the start, and this has set me way back. I knew I should have listened to my heart, but then I let emotion cloud my judgment.”

“You have to just do it. There’s nothing to be upset about. You tried, and that’s all that matters.”

“Says the man I’m sneaking around with,” she replied, hoping she did give it her all. She really didn't want to hurt Curtis, but he was getting too crazy, and she’d warned him.

No Cavemen allowed.

She was getting that tattooed on her forehead from here on out.

“I know you can do it.”

Brynn rolled over and gave him a kiss. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m going to pick up the papers at the attorney’s office. I’ll have him served with them, so hopefully by the time he gets them, I’ll be at work. I know it’s cruel, but at least I won’t have to face him.”

“Chicken,” he teased.

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