Hels's Gauntlet [Forbidden Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (25 page)

BOOK: Hels's Gauntlet [Forbidden Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Jacob cupped her pussy and ran his palm up and down. The panties were his only obstacle. Couldn’t he feel how hot and wet she was for him? “Cassie, we want to finish what we started that night after the lake…when we told you that you could have us both.”

“Oh?” She was a starving woman, wanton with need, and she stared at Jacob’s shirt. Energy skittered over her skin, tightening her breasts and stinging her nipples. Jacob’s shirt vanished in a satisfying cascade of power. His bronzed chest gleamed at her, warm, sun-kissed skin that just begged for her to kiss and caress.

Reality intruded into the haze of lust swamping her. A black tattoo swirled over his left pectoral muscle, a three-pointed sun with rippling rays that reminded her of the tattoo on Helcyon’s shoulder. She leaned forward, tugging away from Helcyon to put her hand over it. Jacob went still, his fingers just edging at the hem to her panties. The sun blazed with silken heat under her fingers, but it didn’t burn.

“He’s mine.” Helcyon’s satisfaction rolled thickly between the two words. “I want him to be ours, Cassandra. As you belong to us, so we will belong to you, but we must finish what we began. You will swear to us, and we each will swear to you.”

“We already did that, didn’t we?” Cassie stared into Jacob’s eyes. His covered her hand with his, holding it fast to his chest.

“We did, but this is different. This is fealty, loyalty, fidelity, and always. Once we belong to each other, there will be no more doors, no shutting out, no running. Nothing. We are your Lords, and you are our Lady—well technically, I guess I’m a knight, but it doesn’t matter.”

“Are you asking me to marry you?” Cassie weeded through all the pretty words, the old-world language.

“We’re asking for more than that, Cassandra. You need our power. The magic that awoke in you needs the power we feed you. Once we are sworn, you will never want for it again. It will always be there, always accessible, and you will get stronger, as will I, and by extension, Jacob.” Helcyon traced his fingers down her back, unhooking her bra so he could rub her skin unimpeded. The bra slid down her arms, and Jacob pulled her hand away from his chest long enough to remove the straps and toss the scrap away.

“It means we’re a unit, a family. All three—four of us,” Jacob amended with an affectionate glance at her belly.

“Five,” Cassie corrected, tracing her fingers over the sun, amazed at the silken smoothness of his skin beneath and the blazing warmth radiating from it. Was his tattoo like Helcyon’s, a living mark?

Both men paused.

“Five? You, me, Hels, and the baby, sweetheart. That’s four.” Jacob’s voice edged back toward wariness. Helcyon’s palm smoothed softly down her back, touching her in slow, languorous strokes. Realization dawned in her mind. Their easy touches and gentle, sure caresses were about the baby. They’d just been through hell, and they were still worried about the baby—babies.

“Five.” Cassie blew out a breath and sat up straighter. Catching Jacob’s hand in hers, she laid it over her belly. It still shocked her every time she glanced down. The whole concept of pregnancy was pretty surreal, but the swollen abdomen made that abstract a wild reality.

“I’m fine. Leitha told me I was tired and I needed to eat more, but I was running so low because I’m not just carrying one baby, it’s two.” She bit her lip and stared at Jacob.


* * * *


“Two?” Incredulity flooded through Jacob.
Was she really carrying two babies?

The single word response echoed with wonder and disbelief. Helcyon hadn’t expected that either.

“There’s more.” Cassie’s brows drew together, concern tightening her face. Fear sucker punched him in the gut.
Was something more wrong than she was saying?
He searched the bond they shared for any trace of illness, but what the hell did he know about pregnancy? He barely remembered Ellen’s. As much as he loved their children, he’d been away during those pregnancies, more often than not trying to make the world a safer place for his children. He didn’t know what to expect…just that sometimes women died in childbirth.

His heart squeezed fiercely, an echo of the pain that flared inside Helcyon at the very thought. They really did need to learn to shut down this connection or they were going to be far more intimate than either one really wanted.

“Jacob, Hels…” Cassie twisted, shifting around so that she could sit and see them both. They followed her, easily adjusting to stay within touching distance. After all, she was the center of their world and they needed to be in her orbit.

“Seriously, stop looking worried. I’m truly fine. Leitha said so, and I believe her.” The firm conviction in her voice snapped one of the violent bands of tension threatening his air supply, but twins? They were unheard of in Fae births. He couldn’t name one Wizard that came from a twin birth either. “But there’s more. It’s not just twins, although I guess they have to be…but they each have a different father. It’s both of you who are going to be fathers.”

The buzzing in Jacob’s ears didn’t seem to want to clear. A woman couldn’t be pregnant by two men. It wasn’t possible.

“Was Leitha sure?” Helcyon straightened as though he were about to leap off and find the Brownie to confirm the news. His emotions came in sharp, staccato bursts of incredulity, delight, and darker fear.

“She seemed pretty positive to me. I thought it was weird that I was showing so much so early, but she said that’s the babies, two of them. One for each of you.” Cassie’s face softened, but worry clouded her eyes.

She was afraid of his reaction.

No, not afraid,
Helcyon corrected with a slow shake of his head.
She’s afraid you will be unhappy because you feared fathering a human baby on her.

“Sweetheart, I don’t care if that baby—those babies—are human, Fae, or Wizard. I’ll love them just the same.” He hadn’t wanted the hope or the possibility of the loss, but having it presented to him as
fait accompli
filled him with tremendous awe. He lunged forward, and pressed his lips to hers. The soft touch deepened as he stroked her lower lip with his tongue until she shuddered and opened her mouth to him. He slid his hands up into her hair. Her taste filled him. It seemed centuries since the last time he’d kissed her, the essence of her sharper, more piquant and sweeter at the same time.

He tried to infuse the kiss with everything he felt. Their tongues met and mated, caressing each other. He couldn’t get enough of her. Hels seemed to feel the same way, his hands sliding between them to massage her breasts. They were fuller and rounder. He pulled away from her mouth, needing to watch.

Hels brushed his thumbs over the nipples, and they tightened into hard little nubs. His cock ached at the sight. He could push them together and slide his cock in and out of their plump softness.

The Elf’s fingers continued to dance over her breasts, tugging and teasing the engorged nipples until they jutted firmly forward, a mouthful waiting to be tasted. He intended to do just that. Brushing one of Hels’s hands aside, he cupped the breast and laved that hungry nipple, sucking it gently between his teeth until she shuddered and whimpered a low sound that made his cock ache.

Her wet pussy was already ready for them, and Hels shared the same thought as he plunged his hand down under her panties to finger through the slick folds and find her clit. In Jacob’s mind, it was his hand, and he groaned at the raw reaction as she clamped her thighs closed, grinding her pussy against Hels’s hand.

He was going to blow in his pants. Dragging the engorged nipple out slowly, he looked up at the pleasure filling her expression. “Will you have us, Cassandra Belle? Will you be ours, now and forever? Will you call us your lords and your masters as you are our lady and our mistress?”

The words weren’t his, but the feeling flooding them was. In this, he and Helcyon were completely united. They wanted to mark her, brand her as theirs, defying any who would ever try to pluck her from them again. Helcyon found her clit with two fingers and rubbed it, triggering explosions through her body, explosions that rolled Jacob under as he felt her come.

“Fucking amazing.” He glanced at Hels. They experienced her pleasure. The bonds holding them tight swelled inside, engorging with need. He licked the nipple he’d claimed in one long, slow stroke of his tongue. The sensation vibrated through him, tightening his balls up against his body. He needed to be naked, and he wanted to impale her pussy on it, thrust with abandon until he filled her.

Then he wanted to do it again.

His pants burned, a wild heat licking up his legs as the clothes shimmered out of existence. His princess was a demanding wench. He didn’t have to look to know she’d done the same to Helcyon’s clothes. Cassie’s hands thrust into his hair, and she pulled him impatiently against her breast. He laughed softly, nipping just hard enough to sting.

“Yes.” The word shuddered out of her on a little cry as Helcyon thrust his fingers inside of her, teasing the sensitive pussy walls.
Three fingers,
he ordered the Elf. He wanted her tight little cunt ready for him because he wouldn’t be able to slow down.

The Elf complied, and Jacob’s cock jerked in anticipation. He left it with reluctance, but worked his way down her belly, kissing the swollen abdomen in reverence once before pushing Helcyon’s hands away. He ripped the panties, flinging them away without a care.

“Your pussy is so wet.” Her arousal was ambrosia to his senses. He lapped at the moisture along the seam of her nether lips, nosing his way through the folds until he could pull her clit against his teeth, sucking it hard. Cassie let out a sharp cry as the orgasm took her. Her hips bucked against his mouth, and he held her still, tongue thrumming.

Images flooded his mind.
Pleasure. Desperation. Want.

I want her mouth on me.
He wasn’t sure whose thought that was, but the liquid velvet softness of her lips wrapping around his head jolted through him. He looked up, tongue steadily stroking her clit to find her face turned against Helcyon’s thigh, the Elf’s cock disappearing and reappearing in slow, swallowing strokes.

She came again, in a hot, scorching wave that should have scalded his tongue, but only made him hungry for more. He nipped her clit and lapped at the sweet moisture. His cock thrummed with the vibration of her tongue against Hels’s cock.

How much more intimate were they going to get? The thought dragged him up from the stupor of wonder, and he watched the next stroke of her mouth working along Hels’s length. She took him to her throat. He could feel the head bouncing against it and then back out.

Fuck it. She’s ours.

He stopped trying to block out the sensations. He worked a finger into the tight, sweet sheath of her cunt and a second and finally a third, just as he’d instructed Hels to do. Her pussy walls clamped down on his fingers, dragging him back for every thrust. He blew cool air across the pink, throbbing clit and grinned at her wet, whimpering sucking sounds. She had a hand wrapped around Hels’s cock, her fingers stroking him tighter for every thrust.

He withdrew his hand and traced a wet finger down to her tight little anus. The feeling of that rigid, tight little ring of muscles wrapping his cock filled him with delight. He’d never taken her ass, but Hels played with it regularly. As if drawing the thought, images of Helcyon using a warm, vibrating wood toy to slide up her ass filled his mind’s eye. His dick stabbed at his belly, desperate for its own relief, the tip dripping with pre-cum.

He was going to have to play with that ass later, but right now…right now, he wanted his cock inside of her. He rose up, staring unabashed at Helcyon fucking her mouth as he impaled her pussy on his dick. He wanted to come right then, the moans rolling out of her shredding his control. As if reading his mind and maybe he was, Helcyon slid free of her mouth and lifted her up. Jacob caught her forward roll, impaling her on his cock as Helcyon moved behind her.

Their knees brushed, but he caught the twin stares of passion gazing at him as Helcyon worked his cock into that tight ring of Cassie’s ass. The sensations locked around him. She stretched, accommodating them both and it was in his mind, the feeling of that tight ring giving way, wrapping around Helcyon’s dick.

“Fuck.” It felt so good. He could feel every blissful nuance of pleasure, the clamp of her pussy walls, the drive to come hard, fierce, and fast. It rolled him over, and he drew back and pushed in deeper, sinking to the hilt. Tightness enveloped him. Her cunt sucked and gripped at him until he thought he would go blind from the pleasure.

Pelvis thrusting, he planted his hands on her hips and rode her. She ground down to meet him, never losing Helcyon’s cock. They weren’t going to last. She already teetered on the edge of another orgasm, and he wanted to explode with her.

He’d never thought of himself as a voyeur, but watching her swallow Helcyon’s cock over and over again and now gliding back and forth between them, riding their cocks, filled him with a primal sense of belonging. She was theirs. They were hers. For the first time in two centuries, he was exactly where he needed and wanted to be. She was in their arms, and she was safe. He—no they—could touch her, feel her, love her, and make her scream with pleasure over and over again. She would never leave them.

I will never leave you.

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