Read Her Dominant Doctor Online

Authors: Bella Jackson

Her Dominant Doctor (20 page)

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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Thomas could not stand one more moment without Annie in his arms. He scooped her up into his lap, kissing her hair gently. “I’ve got you, baby. I’m right here.” He said it as much to reassure himself as to comfort his love. Annie lay her head on his shoulder, curling her body into him.
You should have done this in the first place, you blowhole!
he admonished himself as he recalled the sight of Annie folded into herself. “I’ve got you,” he crooned in her ear.

“Despite what life had become, I worked really hard in school, knowing that good grades would be my salvation. I studied, often well into the night, existing on little sleep. She would have rages in the wee hours of the morning, denying me the escape of sleep. The yelling and screaming. She would slap me in the face. Throw and break my things. She would be frenzied, looking for something unidentified and unnamed, yelling that she had to find ‘it,’ tearing the house apart.” Thomas felt her slow, even breaths. He rocked her in his arms. It was the only thing he could do for her, serve as a secure pillar, assuring Annie that these were only memories. That she was loved by someone. By him. He wanted to be a mooring that provided her with a refuge in the harbor of stormy seas. Again, that terrifying reality of powerlessness tore through him.
There is no worse feeling in the world

“I graduated from high school when I was seventeen. I got a full scholarship to go to college. I left for freshman weekend and never looked back. I moved out of my childhood home permanently. Made a few friends and worked two jobs while going to classes full-time. School was my salvation. A few girls and I chipped in to get an apartment off campus that first summer. I had to find my own way, make a life for myself. It’s not too difficult to see why psychology was my chosen major.” Her laugh was sardonic.

Annie gazed at Thomas when he responded. “No, not at all,” he agreed solemnly. “Where is she now? Your mother.”

“She lives in the same house that I grew up in. It’s falling apart from neglect and disrepair. I go out once a month to check on her and do little projects around the house to keep it from complete demolition. Things I can’t do myself, I hire someone. Had the roof replaced last spring. It was a two-day job, so I remained out there overnight to ensure its completion. I couldn’t sleep in that house, so I went to the local hotel. We can barely stand each other’s presence, but she has no one else. I’m it and… I’m her daughter. Even if she doesn’t treat me like one. I feel obligated to take care of her. If nothing else, to honor the memory of my father.” Her voice begged for understanding.

Thomas did understand and told her so. “You take care of her because that is what you do, Annie, who you are. A caretaker. You give of yourself, expecting nothing in return. You carry so much weight on your small shoulders.” He squeezed her affectionately. “When do you let someone take care of you?” He prayed she would let him in completely.

Annie’s voice was calm and sure in its honesty. “Now. Here. With you, Thomas.”

He was careful to word the next question. “If that is true,” he spoke slowly, “then why didn’t you tell me this sooner and let me help you bear the burden?”

“Is that a rhetorical question, Thomas? You know the answer.” Her tone, though sardonic, was a welcome relief from the desolation in her voice up until now.

“Yes, but I want to hear you say it. Admit and own it. Then put it to rest forever, because it is not true anymore.”

She nodded, responding, “Because, until you, I was all alone and there was no one to help me bear the burden.”

“And now?” he asked, hopeful.

“And now, I know that I am not alone anymore. That you are here for me. That you will support me, regardless of my fucked-up relationship with my mother.”

He gave her an admonishing look, teasing. “Language, Annie.” The rather weak attempt at sounding dom-like amused them both, lifting the heaviness. His expression grew serious, speaking with a fierce intensity. “You. Are. Not. Alone. You have me. Forever. Understand?”

Her smile eased the tension and uncertainty that he was holding. “Yes, sir!” Her impish response, coupled with genial laughter, was music to his ears.


* * *


After that night, their relationship was more solid than ever. Annie was free of secrets and Thomas was secure in their partnership. Her devotion allowed him to realize his every desire, a woman to love and protect, cosset and command. In small, seemingly insignificant ways, their two lives became one shared life. Annie had someone to lean and depend on and Thomas finally had a beautiful angel to brighten his world and share his hot tub.

They continued to keep the schedule they had established just a few short weeks before. Annie and Thomas joined their lives together, exploring the world as a couple newly fallen in love as well as the sensuality of domination and submission. During the weekends, Thomas continued to train Annie in carnal pleasures and she demonstrated unwavering devotion to him. Thomas was pleased with the level of trust that Annie placed in him. She reminded him of a wide-eyed child on Christmas morning as she reveled in each experience to gain a deeper level of submission.

They talked openly about their desires, regularly reviewing their interests and limits. Annie expressed a desire to partake in more spankings with impact toys, craving an as-yet-undefined level of pain and pleasure. She asked Thomas if they could step it up into more involved scenes.

Annie clarified that she did not wish for Thomas to whip her raw, but she did want to flirt with her line of pain tolerance. She explained to him that her desire to pursue more intensity was a testament to his skill as her dom. She had unequivocal trust in him to keep her safe yet allow her to explore new experiences.

They discussed it at length and, during one of their conversations regarding the topic, Annie came up with an idea that sparked a creative and interesting scenario for them to experience and enjoy. “It’s too bad you can’t send me to sub school,” she laughed. Looking at Thomas, she could see the wheels turning in his head. He looked at her with a thoughtful expression.

“What if we
send you to sub school?” he responded.

Unsure what to say, she tilted her head with a questioning look. Was there an actual place she could go? Did Thomas want to send her? She was not prepared to stretch her limits around exhibitionism or to be ‘outed’ about her newly discovered kinky lifestyle. Thomas knew that; they had discussed their limits many times.

“We could enroll you in Dr. Callahan’s School for Submissive Learning. A fine institution run by yours truly. An interesting establishment as it only has one pupil enrolled.” His eyebrow rose in mischief.

Annie smiled in relief, his proposition making perfect sense. “So, I could be your student and you would be my teacher?”

“Essentially. I have to put some time and thought into preparing this type of scene, but a little roleplaying can add a fun dimension and give you an enhanced experience. It would certainly stoke the fire, so to speak. Imagine, being my student, turned on by your teacher as you learn about various aspects of BDSM.”

“Exactly how chaste do you envision this scene to be if I am your student?” Annie asked.

“Oh, I am an educator with a high degree of ethics. I would never dream of crossing the line with a student. My conduct is always above reproach. Of course, I am also a man. If I had a naughty schoolgirl in my presence who, say, dressed rather provocatively and acted even more so… well, I’m only human. Perhaps I would succumb to the temptation before me.” Thomas grinned.

Oh, this is going to be fun!


* * *


Annie stood in the bedroom, not a stitch of clothing on as she looked at the clothes laid out on the bed. Thomas had given her very specific instructions. She was to come to his house and proceed immediately to the guest bedroom. Beyond excited at what the day would entail, she barely noticed the surroundings. All she could see were the pieces to her schoolgirl outfit. After the initial conversation negotiating the scene, Thomas had forbidden any further discussion. They both went through a normal week with Thomas staying at Annie’s home on the designated nights. They enjoyed dinner, pleasant conversation, cuddling on the couch, and lots of teenage-style necking. But no sex. Thomas had the control of the Pope. Annie, on the other hand, felt ready to spontaneously combust. The heat generated from a week of heavy petting had taken its toll. Annie was horny, plain and simple. She was unashamed to admit she wanted to get some cock deep inside her. She wanted many orgasms. No matter how she played it each night, Thomas would only let it get so far and then insist they stop. The bed was used for sleeping. She had not been sleeping well at all, given the constant ache between her legs. And with strict orders to refrain from any sensual self-touches including masturbation, another missive from Thomas.

Desire coursed through her body as Annie began to dress. She started with the very simple, very white and virginal cotton bra and panties. The panties were full cut. Not sexy at all. Next she donned the blue long-sleeved dress. Annie could barely believe how short it was. It fit perfectly over her breasts around her waist and lay over her full hips to land only three or four inches past her granny panties. If she spun around, the skirt would ride up and Thomas would get a nice view of her round tush encased in the soft cotton. The dress collar, adorned with dainty white lace trim, sat high on her neck.

Picking up the next item of clothing, Annie saw that it was a white pinafore, ruffled at the bottom. Once she placed the apron on over the dress, she realized that he was dressing her in what looked like a Victorian school uniform. Her thoughts quickly went to some of her favorite erotic romance novels that took place in the Victorian era. It was a time that called for such proper etiquette and well enunciated words. She could also picture the long wooden ruler that was often the means of discipline in her kinky stories. So many times she pictured herself as the main character, bent over the desk to receive the ruler strokes on her bottom.
Oh, the fun we are going to have today!
She was gleefully excited.

Sitting on the bed, Annie put on the knee-high white socks and then slipped her feet into the black patent leather Mary Jane shoes. She stood up and looked in the full length mirror over by the bureau. She truly did look like a schoolgirl. In all honesty, she felt a little silly. But there was also something very erotic about the way she was dressed. Her demure blue dress covered with a white pinafore did nothing to hide the protrusion of her ample, bra-covered breasts. And plenty of thigh showed, creamy flesh uncovered from her knees to the junction at her torso. Far more skin showed than was considered proper in Victorian times.

She continued to look at her reflection in the mirror, taking in the sight of her costumed appearance. Upon this further examination of her wardrobe, Annie felt less silly and increasingly sexy. Hopeful that Thomas would approve, she proceeded to run the brush through her hair one more time and put the white ribbon barrettes in to hold the sides of her hair back, completing the realistic look.

Annie’s instructions were to report to Thomas’ study after she dressed, so she proceeded down the stairs. Arriving at the closed study door, Annie knocked twice and heard him say, “Come in.” Turning the knob, she slowly opened the door and stood with her hand still on the door knob. Immediately in front of her was a large mahogany desk. It was the same desk that she had seen in his study many times, but somehow, it looked even larger than normal, perhaps because it was cleared off of the usual items that sat upon it. She also noticed the hint of lemon scent in the air, no doubt from the polish used to make the beautiful dark wood shine.

Thomas was standing to the side of the desk. And oh, what a sight he was. He was dressed like a professor of olden days. The knot of his black tie could be seen under his white shirt collar. Covering the rest of him down to the top of his black, shiny shoes was a black graduation gown. He looked austere and foreboding. When Annie looked at Thomas, she could see his jaw set sternly. His bright aqua blue eyes sparkled. She realized he was, in fact, checking her out too. His eyes roamed over her in a suggestive and dangerous way that made her toes curl.

“Come in, Miss O’Reilly, and have a seat,” Thomas ordered in a stern voice. Annie walked into the room and sat in the chair that he pointed to. It was a straight-backed wooden chair made of sturdy dark oak. The seat of the chair looked like one very hard piece of wood. The chair was not a regular piece of furniture in the otherwise meticulous study, although it somehow did not seem out of place. Following his instruction, Annie sat and confirmed that it was indeed a hard, cold piece of wood when her uncovered thighs landed on it.

“Sit up straight and cross your legs at the ankles. Place your hands folded in your lap. I expect you to represent yourself as a proper young woman during our time together. Do you understand, Miss O’Reilly?” he snapped.

He has the headmaster voice down to perfection
. “Yes, sir,” she responded nervously. The cold and domineering tone in his voice sent shivers up her spine. She immediately followed his instruction.

“Excellent. Well now, it seems you are here in my office for some additional instruction. You have been a promising student up until now, but your conduct over the past few weeks has been abominable and it is time to correct this behavior and set you on a straight and narrow course. Tis a shame you have fallen behind in your studies and now find yourself in a school session on a Saturday. While your friends are off enjoying the day, you… are… here. With. Me. I would hope that this might serve as a lesson to you. I expect your full cooperation and attention throughout the day. Failure to follow my instructions will result in severe discipline.” With this last sentence, Thomas walked behind the desk and opened the drawer, pulling several objects out. It only took a moment for Annie to see that one of the items was a wooden ruler and the other looked like a cane.
. Thomas placed both items with a third on the desk, spaced equally, directly in front of Annie. She could see that the third item looked like a leather strap. Butterflies danced in her tummy. She truly felt the part playing off of Thomas’ brilliant depiction of a strict professor.

BOOK: Her Dominant Doctor
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