Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series)
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“Hey, I just wanted to make sure that you made it home okay.” Drake’s
thick-as-molasses tone slid into her ear. Every single inch of her body come to
immediate, throbbing life.

“Yeah, had no problem at all,” she said, still wondering why he would call in
the first place. All the jealous thoughts she had had of him earlier in the
evening unfurled once again in her mind. She tried to shore up her
I-couldn’t-care-less-what-you-think-or-feel-at-this-moment emotion, but it
wasn’t happening. Hearing his breath on the other end of the line was having
the opposite effect on her sensibilities.

“I’m not bothering you, am I?”

Even when he asked something like that, the sensual note in his voice rang out,
appealing to her every nerve ending, almost as if he had one finger over the
phone strumming her pulse in tune to his every whim.

Nadia cleared her throat, “Of course not.”

Damn girl, you could have played it up a bit more. Made it seem you might
actually be doing something naughty for a change. Don’t want to sound like too
much of a middle-aged spinster, do you?

Shucking those thoughts she asked, “Is there something you needed?” even as she
prayed he wouldn’t let her off the line yet. This was a different connection
than what they usually had. And the more she thought about it, the more she
realized that there were many things that could make this conversation
enriching-like the fact that she could hide from him, in plain sight, or
hearing, rather.

The sound of him shifting rang out, and Nadia almost,
, groaned as
she imagined him lounging around. Her fingers clenched around the slim body of
and she heard the otter box protecting the
device click in obvious strain.

“No, I didn’t need anything.” Another deep breath, then, “Just wanted to rub it
in some more that I know you enjoyed the spa treatment.”

Nadia could practically hear his smile over the phone.
He knew she was still fuming over his deception on getting the
upper hand. And Nadia could be the better person in this situation.

“Okay, I will admit that I enjoyed the spa very much. And I’ll even thank you
for the gift.” She cleared her throat, “Thank you, Drake.”

He chuckled, the resonance of that sound sifting into Nadia’s bloodstream,
heating it to boiling. “I’m glad you liked it,
And since you wouldn’t accept anything else, I was finally convinced that I had
found something that you would never be able to turn down.”

“Well, I would have turned it down if I had known it had been from you.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. I only wanted to make you feel good, honey, that’s all.”

If only you knew
…….Nadia thought to herself.

She stretched in the bed, and then said with all honesty, “It worked.” And
almost as if a little demon sat on her shoulder she decided to take things
further. “It worked very well, almost too well. I think I floated on cloud nine
for about a week. My muscles felt less tight, my emotions were less tangled,
and I can’t remember being more relaxed. Overall, it was a very good gift.”

“I’m glad, because you deserved it.”

He didn’t voice what they were both thinking. That the death of Belle had hurt
her more than he had thought it would at first. Nadia was glad for him leaving
that out of the conversation. At first she hadn’t really known what kind of
direction to take this phone call in. Now it seemed that she was willing to do
anything to keep him on the line.

“Have you ever been to a spa before? I mean, I’m sure it’s not something that
busy men like you, or men in particular, actually admit to doing, am I right?”

Another sigh floated on the line, and when he spoke, his voice sounded deeper
and even more intimate, if that were possible. “I’ve never been, but I have had
massages before.”

Nadia could imagine the lucky woman that had the supremely ultimate chance to
touch, massage, and basically run her hands up and down Drake Thompson.
Lucky witch.
“Did you enjoy them? I know it took some
getting used to for me. I can’t handle a masseuse with heavy hands.”

“I enjoy them alright, I guess. It was more of a conditioning thing after
working out for long hours.”


Seconds passed with the sound of their breathing echoing on the line. Nadia
didn’t feel the need to clutter up the quiet with conversation. She just sat
there and listened to Drake breathe and shift on his bed, obviously, and
considered herself a very happy woman.

And then he spoke again.

“You looked gorgeous tonight.”

Warmth burst through her body at that intimate compliment. Her breath
quickened, her heart tripped and her blood sped up and out to every single inch
of her nervous system that hadn’t been awakened by his voice yet. Her nipples
pebbled against her night shirt, causing little pricks of awareness to bloom in
her belly.

“Thank you.”

“God, you’re more than welcome, baby.
More than welcome.”

Nadia wanted to moan at the simple thrust of desire that had taken her unawares
in mere moments. But she held it back, barely.

“I guess I should let you go so that you can get some rest.”

Nadia bit her lip, silently begging him not to hang up with her, but knowing
that if she wanted to keep him on the line, she would have to share more than
just social niceties with him. Could she do that?

“Drake, don’t go yet.”

Oh my God. There, she’d said it. She actually went out on a limb and let him
know with a few words that she wanted his conversation, attention, basically
whatever he would throw at her. Nadia could hear the hesitation on the other
end. Please God; he hadn’t hung up on her, had he?

“It’s just…this is nice, that’s all, and I don’t want it to end yet.”

God, can you sound any more pathetic, Nadia?

“You’re right. This is nice.” A few seconds of silence and then, “And for the
record, I didn’t really want to get off the phone either.”

Nadia smiled at that. “I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.”

“But, unfortunately, I have to leave in four hours for a business trip.”

Despair crashed in on Nadia’s little party. And she had just found the courage
to speak to him without cursing herself afterwards. “Oh, well, I understand of

“But it would have been an interesting night, I’m sure, if I wouldn’t have to
attend that damned meeting.”

Nadia felt her pulse flutter at his words. “I guess so.”


’, I know so.”

Wow, had things just gotten hotter in here?
No, it’s only your imagination
firing up, honey, that’s all.

Nadia stuffed that thought. “Well, I guess I’ll see you when I see you.”

“I’ll hold you to that. Good night.”

“Goodnight,” she whispered back, and slowly ended the call.

Lying back in her bed, Nadia let her mind calm down from the exciting call. Too
bad it would take her body another two hours to do so.



Humid summer air wrapped around Nadia’s ankles.
stepped around rain puddles on the sidewalk, and hummed Back in Black by AC/DC
under her breath as she made her way to the long, meandering front entryway to
the Hollis’s house.

The large get-together was more of a summer party, and with the recent rain the
party had been moved inside the large two and a half story monstrosity that
Darlene Hollis called home. With its stately southern façade, Hollis House
reminded Nadia of plantations one would see in Louisiana, not in Texas. The
massive white house had a large gallery that wrapped around the frame of the
structure. Tall mature trees added to the southern charm aspect, while night
sounds echoed in the air around the home, giving it a touch of mystery.

She finally made her way to the front door where Darlene was standing amid a
group of people while she greeted newcomers. Darlene’s eyes landed on Nadia the
minute she cleared the massive double doors.

“Ah, little Nadia, welcome honey.
I’m so glad you
could make it.” Darlene, ever the southern lady, kissed both her cheeks and
pointed in the direction of what Nadia knew was a coatroom off of the foyer.
“You can put your belongings in there sweetie. And you are here as a guest, not
as coordinator tonight, so you will have a good time!”

“Thank you, Darlene. How are the grandchildren?” Nadia asked with a smile. She
loved the older southern lady because she was bluntly honest and never missed
an opportunity to push business in Nadia’s direction, which not only helped out
Nadia but it helped out charities that Nadia dealt with.

“Tommy is here with his new fiancée. You will have to meet her, such a nice
girl. Now Randy, on the other hand, is stuck in Rome this weekend.” Darlene
rolled her eyes. “He said he had business to attend to and couldn’t cancel.”

Nadia wouldn’t have minded being stuck in Rome, but she kept that to herself.
“I’m sure he knows he is missing out.” She gave Darlene a hug and then left her
side to mingle with the rest of the guests.

The large home was lit up like a Christmas tree for the dinner and in Nadia’s
estimation there had to be at least over fifty people in attendance. Huge
buffet tables were set up against the left wall and Nadia made her way over to
them, her stomach growling its appreciation.

She had just filled her plate and was turning to find somewhere to sit whenever
a chill skittered over her skin. With the small hairs on her neck alive with
tension, Nadia turned and caught the large frame of Drake Thompson moving in
her direction.

Her plate wobbled precariously, but she managed to avoid dropping it on the
floor. Stilling herself, she pulled up her indifferent look and took in his
appearance. A button-up dark maroon shirt, clearly tailored, covered up his
magnificent chest. He wore dark grey trousers with boots, and for some reason
that made Nadia smile slightly. Two weeks had passed since she had seen him in
Houston for the fundraiser. She had spent two weeks of trying desperately to
avoid thinking of him at all, but she knew that probably would never happen,
especially since that phone call the same night.

“Hey,” the softly spoken word was drawled near her. Nadia came to the present
and noticed he was standing directly in front of her. Caramel eyes were hooded
by dark brown lashes and his mouth had a slight smirk to it.

“Hey,” she said back, hoping that she could garner more of a vocabulary where
he was concerned. Shuffling the plate she tried to grab a wineglass from the
table, but only proceeded to almost drop her plate on the floor. Cheeks
burning, she tried again.

Drake’s hand came out and he asked, “Which one do you want?” He asked as her
progress towards a glass stopped.

“The white wine please.”

His hands grabbed the glass delicately and he held onto it while looking at
her. Seconds passed and Nadia felt at a loss for words. What was he waiting on?

“Is there a problem?” She asked finally, watching as his smirk turned into a
full crooked grin. Her stomach dipped to her feet. The man was too sexy for his
own good. And too tall, she had to lean her head back to see him, even in

White teeth flashed as he spoke, “Where would you like to sit?”

God, she was a dumbass. She looked around, trying to hide her heated blush, and
noticed some chairs off to the side in the hallway. “Over there is fine,” she
told him as she gestured towards the hallway.

Without giving her a reply, he moved in that direction. Nadia walked behind him
and took in the sights, which were damn good from where she was looking.
Minutes later she sat in a chair and instead of walking off, he also sat. She
tried to dredge up the charming conversationalist she had been on the phone
that night, but her muse must have picked that moment to become shy.

Instead, she picked at her plate and tried to study him covertly. Warm eyes
looked back and the slow tingling started in her blood, heating up her whole
body. She stuffed something into her mouth, she didn’t know what. She just
needed something to keep from stating how damn good he looked. Flavor exploded
on her tongue seconds later. Eyes tearing up, she immediately reached for her
wineglass, in his hands, and gulped the chilled liquid.

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