Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series) (37 page)

BOOK: Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series)
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 Seconds later, just when he was deepening the kiss, she stiffened,
shoved him away. After a slight scuffle he caught her
arms again, pulling her close against him.

“Stop this…you’re only doing this out of pity.” She threw at him, catching him
off guard with her words.

You think I pity you?” He arched his eyebrows
and gave her a cross look, mixed with enough anger to showcase his glowing eyes.
She stopped moving, trying to get away from him and stared, her heart all but
beating from her chest. He held her close enough that he could feel the soft
weight of her breasts, still sitting outside the cups of her bra, pressing
against his chest. Not above using his body to get what he wanted, especially
from Nadia, Drake used his hands to move her upper body, causing her sensitive
breasts to rub against his chest hair. He knew that would stimulate her, and by
the way she stiffened against him once again, he knew he was right.

Her nipples turned to hard little brands against him. When she moaned and
shook, letting her head drop against his body, he almost passed out, knowing he
had stopped her from running out on him, but now he had to keep her there with

“I don’t pity you.” His hands lifted her high against his chest and she gasped
sending her arms out to close around his shoulders. “We won’t speak of pity
again. I don’t like how you put yourself down whenever you are around me.
That’s enough of that.” He placed a sweetly chaste kiss against her lips and
noticed the tears were disappearing. “I want to give you pleasure, angel. I
want you shaking in my arms, screaming my name, pulling my hair, clawing my
back, hell pretty much whatever you want to do…except run out that door. You
won’t be doing that, no matter what you admit to me.” He smiled at her. “Are we

She nodded, her eyes a wide and luminous green as they peered at him. Drake
felt that look in his soul.


Without another word, he placed her sitting back on the loveseat. She
immediately used her hands to cover her breasts, but Drake would have none of
that. He gently pulled them away with a

“No need to cover up something so beautiful.”

She let him move her hands, but Drake could read the tension in her body. He
needed to do something to counter it, to take her mind from it. He opened her
legs and knelt between them, settling his body right up against hers. She
gasped when his arms came around her waist, pulling her hips into
and her breasts into his chest once more. Hot little
nipples poked him, and he couldn’t help the rolling motion of his hips against
hers. Her hands went around his waist and she countered his hip motion with one
of her own. Drake growled his encouragement.


’, if at anytime you want to do something to
me or my body you go right ahead and do it. This is all for you.” He had no
idea how he got the words out but he did. Nadia murmured something incoherent,
but he didn’t hear the word stop, so he wasn’t going to.

He placed a kiss to the slope of her shoulders while his hand came to the clasp
of her bra. He played with the hooks for a moment, trying to feel any hints
from her that she might want him to stop, but nothing escaped her mouth other
than a few sighs and moans when her hips canted against his. He tugged the
clasp open and immediately removed the offending material from her body.

Leaning back a bit, he studied her, the fragile beauty in his arms that shook
with passion. Her long hair was a wild mess, her pale skin was splashed with a
furious blush, and her breasts,
breasts were perfection. Beautiful, firm globes tipped with darkened nipples.
Drake’s pulse raced along with blood rushing to his cock.

He looked into her eyes, caught the hazy, drowsy look that she had and let his
head lean down towards her chest. He wanted to worship her body, send her into
a tailspin with nothing on between them. His mouth caught the little crest of
her nipple and he tugged with his lips. She gasped and grabbed his head,
telling him without words that he was doing exactly what she wanted.

He let one hand come up under her breast, plumping it towards his mouth, as he
pulled her deeply with a soft suction. He tongued her nipple, being so tortuous
to the soft, sweet flesh that her hips jerked against his.

“Yes…oh God yes…” She told him. Drake couldn’t stop himself from looking up her
chest and watching as she leaned her head back and gave into the furious blaze
of emotions that were shaking her at the moment. She wanted this so much that
her body pulsated with forerunners of ecstasy. He could feel them arcing onto
him, pulling at his subconscious, telling him to let go of his control and
plunder, take her.

No. He wanted to give her everything, show her more before she made up her mind
about having sex with him. This was, and always would be, her decision.

His hands came to the front of her jeans and he undid the button and soon
enough he was pulling the jeans from her body, next were her underwear, and she
didn’t even blink whenever he leaned her against the back cushions, her body
fully exposed to his gaze. Her hands went above her head, tangling in her hair,
her chest raised, showcasing those beautiful tipped breasts and small waist.
Her hips were uplifted, canted in his direction, making Drake’s mouth water.

With his hands on the cushions beside her hips, Drake stared at her, wondering
how he had never noticed or responded to this amazing woman before now. A
purely primal feeling rose up inside of him. She was his, always his, she would
never belong to anyone else, and he would show her that from now on. She was
not leaving him. He wouldn’t give her the option.

He let his hand trail from her collarbone, down the center of her chest to
where her legs came to a V. Short, trimmed hair protected her, but not for
long. He settled both of his hands on her hips, letting his thumbs trace the
short dark hair there, tempting her beyond all reason.

stop…” She asked him, her head twisting on
the back of the sofa, so earnest in her passion, so wanting. Her legs opened
wider, her calves resting against his ass and blood in his body began to boil.
He needed to make her come before he attacked her. “I can’t believe…this is

Oh yeah, he needed to shut her up. Apparently being intimate made her
talkative. Without another moment to lose, he leaned down gave himself one
second to inhale her sweetly sharp woman scent and placed his thumbs on her
soft skin, moving her open so that he could settle his mouth on the one place
that he couldn’t wait to taste.


Heaven help her, but he was going to kill her with pleasure.

With a wicked tongue and a sensual, naughty mouth, Drake was sin in its purest
form. He was showing her what she had only dreamt about, what she had never
thought to experience with a man. And Lord above, but he knew how to make an

At the moment Nadia knew his head was buried between her legs; her legs were
locked over his shoulders and his hands were holding her wide open for his and
her pleasure, but she didn’t see the shame or embarrassment, like she thought
would have been there. Instead, she saw the utter giving of his actions. He
wanted to do this for her. He wanted her to scream with satisfaction. He wanted
her shaking and clawing his back. He had told her that after all. Nadia felt
the need he had inside his body for her, but she also felt the emotion that he
rarely showed anyone. He wanted this for her. He wanted her to feel good. Most
of all she knew he wanted to be the one to give it to her.

His tongue surged deep inside of her body and she jerked, feeling the fire
shoot along her veins, seeming to coalesce out of nowhere and slide like
wildfire through her body. He nipped at her, hinting of the power he had with
his fangs; he tongued her gently, and Nadia could feel the slickness of her
body as he proved to her that he could indeed do depraved things to her.

With all coherent thought flying out of her head by the second, Nadia gave over
to the sinfully delicious slide of his tongue against her body. She didn’t
think of the pain he might cause her later. She didn’t think of how he might
leave her in the dust after whatever they did together was over. All she
thought about was the elusive explosion that would rock her body in mere
moments. She knew she was close and with his mouth licking and sucking at her,
and his tongue moving against her with so much knowledge for what he was doing,
she knew it would be big when it hit.

She grabbed his hair in her hands and gripped, keeping him tucked right where
he was, not letting him move. Just as she was letting her body start to come to
grips with what he was doing, he thrust his finger deep, sending shockwaves
throughout her body and making her moan his name.

Oh God, so close, she was so close.

With his free hand he surged up her body and touched her breast, plying the
sensitive nipple with quick fingers. A scream began deep in her body. She
wanted to release all these emotions out to him, make him realize what he was
doing to her, and then he thrust another finger in and she couldn’t handle the
pressure…she burst.

With that scream, she gave in, and let ecstasy pour over her in throbbing
waves, sending sparks out from her nerves, screaming down her spine and
shooting deep within her body. For seconds she didn’t feel anything besides the
clamoring urge to shake and fall apart, bit by bit while Drake continued to ply
her body with his mouth, not letting up one second.

She had exploded into millions of pieces and seconds later her body was slowly,
meticulously being placed back together, but with a shaky hand. In slow degrees
she finally came down from the surge of pleasure that rocked her. She blinked
lazily, stunned with the debilitating drowsiness that was pressing down upon
her. In seconds she realized he had stopped and was now leaning over her body,
his breath hot against her chest, his eyes glowing feral yellow at her from
where he pinned her with his gaze. She shivered.



God, she was so damn stunning. With her hair now truly messed up, eyes still
half lidded from her recent orgasm and body beautifully flushed, she looked like
a sinful goddess lying before him. Drake took a deep, steadying breath and
tried to calm down his raging erection.

Her skin was dewy from their actions moments before. His finger took up tracing
the soft skin that ran from right under her breast to the slight ridge of her
hipbone. She shuddered on every down stroke and soon enough Drake had figured
out that she was extremely ticklish. He smiled at that discovery, glad that he
had learned something so personal about her, something for only him to know.

There was no reason to move. He was in no hurry to get up even if the floor was
uncomfortable; he didn’t mind. One of the loveliest views he had ever seen was
directly in his sights. He wouldn’t rush things right now for any price.

She was still nervous, still unsure despite what had happened between them.
From her point of view Drake assumed it was because, apparently, she had wanted
him for so long and now with him here, giving her what she wanted, it was still
a surreal moment for her. She was still soaking it all in.

Her heartfelt admission from minutes before still rang in his ears. When she
had uttered those words, his heart had about stopped. He could still sense her
desperation at wanting to take the words back, to make it to where he had never
known about her secret desire. Looking at her soft hazy expression, with her
barely open, vibrant green eyes and luscious black hair, there was a burn deep
in his chest that was
like tenderness. So
beautiful and yet so thoroughly naïve about certain things, didn’t she know she
was supposed to keep her heart closed off from men? Didn’t she know she wasn’t
supposed to show a man how much their time spent together meant to her? No, his
little angel was not up to par in the ways of seduction and sex that he was,
and he found himself wanting to protect her all the more for that reason.

She was so exquisitely innocent about things that he knew everything about.
That made her inherently dangerous to him, which of course could be why he
wasn’t crawling over her body right now and plunging headlong into what he knew
would be something extremely tight and hot.

For some reason every time he had the barest thought in his mind to do exactly
that, his Druid side, which was usually so aggressive, calmed. Nadia’s hidden
sensuality and apparent emotions obviously kick started his protective side. He
would no more hurt her than he would rip off his own arm. Now that he realized
that it made things a bit easier for him when he was around her.

BOOK: Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series)
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