Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series) (36 page)

BOOK: Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series)
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His neck was corded with tendons and supple skin that led down to prominent
trap muscles and a delineated collarbone, just sharp enough to see the dip of
his clavicle in between. Broad, wide shoulders were packed with ripped muscle,
making his biceps seem massive when
he was
just built according to his size. Dark hair started at his collarbone and took
up most of his upper chest until where his
curved down into his stomach. The hair formed one single line that ran down to
his navel then into his pants. His stomach was corrugated and flat, tempting
Nadia’s fingers to reach out and touch. But what really held her attention were
the side muscles that ran along his waist and veered down into his jeans. Long
swimmer’s muscles were smooth and so very masculine, not to mention extremely

“I have to admit that if I would have known my chest would get this much stare
time from you I would have gone shirtless long before now.”

She smiled at his words, noticing how deep his voice had gone. Her eyes moved
up his body again, stopping on his flat male nipples and realizing they were
hard. Her fingertips moved up to investigate. “I wouldn’t object to that at
all.” When she touched him there, he growled, long and deep in his throat.
Nadia glanced up to see wild amber eyes and the barest tips of his fangs
emerging from between his lips.

Pure fire slid inside her body. To know that he was like this because of her
was exhilarating, and she reveled in it. Leaning her head towards his chest she
inhaled his scent, wild, pure male. Her nails scored his nipples sending
another groan her way as she gave him butterfly kisses along his chest then
onto his neck. Seconds later she was at his mouth, hesitating long enough only
to feel the very edges of his fangs with her mouth. His large body shuddered,
but he seemed to give in a bit, leaning more towards her, sending her into a
relaxed pose against the soft cushions of the loveseat. Nadia took that
movement as acceptance and slid her mouth over his.

She sighed breathlessly onto his lips, not being able to hold back the pure
excitement that streamed in her veins from being near him. The kiss was a study
for Nadia. The taste and texture of him was amazing. She couldn’t stop her lips
from feeling, touching, and sampling every inch of his mouth. He tasted so
good, so mind numbingly delicious, that she slipped easily into this bottomless
pit where nothing existed but her and him, and what they were doing to each

He pulled away and she moaned, not wanting to miss the erotic kisses he was
giving her.


…,” his hand swept down her body in one long
touch ending at the edge of her shirt. “Tell me that you give me permission to
remove this shirt and touch you. Tell me that it is okay.” His warm fingers
slipped against her waist, singeing her with their heat, and Nadia didn’t stop
the reaction that had her hips move against his slightly. “I want to see and
touch your skin so badly.” His mouth nibbled along her jaw line and Nadia
wanted to melt to the cushions.

She didn’t hesitate. She knew that if at any time she wanted to stop, he would,
although she doubted there would be a time in the near future where that would
be an option for her. When he touched her, stopping wasn’t an option.

“I want that too.”

“Angel…” He murmured against the skin of her neck while the fingers resting at
the edge of her shirt immediately lifted the fabric and shucked it from her
body. Apparently he wasn’t wasting the time it would have taken for her to
change her mind.

Within seconds, Nadia was bare from the waist up except for her dainty, flesh
colored, wispy thin bra. With the cooler air brushing goose bumps along her
skin and Drake resting his large body above hers, snuggled up against her hips
with his glowing eyes peering at her bared skin, Nadia couldn’t remember
another time where she had ever felt this exposed. Every nerve ending was alive
and fairly pulsing with energy. Her fingertips were throbbing against his
chest, where she was still tangled in his chest hair.

With a completely absorbed look on his face, Drake let his fingers trail from
her not so firm waist to the soft material of her bra. Nadia never felt as undeserving
as she did then. He wasn’t used to a woman that wasn’t top of the line
beautiful and stunning. Still, his eyes catalogued every movement, and she
couldn’t help but be mesmerized at the simple, honest look that he was giving
her as he touched her. It was as if he had never seen the same thing before, on
tons of other women. As if he had never trailed his fingers across their skin,
watching it react with quivers whenever he moved over it. The slow, methodical
touch was absolutely mystifying to Nadia because she, and every other woman in
Texas, knew that Drake was no innocent. He had bedded many women, and he had
been doing it for some time.

When his fingers touched the soft, delicate flesh rising above the small cups
of her bra, Nadia suppressed a shiver and her eyes sought his. With his golden
eyes watching her, he slowly maneuvered the straps of her bra down one arm, and
then the other. Other than an indrawn breath, Nadia made no move to stop him.
And even though she loved him and wanted him as she had no other man, she was
still embarrassed at her complacency, and stunned at how much she was willing
to let him do to her.

Without removing her bra completely, he left the straps dangling from her
shoulders, holding her arms prisoner against her own body. Seconds later he
leaned down and trailed soft kisses from her collarbone to the delicate edges
of the cups on her bra. Even though the contact was minute, Nadia felt the
impact shatter through her and her upper body reacted stiffly, shoving up from
the cushions and clearly telling Drake that she was enjoying what he was doing.



“Angel…feels good, doesn’t it?” His mouth moved over soft skin, his tongue slipping
out, wetting flesh and sneaking in under the material of her bra. Eyes closed,
mouth slightly open, air disappearing from her lungs rapidly, Nadia slid her
hands around to his shoulders then the ends of his hair. She gripped and held
on, trusting Drake to show her everything she needed to know.



The refusal to give into the baser emotions and wants of his Druid side, were
giving Drake hell, but he would not push or prod Nadia into a decision that
would somehow turn ugly afterwards. If there would be any consummation of their
relationship, she would call the shots. She knew that, he knew that; now, he
only had to make sure that he didn’t blow those plans to shit. She wasn’t
making it easy on him, not one bit.

Underneath him, with her thighs open enough for him to rest against, her hair
was a long black curtain, simultaneously hiding parts of her shoulders, and
upper body, and giving him little pulses of heat when strands moved against her
pale skin. The sight of her lying there, open to him, bra straps dangling, was
more than enough to heighten every thing he felt. But it was the docile,
trusting light in her eyes and the natural, relaxed aura around her frame that
told him the truth. Nadia was at ease right now. Drake felt elation fill him up
from the inside.

Her hands were deeply entwined in his hair, while her body shifted and moved
with little undulations beneath him. She was turned on, desperately so, if her
body was anything to go by. Not only that, but Drake could also
pulsations of blood beneath her skin and the stunning force of it moving so
swiftly told him that with the slightest inclination he could make her come.

He so wanted to make that happen again…and again. She deserved to feel good and
he felt ten feet tall because he was the man that was going to make it happen.

With his mouth on her soft skin, his hands under her back raising her up to
meet him and his hips settled right over hers, Drake couldn’t imagine a better
place to be at the moment. His eyes took in the delicate edges of her bra, and
he knew that it wouldn’t take much to flick the material out of the way.
Settling an openmouthed kiss on her sweet skin, he breathed deep, imprinting
her taste to memory and savoring it at the same time. His tongue rasped along
the edge of the cup, slipping under and catching the pebbled skin of her
nipple. Immediately he went after it, like a drowning man needs air. Swiping at
the erogenous zone, he heard her breath stop altogether then he moved his hand
and used his thumb to move the bra cup away, baring her nipple to his mouth for
a full onslaught.

Her fingers all but pulled the hair from his head when he slipped the heat of
his mouth fully over her sensitive nipple. That just made Drake more than
determined to ensure the complete overstimulation of every one of her senses.
He gently sucked her nipple into his mouth, loving the way her breathing
hitched, and then escaped on a rough draft of air, as if her very soul were
being torn apart. He was gentle enough to keep his fangs out of the picture,
but diabolical enough to use the very tips to scrape along the tip of her
stimulated skin. He wanted her out of her mind with want.

“Drake…” Her fingers grasped even tighter in his hair. He feared he would have
patches missing once he finished.

He let her nipple slip from his mouth then he moved to her other breast and
without any fanfare, slipped it from the cup of the bra and out into the open.
Instantly her nipple pebbled, hardening right before his eyes. He let his thumb
run over the tip again and again, causing her to tremble beneath him.

“What’s wrong, baby?”
Another rub over her skin then another
shiver, “Do you want me to stop?”
, his mind screamed.
don’t say you want me to stop
, but deep inside Drake knew that he was
looking at her in the middle of some full blown erotic moment and she didn’t
want to stop. His heart raced in his chest.

Her lips trembled delicately and fire burned deep inside his body. “No…please
don’t stop.” Her head twisted on the cushions, tangling her gorgeous hair
around her head and then she whimpered. His heart twisted. God, she was so
beautiful, so innocently sensual that he had to stop himself from ripping the
jeans from her body and slamming into her, claiming her in a way that would
mark him and her forever together. Then she said something that made him
freeze. “I’ve waited so long…so very long…”

Drake let his head fall in the valley of her breasts. He drug in deep breath
after deep breath, the reality of what she was saying slamming into his brain
and body. He knew by the tone of her voice, the sincerity that came out even in
passion, that
she was speaking honestly and she
probably didn’t even know it. He could play with her, drag out more words, make
her feel as if she was incriminating herself, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t be
harsh with her, not Nadia. He wanted to feel her, teach her everything she
didn’t know about passion and sex. He wanted to be the man that made her burn.
To know that she had waited for a moment like this between them made Drake feel
low, extremely base. She had known him forever and in all those years he had
never caught on to the way she felt for him.

Apparently he wasn’t as strong in his abilities as he thought he had been.

Then something occurred to him. He knew some women thought sex equated to love.
He knew that their emotions came into play more than a man’s did. And ever
since she was old enough to know better, Nadia had seen him with a different
woman every week. He had paraded them on his arm as if he was showing off a new
toy. And she had seen him do it. The pain she must have felt was probably
overwhelming. Because he knew, deep down, that Nadia cared for him, those
feelings of lust were deeply intertwined with feelings she had for him.

Drake took a deep breath and she shuddered beneath him. Damn, he had been quiet
and still for too long. She knew that he was thinking, sorting out what she had
just said. When her fingers left his hair to shove him away, Drake knew he had
to do something to keep her there with him, otherwise she would run away,
deathly embarrassed by what she had said, and he would never see her again.

He leaned up, and in seconds she was out from under him. Drake got a moment to
glance at the beauty of her body, her breasts free of the bra, her hair wild
around her shoulders, and her mouth thoroughly swollen from their kisses,
before his eyes settled on hers. Tears were welling there and his heart sped
up. Just as she was slipping the straps of her bra back on her shoulders, he
grabbed her arms pulling her around to face him on the sofa. She tried to get
away, but she was fighting a losing battle, and she knew it.

He didn’t say anything. He just pulled her fighting mad body closer to him, and
let his mouth capture hers. She instantly stopped, giving into the kiss,
becoming so malleable in his hands that he could have picked her up and whisked
her away to his bed, but he didn’t.

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