Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series) (45 page)

BOOK: Her Druid Desire (The Amber Druid Series)
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“Y-yes,” she had to clear her throat so that she could speak around all of the
emotions in the way.
“Thanks to the others and you.
Speaking of them, do we still have company?” She asked as she slyly crawled
from her side of the bed onto his lap, straddling him as she climbed on.

Burning eyes never left hers. “They have left. Kale knew you were clear about
five hours ago.” His hands burrowed into her hair. “Thank God they’re gone.” He
smiled his crooked smile and Nadia felt it inside her body.

“How are you handling the push of power I’m giving you?”

She thought of that and answered honestly. “Actually, it isn’t bothering me
much right now but it is there, in the background.”

He snuggled up to her, nuzzling her neck. Nadia felt a surge of emotion and
love wrapping her up from her feet to her ears as he kissed her and whispered,
“Good…and I’m sure you’re dying for a bath, aren’t you angel?”

“God yes,” she all but growled when he nipped her earlobe.

“Well then by all means, let’s give the lady what she wants,” he told her, and
within seconds they were in his bathroom. That was another AHA moment for Nadia
when she remembered that she could now do what he could.

“Oh no ma’am,” he told her with an eyebrow cocked in her direction.


“You can’t try any of that so soon. You need to wait until your body catches up
with your new senses. Then you can go crazy.”

“You’re such a party pooper,” she whined and gave him a pout.

He smacked her on the ass, and then gathered her in a strong hug. “We’ll see
what you say about that whenever you are through with your shower.” He silenced
her with a gentle kiss then he let her go. “I’ll see you when you’re done,
angel.” Then he walked out.

About thirty minutes later, Nadia was staring into the mirror with shock deep
in her veins.

Drake had never mentioned anything about her looking so much healthier or vibrant.
Her skin was practically glowing with health and even though her eyes were a
deep amber color and she had fangs, of all things, the absolute newness of
everything floored her. The little laugh lines around her eyes were gone, the
grooves on the side of her mouth when she smiled were gone, even her nails
looked longer and healthier.

Any other discovery was stalled by a knock on the door. “Angel, you okay in

Nadia sensed the hesitancy in his voice, and even through the door she could
feel his anxiousness. He was worried that she hated what she was now. Under all
those emotions though was the real thing, the ever present, strong undercurrent
of absolute trust that he had for her, which spoke of love to her. With tears
in her eyes, she tugged on the edge of her tee shirt and turned to open the

Drake’s massive frame was hovering there with one arm leaning on the jamb.
Nadia hadn’t noticed before but he looked tired, strung out, and so very
worried about what she had noticed about herself so far.

When his hand came out to trace her face, tears threatened
immediately at the powerful emotions that snapped to life inside of her, and
the ones that he hadn’t tried to hide from her.

“You have no idea how worried I was for you,

With a tremulous smile she looked deeply into his eyes. “I see it now.”

He didn’t acknowledge the fact that his shield was down but said, “I know.”

A millisecond later his mouth was on hers. Nadia barely had time to catch her
breath before strong arms were lifting her to settle on the edge of the
counter. His mouth teased hers mercilessly, sucking and nipping at her lips
before catching her jaw with his thumbs and opening her mouth for his tongue.
Almost too late she remembered her fangs, but her worry was for naught. Drake
effortlessly kept away from her new elongated teeth, only giving her a lick or
two down the edge, which caused her womb to throb with renewed want and desire.
That little lick had made her feel as if he had stroked her from the inside

At that rush of heat, Nadia let her hands creep over his waist and slip under
his shirt. She kept the momentum up as she grabbed the edge of it, and ripped
it from his body.

Shock had her pulling away from his kiss. “Oh God, I’m sorry…” she mumbled
helplessly as she showed him two halves of his shirt hanging limply from her

Instead of replying, he just threw the ruined material in the corner of the
massive bath and sent his hands to the buttons on his jeans. Flashing amber
eyes were burning down at her as he shucked the jeans from his body and said,
“Sorry, but I can’t wait…”

Burgeoning emotions, love, passion, a deep seated feeling that this was meant
to be burst inside of Nadia as she in turn ripped her shirt off too. God, but
she loved this man.

Instantly he was on her again, and not once did he let up. His mouth made love
to hers, deftly kissing her senseless while his hands molded to her body. The
sensations were sharper for Nadia, so sharp that she could
skin rubbing together, and she could feel
desire, love, and want
burning so hot inside of him. It made her burn even hotter to realize just how
much he wanted her.

When his mouth left hers, and his hands framed her upper waist, Nadia leaned
onto the faucet behind her, the heavy metal cutting into her skin, but she
didn’t feel it; all she felt was his mouth latching onto her nipple, drawing it
so deep inside. She shuddered and wrapped her legs around his waist.

A deep, fearsome growl emanated from his body and traveled into hers from where
his mouth was touching her. Immediately a flow of moisture gushed between her
legs, and Nadia knew she had to have him now.

“Take them off…” she told him, referring to her underwear that was still in the

“Not yet”

“Now Drake,” she practically yelled, which of course got his attention. With
heavy lidded amber eyes he watched her. Dark eyelashes rested almost on his
cheekbones, giving him a sleepy look. Nadia knew he wasn’t the least bit tired.
She leaned her hips, still encased in panties, towards him and allowed her core
to touch his hard erection. When he trembled, she looked into his face and said
once again, “Now, Drake.”

A determined look echoed her words and a millisecond later, both their
underwear were gone.

“You better be ready for me, angel,” he growled against her ear as he settled
his large frame on top of her.

She undulated beneath him, loving the way he felt on top of her, against her,
probing the entrance to her body, especially now that all of her senses were
heightened. The knowledge that he loved her and wanted her had tripled her
foreplay and cut down the time to mere seconds.

Instead of answering him, she let her hips do the talking as they moved against

“You’re making it hard for me to go easy on you, honey.”

She leaned up and nipped his earlobe with her fangs, “Then don’t.”

He nudged her with his hips and said, “Look down for me, baby.”

She did as he asked, and watched in amazement as his large erection slid
between the folds of her core. He was huge, but they fit beautifully. Nadia
swallowed, and kept watch as he slid deeply inside of her body.

“God…you are beautiful. Look how easily you take me…”

The words were costing him, deeply, she knew but soon he slid home, all the way
in, and wrapped his arms around her. Then the real action started.

With long, sure, deep strokes, Drake caused her body to weep tears of desire.
From deep in her core, to the muscles that trembled to hold onto him, he slid against
her flesh, giving everything he had to make her explode for him.

“You feel so good, honey…so good.” Another deep stroke and Nadia’s muscles
clenched endlessly, trying to hold him against her. “I’m going to make you
mine…you’re going to be my woman, only mine…”

God, the words he was saying added to the fuel that his body was giving her.
“I’m yours already Drake.”

A deep dark chuckle invaded her senses. “Come on angel, come for me…”

As if her body answered only to him, she exploded. Shards of pleasure flew
outward, encompassing every particle of her body then almost languidly, they
returned and slowly pieced themselves back together, leaving her breathing
ragged and her arms and legs trying to grip his body as he too fell into that
same endless pool of ecstasy.

Minutes later they were still huddled on top of the bathroom counter. Nadia
giggled uncontrollably at the unreality of the moment.

“I love you.”

The words stopped her laughter all together. Tears immediately welled as she
realized that her love for him had finally come full circle. Now there were no
more hidden emotions to get in the way. They knew everything they had to know
about each other.

Her hand wove deep into his hair. “I love you too…so much.”

“I never thought I would tell you that after we had just had sex on top of the
bathroom counter, but I couldn’t pick the moment. It felt right, so I went with

Nadia giggled again, loving him and how easily he made her laugh.

She felt a shimmer of power, then they were in his room on his bed.

have to learn how to do that.”

Now he was the one laughing at her.  She smiled and gave him a soft kiss.

“You will have my help…if you need it, for an eternity…if you want it.”

She stopped when she heard the serious note in his voice. Her heart was beating
uncontrollably; her breath was soughing in and out while her hands twined
against his muscular chest. She thought of all the years she had loved him
silently, never thinking she would have the opportunity to get her chance to
love him out in the open. Now it was here.

“I need it, and of course I want it. I want you…forever, and yes, I will marry

Drake grasped her cheeks with both hands and kissed her within an inch of her
life. After a few minutes he pulled back and gazed down at her with love
shining all around him.

“Damn, but you are one forceful woman,” he rolled his eyes, “But I guess we can
get married.”

Nadia slapped his bicep, “You guessed right,” she told him with a smile, but
then softened the blow with another kiss.

Eternity was going to be a long, long time coming.


the Author

F Leger lives in South Louisiana and also has a full time job--other than the
writing, of course! She is married and from a loving, boisterous family. Since
food is so important in the south, it is also important to her, ranking right
up there with writing, reading and watching movies.

with a strong sensual bent, intent on capturing the growing relationship
between a couple falling in love, Trish adds warmth and emotion to her stories.

is a fan of everything from Drama to Historical Romance.

is a PRO member of RWA and has been writing for over ten years.

visit her on
under Trish F Leger-author, her
website @
. Or email her at
[email protected]

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