Her Gilded Prison (Daughters of Sin Book 1) (20 page)

Read Her Gilded Prison (Daughters of Sin Book 1) Online

Authors: Beverley Oakley

Tags: #Nineteenth century country estate, #duty versus honor, #succession fears, #passionate taboo relationship, #older woman younger man, #nineteenth century taboo, #Regency romantic intrigue

BOOK: Her Gilded Prison (Daughters of Sin Book 1)
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A thousand pounds the richer. He felt very much poorer right now. And distinctly green-eyed as he darted a parting glance at his benefactor and wondered if Lord Partington was right now preparing to go to his wife to do his distasteful duty—if Sybil’s assessment of his attitude to conjugal relations was to be believed. God knew how any man could not think himself in alt when enjoying the delectable offerings of the lovely Sybil.

He was glad Lord Partington did not accompany him up the passage though he took his Lordship’s, “I’ll just have one more to fortify myself,” distinctly ill, with its apparent reference to bolstering himself for unwelcome bedroom duties.

In fact, Stephen was still seething when, from behind the curtains in the Long Gallery on his way to bed, Lady Julia suddenly appeared in the halo of light supplied by the candle sconce above her.

“If you’ve lost your way I believe you’ll find your husband’s chamber in that direction,” Stephen said, pointing back the way he’d come, not even hesitating as he passed her.

Of course, Lady Julia was not one to be so easily fobbed off.

“Why, you’re jealous, Stephen!” she crowed, stepping in front of him, arresting his progress with both hands, palm outward, slithering over his shoulders.

Grasping her wrists, he put her away from him and continued walking. She hurried after him and gripped his sleeve, forcing him to halt.

“Stephen, my husband doesn’t know anything. Not about us, at any rate.” Her catlike eyes danced with as much confidence as ever.

“About us?” Stephen invested the phrase with derision as he quirked his eyebrows.

“About the fun we had.” There she was, back in front of him, rubbing her body suggestively against his and although Stephen swallowed past the lump in his throat there was—thank God—no answering lump growing in his breeches.

“Go to bed, Lady Julia,” he said, and this time she could not mistake the coldness in his tone or the revulsion in his eye.

She dropped her hands and took a step back, nevertheless still blocking his path, her glare combative. “You’re a coward. You’re afraid of Sir Archie, aren’t you?” she taunted in an undertone. “Suddenly you have no position in life while my husband has everything and you’re jealous.”

Stephen gave a short, strangled laugh. “Jealous? Of your husband?” And there was such scorn in his tone it was little wonder Lady Julia stamped her foot and tossed her head.

He stepped past her, but to his surprise and chagrin she followed him for her parting shot.

“So you want it to end like this, do you? Well, perhaps you’ll be more interested in eight  months’ time  when  the twins  are  joined  in  the  nursery  by  their  far  more handsome sibling who won’t have Sir Archie’s weak chin and sloping shoulders.”

For only a second did Stephen hesitate. Outrage at her insinuation—and his own stupidity  at  following  her  into  that  closet  a month  ago—made him  say  over  his shoulder, “If your husband is so distasteful, I suggest you cast your wiles at someone more receptive than myself. Like Barston, or that easily led dandiprat young Edgar, who’s still on leading strings. I saw him wandering about in the moonlight looking very forlorn. Or is he not of interest since I doubt he’d show you the sport you’re after?”

Without a backward glance he strode angrily on, almost glad he didn’t have time to dwell on her words, for he was arrested by a hiccupping sound at the far end of the Long  Gallery. It  came from  behind the curtain  and Stephen,  fueled by  the most powerful burst of exultation and desire, pulled it aside, expecting to see Sybil seated on the cushioned window ledge.

Instead Hetty raised her red-rimmed eyes to him.

The tragedy in her doe-brown eyes found their mark.

“Hetty, what is it?” he asked, sitting down beside her and not minding a bit when she rested her head against his shoulder and began a fresh burst of quiet sobbing. He stroked her hair and thought how much she reminded him of her mother, which led to another terrible longing for Sybil, whose room was not too far from here.

“Is it Edgar?” he tried again.

She nodded, raising her head, the bleakness in her eyes an echo of what he felt. “I know I’m young and that heartbreak is something I’ll have to get used to—especially since I don’t have Araminta’s looks.” Her nose was streaming and her face was blotchy.

Stephen handed her a handkerchief. “Hush,” he said, pressing a finger to her lips. “This is not about Araminta. And the fault is definitely not yours. Edgar’s the one who’s allowed his head to be turned by Araminta’s flattery. As you for, Hetty, you’ll be as lovely as your mama someday. I’d guarantee it.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

He smiled at the hope in her voice. “You have wonderful, thick hair, which ripples down your back when it’s loose. Every man loves to run his fingers through that kind of hair.”

She  did  not  seem  to  take into  account  the  slightly  less  gentlemanly  allusions inherent in the remark. “But Araminta’s is so fine a color and much shinier.”

“And very attractive, no doubt, to a gentleman who likes artifice. You, on the other hand, Hetty, are wonderfully natural.”

“And gauche. Araminta tells me I’m terribly gauche and I’m just lucky I have a decent dowry, else no one would look at me twice.”

“Sisters are not known for being terribly kind or bolstering, I’m told. And it’s true that foolish young men  can  easily have their heads turned by especially confident young ladies who cast them a lure.” He patted her shoulder. “But fortunately a lot of young men grow up and realize that what is real is what is important. That people like you and your mother are far more desirable for the fact that there is no artifice and that they offer their affections freely and from the heart.”

“I’ve offered Edgar my affections freely and from the heart but he doesn’t want them.” Hetty  spoke  sadly. “He  only  wants  Araminta, who  now doesn’t  want  him because he mightn’t be heir after Mama has her baby.”

“That’s Edgar’s loss, then.” Stephen smiled. “Remember, Hetty, you haven’t even had your first season. You’ll meet lots of far more agreeable gentlemen than your cousin Edgar.”

Hetty exhaled on another heartfelt sigh. “But I love Edgar.”

“Then tell him.”

“He knows it.”

“Does he?”

Hetty’s eyes widened. “He’d have to be stupid if he didn’t.”

Stephen chose not to address this. Instead, he suggested, “Why not take Edgar aside and tell him, very clearly and precisely, what you feel?”

Hetty’s mouth trembled. “Do you think it might make a difference?”

“It certainly couldn’t hurt.” Stephen patted her knee. “And now it’s time for my bed,” he said, rising. “At least if you talk to Edgar you’ll know you’ve done everything you could.”

Chapter Thirteen


his was worse than her wedding night.

Sybil, frozen beneath the counterpane, lay terrified as she anticipated the quiet opening of the door and the soft tread of slippered feet across the carpet. Ironic that for ten years  she’d lain tense and hoping  for  just  this. Now,  with  Humphry’s  visit inevitable in view of their previous encounter, she felt physically ill.

What choice had she but to submit? She was his wife. His wife of twenty years, the mother of four of his children, the only legitimate means by which he could sire an heir.

The wind sighed in the trees, a thin thread of sound. Sybil forced herself to relax. She’d been listening so intently for Humphry she was conscious of the faintest rustle.

It was a clear, still night, the moonlight almost blinding as it thrust through the chink in the curtains.

Dear Lord, give me the fortitude to bear what I must, she prayed silently.

She wondered if her actions these past few days constituted the kind of sinning that would be viewed with opprobrium when she had to account for herself at the Pearly Gates. The fact she’d committed adultery—even if she’d done it for the purest motives, initially, anyway—might not just be regarded in the same light as she viewed it, she realized.

A creaking floorboard. Her body tensed. Her breath caught in her throat and she licked her cracked lips and ran her hands down her body, stiff as a board beneath the sheets. Humphry had enough difficulty summoning sufficient desire to spill his seed in her when she was soft and encouraging and aching with the desire to please him. How would he manage now when he encountered such frigidity, for her every nerve ending recoiled at the mere thought of his touch?

“Are  you awake,  my dear?”  His voice,  soft but not imbued  with  the  honeyed suggestion that he was here on a lover’s errand, punctuated the darkness.

“Yes, Humphry.”

So businesslike. She tried to imagine Stephen addressing her like that and could not. Stephen was the lover consummate. Tender, thoughtful, kind and oh, so eager.

Carefully, she breathed past the pain in her chest as she moved into the center of the bed, giving Humphry room to sit on the side. The mattress dipped beneath his weight as, wordlessly, he began untying his banyan. His heavy breathing indicated it had required great exertion to make it to this point.

“No megrim tonight? Lord, Sybil, but it’s come to a pretty pass when you have to tell  lies  to  deflect  our  headstrong  daughter  from  marrying  that  dandiprat  in  such haste.” He grunted as he tossed his banyan aside. “Prodded me into action, though, didn’t it, wot?”

She was unable to share his amusement, instead saying drily, “I’m sorry you find it such a chore, Humphry.”

To her surprise, he chortled and reached out blindly into the darkness to touch her cheek. His stubby forefinger jabbed her eye and she gave a surprised cry of pain.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to start out so ham-fisted.” This was followed by another great sigh and then, “Well, needs must...”

In  the  darkness his hand  grasped  her shoulder,  clumsily heading south  before gripping her breast. She squealed.

“Come, Sybil, let’s get this over with, shall we? You clearly relish the idea as much as I do.”

Sybil’s mouth dropped open. Had he really said that? With such sarcasm? Her reasonable though far-from-in-love-with-her husband? She couldn’t believe it. Scrambling away from him, she jerked upright in the bed.

He must have realized his error for he said almost sheepishly, “Didn’t mean to sound so ungrateful, Syb. I know you dislike the idea as much as I do but as it was your idea—”

“This was not my idea!” She slithered away from his creeping hands. “No, Humphry, you mistake me. Granted, I agreed an heir was required,” she gasped. “For your sake, Humphry. For the future of this family. So Araminta wouldn’t waste herself. So Hetty might be happy. So you might go to your eternal rest with the comfort of knowing you leave the estate in better hands than Edgar’s.”

She squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of Humphry’s heavy breathing. The smell of him was too intimate. She wasn’t used to it. She was used to bergamot and horses. Of gentle caresses that whipped her body into steadily escalating eddies of desire. Humphry’s stolid determination to “do the deed” seemed wrong and...foul.

She felt rather than saw him digest this. He ran a hand across his forehead. Then let out another gusty sigh.

Quietly, he said, “We are bound by our contract. Our forebears demand it, our descendants will thank us for it.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, stop speaking such piffle!” Angrily, Sybil rose up against the headboard. “You hate the idea as much as I do. You were more than happy to see Stephen inherit if it let you off the hook. It’s only because you detest Edgar that you’ve been prompted to come here.” She heaved in a breath, making very sure he was well out of arm’s distance. “Only a week ago you all but suggested you’d be more than happy if I attended to the business without your participation, for who’d be the wiser?”

“I did not.” There was a whining quality to his defense before he added, “Anyway, you were hardly about to come up with a solution...so here I am.”

“No, Humphry! I cannot do it!” She could feel the rising hysteria and tried to rein in her emotion. Humphry did not take kindly to emotional women. He abhorred it when she wept.

Trembling, she  said  softly, “For  twenty  years  you’ve  condemned me  to  an emotional wasteland. Then you all but thrust me into the forefront of finding a solution to our problem. Well, what if I did?” She drew a shaky breath. “What if I’ve taken a lover and so can’t abide the idea of being touched by you, in exactly the same way you abhor the idea of touching me because you are, and always have been, in love with Lizzy Hazlett?”

The silence was telling. She felt him pulling himself upright, the exertion making him wheeze. “What are you saying?” His voice was quiet. Warning.

She could not back down now. “I’m saying I cannot do this. Not now. Not tonight. Maybe not ever.” She was close to tears, thoughts of Stephen’s wickedly loving smile warming her from the depths of her being. “I want you to go. Please. Leave me.”

She felt the mattress relinquish his weight, heard the outrage in his tone as he said, “I’ll need an explanation in the morning, Sybil.”

“You’ll get one, Humphry. You’ll hear everything you need to hear, and more. Just know that tonight I cannot bring myself to do what you would have me do. I’m sorry I’m not Lizzy and I’m sorry you made the mistake of listening to your parents twenty years ago, but that is not my fault and I do not believe I should spend my entire life suffering for your lack of forcefulness.”

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