Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (17 page)

BOOK: Her Guys [Blessed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Damn it!

“I’m the only power that can set you free, flower,” he rumbled as he swung the belt again and struck her left shoulder.

She took a shuddering breath and said in a clear tone, “Powers that be, release my wrists.” A tingle shot through her arms, and the ties on her wrists fell to the floor. She tried to jump up, but her ankles were still tied to the chair. Got damn it, she hadn’t said the spell right, and now she was only half way free.

Bill stormed up to her and yelled, “How did you do that?” Spit flung from his mouth as he continued. “No matter. I know how to stop your wicked magic.” He reached for the pouch that hung from his belt.

Glass shattered, and Gaven, Lunn, and Trent burst into the room.

Bill opened the pouch and reached in.

Trent cursed and threw the knife he had in his hand. It went through Bill’s hand, pinning the deranged man’s palm to his side. He screamed and ran for the side door. Gaven sprang into action and took Bill down. Trent ran over and helped Gaven tie up Bill.

Lunn rushed to her side and untied her ankles. He then inspected her back. “I know your back hurts, but the welts aren’t bleeding, so they should be healed in a day or two. Did he do anything else to you?”

“No, not that I know of, that is.” Her dazed mind was starting to clear. “You got here in time. I was worried you wouldn’t…” The lump in her throat grew too large for her to continue.

Lunn gently but securely hugged her. “It’s all right. We’re here, and we’ll always be here.”

Within minutes she heard sirens. The cops came in and hauled Bill away. She answered their questions as best she could and went to the hospital at Lunn and Gaven’s insistence.

Total peace didn’t come to her, though, until she was sandwiched between her guys in bed that night.

Power surged through Katarina as her love for her guys overflowed her heart. “Love that’s yearning to be seen, reveal to them your hearty glee!”

Her heart tingled, and she looked at Gaven then Lunn. They both rubbed their chests and then took hold of her hands. The feeling intensified, and to her surprise, a blue misty heart drifted up from Gaven’s chest. A bright white one rose from her, and a red heart floated up from Lunn’s chest. The three hearts circled in the air above them. She concentrated on them becoming one, and, to her delight, the three hearts pulled together and became one large violet heart.

“Oh my god. Babe, that’s beautiful.” Gaven’s voice was filled with awe.

Lunn tightened his grip on her hand. “That’s my kitten.” Pride flavored his words.

She lost her concentration for a moment, and the heart burst into tiny purple stars that rained down on them and disappeared when they landed on their bodies. Excitement rippled through her body. That was one spell she’d have to write down in her book. Each generation could use it, and modify it to show their love.

“I’m proud of you. You make my life worth living. I love you, kitten.” Lunn leaned in and lovingly brushed his lips across hers. “How are you feeling?”

“At peace now that I’m right where I belong. I love you both more than I can ever convey. I was so relieved when you found me. I never want to be parted from you two again.”

Gaven kissed the back of her neck. “I can’t stand the thought of being separated from you, either. I trust you with my heart. You chase away the ghosts that haunt me. You ground me like nothing in this world ever has. I love you, babe. Now and forever.”









Reading romance has been a passion of mine for a long time. To me love comes in all shapes and sizes. I write stories that are erotic, fun, and purely fictitious.

I’m not known for being the sharpest tool in the shed. But if I can make a person laugh, cry, grumble, sigh, or fan themselves that means I’ve touched them. ~goal accomplished~

If you want to take a break from reality my stories could be just what you’re looking for.

The trip through fantasyland to happily-ever-after is always a fascinating ride. Thank goodness it’s a ride you can take over and over again!

You can contact me at: www.dakotadawn.org



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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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