Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith)
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"So, I'm going to teach you a little lesson about
consequences now."

"What kind of lesson?" Katie couldn't see any whips,
but in her current situation, her angle of view was extremely limited.

"I'm going to play with you to my heart's delight, but
I forbid you to climax until I give you permission. You may feel free to make
all the noise you like—in fact, I
to hear you—and you may beg me.
But you are absolutely not allowed to come until I tell you that you may."

"Okay, no problem," Katy said, confidently. Of all
the problems she thought she might have, trying to
an orgasm was
at the very bottom of the list!

"You may use the safe word
if at any
point you feel you are losing control and are in danger of disobeying me."
He gave her a vulpine smile and touched the vibrator lightly to the taut skin
of her stomach, trailing it in a lazy circle around her navel.

She gasped in response, and jerked on her bonds.

"I'm utterly serious about this, Katie. Don't come
before I say you can, or you won't like the consequences."

"I won't. Sir," she said, feeling the tiniest
touch of impatience.

If anything, she hoped that he
be able make her
come, eventually, just like last time. Her climaxes just seemed to take so much
work and despite his assurances, it
seem like something just wasn't
right with her...

Her nascent anxiety shattered when Andras moved the vibrator
to lightly circle one breast, spiraling in slowly to the nipple.

Then he touched the tip of her breast, and she drew a sharp
breath at the intensity of the sensation. It was almost painful, but it felt so

"Liked that, did you?" Andras looked pleased at
her reaction, and moved to repeat the action on her other breast.

Katie panted and squirmed under the relentless assault and
hoped he wouldn't stop anytime soon.

Her arousal flared, and for the first time, she wondered if
obeying Andras' injunction was going to be as easy as she had first thought.

Andras used the vibrator on her breasts for a while, paying
special attention to her nipples. She gasped and panted and, when she could
remember, made small appreciative noises to encourage him.

As she had feared, she sounded more than a little lame. He
smiled wryly down at her. "Not that I don't appreciate your show of effort,"
he said. "But I'll have you moaning soon for real. This is just the

Katie couldn't decide if that was a promise or a threat, but
then he moved the vibrator to trail over her underarm, and up the inside of her
arm and elbow. The sensation was exquisite against her soft skin.

At the same time, he bent and took one of her nipples in his
mouth, and delicately used his tongue to tease it.

She discovered that the vibrator had made her breasts
extremely sensitive, and his mouth now felt indescribable, hot and wet and
warm, and—

Katie arched upwards as far as her bonds allowed, offering
herself to him, craving that touch, hoping for more.

Andras stretched out on the bed beside her, switched off the
vibrator, and divided his attention between her breasts, gradually intensifying
his caresses until he was suckling at her with fierce strength.

He finally used his teeth, and got the moan he wanted.

"Good girl," he whispered, and moved up to kiss
her mouth, ravishing it with his tongue.

Then he turned the vibrator back on, and touched it to her
breasts again.

If her nipples had been sensitive before, then
wet, teased to stiff points, and worked over by his teeth...

She moaned loudly as he relentlessly tormented the tips of
her breasts with the tireless, thrumming device in his hand.

It felt wonderful. It felt like too much. 

He hadn't gone anywhere near her clit yet, but all the folds
between her legs felt hot, swollen, and they ached with a steady throb that
screamed out for something big and hard to stretch and rub them.

And so far, he had only used the first of the many toys on
that tray.

When he finally switched off the vibrator, she didn't know
whether to sigh in relief or scream in frustration.

He gave each of her hands, then her feet, a quick squeeze to
test their temperature. "Status? Anything gone numb, or are you feeling

"Green...sir," she managed, panting a little.

"Good," he replied. "We're just getting

"I can't decide if that's a promise or a threat."

He brushed a kiss over her mouth. "I'll ask you again
in a little while—if you can still reply coherently at that point."

Andras' hand hesitated over the selection of toys, before
picking up a slender, curved rod that flared to a knob at its tip. "I think
you'll like this next one."

He switched it on, the hum lower than the previous vibrator,
and brushed it fleetingly over her sensitized nipples, eliciting a choked noise
from her, before working his way down over her stomach and belly with lingering
strokes. He dipped the tip into her navel, which tickled, then proceeded to
trace the line of her hip-bones before teasing the crease of tender skin where
the top of her thighs ended.

, he moved it between her legs. Then
hovered, tantalizingly, over the engorged, aching flesh there,
not-quite-touching, so that she could feel only the barest whisper of

Katie whimpered, and tried, futilely, to raise her hips a
little higher.

"Do you want this?" he asked, cruelly.

"Yes!" Katie squirmed, pulling restlessly against
her bonds. She wanted—needed—to to be touched there very badly. 

"Beg me. Tell me exactly where you want to feel

Katie did.

Afterwards, she couldn't remember exactly what she had said,
but she used the words
. A lot.

In response, he finally touched her with the vibrator, the rounded
tip lingering at her entrance before sliding around her sensitive folds, and
then moving up towards her needy clit in a slow licking motion.

This time there was no mistaking the scream that tore from
her throat when the vibrator made fleeting contact with her clit at last.

Andras immediately pulled it away, and put a warning hand on
her belly. "Don't you dare come," he warned her, his voice merciless.

She shook her head wildly, and felt the vibrator briefly
tease her clit again before he slid it down to her entrance, and pushed it
inside her.

She was so wet that it met no resistance.

The curved shape pressed the vibrating knob against her
inner wall with a steady pressure.

"I thought I'd try a little G-spot stimulation on
you," Andras said coolly, and slowly drew the vibrator back out.

Katie groaned.

He let the now-slippery tip slide back over her folds, and
once more licked it against her clit before he pushed it back in.

"Wow...oh, wow," she managed.

"You like that?"

"It feels..it feel like my clit is being massaged from
the inside." She wriggled, trying to grind down on the relentless tease of
the slender toy.

"Glad you like that. Status?"

"Green, sir."

"Not close to climaxing?"

"Not...yet." The teasing, sliding, caress was
making it difficult to think.

"I always did enjoy a challenge," he said, pulling
it out. "And we have at least six more vibrators to go. I'm looking
forward to seeing how you react to each one."

True to his word, he picked up the next one on the tray, a
knobbed dildo with a "rabbit" style stimulator at its base, and
proceeded to drive her to writhing, begging distraction as he fucked her with
it in a steady rhythm, each thrust allowing the vibrating rabbit nibble at her

Still, she managed to hold out until the vibrator after
that, which featured the same type of soft silicone spikes that had finally
made her come on their second date.

Except these were larger, and the vibration much stronger
than the little fingertip one he had used on her before—

"Yellow!" she screamed, almost too late, as a coil
of pleasure began to tighten between her legs. "Oh God, yellow!"

To her combined relief and frustration, Andras stopped
immediately. He turned off the vibrator and moved up her body to kiss her
mouth. "Good girl," he whispered. "Because I'm not anywhere near
done with you yet."

Katie lost track of time after that, as Andras skillfully
brought her up to the edge time and time again, then stopped with cruel timing
to kiss her mouth, her neck, the inside of her elbows and her earlobes, and to
play with her nipples some more.

She was flushed and perspiring, and begging him almost
non-stop now as he inflicted erotic torment using the assortment of toys like
instruments of torture.

"Yellow," Katie whispered hoarsely, a long time
later, and began to sob. Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes, and ran
stinging down her temples into her sweat-dampened hair.

She wasn't sure how many times she had already arrived at
this point, or how much time had passed, but she was so aroused that it hurt,
and so sensitive now from the unrelenting stimulation that she felt she
couldn't take any more.

And she had never, ever wanted to come so badly in her life.

"Sweet girl, beautiful Katie." Andras touched her
face, stroking her cheek with a gentle, loving touch. "You are so
delicious. Do you promise to be completely honest with me from now on?"

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry!" She couldn't seem to stop
crying, her body shaking with need. "Please, Andras. Please. I can't take
it anymore.

"I forgive you." He kissed her, his lips warm and soft
and lingering, and brushed away the tears running from the corners of her eyes
with his thumbs. He licked them with a slow, savoring gesture. "We're
almost finished. I can't tell you how much you've pleased me tonight. Just one
more toy, and I'll let you climax."

"Please," she said, as she had said so many times
already. She pulled on the ropes that held her open and helpless, writhing
against the pillow that raised her hips

He lifted the final toy, the huge, realistic-looking dildo,
from the tray, and anointed it with the clear contents of a tiny squeeze-bottle
of lube.

She moaned in weak protest as she saw it, gleaming with a slippery
coating. It looked impossibly huge.

"Think of this as your final sacrifice to the God of
Sex," he told her as he moved around the bed to kneel between her spread
thighs. "Tied down like an offering on an altar, slowly being violated by
an inhumanly-large cock..."

She jerked in her bonds as she felt his fingers spread her swollen
nether lips. Then the huge, blunt head was nudging at her entrance.

Katie moaned again as it invaded her, stretching her. She
tried to relax as Andras went to work, relentlessly forcing it inside her a
fraction of an inch at a time. It was an enormous, burning presence between her
legs, filling her completely, but it felt good, too, finally quenching some of
the needy ache of her long-stoked arousal.

It took an eternity before Andras pushed the last of it
inside her. "Status?"

She was slow in replying, her wits scattered.

He pressed a switch on the giant toy's base, and it sprang
to malevolent life inside of her, vibrating powerfully and jerking with what
felt like powerful thrusts.

"Good girl," he said. "And now you may come,
as long and as often you can."

Within seconds, Katie was on the edge again, panting, and
pulling on her bonds. Andras sat next to her as she writhed, stroking her breasts
and lightly pinching her nipples.

"Now, Katie. Come for me now."

She had always thought of her orgasms as an
excruciatingly-slow ride up the incline of a rollercoaster, followed by a
brief, sharp plunge into pleasure that ended almost before it began.

But until she met Andras, she had never been forced to
remain on the edge for so long before.

When her climax started, it felt as though she had been tossed
into a river filled with raging rapids, then sent over the edge of Niagara
Falls. All her life, she had read about people seeing stars during orgasms, or
nearly fainting. She had thought they were exaggerating.

Now she finally understood. She felt weightless, buoyed on
long intense waves of pleasure, floating in darkness lit by brilliant sparks of

She touched down gently, and as the huge dildo continued to
work powerfully inside her she immediately felt the next climax gathering,
waves of pleasure lifting her and propelling her forward into another orgasm.

She came again and again, buffeted by waves of pleasure,
drowning in it like a swimmer in a stormy sea, anchored only by the feeling of
Andras' mouth on her skin, and the merciless toy penetrating her.

Finally, she started to come down, and the intense
vibrations began to irritate rather than pleasure her.

Andras seemed to sense this, and he switched the toy off,
withdrawing it smoothly and gently. Little aftershocks of pleasure followed in
its wake, rippling through her abused flesh.

And Andras looked...very strange.

Katie blinked, trying to dispel the shimmering haze that
suddenly seemed to surround him. His clothes looked weirdly transparent,
melting into that shimmering haze, and she saw the outlines of a
gorgeously-muscled male body underneath...with wings. Large gray-feathered

"Katie, are you all right?" Andras was still
dark-haired, still gorgeous, but his green eyes looked like a cat's now, with
vertically-slit pupils, and his skin was gray, rather than smooth tanned olive.
And his hands and forearms looked strange, scaly...

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