Her Love Ran Crimson (Crimson Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Her Love Ran Crimson (Crimson Series)
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“Maddison, what are you doing?” he asks.

I’m scared he has figured something out. “Nothing, just getting a water.”

“Stay in your room and don’t come out. Dixon has been spotted and I don’t want you going anywhere bringing any attention to us right now. You’ve messed up once and I won’t let it happen again. You get me? Stay inside. I’m not asking you,” he spits out, a little shaky.

The nervousness in his voice freaks me out. So does not knowing if Dixon is lurking around waiting for me to leave the house, but I don’t care anymore. I have to leave and I don’t care what I am risking. I need out! “Sure Frank,” is all I say as I head back to my room.

The second I make it to my room, I don’t feel so comfortable leaving now. I texted Jase earlier and let him know to meet me at the park at midnight. Since I have about an hour it gives me plenty of time to act like I’m sleeping and not do anything to draw attention to myself.

I check my phone. It’s just about midnight, so I slide the window slowly and quietly. Once the window is open I carefully place my legs out. I drop down to the ground and sneak off into the darkness, making sure to avoid triggering the sensor lights. That’s the one thing I can’t risk going on. After swiftly getting past all the sensors and keeping out of the way of the cameras I make it to my car and take off before I can even buckle up. I can’t waste a second being in front of the house.

The second I am driving away a small weight is lifted because I’m so much closer to being out of here. I think to myself, finally, this is the best birthday gift I could ever give to myself. All birthdays have sucked since my mom has been gone. They weren’t even the greatest when she was here due to the control Frank had over her. But this birthday…this one is the best yet.

I pull into the empty parking lot a couple of minutes later. The park is pitch black. Jase isn’t here yet, which is odd since he’s never late. I stay in my car with the doors locked and send a text to Jase.

Me: I’m here waiting for you. Hurry up. I have got to get going. This is risky.

I wait a couple of minutes, but don’t get a message back. Something doesn’t feel right. He would never not show up. I look around and see nothing, so I sit there and wait. I am feeling antsy not getting a response back from him. I decide to wait a little longer. When I get nothing back I look around, but see nothing. I get out and look around, hoping Jase will be here any moment.

Like a flash of light a hand goes over my mouth. I struggle to get free. I’m being lifted and dragged away from my car. I’m trying to get a grip with my feet, but I’m being forced backwards. The more I fight the tighter the hand around my mouth gets. His hand is over my nose and I’m struggling for air. An all-too-familiar feeling takes over. It makes me fight harder. This can’t be happening again. I should have never stopped here. I could have been on my way to being free right now.

Suddenly, he speaks and I don’t even need to hear him to know who it is.

“He’s not coming for you. I made sure it would take him longer to get here,” Dixon says quietly in my ear.

Oh no, Jase. What did Dixon do to him? I can’t even worry about myself because now all I can think about is what Dixon did to Jase.

“Now look, this can go the easy way or this can go the hard way. I suggest you don’t fight me or things will go south. Do you understand?”

I nod my head. My body is shaking out of control. I feel like I’m floating and my vision starts to blur. I am about to lose consciousness. I can’t even brace myself for anything because everything goes pitch black.




I don’t know how long I have been out. I think my eyes are open, but everything is so dark, making it impossible to know where I am or what time it is. I quickly remember him saying something about Jase. I know I shouldn’t make any sudden movements indicating I’m awake. The longer I can keep him away from me the better. Survival mode taking over, I breathe slowly keeping my heart rate as slow as possible. My mind is thinking a million thoughts as to how to get out of here alive. I just wish I knew where I was.

Nothing is familiar about where I am. It’s cold and smells dusty. I’m lying on what feels like a thin cot. I can only imagine what he plans on doing. My senses kick in and I feel like someone is close. I make sure to keep as still as possible.

“Oh, Maddison. Why do you always have to act like you are too good for me? You act like you never notice me. What does he have that I don’t? Did you think you could keep him a secret? This was never about the money. I always planned on coming back for you. We never got to finish what we started because you damn mother had to get in the way.”

He sighs and I get freaked out. He has been planning this.

“When are you going to wake up? Damn it! You look so peaceful when you are sleeping. You’re gonna have to wake up soon. I’ll be waiting.”

I don’t know how much longer I can pretend to be sleeping before he starts to get mad. He seriously is crazier than I originally thought. Finally, when I don’t think pretending to be sleeping is making matters any better, I whisper to him, “Why are you doing this?” Waiting for his response, I sniffle and let the tears come. I don’t care if he sees them or not. It’s not like anything I say or do will change his mind. He obviously has been planning this. I don’t know what I ever did to him to make him want to do this to me.

“Sweet Maddison, why can’t you see? You are mine. I knew from the second I laid eyes on you. I never needed Frank. I have plenty of my own money. I just needed a reason to get around you. You are so beautiful and I had to have you. I won’t share you. I will keep you here until you realize you are mine.”

Fuck, this guy is dangerous and mental. Not a good combination. I reach my hand down and feel my wrist and begin to freak out. My bracelet, it’s gone. My bracelet means everything to me, it’s everything I want to be. Those words help me and remind me of who I am deep down inside. I feel naked with the cold metal missing. Feeling weak and defeated I lay there and hope the darkness finds me.




“What day is it? Where are we?” I ask hoping to get some answers. I feel like it has been weeks since this all happened. I don’t expect him to answer my questions. What I do know is this guy needs help. He’s acting like he cares about me. He never cared about me. If he did he wouldn’t have killed my mom.

“It’s Saturday night, Maddison.”

I have been here one day. I’m nowhere close to escaping here. This time I don’t have my mother to save me. Jase must think I left him there. “Where is my stuff? I need my stuff. My bag.” He laughs.

“You don’t need anything. I didn’t bring it. I didn’t see it.” Maybe if I try to convince him I am coming around and believe him and make him think I see why he is doing this, I can gain the upper hand. “It’s dark in here. Can you turn on a light? I can’t see you. If I can’t see you I can’t begin to understand anything. Please?” He gets up and I think he is going to turn on a light until I feel the bed dip and he sits down next to me. I jump when he touches my hair.

“I’m not going to turn on any lights. Don’t ask again. There is nothing for you to see.”

He continues to stroke my hair and I feel like vomiting. The fear and repulsion mixed with my shakes is making it difficult to breathe. At this point I don’t think I’m strong enough to keep going, so I stay put in the darkness and keep quiet, begging for someone to come for me.

I have to go to the bathroom, with the little amount of water I have been forced to drink finally hitting. I have refused to eat anything he has offered, scared of being poisoned. “I need to go to the restroom,” I say hoping maybe there is something in the bathroom that can help me escape. Desperate for anything at this point.

“Okay, I will take you, but don’t forget I’m right behind you. Don’t get any ideas. Get up.”

I do as I am told. He holds my shoulders from behind and guides me around the place. We walk a short distance and a door opens.

“Here. I will be just outside this door. Just think of that if you decide you want to try anything.”

I don’t know what has happened but his demeanor has changed. He seems very on edge. Once I close the door a tiny night light comes on. I’m instantly familiar with where I am. He has brought me to the warehouse.

I would have never thought I would be brought here. This is risky for him, but I’m sure he knows nobody would try and come find me. I look around the bathroom quietly, seeking anything that can help me. It’s pretty bare in here. There isn’t even soap to wash my hands. I notice a short metal pipe in the corner. I don’t know if I could even hit him fast enough or hard enough for it to even work. I do keep it in mind if I need it.

Once I’m done, I exit the door and am guided back to the same spot. This time I’m shoved to the hard bed. Something must be going on because he is getting angrier by the second.

“What did you leave at the park?”

Now I’m hopeful someone found my stuff and that people are looking for me. I don’t dare show that, though. Still incredibly fearful of this crazed lunatic I stutter out, “I…I had my bag with me. There wasn’t that much in it.”

“Your phone?” He screams forcefully at me.

I don’t have my old phone; I made sure to leave it behind, so I wouldn’t be tracked. “I didn’t have my phone,” I say dreadfully, hoping he doesn’t know I had a burner phone

“Where was it? Your phone?”

“I got rid of it earlier, so I wouldn’t be tracked.”

“And why would you not want to be tracked? What were you planning on doing?”

No way. I can’t tell him, so I remain quiet. This only encourages him to force the answer out of me. I won’t tell him too scared it will make him angrier than he already is.

“Maddison, tell me what you were doing without your phone. Now!”

Nothing comes out. Suddenly I am forced to my back and viciously grabbed by the neck.

“Tell me or things won’t be as nice I they have been so far.”

Refusing to speak, I shut my mouth as tight as possible. I don’t even think. I just keep hushed. When I’m beyond scared I tend to black out. That would be welcomed right now so I would never have to remember this. And then my wish is granted.




When I wake up again my cheek is pounding with pain. I clutch it, wishing I had my pain pills to numb my thoughts and the pain. I want to scream out. This is not how anything was supposed to go. I am so angry and terrified that this time I won’t make it out of here with my life. I might just be facing my mother’s fate. I am so sick of fighting for life when it becomes more and more apparent I shouldn’t be here. I think about jumping up and running to the bathroom and hiding in there waiting for him to come in there to get me. Then I can take matters into my own hands. If I don’t fight hard enough and I don’t make it at least I will die trying.



I get the urge to run and get the pipe out of the bathroom. I have waited long enough to not fight. I just hope I don’t trip and fall since it’s still dark in here. My eyes have adjusted slightly, so I can start to make things out a tiny bit. I just have to run as fast as I can to give me as much of a chance to make it there and lock the door. I know he will be on the other side pounding it trying to knock it down. I stop thinking and full sprint run to the bathroom. Halfway there I hear Dixon yelling angrily.

“Where do you think you’re going? This is just going to make it worse on you. Maddison!”

I make it to the bathroom without my clumsiness. I slam the door shut and am thankful it has a lock that still works. It gives me a minute to think what I’m doing next before he breaks the door down.

“Get out of the bathroom. I’ll break this fucking door down if I have to.” Following through with the threats, he is pounding on the door. I can’t tell if he is kicking it or ramming into it, but I think the door is going to come down any minute. I run and grab the pipe and get into position holding it like a bat ready to swing the second he comes through that door. I hold it tight with rage that is running wild in my body. I am ready to take my life in my own hands. One more solid pound and the door caves in. It happens so quickly. I hear someone yell.

“Maddie, are you here?”

That’s all it takes. A terrified look etches itself across Dixon’s face, and he looks over to see who is calling me. I cock my arm back and swing it as hard as I can. One hit to the head and he is out cold. Years of anger and pain rush over me and I scream at the top of my lungs crying, “You can’t have me. I’m not yours. You took my mom, you asshole.” I hit him once more and I freak out when I see blood pouring out from a gash in the back of his head. “Jase! I’m here.”
What did I do?

Crying hard I drop the pipe and instantly sink to the floor hugging my knees to my chest rocking back and forth. Dixon isn’t moving, I fucking killed him. I’m in complete shock and I’m so scared. Jase runs through the door and looks at Dixon lying on the floor and runs to me and drops to his knees and holds me tight as I am shaking.

“Maddie, are you hurt? Fuck, it’s going to be okay. You’re okay. I’m here. Shhh. Everything is going to be okay.”

Nothing will come out as I try to talk to him. I can’t even force a word out as I sob deeply into his shoulder. He just rocks with me, holding me, trying to make this okay. I can’t get up. My legs feel like Jell-O.

“Maddie, you aren’t going to like this, but I have to call my dad. He has to know. I know we might not like his choices, but he needs to know. I need his help.”

I can’t even say no at this point because the truth is, I need someone to make this okay. In my head I know I did nothing wrong, but others might not like this. Frank! How the fuck did I forget about Frank? I hear Jase on the phone with his dad calmly explaining what happened and where he is.

“My dad is on his way He is going to call the police from here. We need to try and get up. Can you get up?”

I try to get up with the support of Jase. “Yeah I can get up. How did you know I was here? How do you always manage to be at the right place at the right time when you are most needed?” I choke out, overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions.

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