Her Love Ran Crimson (Crimson Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Her Love Ran Crimson (Crimson Series)
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While I am passing the offices I stop dead in my tracks. I see Phillip Becker, the D.A. who dropped my mom’s case saying there wasn’t enough evidence to prove Frank and Dixon were the cause of her death. He let them walk. I know he is on Frank’s payroll. I can’t think of any reason he would be here. I haven’t heard about anything happening at school, but on the other hand I am disconnected with what goes on here being the social scum of the school. I must have lingered a little too long because as soon as he finishes up in the office he notices me staring. This is when it starts to get awkward. We are having a whole conversation with just our eyes. I know he knows who I am. I have seen him many times in my house, but have never spoken a word to his corrupt sorry excuse of a person who is supposed to seek justice for the ones whose lives have been blown to pieces by acts of violence. There is something in his eyes that is incredibly familiar, but I can’t place it for the life of me. I shake off the eerie feeling and take off to my car.

Once I am in the safety of my car, I take a deep breath and think about what I have to do to stop whatever this is between Jase and I now before things get more confusing between us. I will be leaving in a few months and now is better than when I am deeper in. I don’t have room for distractions. I need to focus on the plan and make sure I execute it correctly. One wrong move and I could meet the same fate as my mom. What happened and how ugly I am inside will never come out. I can never let Jase know about any of this. I would rather leave with him clueless than knowing the truth about me.

Pulling out of the parking lot, I pass Jase while he is driving in. I try hard to not to look his way, but it’s pointless. He holds up his finger signaling for me to wait up, but I can’t. I need to get away. I feel bad, but I drive off anyway. I remind myself that I am doing it for him. He doesn’t need me.

I go to the public library because it really is a great place to hide. While I am taking a seat at the table in the back my phone vibrates signaling a text message. It’s Jase. It was only a matter of time. The question is, do I look or do I just ignore it? Curiosity gets the better of me, so I open up the message.

Jase: Where did you take off to?

Me: Just had some things to take care of.

Jase: Things during school? I don’t believe that.

Me: Yes, during school. Gotta go.

Jase: Are you avoiding me?

Me: No, why would you think that?

Jase: I don’t know, maybe you speeding off after I asked you to wait a minute. Did I do

something wrong?

Me: No, you didn’t do anything wrong. You’ll understand by the end of school today.

Gotta go.”

Jase: Wait, what does that mean?

I decide not to answer him. Angry, I throw my phone in my bag. A tear falls down my cheek. Why does it feel like everything I want is ruined by Frank and his shit? I can’t have a normal life because of him. I lost my mom and am slowly beginning to lose hope in getting out of here alive. I am becoming numb. I am an empty shell of the person I used to be.

After some reading and writing that I force myself to do, I give up on my quiet time. I decide to go home and take a nap. I think I just need to sleep this day away and start a new horrible day tomorrow.

Once I arrive at my house and park my car, I walk up to the door and notice flowers sitting on my porch. Confused as all hell I pick them up and see a small envelope in the middle addressed to me. I look around to see if anybody is around. I don’t know who would leave me anything. The neighborhood is quiet, as always. I carefully open the envelope and read the tiny card inside.

I don’t care what they say, I enjoy hanging out with you and want to do it again. Don’t give up on us just yet.


Instant tears fill my eyes. I can’t drag him down. He will only lose in the end. I will not be the cause of destroying another life. My mom was more than enough to lose. I will not be responsible for another life lost.

I have so much on my mind. How did Jase get my address? I have never given it to him. I never let him get this close to Frank for his own protection. Also, I wonder again what was Phillip Becker doing at my school? I never thought I would see him again. I don’t think the hate I have for him will ever go away. It’s just as deep as the first time I met him when he said there was no evidence to pin Frank and Dixon to my mom’s death.

I know all the ins and outs in this life and I know when having to keep someone away is necessary. Believe me, they have taught me to make sure I never get caught while I am running product for them. I know it goes a lot further than that. I am completely terrified that I am going get caught and go to jail for doing this, but I’m scared for my life to defy Frank. I know he will make good on his threats to end me. He is all about the gain. He has no feelings, no heart and could care less about anybody else in this world.

You can say that receiving flowers should be a great moment in a girl’s life. She should feel special and wanted. I do feel a little warm and fuzzy inside, but that gets derailed when I think of the danger Jase is being put into. If this were a different time or place it would be wanted.

I need to text Jase and thank him. I want to call him, but hearing his voice will only make me cave and I have to be strong and not give into the feelings he brings out in me. It’s for the best. So texting is the best way for me. I also want to know how he got my address. I bring the flowers into my room and put them on my dresser. I dig out my phone from my purse.

Me: Thanks for the flowers. They are beautiful. You really shouldn’t have. How did you

get my address?

I am pacing my room while I await his response. I must be wearing down the small patch of carpet my feet keep brushing over. Finally, I hear the text chime.

Jase: You’re welcome. I need to see you. We need to talk about school. Your address? I

have my ways.

Me: I don’t think it’s a good idea to be seen with each other. I don’t need you caught up

in stuff. See ya around.

Jase: Come on. It’s not a big deal to me if it isn’t to you.

Me: That’s the thing, it’s a huge deal. It could ruin my plans. I have to get out of this

place. It’s not for me.

Jase: Don’t do this, please. I thought we were having fun.

I can’t keep going with this conversation anymore. It’s making me sad and I want to keep talking to him. Ending things between us now is the best for him. I never have a chance to do things that are the best for me. In a way, I am envious of his carefree way of life. I know he has some things going on in his life. I see it in his eyes when I ask him certain questions. I see the pain in his eyes. I want to know what is going on in his life to make the hurt flash through his eyes. I have no right though. I won’t even share the tiniest details of my life with him. The problem is I want to know more and that’s why I need to stay away.

I lie down on my bed with my phone next to me, hoping Jase will text me again. Is it so bad that I want somebody to fight for me? For my attention and friendship? I wish he would just text me, but he hasn’t yet and I don’t think he will.

Sometime after one in the morning I am awakened by an alert on my phone. Groggily, I check it. It’s a message from Jase. I rub my eyes quickly to be able to see the message. I instantly blush when I read the message he has sent me.

Jase: Just thinking about you.

I melt just knowing he is up at this ungodly hour thinking about me. It takes everything for me not to text him back and tell him I have thinking about him all day too. I only have a little more than two months left and then I am out of here. If only I could take Jase with me.

Chapter Nine


After playing hooky from school for a couple days and ignoring all of Jase’s calls and text messages, his calls and messages became less frequent. Frank was elated that I missed school and was able to be his little errand girl. I get this very strange feeling things are getting more dangerous. I have always been cautious of what I am doing, always checking my surroundings to see if people are following me. That’s the scariest part about doing these things for him. Also, now that I have missed school with the excuse of stomach flu, and have made myself completely available to Frank, he might assume that this is going to be how it is. I know he doesn’t want me going to school and just wants me doing all the dirty work for him, so his fingers are not touching stuff and he isn’t going out to client’s houses and getting seen. He never wants his hands in the pot.

I take my shower as quickly as possible and get ready to take off, so I can run by the coffee shop before school. I need to make an appearance or else the school will start asking questions. It’s Friday. I wish I could say I was like the others and look forward to the weekends. That is not the case. I loathe the weekends. I hate not having something to do that keeps me busy.

On my way out the door Frank yells from the couch his lazy ass never gets off of unless somebody has made a mistake.


I shiver every time he yells my name knowing he has something he wants me to do. “Coming,” I yell, so he doesn’t get upset. He doesn’t like when I take too long to answer. Several times I have been smacked across the face for taking my time. He treats me as his puppet and I have to obey.

“I have something for you to deliver. It’s a little bit out of the way to school, but it is very important that it gets there as soon as possible. Address is on the envelope,” he says sternly and shoos me off with a wave of the hand.

I am going to be late to school. Great! I don’t dare say this, though. I have learned my lesson on that. Maybe I should just take the day off, but then I think of all the makeup work I have to do. It’s strange how nobody has ever questioned my days missed from school. How Jase doesn’t even know me and he is already wondering why I am cutting out of school early. I hope I am making the right decision cutting him out of my life. It was such a simple decision that maybe if something was that simple maybe it needs to be thought about more. Here I go second guessing myself with Jase. After all, he will see how disgustingly broken I am inside, and how nobody can save me.

I drive to the address printed on the envelope, which took me almost thirty minutes to get here. I listen to music to soothe my nerves. I am in a higher class of neighborhoods than I’m used to. In my rearview I notice a car that looks almost identical to Jase’s car close behind me. I get this crazy feeling in the pit of my stomach that it
him. It pulsates all the way down to my toes.

Pulling up to the place, I instantly remember it. It’s weird how one look at the house brings back a rush of memories. This is Philip Becker’s house. I kind of do an inner freak out knowing he was just at my school. What, is he snooping? Did Frank send him to follow me? To make sure I am keeping my mouth shut?

I quickly run up to the door and knock two times. Philip answers the door.

“It’s been a long time. I knew you looked familiar the other day at school. How is your old man doing?”

He says this in a calm, cool, and collected voice as if he is doing nothing wrong at all. He honestly doesn’t look at all affected that what possibly is in this envelope could ruin his career and send him to jail for a very long time. This is corruption at its finest.

I despise this man. I don’t know if I hate him or Frank more. Both have ruined my life as much as the other. Although Frank was responsible for my mom’s death. Philip didn’t do what families depend on him to do. He made sure to overlook key evidence and never file charges against Dixon and Frank. Possibly there are many middle men who pay him off to keep him quiet. I am sure there is a lot of money in this envelope. This is what they call hush money.

“He isn’t my old man and I don’t care to know how he is doing. We don’t talk like that. I have to get to school. I’m late.” I hand him the envelope. After he takes it I walk back down to my car. Being here creeps me out. It’s like being on the devil’s side. It just feels weird.

I set off on my way to school hoping I will make at least a couple minutes of first period. I am a bundle of nerves today, scared out of my mind to see Jase. It has been almost a week since I have seen him or returned his attempts to get in touch with me. It doesn’t help that he is in four out of my six classes. Seeing him is inevitable.

As soon as I get a late pass from the office, I head to class. I have managed to make it in enough time to have a few minutes in my first class.

I knock on the door to the room. Mr. Shultz answers.

“I hope you’re feeling better. I’ll give you your makeup work after class.”

“Thanks,” I say, heading to my seat. I keep my head down to avoid glares from the students and to avoid looking for Jase. I can feel the tension in the air. I am sure everyone is staring at us, waiting for a show, but I won’t give them that satisfaction.

I take my seat quickly, but don’t bother getting my stuff out since the class is coming to an end soon. When the bell rings I make my way to the podium where Mr. Shultz is standing. He hands me a packet.

“Take your time in completing the assignments.”

“Thank you,” I say graciously. Everyone has left the classroom, including Jase. I’m a little bummed. I go to my locker to deposit the work and to get to my stuff for the next class. I am going to be very busy for the next couple days trying to finish this all up in a reasonable time.

“Let’s talk,” Jase says as he gently grabs my arm and pulls me down the hallway.

I go along with it not wanting to make a scene, but this type of behavior doesn’t fly with me. I don’t like being tugged and told what to do. I get enough of that at home.

“Jase, let go. I will follow you, but I can’t be late to class. Can’t we do this later?” I ask yanking my arm away from him.

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