Her Master's Kiss 5

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Authors: Vivien Sparx

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“Her Master’s Kiss 5”


Vivien Sparx


Copyright © 2013 Vivien Sparx

All Rights Reserved.


All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

[email protected]






Author’s note: This is the final installment in the ‘Her Master’s Kiss’ series featuring Stefan and Renee. But – as one door closes, another exciting relationship comes alive…






“God, I have never felt so nervous!” Renee stood in the centre of the bedroom floor, staring at the lingerie laid out across the big bed. “I feel like I’m getting ready for a date.”

She swung her head to the side, which set the long blonde tresses of her hair swishing, silken and shiny across the honey-brown skin of her naked shoulders. Then she turned on her heel and stepped across the room to the full-length mirror in the corner. She frowned at herself and pulled a face at her reflection. Then she tried again, this time practicing a sexy, sensual smile.

“You’re lucky you don’t need to go through all this,” she spoke over her shoulder. “You’ve got the best life in the world.”

Curled up on Stefan’s wing-backed leather chair, Jeffrey the Labrador lifted his head for just long enough to acknowledge the sound of Renee’s voice. Then he yawned massively… and rested his head back onto his paws.

Renee came up onto the tips of her toes, sucking in her stomach and at the same time pushing forward her breasts. She turned from side to side, her eyes critical of the way her body had changed over the past months since baby Storm had died. The flat, firm planes of her abdomen were still there, but now the edges of muscle had been softened, and perhaps her hips were just a little wider.

Could that be possible?

“What do you think?” she asked the dog. Jeffrey opened one eye lazily, and then closed it again.

Renee cupped her hands under the weight of her breasts and gently squeezed at the nipples until they became firm and hard little buds in her fingertips, inspecting her body critically for more signs of softness. Her breasts were still firm and well-shaped in the palms of her hands… but still… maybe they had lost some of their elasticity?

She shook her head, and leaned closer to the mirror. She practiced another sexy smile, and noticed the two small creases beneath her eyes that had not been there before… before baby Storm had died.

She was different, Renee realized. She was changing. But what woman could go through all that she had and
be changed?

Renee sighed and stepped back from the mirror. She crossed to the bed, flicking a distaining glance at Jeffery. “Sorry. I hope my talking hasn’t disturbed you,” she said wryly.

The bed was covered with red lingerie; a collection of lace panties, bras, corsets and stockings. Renee sighed. It had been a long time since she had worn any of it. She hoped it would still fit her new body.

There was a pair of sheer silk panties at the edge of the mattress, she picked them up and rubbed the glossy material against her cheek. She stepped into them with two long-legged strides. The fit was soft and sensual. Renee felt the first shudder of her anticipation, and reached for the bra beside the pillow.

She fastened the bra, fitting the shape of her breasts comfortably, and turned in a full circle, so that her hair bounced and shimmered. “Well? What do you think?”

Jeffery opened his eyes slowly and seemed to sigh. His big brown eyes fastened on the shape of Renee, and then he wearily uncoiled himself from his comfortable position on the chair and jumped down to the bedroom floor. He trotted out of the room to find somewhere quieter to sleep.


Her cosmetics were in the en suite. Renee snatched a pair of diamond stud earrings from the dressing table and put them on.

The en suite was still foggy with steam from her shower. Renee smeared away the mist with the palm of her hand and took one last look at her reflection under the harsh lighting.

She was different. It was in her eyes, not in her expression. It wasn’t a physical aging – it was emotional scarring. There were shadows of sadness, and a haunted hardness in her gaze that no cosmetics could ever conceal. It was her – the new her, and she realized that part of what she had lost in the terrible months since baby Storm had died, was not her youthful looks, but her innocence.

Renee sighed, and screwed her eyes tightly shut.


No. This isn’t the time to go back over the past again. What has happened, cannot be undone. It can never be forgotten, but neither can it ever be allowed to destroy us. I’ve got to keep fighting for us!


When she opened her eyes again, she briskly went about applying her makeup with purposeful touches of the small brushes, working deliberately to accentuate the size and colour of her eyes and highlight her cheek bones. The final touch was the merest slick of lip-gloss. She stood back and stared at herself again – this time dispassionately, as an artist would inspect his work. She smiled rather grimly.

When she came back into the bedroom, Renee shot a glance at the bedside clock. It was 5.50pm. She slipped on her high heels and took the red dress from the wardrobe.

It fitted just as it always had.

Renee stepped to the mirror, leaned forward and studied her cleavage before pouting at herself critically one last time.

Her diamond bracelet – the conch – was in the top drawer of her dressing table, where it had been for many months. She draped the beautiful piece of jewelry over her wrist and fastened it carefully. The diamonds glittered in the fading glow of afternoon light, catching the sun’s last rays and sparkling the light into brilliant white shards.

Renee took a long, deep breath and closed her eyes. She was nervous – and she was anxious. There was so much at risk, and so much she was unsure of. The months since Stefan had come back to her had been harder than she had imagined, and the tense strain between them was like a fragile thing that might be shattered at any moment.

She knew Stefan. He was a man she couldn’t push. For all his determination and intensity, he was stubborn and traditional in so many aspects of life.

Renee knew she was about to gamble on their future together.







Renee opened the champagne as soon as she heard the key in the front door lock. She poured two glasses and set them on the table. Then she quickly lit the candles in the centre-piece, and stood in the kitchen opening, suddenly overcome with a terrible sense of panic and trepidation so that she felt the trembles in her legs. She was nervous.

Then suddenly Stefan came through the door, and froze.

Renee watched him. He had not moved to meet her. There was a hint of a frown on his face. The house was in darkness but for the flickering glow of the candles, and in that light Stefan’s handsome face looked almost brutal.

Renee could not move. Stefan’s stillness reminded her of a great hunting lion, and she was startled by the realization that what she was feeling now was not nervousness – it was fear: a tiny fierce pulse of fear and exhilaration that she had not felt in such a long time. The feeling startled and surprised her, and she marveled for one moment at how this man could still make her feel so alive and sexual with just a dark look, and the way he held himself, the dangerous energy of him.

Renee knew then that what she risked was worth the chance, and so she rushed to him, holding up her face to him, her eyes shining as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

She could smell the wonderful man-smell of him and she inhaled deeply. In her heels, she was tall enough so that her face was buried against his neck, and the abrade of his stubbled jaw was like a sexy electric shock to her senses. She pressed herself to him, molding the curves of her body against the hard muscled lines of him.

Stefan held her in his arms for long moments and then she lifted her face up to his once more and they kissed.

It began as a welcoming kiss, sensual and melting and lingering – but Renee’s own hungry arousal had been building for many hours. Her tongue slipped between Stefan’s lips and flicked inside his mouth. He responded, pressing his mouth fiercely against hers, and she felt the sudden slide of his hands down the shimmering soft fabric of her dress until he was pulling her body against his own reflexive rising heat.

Renee gave a little gasp of delight and then moaned softly into Stefan’s mouth. Her body responded instantly. She kissed him back as passion rippled through her, coiling tight and hot, low down within her abdomen. It was as if he knew exactly what was on her mind.

Stefan broke the kiss at last, and Renee felt the soft swelling of her lips. They were still tingling. Stefan looked at her. She could see a muted glow of desire in his eyes, and there was still the reactive hardness of him pressed hot against her body. Renee felt as if all the air had been drawn from the room. Her breathing became labored and shaky, her heart began to race.

“That was a nice welcome home,” Stefan said softly.

Renee smiled and licked her lips. “You have been away for two days. I thought you would appreciate it.” Her voice still quavered.

Stefan raised his eyebrows and looked over her shoulder. “Candlelit dinner?”

Renee nodded.

He looked back to her face and his eyes were dark and unfathomable. His gaze drifted down until coming to settle on the rising soft mounds of her breasts, restrained within the plunging neckline of the dress.

“You have made a lot of effort.”

Renee slanted her eyes in a languid sexy expression. “You’re worth it,” she said softly. “Welcome home.”

Dinner was honey mustard chicken that had been in the slow cooker since noon, and afterwards while she cleaned away the plates Stefan filled Renee in on the details of his business trip north along the coast.

As he spoke, Renee watched him carefully. He was tired – she could see the fatigue that showed itself as brackets around his mouth, and the soft smudge of dull bruising beneath his eyes. But there was passion and excitement in his voice as he outlined the investment potential of the venture, and for that alone Renee was pleased.

Finally she took his hand and led him from the table. She blew out the candles and they folded down together onto the living room sofa, their bodies pressed close and the heat from Renee radiating like fire.







Renee threw her arms around Stefan’s neck and pulled his face down to her mouth. She made a sexy, aroused purring noise in the back of her throat – a contented, delighted moan as their lips brushed. Then the sounds became all together more urgent as Renee’s tongue searched and flickered inside Stefan’s mouth. Her breathing began as short gasping sounds of her desire, and she felt her nipples harden against the lacy restraint of her bra. She brushed her body across Stefan’s hard muscled chest, and the sparks of electric excitement were a wicked tease.

“I’ve missed you,” Renee muttered, her mouth alive and her tongue probing deeper as they continued to kiss. She could feel sparks of excitement setting tiny fires on her skin at every point her body pressed against his. Deftly, she raised the hem of her dress up to her thighs, spread her legs wide, and then straddled Stefan, so that she was facing him, sitting astride his lap.

Renee felt herself shudder. Suddenly it was as if all the tiny fires caught alight and became a blaze between her legs. She could feel the sudden rush of her wet arousal within her panties, and the heat there was damp and fragrant with the heady scent of her own arousal. She bucked her hips deliberately, grinding the soft mound of herself against the denim of Stefan’s jeans, and then pressed down hard upon him, her undulations almost beyond her will to control.

“God!” Renee gasped, “I have missed this, Stefan.”

She felt Stefan’s hands encircle her, his fingers kneading the firm shape of her bottom, but she longed to feel the slide of his fingers below the fabric of the dress. She moved again above him, rubbing herself in small circular motions against the thickness of his thigh. “Please!”

Stefan slid his hands up the back of Renee’s dress and felt for the zipper, drawing it down slowly, so that she could feel cool air against the skin of her back as the zip slid lower. Finally, when the zipper could go no more, Stefan’s hands went searching between Renee’s spread thighs.

“Yes!” she hissed almost savagely with pleasure. She felt the tips of his fingers high up on the inside of her thigh and she raised herself up off his leg to give him better access. She closed her eyes and slumped forward against him, pressing her breasts hard against his chest and resting her head in the crook of his neck. She felt her breath hitch in her throat as Stefan’s fingers lazily crept closer and closer to the damp heat. Her whole body seemed to be trembling. The anticipation of his touch was an exquisite torture and she bit down hard on her lip to stifle an impatient gasp.

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