Her Master's Voice (33 page)

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Authors: Jacqueline George

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Her Master's Voice
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“You married?”

“Oh yes, my wife lives in KL. She’s got quite a place up there, her father left it to her.”

“Oh. You don’t live together then?”

“No, it’s not like that. We had to get married, it was to do with the families, but we’re happy. I really enjoy her company when I’m up there, but we don’t sleep together. Oh, we made a couple of babies, we’re got two sons who live with her for the moment, but I don’t think she wants any more. She doesn’t miss me much. She prefers women.”

“Really? A full-time lesbian?”

“Yes, I suppose so. She keeps things pretty discreet, of course. For the last few years she’s been keeping a masseuse from East Germany. Terrible woman. Always looks at me as if she’s going to tear me to pieces. Strong as a horse and with hair cut like a man’s. I can’t imagine what my wife sees in her, but they seem to be happy. I used to wonder what they do to each other in bed.”

“Yes, certainly gets you thinking, doesn’t it?”

“I did see them together once, although it’s a bit of a story. It was when my wife wanted our second baby. She invited me up for dinner and business, so she said. So we sat at the table, my wife, Elke and I, all very polite and civilised. I’d met Elke before, of course, but she still made me feel uncomfortable. My wife told me what she really wanted just as I was enjoying my coffee.

“Doesn’t that sound very English? Sitting around the dinner table, politely arranging for another baby with your wife and her lover? I thought we were going to spend the night together but Elke had other ideas. She sent my wife off to get ready while we sat over a drink. Then she marched me off to their bedroom.

“You’ve never seen anything like it, I’m sure. They’ve got the room all done up with pink curtains and lace, it looks like Walt Disney’s idea of a Parisian brothel. Anyway, there was my wife. She’d stripped off and knelt on the bed with her bottom in the air and her face buried in the bed spread. That was all I could see as we came in the door—her  bottom sticking up and smiling at me.

“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My wife used to be very modest. Elke went up to her, gave her bottom a smack, and said ‘Beautiful, isn’t she? She’s got a really nice arse.’ You could have blown me over, I was so surprised. It’s true, of course, she has a very pretty bottom but Elke was behaving as if she was its proprietor.

“Then she says ‘I’ll get her ready for you. Strip off.’ and she started to get out of her clothes. I was really embarrassed. Stupid, isn’t it? I’ll happily do most things but taking my clothes off in front of Elke, that was really difficult. Anyway, there she was, naked and waiting, so I got undressed. Elke looked at me and said ‘I hope you’re going to be able to manage a bit more than that, and don’t expect us to help you get it up.’

“Of course, that didn’t help. It went like a wet noodle. Elke said she’d get my wife ready for me first. She knelt on the floor behind her and started licking. It was crazy. I’d always been so careful and gentle with my wife and here was this German woman diving straight in and sticking her tongue so far up inside I’m surprised it didn’t come out of her ear. My wife was loving it. She was moving around and moaning. She came in no time at all.

“Then Elke looked over her shoulder at me standing there and shrugged. ‘OK, you work on that and I’ll have her first.’ She reached under the pillow and came out with a bundle of straps and a purple dildo shaped a bit like a strange banana. She put one foot on the bed and squeezed the short end of the dildo into herself. She was very hairy, so hairy I’m surprised she could find the right place. Then she threaded the straps over the dildo and started doing them up behind her. She ended up with an artificial cock sticking out of a harness that went around her hips and between her legs. I got another look of pity as she waved that purple monster around, and she grabbed hold of my wife’s hips and just speared her with it. No finesse—nothing. She just lined it up and pushed hard, and my wife moaned and pushed back. Unbelievable, and then Elke started to move. It was pile driver time. She was hammering away, making the bed rock, and my wife was grunting and moaning. They made quite a sight. My wife’s quite small and delicate, but Elke’s big and powerful. She must spend a lot of time naked next to the pool getting brown, and she does weight lifting as well. I could see all her muscles working as she banged away.

“Well, Elke’s no rose but it was fun watching my wife getting well and truly serviced. She’d given up trying to move and was being held in place by Elke’s hands on her hips. She was really noisy, grunting and moaning, really enjoying herself. That looked nice and I was getting hard at last. I helped it along by hand, wondering when my turn would come. Elke was going faster and faster until she started coming and I could see her movements getting a little disorganised. She looked over her shoulder, saw I was hard enough and pulled out suddenly. ‘Your turn,’ she said and waved me in. My wife was shaking with excitement, I’m not sure she realised there’d been a change of members. She just kept on coming as I did her. I didn’t last long, and as soon as I came, Elke grabbed my shoulder and pulled me out. She jumped right back in and kept on thrusting. She looked at me and said ‘You can go now.’ I grabbed my clothes and went back to my own room. As I closed the door, Elke was going at full speed again and my wife was moaning and shrieking—she was completely out of her mind.

“It worked, anyway. Nine months later we had another son. He’s a lovely little boy and Elke’s as proud as anything of him. I don’t suppose my wife wants to try for another baby but I’m sure I don’t want to do it the same way. Making love with a drill sergeant looking over my shoulder.”

“Perhaps they’ll want Elke to have the next baby. Thought of that?”

“God, I hope not! The thought of getting into that great hairy… I’d be frightened. She’s so muscular I’d be afraid she’d break it off. Perhaps I’ll volunteer you for the duty. At least you might be strong enough to hold her still. I can see my little story has interested you.”

It was true. Tim’s cock lay draped over his thigh, half hard and thinking about it. He was suddenly aware that Papi’s had opened his eyes to stare. “My glasses,” he muttered. “I cannot see correctly but it looks very big.”

“Oh it is, Papi, it is. You’d love it. My girls have both tried it and they say it reaches into all the corners. Did you ever try a man, Tim?”

Tim was embarrassed by the question. “Er—no. Never. Not exactly.”

“Not exactly?”

“Well, there was a billy boy. Once.”

“You should try a real man sometime. They’re different, aren’t they Papi?”

“Oh yes,” he nodded. “Very different. The real thing. I prefer them.”

“Didn’t you ever do anything at school, Tim? No? Oh well, that’s the English class system for you. You should have been born rich. We used to play around all the time because my father sent me to a very expensive school. You know, one of the ones that has huge oak boards with the names of ex-students killed in the Great War, all carved and gilded. And another list almost as long of all the ex-students who became prime ministers, bishops and generals. We weren’t allowed to meet any girls, so we amused ourselves in other ways.”

“Really? It doesn’t seem to have affected your appreciation of pretty girls.”

“Of course not. We only did it together because there was nothing else on offer. Not that we were very inventive. Too young to really enjoy ourselves, but we used to sit around in a circle and play with the cock on our right. It was all good fun. Especially if you were sitting next to a left-handed boy.”

Tim was shocked at the thought. He had no idea that the great public schools were so—well—
. “Didn’t the teachers stop you?”

“No, not much. Of course, half of them were doing it to each other anyway and the rest were probably too crazy to manage. They knew what was going on. We understood that much, but no one likes to make a fuss. They’d only have to send students down and that does all sorts of damage to reputations. The students’ reputations and the school’s as well. So I think they just tried not to see it. Of course, we made life as difficult as possible for the susceptible ones. You can just imagine what it must be like rubbing shoulders day after day with all those fit young men when you’ve got a secret craving for them. They must have been frantic with lust. They tried hard, but sometimes they didn’t manage to keep their trousers on.”

“Jesus, that must have caused a lot of trouble.”

“No, not really. Because no one was talking and no one was listening. We were hardly innocent choir boys after all so I don’t think it did any harm. We were all at the age where we would let anyone play with our cocks. They only had to ask. Look, Papi, he’s getting more interested. There’s hope for you yet.”

“Oh I wish I had my glasses… It looks so big.”

“If you talk to him nicely, you never know but you might get lucky.”

Tim shut that idea down immediately. “No. Not a chance. Sorry Papi, but it’s just not my thing, I suppose.” Then seeing the expression on Papi’s face, he relented a little, “OK, maybe, if we’re here long enough. If we’re still here at Christmas time I’ll think about it.” A smile spread over Papi’s face and he closed his eyes again. Tim could not resist looking into his lap, but his cock was hidden by the fat of his belly.

“How about you, Tim?” asked Alistair. “You’ve listened to my stories. Now tell us about your billy boy.”

Tim related the story of Janice and that evening on
Sea Sprite IV
. Alistair did not let him rush through. He slowed the story down by asking questions and making Tim describe everything in the finest detail. He told of the barge and its crew, of Captain Straughan and their voyage to the crane barge. Alistair liked Renaldo and savoured the steam of his kitchen, the hot cornbread and coffee and, of course, he was interested in Janice. How she looked when she came to his room, how she dressed, how she sat. He wanted to know what she had done, how expert she had been.

“Tell me what she felt like,” he pleaded.

Tim was at a loss. “Well, like a woman I suppose. She seemed to want my cock just as much as a woman. More probably. She was as good at licking it as any woman I’ve ever tried. Better than most.”

“But what was it like? You’re hopeless, Tim. Here am I starving for sex and you’re not giving the full Technicolor picture.”

Tim tried again. “Well, she sat on the floor next to me and started to undo my belt and…”

“What was she wearing by then? Had you taken her clothes off yet?”

“I’d opened the top of her dress and taken her bra off.”

“So, back up a bit. I want to hear about it step by step. We’ve got all day.”

“Right. Let me start again. So I was sitting on the sofa with her. I had one arm around her shoulders and started to kiss her. That was nice. I liked the feel of her hair on my arm.”

“Mmmh, I can just imagine it.”

“And she had her hand on my thigh just here, and was stroking my cock with her fingertips. Through my trousers.” Alistair stared across the pen as he demonstrated with his own hand how Janice had touched and stroked him. His cock was lying half-hard in his lap and threatening to grow some more. “I was playing with her breasts as I kissed her. That was fun.”

“What were they like?”

“Small. Firm. Smaller than your girls’, but good to play with. Nice nipples, standing up and rubbery. She had a little black bra that did up in the front—here. So I unclipped it to let her breasts out. I pushed her dress off her shoulders so we could take the bra right off.”

“And she looked good?”

“She looked fantastic. Beautiful tits. Perfect.”

“And then?”

“I’m trying to remember exactly what came next. I think I took my shirt off, and she was trying to get my zip open. I made her stand up so I could slide her dress down over her hips. She was wearing tiny panties in black lace, very pretty. I made her turn around so I could have a good look at her.”

“So, what did she look like?”

“Very pretty, of course. Nice little arse on her. Girlish, I guess, rather than like a mature woman, and I couldn’t see where she was hiding her cock. She had something in her panties of course, but no more than most women. I couldn’t see any detail at all. Anyway, she wouldn’t let me take them off. She got down on the floor and helped get my trousers off. Then she really got to work on my cock.”

“What did she do? Show us.”

“Well, she held it between the fingertips of both hands, sort of like this.” His cock was respectably hard now and he held it between the tips of his outstretched fingers. “And she pulled the skin back like this.”

“That must have felt good. I often wish I had a foreskin to play with.” Alistair was sitting with one leg bent, and his elegant cock had stretched out on his thigh. He was caressing it gently. “You must have been all ready to go right then.”

“Yes, it felt pretty good. She was breathing on it, giving its head little kisses, even flickering her eye lashes all over it. It was fantastic. She looked so pretty down there enjoying herself. She’s pretty anyway, but just then…. She was holding my balls and working her other hand up and down the shaft.”

“Wow, I love it when they take their time, don’t you?”

“Yes, and then she held it to her mouth and just looked at me. That was really sexy, watching her with a little smile on her lips, pressing my cock against her closed mouth and looking up at me with big sexy eyes. And then, very slowly, she sucked me into her mouth. It looked so exciting I almost came right then.” He was holding his cock as he remembered.

“Aah—happy times!” mused Alistair stroking himself. “And then she made you come?”

“No, that was the beauty of it. She held still for a while until I could relax again and started to suck me in and out, very slowly. She ran her tongue round and round inside her mouth, stirring me up again. When she thought I was ready to come, she stopped again until I calmed down. She just kept doing that for ages, taking me to the edge and stopping.”

“That sounds very clever, very classy.”

“In the end, I couldn’t take any more. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. I finally got her panties off then, although I don’t think she wanted me to.”

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