Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)
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They banged on the door but none of the men heard, they were too drunk. 
When they didn't get an answer they barged in.  Jacie's dad grabbed a coat rack by the door and fought off the men in the living room.  Her mom ran up the stairs to my room.

Holding back a sob she said, "She said she heard the sounds of the man on top of me.  His grunts of
pleasure and the bed creaking as he moved on top of me." 

Smiling she said, "I'll never forget her look of rage as she burst
through the door.  She picked up a small plastic chair and began beating the man over the head with it, knocking him off of my naked body."

continued beating him over the head and then started beating the chair against his naked groin.  His cries of pain filled the room." 

Wiping away the tears on her cheeks she said, "By that time
I’d covered myself with the sheet and Jacie's dad had come in the room.  I thought between the two of them, they would kill the man.  They beat him until he lay unconscious on the floor."

"Jacies mom came and wrapped me tighter in the sheet and
picked me up.  The entire time she kept repeating you're ok, I've got you now."

When they took me downstairs I could see that the only one left was my stepfather, he looked much the same way as the guy upstairs had."

Looking back at him she said, "You see what I was?  What I did?  If it weren't for
Jacie’s mom I'd probably be selling myself on the street now."

Leaning up to kiss her mouth he said
, “That wasn't your fault the only one at fault is you stepfather and the men that took advantage of you.  Did they put him in jail?"

Nodding she said, "Yes, yes they did. 
He was convicted and sentenced to three consecutive life sentences."

"Good, not enough but good", he told her placing another kiss to her wet cheek.  Pulling her up he
sat in the chair and pulled her down onto his lap, she leaned her head against his shoulder.

What of the others?"

Some of them they found, the others I couldn’t identify.  They let Jacie’s mom and dad foster me and they moved us away."

"I will have to meet her parents", he said squeezing her tighter.  "I want to thank them for saving
you.  Whatever they want I will give them", he told her as he kissed the top of her head.

They sat that way for a long time, soon he
heard her breathing slow and she drifted off to sleep.

Being careful
not to wake her, he stood up and carried her into the bedroom.  Placing her in the large king size bed, he pulled back the covers and put her in it.  Pulling the tan sheet and burgundy comforter over her he leaned over and kissed her cheek, leaving her to rest.



















Chapter 6

Leaving her asleep in the bed, he walked into the living room. He felt like punching something.  The rage he felt over everything that had been done to Cadance almost choked him.  Fists clenched at his sides he looked around the room unseeing.  That man has to pay for this.

Picking up her purse he pulled her
phone out and retrieved Jacie’s number.  Calling it from his own phone he was relieved to hear her hesitant, hello.

its Rayne.  Do you remember me?"

"Yes", was her
reply.  "Is Cadance with you?  IS she ok?"

"Yes she is and yes I
think she is ok, and I think now she will be even better."

"What do you mean, now she will be even

Letting out a deep breath he said, "She told me
Jacie, she told me what was done to her."

All he heard was silence on
the other end of the phone.


"Yeah, I'm here. I can’t believe she told you." she said.  After a short pause she continued, "You better not hurt her.  If she shared her past with you then she must really care for you.  Like I said the other night if you hurt her I'll kick your ass."

Laughing now he
said, "Don’t' worry, I won't."  Glancing back through the bedroom door he said, "I need to know who it was.  I need to know his name."

"Why he's in prison, he'll never get out."

"Yes but things can still happen in prison."


"HE has to suffer for what he did, sitting in prison is not enough."

Jacie was speechless for a few minutes.  Rayne
looked at his phone to make sure that the call hadn’t been disconnected.

"I agree I've wanted the man to suffer
since she told me.  Ok, it's George Daken.  Her stepdad was George Daken."

"Ok thanks and
Jacie, I love her. She’ll be ok now."

Make sure she is, she's suffered enough”.

“I will I want to repair your parents for saving her form him.  Ask them for me anything they want.  Anything at all.”

“Just love her.  All they want, all we all want for her is for her to find happiness”, she said as she hung up the phone.

Dialing his dads number Rayne waited for him to answer.  Hearing his voice on the other end of the phone he said, "Dad I need the number for that cop friend of yours."

"Why?  What’s wrong?"

It’s just for a friend they want to asked about parking tickets or something."

"Ok", his
father said and gave him the name and number he'd asked for.

Hanging up the phone he quickly dialed the number his father had given him.  HIs conversation quickly over, he returned to the bedroom to check on Cadance.

She was still asleep, the horrible memories she'd had to relive to tell him about them, had wiped her out.

Pulling off his shoes, he climbed into the bed beside her.  He stayed there watching her sleep.  The first
thing she saw when she opened her eyes two hours later was his smiling face.

"Well hello beautiful.  I thought I was gonna have to kiss
you awake like prince charming."

Smiling she stretched. 
She felt better than she had in years.  The few hours of peaceful sleep she'd gotten there, had been more helpful than any of the restless nights she'd always had.

Sitting up on the side of the bed she turned to look behind her and asked, "Where's the bathroom?"

Motioning to the door on the other side of the bed he said, "Right in there."

"Ok, thanks."  She quickly stood and walked into
the room.  It like the rest of the suite was shiny and elegant. 

marble floors and counters gleamed, the walk in shower to her right had four shower heads positioned throughout it.  Walking passed it she saw the toilet at the end of it, a large Jacuzzi tub sat just on the other side of it.  Marble surrounded the tub and there were two steps made into, leading to the edge of the tub.

Finishing, she flushed the commode and walked the first of the
two sinks.  They were inlaid into the marble counter.  After she'd washed her hands she walked back into the bedroom.  He wasn't there any longer.

Walking into the living area she approached him,
hesitantly.  He stood at the bar pouring them a glass of water.

"Here you go", he said hand her the glass as she walked up.

Holding his in his right hand, he placed his left arm around her waist and pulled her to him.

that you told me before, will stay between us.  You don't have to worry about anyone finding out."  At her nod of understanding he placed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Now, what would you like to eat? 
Anywhere you want to go.  I want to take you out to eat in a nice restaurant."  Leaning back he looked down at her.

don’t know.  What do you want? "

doesn’t matter to me.  The hotel has a good restaurant if you just want to eat there."

"Yeah that sounds good.
Let’s do that."  She glanced down at her dress and was thankful for the flowing material.  Even though she'd slept in it, the dress looked like it had just come off the hanger.  Her hair was another story.

you have a brush I can use?  A comb?"

he said, "Yeah they'll both be in the bathroom."

Stepping back she turned and walked back into the bathroom. 
Using the brush she quickly ran it through her hair, leaving tot flowing down her back.  On instinct she grabbed his tooth brush and brushed her teeth.

Looking up she
blushed to find him watching her.  Slowly he began to walk towards her.  Taking the toothbrush from her hand he put it on the sink, placing a deep kiss on her mouth.  She was glad that she'd already cleaned her mouth out with water.

Pulling him
tighter against her, she retuned his kiss.  Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him down closer to her.

down he put his hands under her armpits and lifted her to sit on the marble sink.  Continuing the kiss he positioned himself between her legs, lifting them to wrap around his waist.

Feeling him between her legs, she started pulling at his shirt.  Pulling it up and over his head, quickly returning her mouth to his she resumed kissing him.  Mingling their
lounges together in her mouth, he reached around to unzip her dress.  Letting the sleeves fall down to expose the tops of her breasts.

Picking her up, he carried her into the bedroom.  She kept her legs wrapped
around his waist until he laid her down on the bed.

Pulling back he slipped the dress down over her legs, tossing it into the floor.  He soon removed his clothes and joined her under the covers on the bed.












Chapter 7


Hours later Cadance, her head on his chest, felt the laugh that
rumbled through it.  "Well I guess we can get some room service he told her."  He trailed his fingers down her naked shoulder and arm.

Looking up se smiled and said, "That sounds wonderful I'm starved.

Leaning up she wrapped the blanket around her, leaving him the sheet.  Taking the blanket with her she rushed into the bathroom.   Finishing there she returned to the bed.

A little later they ordered room service, staying up most of the night talking and making love.

The next morning Cadance stayed in bed while he went to the new building site to meet with the contractors again.

That day and the next were spent in their room.  He would
leave for a few hours each morning and rush back to be with her.

Wednesday night they were due to return, not wanting to leave their
sanctuary he paid for another night, leaving them to drive to work together Thursday.

Arriving with him in his car, Cadance
blushed inking of what people would say.  Taking her hand as they walked to the door he said, "Don't worry about anything.  Remember my daddy owns the company."  Grinning he kissed her full on the lips and grabbed her hand to walk in to the elevator.

Arriving at their office he kissed her again at her desk.

"Gotta get back to work now", he said pulling back from her.  Turning he glanced back at her and went into his office.

Sitting down at her desk Cadance powered on her computer. 
She was wearing the chevron dress again, Rayne had sent it to the drycleaners at the hotel and it looked brand new.  No wrinkles anywhere.

Rummaging through her desk
drawer she tried to find and envelope to mail a letter from the stack on her desk.

Darn, she thought, all out.  Standing up she walked down the hall, passed
the coffee maker and went to the supply closet there.  Opening the door she flipped on the light switch and walked in, leaving the door open behind her.

Searching through the supplies she finally located the envelopes and
reached to grab a stack.  She felt arms come around her, thinking it was Rayne she smiled.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm getting a sample of what my cousins been getting" she heard Sebastian say.

Trying to jerk away, she found she couldn't.  His arms,
even though they looked puny, were like bands of steel around her waist. 

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