Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne) (8 page)

BOOK: Her Salvation (Cadance and Rayne)
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"Yes", he croaked out. 
Clearing his throat he said, "Yes", again. 

She took in his appearance.  Thinking he looked hotter in his dark washed jeans and black polo shirt than all the suits she'd seen him in.  It was a close race but, what he wore now won out.

Taking her hand he led her out the door, downstairs to his waiting car.

Helping her in, he
walked around and got into the driver’s seat.  "You look beautiful", he told her, leaning over to kiss her deeply.

Blushing she leaned back in silence as he drove away from her apartment building.

Reaching over he threaded his fingers with hers, content to hold her hand as he drove.

They rode that way for a while until he broke the silence.

"So you remember my parents' names?"

she looked at him and said, "Yes.  Your mother's name is Lillian and your fathers is Richard.  Your sister’s name is Cathryn.  Your older brother is Gabriel, his wife is Sophie and your younger brother's name is Brendan."

Laughing he slowed to pull into the driveway that lead to the rout iron gate of his
parents’ house. 

"So you know all of their names.  You have a great memory", he told her as he punched the code in at the gate to get in.

After the gate opened, he drove through and continued up the long driveway that lead to the two story, large white Victorian house that he'd grown up in.  A porch wrapped around three side of it, wide white pillars stood at each corner of it, supporting the grey roof.

Pulling up to park on the gravel right in front of the
house, he put the car in park and killed the engine.  Looking over at her he asked, "Ready to meet everyone?"

"Sure", she said when all she wanted to do was pull
off the heels she wore and run back the way they'd come.  Watching as he got out of the car and came to open her door, she put her hand in his and stood up.

Looking up at the house, she
smoothed her dress down over her hips.

Leading her up the front steps, he opened the
front door and walked in. 

Hello! He called as he shut the door behind them.

Soon Cadance saw a petite dark haired older woman come from
the back of the house.  She wore a short navy blue strapless sundress, the color setting off her complexion beautifully.  Her hair was pulled back away from her face on one side and fell down to just above her shoulders.  Cadance couldn't believe that this was his mom, she certainly didn't look old enough.

Smiling the woman walked up to Rayne and gave him a quick hug.  "Rayne", she said.  "I am so glad that you have finally brought Cadance so we could meet her."

Turning to Cadance she gave her w wide smile and pulled her in for a hug.  Cadance returned the hug, tentatively.

Welcome to our home", his mom said as she drew back.

Unsure what to say
Cadance managed a low, "Thank you", as the woman turned to walk back from the direction she had come.

You two come on, everyone is in the dining room.  We're about ready to eat”, she called over her shoulder.

Taking her hand, Rayne pulled her to follow his mother down the hall.  Soon they arrived at a large open room, in the center there was a long table, with a white table cloth on it.   She looked at Rayne's family, sitting on either side of it.  HIs father sat at
the head of the table and his mother moved to the opposite end to take her seat.

looked around at some of the people as Rayne, directed her to sit in the chair closest to his mother.  Helping her to sit, he took the chair next to her.

Across from her, Rayne's
sister smiled and said hello.  She had the same coloring as Rayne.  Creamy complexion, seductive brown eyes, and glossy flowing, long hair.

Next to her was Gabriel's wife Sofie.  Her
coloring was a big contrast from the others.  She was beautiful also.  Pale blonde hair, even paler than Jacie’s, Cadance thought.  Sofie was blue eyed and appeared to be tanned form the sun, or tanning bed.

Next to Sofie, there was an older version of Rayne. 
But unlike Rayne, he had a more prominent nose.  It wasn't much bigger and it fit his face nicely.  He too, had the same darker coloring, hair, and eyes.

On the other
side of him there were a few of the family’s friends, they introduced themselves and told her their names but, she couldn't remember them.

Brendan sat on the same
side of the table as them, at the opposite end next to their father.  HE leaned forward and called a hello to her down the table.  He looked much the same as the other two brothers.

There were several
people between them but, the conversation soon picked up and the introductions were forgotten for the moment.

they ate, Cadance looked at Rayne’s father and mother.  His father, while not as dark as them, was dark headed.  It appeared that he had acquired a little grey around his temples but this only added to his appeal.  Rayne had told her that he also had dark brown eyes.

The meal progressed
and soon everyone had eaten their fill.  Pushing back from the table the moved as a group, back up the hallway to the large sitting room.

This room was also elegant, in creamy tones.  It had three tan couches positioned around it, as well as,
several chairs.  Asking where the bathroom was Cadance excused herself, leaving Rayne to sit on the couch with his Cathryn and Brendan.

Walking to where he'd indicated she
quickly used the restroom, washed her hands, and returned to the sitting room.  She could hear the talking and laughter as she approached. 

It was great.  She'd always wondered what it would have been like to have brothers and sisters. 
Jacie was like a sister but, it was still not the same.

Walking into the room, Cadance sensed someone
walking up to her on her right.  Smiling she turned her head to see who it was.

"Well hello there. 
Didn’t ever expect to see you again", the sneering face of Kurk said.  Kurk the guy she'd taken home with her from the bar.

How is this possible she

"Wondering why I'm here, huh?"  Smiling he leaned closer and said, "Well you see I've known the Douglas's for years.  They're family and mine have been friends for as long as I can remember."

Seeing the uncomfortable look on her face, Rayne soon came to join her.  "Everything ok here?" he asked as he put his arm around her.

"Just great Rayne",
Kurk said smiling.  The two had never really gotten along even with their families being so close.

"Just realized that this was the bitch that took me home and fucked me all night at her
apartment.  The next morning she barely even acknowledged me.  Makes you wonder how many other times she's done it huh?"

down at Cadance, Rayne could see that she was close to tears. Stepping towards Kurk he whispered, "You will not talk about her that way and if anyone else hears that story I'll rip your balls off and shove them down your throat got it?"

At the look of rage Rayne had focused on him, Kurk nodded and walked away.  He may not like the guy but he knew not to mess with him.

Turning to Cadance, Rayne took her hand and pulled her out the door.  Walking her upstairs he took her to the only room where he knew they wouldn't be disturbed.

Reaching the door he turned the knob and pushed it open.  The room was dark but, he didn't bother to turn the light on. 
Pushing her up against the door he put his hands under armpits and lifted her up to where their noses bumped against each other.

"Whatever you
did before we met, is in your past.  You are mine now", he told her as he kissed her deeply.

Pulling back
, breathless he said, "Say it your mine."

"I'm yours she told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.  She held on to him as tightly as she
could.  He was her savior, her salvation.  With him everything was perfect.

her dress up he moved her panties out of the way to feel her.  Becoming more aroused he couldn't hold back.  They made passionate love right there.

after they were done did Cadance's embarrassment return.  They'd done this in his childhood bedroom, with his parent’s downstairs.

Dropping her head against his
shoulder she said, "What will they think of me now?"

Don’t worry about it.  They won't know."  Kissing her quickly he helped her to stand back on the floor.  Adjusting their clothing they walked down the hall to the bathroom there to clean up a little.

Finished cleaning up they went back down to join the others.  Cadance was pleased to see that no one had noticed their
absence and that Kurk was gone.

They stayed at his
parents’ house talking and laughing with his family for hours.  His mother tried to talk them into staying but they declined saying they needed to get back to the city.

"Your family is great", she told them as they drove back towards the city. 
She watched the stars above them as he drove, her head leaned against the passenger side window.

he must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew, he was carrying into his bedroom.  They fell asleep wrapped in one another’s arms.












Chapter 9


Early the next morning Cadance was awakened by her phone ringing.  6:33, what the crap she thought.  Why is Jacie calling me this early?

the phone she had to hold it away from her ear.  Jacie was screaming in excitement. 

"What? I can't understand

"I'm getting married Cadance.  Max
proposed last night.  He took me to the little restaurant where we had our first date.  Got down on one knee and everything."  Squealing she said, "I'm getting married."

Cadance smiled.  "
That’s great congratulations."

"Well listen I'll let you get back to sleep.  I
just couldn't wait any longer to tell you", Jacie said.  Cadance heard her squealing again as she hung up the phone.

Smiling she lay back down
and pulled Rayne's arm back over her.

The next few weeks were great.  Cadance and Rayne couldn't get enough of
each other.  The only time she left him was to help Jacie shop for the wedding.

Monday morning she sat at her desk, answering phone calls and getting the mail ready to go out.

could hear Rayne in his office on another teleconference.  Answering the phone again she was shocked to hear what the person on the other end of the phone had to say.

"Have you asked
your boss who the father of Grace's baby is?"  A deep voice rasped from the other end.  She could tell they tried to disguise their voice.

"I'm sorry?
” she said.  "What?"

"Your boss boyfriend is a new father did he tell
you?"  At her prolonged silence the person laughed.  "Didn't think so", they said as they hung up the phone.

Hearing the phone begin
do beep, Cadance reached to hang it up.  Dropping the handset into the cradle, she sat it shock.

It can't be.  He
would have told me, she thought shaking her head.  No it’s true.  I'll ask him, he'll say whoever that was is wrong.  Just wait, she thought as she retune her attention to the papers in front of her.

Hearing Rayne disconnect
from eh teleconference, she listened as he stood form his desk and stretched.

up she walked to his office door.  Tapping on it she went inside.  Her heart clenched at the smile he gave her.

Hey", he said.

Watching her face, when she
didn’t return the smile, he asked "What is it?"

"Can I
ask you something?” she said moving to stand in front of him.

Yeah, sure." he said and sat back against his desk.

"Are you the father of Grace's baby?"

His eyes widened in shock.  "Who told you that?" he asked her reaching to pull her to him.

"Just answer the question", she said, backing up a step.

Looking down at the floor, he took a deep breath and looked back up at her.  "Yes", he told her.  He stood up to walk to her.

How could you not tell me?"  She asked.  "Why didn't you tell me?"

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