Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  “Isis? Oh my...what is going on? Are you okay?”

  “Th...they want money Isabelle.” Isis glanced from Jeremiah to Shana with frightened eyes. “They're crazy!”

  Jeremiah snatched the phone away and glared at Isis. Putting the phone to his ear, he resumed talking to Isabelle. “You got twenty-four hours!”

  “I'll be in touch! No police or she's dead!” he snapped ending the call.

Shana laughed happily. “She's dead anyway!”

Jeremiah moved to Shana's side. “So this is your show Millie, what do you want to do with her?”

  “I want her to die. Once we get the money, we'll kill her and leave her out here,” Shana told him with glee.

  Isis' eyes were wide with fear. “Don't do this Shana! You don't need to do this. I can get you money, if you want money.”

Shana turned to her sister. “I want money but I want you dead even more.”

Isis lowered her head, shaking it slowly. “Daddy wouldn't want this,” she whispered sadly.

  “You didn't give a damn about Daddy. All you did was spent his money,” Shana spat.

  Putting her hands to her chest, Isis looked up. “I loved my Daddy, even with all the bad things that he'd done, I loved him with all my heart. He hurt me so badly, yet I can never stop loving him.”

Shana clapped her hands slowly. “Bravo, but this ain't no stage, so save all that damn drama.”

Isis looked to Jeremiah. “Jeremiah, what will your family think, your parents and Tasha?”

  He laughed and walked over to her. “They'll think I'm troubled. You know I have issues.” Shana joined him in laughter and Isis watched the pair with frightened eyes.

  All three heads turned as the door to the cabin was kicked open. Marc came through the door with his gun pointed and ready. Jeremiah raised his gun to Isis, while both women watched the men.

  “Put the gun down Jeremiah!” Marc ordered.

  “No you put the gun down Marc or I'll shoot her!” Jeremiah threatened pulling Isis closer.

Marc moved slowly. “Put the gun down Jeremiah and I might let you live.”

  “Shoot him Jeremiah!” Shana yelled.

Marc looked from Shana to Isis being held by Jeremiah. “Let's not do this. It won't end well.”

  “Not for you,” Jeremiah threatened moving closer to Shana still holding Isis.

Keeping his gun trained on Jeremiah, Marc followed his movements.

  “Okay Shana, I told you I'm not a murderer so you need to take it from here,” Jeremiah told her.

Shana frowned. “Are you really that damn scary? No wonder your brother beat your ass.”

Jeremiah kept Isis as a shield in front of them both as Shana took the gun from him.

  “Let her go Shana...” Marc said quietly. “Let's end this.”

  “You want her?” Shana asked. “Take her!”

  Shana gave Isis a shove in the back, propelling her in Marc's direction. Isis took off running towards him right before Shana began to fire at her back. Isis paused before she slowly hit the floor in a heap and Marc stared down, as she lay motionless on the floor. When he finally looked up, Shana was still firing and he took a hit. He managed to fire back a few errant shots before he, himself fell with his body landing next to Isis and a dark pool began to surface around them both.

Jeremiah turned to Shana in horror. “What the hell did you do?”

  “He was going to kill us Jeremiah!”

He placed his hands on his head. “Awwww shit! You shot both of them!”

  “I was going to kill her anyway!” Shana yelled. “He just got in the way.”

  At the sound of the gunshots, the cabin was now being stormed by agents. One rushed to Marc and Isis on the floor while the others proceeded to force Shana and Jeremiah to put their hands in the air. Shana dropped the gun and was handcuffed immediately before being led out of the cabin, screaming and crying.

  The agents turned to Jeremiah who walked over to where Marc and Isis were lying on the cabin floor. “Okay Romeo and Juliet, you can get up now.”

  Everyone watched as the two sat up rubbing at the dark red substance clinging to their clothes. Marc looked over at Isis. “You're the best damn actress in the world Princess.” She threw her arms around him and they began to kiss as everyone else in the room looked at one another.


  Marc completed the last check of the scene before turning to his brother. “Good job Jeremiah.”

Jeremiah shrugged. “It was your plan. I just followed it.”

  “You saved Isis a lot of grief by telling me Shana's plan, then agreeing to set her up.”

  “Look Marc, I know what I did when you were a kid was wrong. Momma and Daddy never looked at me the same and although they didn't shut me out, I know how I hurt them and Tasha.”

  “I deserved what you did to me and I don't ever want that to happen again,” Jeremiah said quietly.

Marc nodded. “I don't ever want that to happen again either.”

  “Besides, Millie was crazy as hell. I couldn't stay with her, she might try to kill me one day,” Jeremiah told him.

  “I'm just glad this is over. Now we're able to charge her with both kidnapping and two counts of attempted murder, one on a Government Agent. She'll be locked up for a long time,” Marc informed him.

  Jeremiah sighed with relief. “I'm glad those props came in handy, the guns and the fake blood. It worked out that Tasha's movie is an action film.”

Marc looked at his brother. “That was some pretty good acting Jeremiah.”

  Jeremiah smirked. “Yeah right, Isis is incredible though. You should have seen her. You would've thought she really didn't know this was all planned out.”

  “You were early,” Marc admonished.

  Jeremiah smiled. “I know, Mille was getting anxious and I didn't want her to do anything crazy to throw the plan off.”

  “Well like I said, good job. I couldn't have done it without you,” Marc said sticking out his hand.

Jeremiah took it and they shook. “I see you still got your acting skills,” Jeremiah said smiling.

  “I make sure I brush up on them every now and then,” Marc replied. “I need to get Isis home, so I'll see you later.”

Jeremiah nodded and watched Marc walk to the door.

  “Hey Marc?”

Marc turned and raised a brow.

  “You're a damn good FBI Agent,” Jeremiah told him.

Marc nodded. “Thanks.”

  Marc walked to the car where Isis was waiting. He slid inside and she jumped into his arms. He pulled her close holding her tightly and Isis kissed him savoring his full lips.

  “We need to get cleaned up,” he whispered.

She smiled. “And then get dirty again.”


Isis touched his face. “I'm sorry about the mission with Dr. Smith.”

  “That wasn't your fault Princess. We missed a lot with Dr. Smith.”

Isis sighed. “I'm just glad that Trent is okay. I really thought Callie was going to shoot you.”

  “She was...”

Marc ran a hand down his face. “I'm just glad you're okay.”

  “I spoke to Isabelle. She was worried about your plan but I assured her that everything went fine.”

  “And Jeremiah was great!” Isis said laughing. “I used to be scared of him, but he's not a bad guy.”

  “I was thrown off by what happened at the Ball, so I was late,” Marc explained.

  Isis looked down at him. “You were right on time like you always are. That's why you're my hero.”

Chapter 23

  Isis awakened early the next morning with the adrenaline and excitement from the previous night still running through her veins. She looked over at the man sleeping next to her. Even after all the events of last night, he slept peacefully. It amazed her how he always managed to maintain his calm, even in the midst of chaos.

  Isis studied him in repose. He was such a beautiful specimen. Working in the theater industry, she saw handsome men all day long, but none were as exquisite as Marcus Graham. The thing about him that drew her the most was the way that he loved her. She'd never thought that the man she'd once pegged as rude and arrogant was the kindest, most loving man she had ever known.

  Marcus made her feel like a true Princess. He was a man of his word and unwavering in his convictions. His fight for truth and justice wasn't just his job; it was an integral part of him. He'd put aside his personal feelings about the brother who had hurt him, to help keep her safe. She smiled down at his sleeping face.

  Marc's phone began to ring on the nightstand and his eyes opened revealing two silver lights. His gaze connected with hers before he reached for the phone.


  “Your ass! My office. One hour!” The line disconnected.

  Marc held the phone for another second before replacing it. He looked at Isis who had heard the person on the other line.

  “Ray wants to talk,” he informed her.

  “He sounds really mad,” Isis said touching his bare chest.

Marc groaned and ran a hand down his face. “I would agree with that.”

  Isis rubbed her hand across his defined pectoral muscles. “Well, I thought you were incredible. It wasn't your fault that Trent was taken and Dr. Smith got away.”

He looked at her. “Actually it was sweetheart. I'm the leader.”

  She gazed at him. “You can't account for things out of your control Marcus. Ray should understand that.”

Marc ran his hand along her naked spine. “Thank you for having my back.”

She smiled up at him. “We're a team, Iron Man and the Mighty Isis.”

  He cupped her naked behind pulling her closer. “Mighty Isis, I need you to bless me before I go meet with my fate.”

Isis climbed over him and smiled as she glanced down his body. “I see the Iron Man is ready.”

Marc reached up and pulled her head down to his, capturing her lips in a heated kiss.


  “Ooooh baby...” Callie purred as she welcomed Trent's weight over and inside her body.

He whispered in her ear, “Good morning sexy girl.”

  She closed her eyes as they began their own special dance. Running her hands along his muscled body, she reveled in the touch of his smooth skin as his mouth paid homage to her neck and lips.

  His phone rang on the nightstand next to the bed but the two lovers remained wrapped up in each other in this moment. A few minutes later, Callie's phone that was sitting next to Trent's began to ring.

  “Trent...” she breathed as the pleasure he bestowed escalated.

  She wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and increased the tempo as she held his dark gaze. Trent smiled down at her with a sexy grin before matching her pace. Trent's phone began to ring again and he whispered to her, “It's Ray.”

Callie held him tighter, signaling this encounter was not about to end anytime soon. “I know.”

Trent pulled her closer indicating that he'd received the message. “I love you Callie.”

  She reached down with both hands and squeezed his muscled ass, urging him on. “I know baby...”


  Ray looked at his phone after calling both Trent and Callie... twice. “Those damn kids!” he barked.

Isabelle walked into her husband's office. “What's wrong?”

  He glanced up as she approached. “I'm trying to contact Trent and Callie. Neither one is answering their phones.”

She reached him and touched his arm. “Maybe they're still sleeping?” she suggested.

Ray frowned. “They asses ain't sleep.”

Isabelle smiled at him and touched her protruding belly. “We didn't used to be sleeping either.”

  “We're grown as hell,” he told her.

  “You're so overprotective of them,” Isabelle commented. “All of them...even Marc and Isis.”

Ray nodded. “They're the new Diamonds.”

  Isabelle placed a hand on her stomach. “I was worried about Isis last night with Shana. When Marc's brother called, he sounded very convincing that he would hurt her.”

Ray frowned. “Jeremiah didn't want that problem.”

  “I can't believe Shana. We've never done anything to her and she actually wanted to kill my sister,” Isabelle said in disbelief.

  Ray came and placed an arm around her. “Well, she's out of the picture for good. Neither of you have to worry about her any more.”

  Isabelle held on to him. “I'm just glad that this is over. I'm so thankful to Marc for taking care of Isis.”

Ray smiled. “You don't ever have to be concerned about that. Marc will shield Isis with his life.”

She smiled. “They're so perfect together.”

  “I have to admit you're right,” Ray acknowledged. “And Alice Graham.”

  “Alice and I are just waiting for them to realize it...” Isabelle said with a sly smile.

Ray shook his head wondering what his wife was up to now.


  Trent laid next to Callie tracing her soft lips. “Sooooo...who's going to call Ray back?”

She smiled. “You.”

He shook his head. “Nah, you wouldn't let me answer so you have to call him.”

  “Such a baby,” Callie teased. “You scared?”

Trent laughed. “Hell yeah, he's about to tear into all of our asses about last night.”

  Callie sobered recalling the events of the previous evening. “Are you okay?” she asked touching his face.

  Trent laid back against the pillows and blew out a long breath. “That was crazy. I went from thinking I was going to be killed to meeting a man who looks just like my father.”

  “Who do you think he was?” Callie questioned.

He put a hand to his forehead. “I have no idea. He can't be Justin Black.”

  “Well he apparently knows this Dr. Smith,” she pointed out.

Trent frowned. “Why were we even questioning her?”

Callie looked over at him. “Marc thinks she killed both your father and Milton Martin.”

He bolted upright. “What?”

  “He told me last night,” Callie sat sitting up.

  “What the hell is going on?” Trent asked.

  Callie touched his arm. “I don't know baby. I just know this Dr. Smith is way more than anyone thought.”

Trent shook his head. “If Marc thinks that she killed Justin then who was the man last night?”

  “We have to find out and we have to find out just who the hell this Dr. Camille Smith is,” Callie told him.

Trent lowered his head into his hands. “This is so damn crazy.”

  “You found your brothers who are an elite society of killers, what's so crazy about this?”

He smiled at her. “I love you Callie.”

  She smiled back. “If you love me so much, you'll call Ray and see what time he wants to see us.”

   “Nah sexy girl, I don't love you that much.”

Callie frowned and Trent laughed as he grabbed his phone. “We'll put it on speaker.”

Ray answered on the first ring. “So you finally got around to responding.”

  “Uh, hey Ray. You called?” Trent said looking at Callie.

  “You know damn well I called!” Ray told him.

Trent cleared his throat. “Did you need me for something?”

  “You and Callie get your asses to this office right got damn now,” Ray said slowly. “And if I were you I wouldn't
fall back asleep

  Callie gave Trent a nervous look. “We're on our way,” Trent said watching Callie with a nervous look of his own.

  Ray disconnected the call and the two looked at each other. “Damn, we are really in trouble,” Callie said quietly.

Trent ran a hand over his head. “We'd better get in there.”


  Marc sat across from Ray in the conference room at Parker Security. Marc had informed Ray of the previous night’s events then he'd listened quietly as Ray spoke with Trent on the phone. He watched as Ray sat the phone on the table then turned bright brown eyes on him.

  “You have the floor Special Agent Graham.”

Marc sat back in his seat. “As I said, things didn't go as I had expected.”

Ray raised a brow. “I hope that you didn't plan it that way.”

  “She's more than I expected,” Marc explained. “Dr. Camille Smith is diabolical.”

  “She snatched Trent. Why?” Ray questioned.

Marc leaned forward. “Trent said the man in the room looked exactly like Justin Black.”

Ray frowned. “What the hell is going on here?”

  “That's my question,” Marc agreed. “Sean came to me and asked me to check her out. I had no idea all of this was involved.”

  “We've opened a damn Pandora's box,” Ray commented.

  They looked up as Isis rushed into the room. She took the seat next to Marc, as both men looked puzzled.

  “Hi.” She smiled at both of them.

  “What are you doing Isis?” Marc asked.

  Isis looked at Ray. “I'm here to support Marcus. He did nothing wrong and you shouldn't be mad at him.”

Ray looked at Marc. “Is this for real?”

  Marc turned to Isis. “That's very nice of you sweetheart, but I'm an FBI Special Agent. I don't need my girlfriend to protect me.”

She looked at him. “I just want Ray to know what happened and that it wasn't your fault.”

Marc took her hand. “Thank you Princess, I'm fine. You should go now.”

He stood and helped her to her feet. With a quick glance at Ray he walked her out to her car.

  “I shouldn't have come?” she asked sheepishly.

He shook his head. “No.”

Big brown eyes looked up at him. “Are you angry?”

  “No, I'm not angry with you.”

Isis squeezed his hand. “I'm sorry?” she said biting her lip, looking down.

  Marc lifted her face to his. “I know how strongly you feel about protecting those you love, but I can handle my job sweetheart.”

  Isis nodded staring up into his dark glasses. “So kiss me goodbye and have a good day,” he told her.

  She lifted her face to his as he lowered his head and placed a hand at her waist. Their lips met and Marc pulled her closer until she was pressed against him.

  “Do we have an understanding?” he asked against her lips.

Isis placed a hand on his shoulder. “Yes, babe.”

He kissed her again. “I'll see you later.”

  Marc helped her inside her car and waited until she drove away. Turning he headed back inside where Ray was waiting.

  “Is your Momma coming next?” Ray asked as Marc took his seat.

Marc shook his head. “Isis is extremely loyal to those she cares about.”

  “She'll get a pass this time because she's my sister-in-law,” Ray sighed. “I swear y'all asses not going to drive me crazy.”

  “Let's finish debriefing,” Marc suggested.

Ray nodded. “Any leads on where the infamous Doctor has disappeared to?” he asked.

  Marc frowned. “No clue as to how she exited the building unnoticed and there's no activity at her home. It's like she vanished into thin air, which we know is impossible.”

  Marc opened a file on the table. “I started looking over Trent's report this morning and figured out how she's getting her information. Going through her history, Trent found that DCS Services is owned by none other than Dr. Camille Smith. DCS Services is the largest services business in the country and has many subsidiary names. They employ everything from servers, to drivers, to cooks and every other type of help that affluent people require. She services every celebrity event, party, baby shower and wedding.” He slid the folder to Ray who picked it up and began looking through it.

  “Her signature is that her servers dress in all black,” Marc continued. “She's using this network to collect information and do her bidding. Trent said last night that the four gunmen were dressed in all black just like the servers at the party.”

  Ray sighed knowing that this was far more than any of them had expected. He looked over at Marc. “The second mission was a success though?”

Marc nodded. “Yes, everything went exactly to plan, except Jeremiah was early.”

  “I'm surprised you trusted him at all,” Ray commented.

  “If he would've deviated from the plan, he knew the consequences. I made that very clear.”

  Ray watched Marc. “Isabelle said that Isis was very excited after the mission. You want her on the team?”

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