Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  “Sure, whatever you need it's yours,” she confirmed.

  “Thanks. How is everything coming with your movie?” Marc asked.

  Tasha groaned. “It's difficult being on the other side of the camera. I don't get the attention or the respect.”

  “You want me to come and shoot them?” Marc asked.

She laughed. “I'll let you know.”

  “Seriously, you're going to be a great director. Don't let them discourage you, but if anyone steps out of line, I will be on that set,” he said firmly.

  “I know big brother. I'll be fine.” She paused for a moment. “Did you have a good time with Isis at the beach house?”

Marc smiled. “Yes, I did nosy.”

  “I know she was looking forward to it.” She gave a fake cough. “So ummm... did I get a sister-in-law and a niece or nephew out of this trip?”

  “Goodbye Tasha. I'll come by to pick up the things I'll need,” Marc answered.

Tasha gasped. “OMG! I did!”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” he demanded.

  “You didn't say no...and you never lie to me,” she asserted.

  “I didn't say anything but goodbye.”

She screamed. “Oh my god! I have to see Isis.”

Marc sighed. “Tasha, don't harass Isis,” he told her firmly.

  “She's my sister so I could never harass her. You don't want to talk, but she will.” Tasha laughed. “I hope for your sake you brought back a sister-in-law because if she doesn't have a ring on her finger but a little Graham in the oven, Mommy's going to kick your ass!”

  Marc frowned. “Mommy's going to kick my ass? Hmmmm...what the hell are you doing sticking bananas down your damn throat, huh?”

Tasha gasped. “Isis wasn't supposed to tell you that!”

  “Let me find out you're doing that to some dude and his ass is dead!” Marc vowed.

  “You should be thanking me,” Tasha said sassily.

  Marc nodded. “Okay little girl,” he threatened in a low voice. “We'll see whose ass Mommy will be kicking when I talk to her.”

  Tasha paused knowing her mother. “I'm not doing that with anyone Marc. Don't say anything to Mommy, she'll have a fit.”

  “So we both have our little secrets that we will keep to ourselves, right?” Marc asked.

Grudgingly she answered, “Yes.”

  “Good, now Isis and I went away. We had a nice time and I'm looking forward to taking her away again. End of story. Understand?”

  “Fine.” Tasha gritted out.

Marc smiled at her tone. “You're my favorite sister, gorgeous.”

  Tasha laughed as she heard the phrase he would always say to her when she was angry with him. When Marc had run away, he'd called her every day to check on her and she'd begged him to come home. Each time he'd told her that he wasn't coming back, she'd become angry with him and he'd tell her that she was his favorite sister, knowing that she was his only sister. She'd missed her brother all those years, but now he spent as much time as he could with her and she knew he would do anything for her.

She answered him with the same phrase she always did.  “And you're my hero, handsome.”

  People wondered why the siblings always addressed each other in this manner. It had begun when they were little. Growing up in Hollywood everything was referred to as 'fabulous', 'marvelous' or 'divine'. The two children began to call each other 'gorgeous' and 'handsome' as a joke. They'd use the old Hollywood accent, drawing the words out dramatically. It had been funny to them and had remained their private bond into adulthood.


  Sean ended his call with Marc and shook his head. He had to wrap this thing up with Dr. Smith. Lily was right, it was driving him crazy how she managed to stay one step ahead of everyone. That was usually his position.

  He heard his mother-in-law, Lavender call his name and he made his way back to where he'd left the women. When he entered the room, he detected the distress on Lily's face and rushed to her side taking her hand. Lily had been feeling some mild discomfort since she'd awakened that morning.

  “What is it Lily?” he asked taking the seat beside her.

  She looked at him with wide dark eyes. “I don't know.” Lily placed a hand on her extra-large abdomen.

  “Is it the babies?” he asked placing his hand over hers.

She nodded slowly. “I think so.” Lily turned scared eyes to her mother and Carolyn.

  “It's okay Lily, just relax,” Lavender told her daughter soothingly as she came over and ran her hand along her daughter's tight stomach. 

  “Go and get the bag she's packed,” she told Sean calmly. “Then we're taking her to the hospital, unless you want to do this right here.”

  Sean froze and stayed rooted to his seat looking at his wife's belly. Lily looked over at her husband not moving and called his name while Carolyn looked confused at her son's reaction.

When he didn't respond, she tried again. “Sean!”

  “I think he's in a coma,” Lotus told her sister, watching Sean.

Lily looked at her sister. “He's wide awake Lotus!”

  “Maybe he had a heart attack or something,” Lotus amended.

  “Be quiet Lotus!” Lavender admonished. “Go upstairs and get Lily's bag.”

  Lotus closed her mouth and obeyed her mother's command while Lavender turned to Sean gently touching his arm. “Sean, snap out of it.” She snapped her fingers in front of his face. When he still didn't respond she gave him a slap to the jaw.

  “Momma!” Lily gasped.

  “Lavender!” Carolyn yelled.

Sean shook his head and looked at Lavender. “Did you slap me?” he asked confused.

  Lavender nodded. “Yes, we need to get Lily to the hospital. Her pains are moving closer quickly,” she told him. “And since you insisted on your babies being born in a hospital, we need to get going.”

  Carolyn moved to her son's side and touched his face glaring at Lavender. “Are you okay?” she asked him.

  He nodded. “Yes, I'm fine.” Sean turned his attention to Lily who had her eyes closed obviously going through another bout of pain.

  “Beautiful Lily, I'm here.”

  She opened her eyes and stared into worried dark brown ones. “Are you ready?” she asked him concerned.

He smiled at her. “I've waited for this all my life. I can't wait to see my sons.”

  Lily watched as Sean returned to himself and began to take over handling the situation. Before she knew it, she was at the hospital in a bed with her mother and Carolyn on one side and Sean holding her hand, on the other. Lotus took the responsibility of notifying everyone while she waited. Soon Jordan, Ray, Isabelle, Trent and Callie showed up at the building.

  Everyone took seats in the waiting room and Lotus looked around. “Man, how many times are we going to do this?” she said looking at Isabelle.

Trent smiled looking at Isabelle as well. “It looks like at least once more.”

  Ray shook his head. “We won't be doing this. Belle and I are having our goddess at home. We have the room prepared.” Isabelle smiled at her husband.

  “How was Sean, Lotus?” Jordan asked.

She laughed. “He was like a frozen zombie. Momma had to slap him to wake him up.”

Jordan smiled. “Really?”

  “Leave him alone Jay. You know you were a mess when BOTH your kids were born,” Ray told him.

Jordan looked at Ray. “We'll see pretty soon, while you talking Ray.”

  “Whatever Jay, the Sun God knows how to handle things.”

  The family settled in for another long wait for more new arrivals. Just as they began to relax Sean appeared in the doorway with a huge smile on his face dressed in hospital scrubs. Jordan was the first to greet him.

  “What's up Sean?” he asked while everyone gathered around.

  “They're here,” Sean said quietly. “My sons are here...”

  Jordan saw the look of awe on his friend's face then grabbed him in a bear hug. “Congratulations man.”

  Ray was next and hugged the man who'd become his brother. Trent finished with a hug and huge pat on the back for his big brother. The women followed offering him their congratulations. When all were done, Sean stood in the midst of them and looked at them all.

  “Thank you all for coming. Lily's fine and so are our boys.” He ran a slow hand down his face still overwhelmed from watching the birth of his children. “We've named them Xavier and Alex after our fathers.”

  “Our mothers are in love with their grandsons and Lily can't wait to see all of you,” Sean told them.

  Everyone excitedly took off to the room to see the new babies while Sean lingered behind and Jordan stayed with him.

  “You okay man?” Jordan asked concerned.

  Sean looked at his childhood friend and brother. “It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen...and you know we've seen a lot.”

Jordan nodded. “I almost passed out when Diamond was born, but I held up with Justice.”

  Sean smiled. “I didn't know it would hit me this way. Those two little boys are a part of Lily and me. I looked at them and saw what we made together then I fell in love with her even more.”

  Jordan looked at him and shook his head. “That's where Trent gets all that damn sensitivity from.”

  “Thanks Jordan,” Sean said shaking his own head.

  Jordan threw an arm around his friend as they walked back to the room. “Just so you know, tell your sons that Diamond is never getting married.”

  Sean smiled. “Lily and I will warn them of both the Blacks and the Parkers. We know them all too well.”

Both men laughed as they headed to celebrate the new lives.















Chapter 21

  Two weeks later, the night of the mission started out tense for all the participants. At his apartment, Trent dressed in the expensive tuxedo and headed out to where Callie was waiting. He saw her sitting on the sofa with the television on. It was clear that she was not watching whatever was on the screen. Her face was pensive as if she was deep in thought.

He plopped down on the sofa next to her. “Hey.”

  She turned to him and smiled. “Hey baby. You look very handsome.” Callie took in his fresh haircut and neatly trimmed mustache.

  “Thank you.” He took her into his arms. “Are you still mad about tonight?”

  Callie shook her head. “No, I'm not mad. I don't have much time left to be with you and I'm not going to waste it being mad over nothing.” She touched his face. “Be careful baby.”

He smiled at her. “It's not a dangerous mission Callie. I'll be fine.”

Callie reached around his back. “You have your weapon?”

  “Yes, I have it. I won't need it though, we're just supposed to get Isis to Dr. Smith so she can ask some questions that Marc wants answered.”

Callie frowned. “This is all too suspicious to me Trent. Why is Marc being so secretive?”

  “Does Ray tell us everything about cases?” Trent asked.

  She shrugged. “No, but I just don't like this. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen tonight.”

  “Don't say that Callie. Everything will be fine.”

Callie began to check the microphone in Trent's tie. “You have everything set up correctly?”

He laughed. “Yes Momma, I do.” She pulled him to her by his lapels.

  “I'm not your Momma, but you're my baby.” She kissed him softly. “And I'll never let anything happen to you.”

Trent enfolded her in his arms. “Nothing's going to happen.”


  Across town, Isis stood in her underwear inside of Marc's bedroom as he placed a tiny microphone and wire on her body. She looked down at the top of his dark curly hair as he attached a small wire to her waist. When he finished he ran a slow hand across her stomach then looked up at her with those platinum eyes.

She smiled down at him. “At least we know for sure now.”

Marc placed a soft kiss on her navel before standing and looking down at her. “Yes, we do.”

Isis touched his face. “I think I'd like a grey eyed little boy or girl.”

He kissed her gently pulling her into his embrace. “I think I'd like that too.”

They locked gazes. “At least we have more time to plan it,” Isis whispered.

  “Yes, I think we should make that a part of the plan.” He smiled at her.

  Isis returned his smile before he released her to finish dressing. Her cycle had started a few days after their unprotected encounter and she'd felt both relieved and sad. She knew that Marcus wanted to wait to have children and she herself wasn't ready to be someone's mother, but the thought of carrying Marcus' baby had appealed to her in more ways than one.

  Isis slipped into the evening gown then turned her back for Marcus to zip her. Placing his hand on her waist, he slid the zipper up her back. Marc placed a kiss on the back of her neck then she turned to him.

  “Well, how do I look?” she asked smiling.

  “Beautiful, like you always do.”

She laughed. “You always say that.”

  “It's always true.”

Isis placed her arms around his neck. “I love you.”

  He looked down at her. “Remember Princess, you're there only to ask the questions I've given you. No superhero antics.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Marcus. You've told me that a hundred times. I know I'm not a trained agent yet.”

  “I'm risking a lot by sending you in there. My position, my trust and mostly my heart,” he told her.

Isis smiled. “I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  “I love you Princess. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you.”

  “Nothing's going to happen, Marcus. I'll ask your questions and we'll finish all our work tonight.”

  Marc looked down at her concerned. “Are you sure you can do this? Tell me right now if you have any doubts.”

  Isis placed her hand on his chest. “Babe, I got it. I'll be fine,” she assured him. “Don't get all Agent Graham on me.”

  “Okay.” He began adjusting the microphone located inside her bra.

Isis watched as his hands rubbed against her breasts. “Do you do this often?” she asked.

  “No and usually a female agent would attend to another female,” he explained.

  “So why didn't I get a female agent?” she asked smiling.

  He looked up at her. “Because I like to touch you.” Marc held her eyes as he squeezed her breasts. His hands went to her waist where he pulled her against him and kissed her until she moaned. The door buzzed and he lifted his head.

  “The car is here.” He stepped away. “It's showtime Princess.”

  Isis patted her hair in the upswept bun then smoothed her dress down. “I'm ready to give the performance of my life tonight.”

  Marc escorted her down to the waiting car and they traveled to pick up Trent and Callie. When the two entered the car, Isis looked over at Callie as she sat next to Trent across from them.

  “Are we okay Callie?” Isis asked.

Callie looked at her. “We're cool Isis, just don't do anything that puts Trent in danger.”

  “Everyone knows their roles,” Marc inserted. “As long as everybody stays on track everything will be fine.” He looked at Trent. “Both you and Isis make sure to use your mics to alert us of anything that doesn't seem right. Your mics are also tracking devices, so Callie and I can track where you are at all times.”

  “Trent, make sure Isis stays in your view.” He turned to Isis. “Do not leave Trent's sight. You two are there to back each other up. Callie and I will be out here listening and tracking everything. If you get in distress, the code word is 'Shield'. Say that word and we'll be in there in ten seconds.”

  Marc looked at the trio. “Any questions?” When no one responded, he nodded. “Let's handle it...Uncut Diamonds.”

He turned to Isis. “Be careful sweetheart.” Marc kissed her gently as Trent turned to Callie.

  “Be careful baby,” Callie whispered before kissing him and touching his face.

  Marc and Callie watched as Trent and Isis exited the car. After the doors closed Callie reached for her headphones and Marc halted her with a hand on her arm.

  “Callie, we've worked together before without any problems,” he began and she lifted a brow remembering their altercations while working on the Colombia mission.

  “Well relatively without any problems,” he corrected. “The bottom line is, you know that I wouldn't put any of the team in danger. I know what I'm doing and I need you to trust me.”

  Callie looked at him. “I know you're the best at what you do, Marc. I saw you in action in Colombia and I have no doubt about your skills.”

  “You know how I feel about Ray. I owe him everything and I don't like going behind his back,” she finished.

  “I owe Ray everything too and I would never do anything to disappoint or disrespect him. He put me in charge and I won't let him down. Ray trusts me and I hope you will too.”

  Callie nodded. “If I didn't trust you Marc, I wouldn't be here and I'd have gone straight to Ray. I'll tell you like I told Isis, don't put Trent in danger or all bets are off.”

  Marc shook his head. Damn this girl was tough but that's why he respected her. Ray had trained her well and she didn't hold her tongue. She'd also kill for the people she loved. Marc needed Callie on board as she was and would always be one of the top female Uncut Diamonds.

  “We'll make sure that both of them come out of there in one piece and ready for the next mission,” he told her.

  Callie agreed and picked up the headphones to listen to what was going on with the pair that was now inside the building.

  She picked up Isis' voice. “How does it feel attending the Ball of your father's Foundation?” she asked.

  “I really don't think of it that way,” Trent answered. “Jordan doesn't have anything to do with it either. It was something that Justin started before he died.”

  “Are you nervous?” Isis asked.

Trent smiled. “No, are you?”

  “I think excited more than nervous,” she confessed anxiously.

  “Well don't go trying to be Wonder Woman or anything. Ask the questions and let's get out of here,” he told her.

  “Marcus has told me that a thousand times.”

  Callie looked across the seat at Marc and laughed. “She is a mess. You're creating a monster,” she told him.

Marc frowned and continued to listen along with Callie.

  “Well listen to him,” Trent told Isis. “Do you see Dr. Smith yet?”

Isis looked around. “Not yet, but I'm sure she'll be here.”

  “Did Marc tell you what she's done that we're investigating her?”

Isis shook her head. “No, just that it's criminal.”

  “Well that's a long list.” Trent frowned.

Isis' eyes lit up. “You think she killed somebody?”

Callie looked at Marc and he kept his expression neutral.

  “Nah, Marc wouldn't send us in to catch a murderer.” Trent shook his head.

Marc saw Callie lift a brow at him before snatching her headset off.

  “Who did she kill?” Callie demanded glaring at Marc.

Marc slowly removed his headset and stared at her.

  “I swear if you don't tell me, I'm getting out of this car right now!”

  “Possibly both of their fathers,” he said quietly.

  Callie stared at him trying to process his answer. “What the hell are you doing Marc?” She went to reach for the door and he stopped her. “Sit down Callie,” he ordered firmly.

  “Listen to me, if Dr. Smith killed Justin Black and Milton Martin, what better way to rattle her than to see both of their children? I know what I'm doing. Let me do my job,” he told while her blocking the door.

Callie sat back. “Will she try to hurt them?” she asked.

Marc shook his head. “She's not violent, she's conniving. We have to outsmart her.”

  She watched him for a long moment before nodding slowly. “If she killed their fathers, then we have to catch her.”

  “Thank you.” He moved away and put his headset back on while Callie did the same. They both listened to the action taking place inside.

  Trent and Isis made their way over to a refreshment table where Trent picked up two glasses handing one to Isis. She took it with a thank you and brought it to her lips before she felt a hand on her arm.

  “Isis Martin, what a pleasure to see you.”

Isis turned to the woman and recognized Dr. Camille Smith.

  She put on her biggest smile. “Dr. Smith, what a wonderful surprise. I didn't know you would be here.”

  “I'm surprised to see you as well,” Dr. Smith agreed. “I'm so sorry about your father.”

Isis gave a sad look. “Thank you and thank you for all you did for him.”

Dr. Smith smiled. “I only wish I could've done more... my time with him was so short.”

Isis looked at Trent. “Dr. Smith this is Trent Harris. He's my escort tonight.”

Trent watched the woman as she stared up at him seeming to catalog everything about him.

Camille smiled happily. “You are so handsome.”

  “Thank you,” he responded watching the woman continue to study him. “Do I know you Dr. Smith?”

She placed a hand on his arm. “I think you just remind me of someone.”

  Trent nodded slowly then glanced at Isis. “Are you affiliated with The Black Foundation, Trent?” Dr. Smith asked.

  “No, I'm here as Isis' escort.”

  “Hmmm...we could use handsome young men like yourself at The Black Foundation. You seem like a very smart young man too. You'd probably fit in like family.”

  Isis looked at Trent as he digested the woman's words. “Thank you Dr. Smith. That's very kind of you.”

  Inside the car, Marc's hunch was confirmed. The woman knew Trent's identity. Her subtle hint had confirmed that. Now it was time for Isis to take over. Marc smiled as he heard her voice through his speakers.

  “Dr. Smith, I didn't know you were affiliated with The Black Foundation. My family used to live on the same street as Mr. Black and his son, Jordan is a very good friend of my sister Isabelle.”

  Dr. Smith turned to Isis. “Yes, I was Justin Black's doctor for many years and I became the chair of his Foundation shortly after his death. He wanted me to make sure everything he was unable to do while he was alive was taken care of.” She glanced at Trent then back to Isis.

  “So what exactly have you accomplished for Mr. Black?” Isis asked with a bright smile.

  Camille laughed softly. “More than he ever thought I'd be able to.” She took Isis' hand. “Come dear, let me show you some of the things I've accomplished.

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