Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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   A few hours later, Sean and Ray had food delivered to the hospital for all the family and everyone began devouring the dishes as the two men moved to a corner of the room.

  “How long should we stay?” Sean asked.

  “I don't know. I think the women may be getting uncomfortable.”

Sean nodded. “Let me check at the desk and see if I can get any updates.”

  “I've taken care of the venue and everything has been cleared away,” Ray informed him

  “Thanks, let me see what I can find out.”

Sean walked to the door and was met by an ecstatic Silver. “He's here!” she announced happily.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and rushed over to her.

  “Seven pounds and eleven ounces, he's healthy and he's beautiful. He looks just like his daddy.”

  “How's Sage?” Lily asked.

  Silver wiped her brow. “Both Sage and Jordan are on cloud nine. They want Diamond to meet her baby brother.”

  “Can we see Sage?” Ray asked.

Silver nodded. “They said family can come in now.”

The entire group began down the hall until they were halted by a nurse.

  “Excuse me? Where are all of you going?” she asked looking at the beautiful group.

  “They said that family could see my daughter now,” Silver relayed.

The nurse looked over the group of thirteen “You're all family?” she asked.

They all looked at each other then nodded. “Yeah,” they said in unison.

  She shrugged and stepped aside as they continued to the room. Sage broke into a wide smile as they all piled into the large room. Jordan sat in a chair beside the bed holding his son. Congratulations rang out around the room as each moved over to check on Sage.

  Ray watched Jordan holding his son possessively. “Look Jay, we aren't having that again. Let me see my nephew.”

  Jordan looked up from the face that was so much like his own and smiled at Ray. He stood and brought the baby so everyone could see him. When he pulled the blanket down from his mahogany face, the entire room gasped at the brilliant dark eyes that stared back at them.

  “He looks just like you Jordan!” Trent exclaimed.

  “He looks like our father,” Jordan told him quietly.

Diamond looked down at her brother. “Baby! My baby, Daddy!”

Jordan smiled at her. “Yes, pretty little girl. This is your baby.”

over the newest Black until Lily asked, “What's his name?”

  “Justice. Justice Michael Black,” Jordan answered. “He has his grandfather's middle name.”

  Trent nodded looking down at the boy who was now another relative to him. The boy who'd grown up without a family now had them arriving daily it seemed. “Hey little dude, I'm your Uncle Trent. I'll be your favorite.”

  “Boy shut up,” Jordan told him. “And don't think I've forgotten your little bombshell today.”

Lily moved to Sage's side. “Was it a difficult delivery?” she asked stroking her friend's arm.

  “No, this one was easier.”

  “For who?” Jordan asked.

  Sean laughed and Jordan turned to him. “Don't worry, your turn is coming. We'll see who's laughing then.” He looked over at Ray. “Your ass too.”

  Ray laughed. “Since you two ended the party, we had everything brought to the hospital. So let's start the baby shower since everyone is here.”

  Ray made a call and a few minutes later all the gifts were brought into the room and chairs were found for Lily and Isabelle while everyone watched the ladies open their gifts. When they got to the gifts Marc and Isis had brought, they all looked at the tags.

  “These are from Marc and Isis,” Isabelle said smiling. The fact that they had chosen to put both their names on the gifts spoke volumes.

  Marc stood watching Isis during the entire gift opening process. When it was over, he took Isis' hand and led her out of the room to another quiet space where she stood with her back against the wall. He looked at his watch.

  “Our time away has been cut short,” he said staring down at her.

She smiled. “But there's a beautiful new baby.”

  “And more babies to come,” he added stepping closer. “Lotus was right, I do want to get out of here and get down to business.”

  “Lotus has no sense, but she is right sometimes.” She said placing her hands at his waist.

He lowered his mouth to her ear. “How much longer do we have to stay?” he whispered.

Isis threw her head back exposing her graceful neck. “You want to take me?”

  “Right now...” he said drawn to the soft skin exposed to his kiss.

She laughed softly. “I think we'd go to jail.”

  “I'm the FBI.”

  “I remember...” she whispered. “And you're Iron Man.”

He pressed closer until she felt his erection. “Yeah, that's about right.”

Isis wrapped her arms around his neck. “Then we should say our goodbyes.”

  “In a minute.” He lowered his head and tasted her lips, slowly making her anticipate the pleasure to come. When he claimed her mouth completely, she moaned softly.

Marc lifted his head. “Yeah, time to go...”

  He stepped back and took a minute to compose himself before taking her hand and leading her back to Sage's room. Everyone looked up as they entered and Lotus gave them a knowing look.

  Isis licked her lips. “Um, so Marcus and I are going to take off now. Congratulations Jordan and Sage. Your son is so beautiful.”

  The room remained silent watching them taking in Marc's tense features and Isis' flushed face. Isabelle stood to rescue her sister. “Thank you both for coming.”

  Isis hugged her sister before she and Marc bolted from the room and practically ran down the hall and out of the building. Isis was giggling when Marc lifted her up in his arms carrying her the rest of the way to the car. She hung her arms around his neck and he took quick steps to the vehicle. At her door, he sat her on her feet and stared down at her mouth.

  “You're wasting time,” she whispered.

  He smiled opening the door and when she turned to climb inside, he grabbed her butt and squeezed. Isis gasped and turned to him.

  “You're wasting time,” he told her.

  She climbed inside and he closed the door. When he entered on the other side, he turned to her and stared into her eyes for a moment.

She laughed. “What?”

  “You're so beautiful Isis Martin,” he said quietly.

Isis bit her lip. “Thank you Marcus.”

  He turned and started the car taking off to their destination. As always, he took her hand and began toying with her fingers. She joined in with his finger play while she stared out of the window.  As the scenery passed, Isis thought back to when she'd first met Marcus. He'd come to question her father at his office and Marcus had placed his hands on waist to move her out of his way when she'd tried to stop him. The encounter had left her shaken and from that moment on, the man in the dark glasses had invaded her dreams without her permission. Now he was everything that she wanted and needed.

Without turning she called his name and he turned to her. “Yes, Princess.”

  “I think you're beautiful too.” She turned to him. “I always have.”



Chapter 17

  Marc and Isis arrived at the destination a short drive later. After helping her out of the car, Marc proceeded to retrieve their bags from the trunk. Isis came to assist grabbing her toiletries case while he carried everything else. 

  Marc opened the door to the lavish beach house and allowed her to go inside first. Isis stepped into a large foyer and looked around as Marc followed.

  “Wow, this is incredible!” she exclaimed taking in the surroundings from the sparkling tile floors to the glass windows that looked out on a small beach that led directly to blue waters under a setting sun.

  “I'm glad you like it,” Marc said moving further inside with their luggage.

  Isis followed him still looking around at the expensive furnishings. Marc entered a bedroom and placed their bags in a nearby walk-in closet. When he returned Isis was still taking in the magnificent view and he walked over to join her wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

She leaned back into his warm body. “I wasn't expecting this.”

Marc kissed her neck. “This is the family home. They usually spend holidays here.”

Isis turned and looked into his face. “But not you?”

He shook his head. “No, not usually.”

  “Will you tell me why?” she asked touching his face gently.

  “I brought you here to tell you everything you want to know sweetheart.”

  He took her hand and led her into a dining room with an eight-foot long table surrounded by a number of matching, overstuffed upholstered chairs. Marc pulled one of the chairs away from the table then turned and lifted Isis to sit on the table-top.

  Stepping between her legs, he lowered his head and kissed her. Isis raised her arms to enfold him and he pulled her closer tangling his tongue with hers. Isis wrapped her long legs around his waist as he laid her back on the marble surface. She held her breath as he ran his hands over her heated body. Marc reached her shorts and unfastened them as she watched in anticipation.

  Reaching behind him, he loosened her legs from his waist then stepped back to slowly slide the garment down her legs and over her heels. He let them drop to the floor before placing his hands on her thighs then let them roam up her body, over her stomach and up to her cradle her breasts. Isis arched into his hands as he squeezed and fondled her.

  Slowly, Marc lifted her blouse and she sat up to assist him in removing it. She hadn't needed a bra with the top so she was left naked except for her panties and shoes. The blouse soon joined her shorts in a small pile on the floor as he returned to paying homage to her womanly form.

  “I want you to dance for me...” Marc said hoarsely against her bare skin.

  He lifted her legs onto the table. “I've seen you on stage dancing at Trent's birthday and at the theater. Now I want you to dance just for me.”

Isis looked into his face. “You want me to dance on the table?”

  “Yes, I want you to dance on the table for me...don't move.”

  Isis watched his back as he left the room. She looked down at herself on the large table in nothing but a thong and high heels. She watched the entrance for his return wondering what exactly he had in store for her. Her head lifted as she heard the beginnings of Ciara's
“Body Party”
being piped into the room.

  She smiled sexily as he returned. Her eyes beckoned him over to her and he obliged unbuttoning his shirt as he approached. Marc reached the table and helped her to stand on the solid surface.

  “Go baby...” he told her holding her with his silver gaze.

  Isis smiled down at him then licked her lips slowly before she began to move to the music. She turned her back giving him a full view of her ass in the white thong. She looked back over her shoulder as bent into a crouch and spread her legs. Isis gave a slow rock side to side and Marc tilted his head to watch.  She gave him a sexy look as she stood up straight and took a few steps along the table lifting her hands above head while pushing her hair up.

  Turning to face him, she started at her face then ran her hand down her neck to her naked breast pausing to give a gentle squeeze. Moving lower, her hand moved traveled while her hips rocked side to side. Isis took both hands and rubbed her thighs while bending and widening her legs giving a fully exposed view of what was waiting for him.

  She watched as Marc removed his shirt tossing it on top of the pile already on the floor. The belt to his slacks was next. Reaching into his pocket, he tossed condoms next to her on the table before removing the rest of his clothing. When he was done Isis was kneeling on the table still watching him. Marc reached for her, wrapping his hand in her hair. Pulling her forward he captured her mouth twisting from side to side wrestling with her tongue. This was no gentle kiss, this was a -
we're about to tear it up in here

  Isis lost her breath as Marc took total, control robbing her of her senses. The music continued to play but became a distant sound in Isis' ears competing with the blood rushing through her brain. She decided to simply hold on and enjoy the ride that was coming.

   “Lie back Princess,” he said helping her lie back on the table. Marc grabbed the bands of her panties and pulled them down her legs tossing them aside. Looking down at her, he lowered his head to her tattoo of the crown of Isis, located just above her womanly mound. Softly he stroked it. “Goddess Isis, I want you so bad.” 

  Marc proceeded to kiss and lick the crown before moving upward. Trailing his tongue over her navel up to her extended nipples, he lavished attention on each area before lifting her arms above her head staring down into her face.

  “I want you too Marcus,” she whispered.

  Marc kissed her sucking gently on her lips while driving her into a frenzy.  “Say it again,” he ordered against her lips.

Locked with his gaze Isis repeated, “I...want...you...Marcus.”

  Releasing her arms, he reached for one of the condoms he'd placed on the table and quickly applied it before returning his attention to her. Lifting her leg slightly he entered the space he'd craved. Isis assisted by welcoming him inside. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he probed deeper and his hands moved from her hips to her breasts, kneading the mounds and teasing the hardened nipples.

  “You have me Isis,” he told her as he stroked her body and she arched into each thrust lifting off the table.

  The pleasure became so intense from the deep, slow strokes that she had to snatch her gaze away. Turning her head to the side, she vaguely made out the designer curtains hanging in front of the windows where the sky was darkening. Marc's mouth on her breasts combined with his hard thrusts had her mind completely erased.

  She moaned as Marc slid his hands underneath her ass lifting her higher, giving him better access to the spot that triggered her eruptions.

  “Faster?” he asked.

Isis closed her eyes. “Yessss...”

  Marc spread her legs wider. “Harder?” he questioned and granted her request and lifted her knees higher.

She began to ride the first waves to ecstasy. “Oh lord!”

  As the intensity heightened, Isis tightened her legs around him and gave in to the welcomed conclusion. Marc felt her release then worked on his own, flexing his hands around the firm, warm flesh of her butt cheeks. He continued to push faster and her tiny moans spurred him to a growling completion.

  Isis laid spread out on the table with her eyes closed and a sexy smile on her face while Marc ran his hands along her naked side.

  “What are you thinking sweetheart?” he asked quietly.

  She kept her eyes closed. “That your mother is going to kill both of us for doing this on her dining table.”

  Marc laughed softly. “This is nothing compared to what we're going to do in the rest of this house.”

  He lifted her from the table with her legs still wrapped around him. She held on around his neck facing him as he walked them out of the room. She kissed his lips soundly as they moved through the house.

  “We're going to walk into a wall if you don't stop,” he warned against her lips.

She continued to taste his lips and he stopped walking before they really did walk into a wall.

  “Did you hear me?” he asked smiling.

  “Yes, I heard what you said Marcus.” She kissed him again. “I can't stop though.”

He looked at her. “I don't want you to stop, just wait until we get to where we're going.”

She placed her lips on his. “Hurry up then...”

  Marc quickly made his way down the long hall to the bedroom then into the bathroom. Sitting Isis on the sink he moved away to take care of the protection. Isis watched his firm naked ass and thighs before sliding her gaze up his muscled back.

  Marc turned to her when he was done and smiled at the look on her face. “Would you like a bath?” he asked.

  “With you?” she asked looking at his muscled chest and lower.

  He nodded and she agreed. Marc reached over to the large soaking tub and started the water. Reaching under the sink, he pulled out Isis' favorite bath salts and added them to the water.

  “Your mother uses the same salts that I use,” she told him.

Marc turned to her. “These aren't my mother's. I brought these here for you.”

Isis looked confused. “How do you know my favorite bath salts?” she asked.

  “You live with my sister sweetheart,” he reminded her while coming to stand in front of her.

She looked up at him. “You asked her what were my favorite bath salts? Why?”

He touched her cheek. “Because I wanted you to be comfortable while we're here together.”

Isis laid her head on his chest. “I'm all the way there Marcus,” she confessed softly.

Marc lifted her face to his. “Thank you for joining me.”

  He kissed her until the tub was filled with water then removed her shoes before placing her inside. Marc grabbed some towels from a shelf then settled in the tub behind her.

  Isis leaned back into him. “What a day today. Sage delivered the baby, Trent's going to Africa and Lotus is still crazy.”

Marc stroked her arm. “It was the best day.”

  “Really?” Isis said turning back to him. “How?”

  “My Princess is in love with me.”

Isis turned her body to face him. “Yes, I am.”

  “And I'm in love with her.” He touched his lips to hers.

  “What was your best day ever, before this one?” she asked.

  “There wasn't one that I can remember,” he said quietly.

Isis touched his face. “Tell me why you ran away from your family.”

  Marc helped her turn back to sit in front of him before he began. “Ten years ago when I was sixteen, I was kidnapped and held for ransom.”

  Isis gasped and tried to turn to him but he wrapped his arms around her and held her in place while he told her the story. She listened while he spoke softly in her ear.

  “I was on my way to a rehearsal and they grabbed me out of the car. I found out later that the driver had been paid off. They held me for three days. I didn't know what they were going to do me and I wondered if I would ever see my family again. Most of the time they had me sitting in a room and after three days, I didn't think anyone was coming for me. I knew I had to try to save myself. ”

Isis lowered her head. “Your family didn't pay the ransom?” she asked confused.

  “No, they didn't get the chance to. The kidnappers thought I was just some pampered rich kid and they left their weapons out on the table. I'd seen them do it a few times and at the first opportunity, I grabbed one of them and pointed it at one of the men...” he trailed off abruptly and Isis felt his body tighten as he was being transported back to that time.

  “Marcus, if you don't...” she began.

  He continued in a low voice, “While I was holding the gun someone burst through the door and before I knew it, I turned and it fired. It wasn't a kidnapper though... He paused again. “It was the FBI. I hit him and watched him die in front of my face.”

Marc laid his head on her back. “He had come to rescue me and I killed him.”

Isis heard the pain in his voice and her eyes watered. “I'm sorry Marcus...”

  “I was there for three days because my father was overseas filming a movie and my mother didn't know what to do. He was never there when we needed him. For him, it was always a production, a film, a commercial... anything but the family he'd created.”

  “The FBI took me home but I was never the same. I was angry that my father had not been there to protect me and because of him, I was with those people for three whole days not knowing if I was going to live or die.”

  He took a deep breath. “But the thing that sent me away was finding out that my brother had orchestrated the entire kidnapping.”

Isis' eyes popped wide open. “Jeremiah?”

Marc lifted his head. “Yes, Jeremiah.”

  “Why would your brother do that to you?” she asked angrily.

  Marc took a deep breath. “Jeremiah is not really my brother. My family adopted him when I was seven and he was eleven. My father wanted to create the facade of the man he played on television. People believed he was this great family man, but no one knew the truth.”

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