Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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  He listened intently as Millie told him a tale about having two stepsisters who hated their father and wanted him dead. She told him that her Daddy had loved her and wanted her but had been given no choice but to marry his wife in order to provide for Millie and her mother. She told him she wanted revenge on her sister for what she'd done and she wanted Jeremiah's help.

  “What are you thinking of doing?” he asked.

Millie turned to him. “I don't know. I'm not good with ideas.”

  “Well, I can tell you what I did when I wanted revenge on my brother.”

Her eyes widened. “What did you do?”

Jeremiah stared at her. “I changed his whole life.”


  Marc entered his apartment and headed to the shower. He undressed then started the water to steaming. Stepping inside he replayed the day. He'd met Sean on the docks and listened to the evidence Sean had gathered on Dr. Camille Smith. He couldn't imagine this woman being a murderer, but stranger things had happened.

  Sean wanted him to check her out and find out exactly what she had been doing. It was far too much to be coincidental, but the question was why? Why would she want both Justin Black and Milton Martin dead? What was her connection to them?

  Marc let the water run down his back as he lowered his head. Sean was a genius and if he felt there was more to it then Marc would thoroughly check it out. He understood Sean's reasoning for not involving Jordan, Ray or Trent since Justin was both Jordan and Trent's father and Milton was Ray's former father-in-law.

  He turned and lifted his head allowing the stream to run down his chest. His thoughts moved to this evening having dinner with Isis and his sister. Quickly they jumped to after dinner with Isis on his lap. He placed both hands against the wall and lowered his head. Isis was in his blood like a drug that had spread slowly throughout his body.

  She was sunshine and light where he once saw darkness. She made him believe in things he'd long ago put away. Even in tragedy she was still able to smile. He wondered if she would still be smiling when he told her of his past. He planned to tell her when he took her away because he wanted to be away from everyone and everything when he relayed the events that had taken place.

  He shut the water off and stood for a moment to relax himself. Thinking of Isis did things to certain parts of his body outside of his control. Grabbing a towel, he wrapped it around his waist before heading to his bedroom where he dropped on the bed lying back to stare up at the ceiling.

  Marc had kissed Isis goodnight for the last time before leaving the apartment. He'd walked to the elevator and waited. At the sound of the door opening, he'd turned and watched Isis run down the short hall to him, throwing her arms around his neck before kissing him passionately.

  He'd eventually lifted his head and looked down at her then she'd smiled up at him and whispered, “I'm coming to take you Marcus.”

  Marc had kissed her some more before sending her back to the apartment. He waited until she closed the door and pushed the button for the elevator again shaking his head. Now in his bed, he thought about her some more.

  “You already have me Isis.”


  If someone would have told Isis Martin that she'd fall so hard for Agent Marcus Graham, she would never have believed it. Although he'd sent her up in flames from the beginning, she'd never considered being in a relationship with him, of all people.

  She'd considered him conceited, arrogant and rude in the past, but now understood that some of that was the result of his job. In Isis' mind now, he was caring, kind and very considerate. He was incredibly strong and she loved that about him. Marcus seemed as though he feared nothing and no one. He could handle any situation with ease.

  Isis smiled to herself, he was her Iron Man. He was an impenetrable force and had been from the start. She knew that she could trust Marcus unconditionally and felt safe allowing her feelings to deepen. She had wanted Agent Graham physically for some time. He was a handsome and sexy man with a dangerous and mysterious aura that surrounded him.

  Now, she wanted to know him more than in the physical. She wanted to understand how he thought and what he felt inside. She wanted to know what had caused him to run away from his family and created a rift between him and his father. What had made him want to become an agent?

  More than anything, Isis just wanted to know the man she was falling deeply in love with. It was no secret to her that she was indeed falling in love with this man who'd shielded her, even from her own father; the man who had so lovingly introduced her to lovemaking and had begun to teach her how a man pleasured a woman in many different ways.

  Marcus could have easily walked away and gone on with his life after the passing of her father, but he'd waited and given her time to grieve, then he'd come for her. Just like he'd come for her when she'd been taken hostage. She never had to ask, he was just there...

  Isis pulled the covers over her in the fluffy bed. Marcus' mother had made sure the room was ready when she arrived. She really loved Alice Graham, not only because she reminded her of how own mother, but also because she was so kind and treated her like her own daughter. Just like her son, she was just there and Isis didn't have to ask for anything.

  Isis laughed thinking about the woman now sleeping down the hall from her. Tasha had claimed her as her sister since they'd first met and the two women had only bonded even more every day. Tasha was far more outgoing than Isis was but the two complemented each other perfectly.

  Isis was so thankful to have a place to stay where she could balance herself. She loved her sister to death but she needed to be somewhere on her own. As she snuggled deeper, she closed her eyes imagining a handsome brown face with sexy gray eyes and lips that made her tingle in many places on her body.

  Remembering his touch, she moaned softly. He'd said he liked to hear her do that and she liked the things he did to make her do that. She couldn't wait to spend her days off with him. Her Daddy would never have approved of her being involved with Marcus, but her Daddy was gone and she intended to live and be happy.

  “Goodnight Marcus...I love you Iron Man.”



Chapter 14

  Marc stood on the landing of the impressive home located far outside the city limits. He waited until the beautiful older woman answered the door.

She looked over the handsome man behind the dark sunglasses and smiled. “May I help you?”

  Marc flashed his badge. “FBI, Special Agent Marcus Graham. I'd like to speak with Dr. Camille Smith, if I may?”

  “I'm Dr. Smith.” She stepped back. “Please come in Special Agent Graham.”

Marc nodded and walked inside the home. “I appreciate your time Dr. Smith.”

  Camille smiled again and led him to a sitting room. “Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?”

  He shook his head while taking a seat across from her. “No thank you. I just have a few questions.”

  She settled herself on a small sofa surveying the well-dressed young man. “I can't imagine what would bring an FBI Special Agent all the way out here to see me.”

  Marc studied the woman. She was flawless in her presentation and demeanor. Almost too flawless...as if she was ahead in a game that no one else knew they were playing.

  “I wanted to inquire about your connections to Justin Black and Milton Martin,” Marc began. “Did you know both men?”

  Camille nodded. “They were both my patients. I was Justin's doctor for many years before he died, and I was called in to treat Milton Martin right before his condition turned for the worse.”

  Marc nodded. “So two of your patients who have ties to one another have died while under your care?” he questioned.

  Camille gave a soft laugh. “Special Agent Graham, I am a heart specialist. I have no control over how someone's heart reacts. I'm sure you've discovered that the human heart does whatever it wants.”

  He paused processing her words and she continued, “Unfortunately, I've had many patients who have died despite how hard I tried to save them.”

  She shrugged. “I'm also one of the top specialists in the country so the patients I treat may very well travel in the same circles, since they have the means to call me in.”

Marc leaned forward. “What was your relationship with Justin Black?”

  “Justin was my patient...and my friend,” she answered.

  “He transferred all of his money to a foundation, that you just so happen to chair, just a few weeks before his death. Can you explain that?” he questioned.

  “Justin was a man who ruled his own world. He did what he wanted and I had no control over his life. I advised him on his health and nothing else.”

  “Were you in a relationship with Justin Black?” Marc asked point blank.

Camille sat up on the sofa. “Why are you here Special Agent Graham?”

She stared at him. “What are you trying to accuse me of?”

  “I'm just asking questions Dr. Smith. Two men die suddenly, both under your care.”

Camille sat back. “What did I have to gain from either of their deaths?” she asked casually.

  Marc knew she had him there. He'd asked Sean the same question and not even he had been able to come up with a concrete motive.

  “That's why I ask the questions Dr. Smith.”

  She stood to her feet. “Well, when you have the answers Special Agent Graham, please let me know.”

Marc immediately got to his feet as well.

  “Let me show you to the door.” Camille turned and headed in that direction and Marc followed.

Opening the door, she looked up at him. “Thank you for your time Dr. Smith.”

Camille nodded and he began down the stairs. “Special Agent Graham?” she called.

Marc paused and turned back to her slowly. “Yes?”

  “Please give Isis Martin my condolences.”

He lifted a brow. “Why do you think I'll see Isis Martin?”

  Camille smiled. “I saw you with her at the hospital,” she explained. “I assumed you were friends.”

  Marc stared at her for a while longer before giving a short nod. “Have a good day Dr. Smith.” He walked to his car thinking that Sean was definitely on to something.

  Camille watched Marc drive off before closing the door. Smiling to herself, she walked back into the sitting room.

  “Hmmm...so they've involved the new Diamonds. This should be interesting...” she murmured to the empty space.

  She picked up a magazine from a nearby table and looked it over. “That Marcus Graham and Isis Martin are such a beautiful couple. They could actually be on the cover of one of these.”

  Camille began flipping through the pages. “I bet that wedding is going to be incredible...I should send a gift.”


  Marc drove to the theater for Isis' first performance since her leave of absence. He glanced at the flowers on the seat next to him as he thought about the woman herself. He was glad to see her getting her life back on track and allowing him to be a part of that life.

  His thoughts shifted for a moment back to Dr. Camille Smith. The woman was clearly hiding something. What it was, now became his mission to find out. Although she was right and she really didn't have any motive to kill either Justin Black or Milton Martin, something was just not fitting together.

  Dr. Camille Smith was a renowned cardiologist with enough money to spend for two lifetimes. Therefore, money would never be her motive. If she had been in a relationship with the men that could come into play but so far she had denied that possibility. Marc knew that Milton and Justin had lived in the same neighborhood and their children had grown up together but outside of that, there weren't any other connections between the two men except the fact that Sean's mother was insisting that Milton wanted Justin dead, but how did Camille Smith fit into that equation? This mystery would require more than his mere thoughts.

  Marc arrived at the theater and stood in the back watching the performance. He marveled at how she performed the urban version of the sensual dance. Marc had not been in a theater in a long time as it only resurfaced unpleasant childhood memories, but for Isis he would gladly put those aside.

  This place and film studios always reminded him of what he didn't have. The thing he'd longed for during his youth that had been withheld. Instead, he'd been dragged to readings, sets and rehearsals, when all he'd wanted was to have a father like the one he'd refused to watch on television.

  He waited until she emerged from the back along with her cast. She spotted him and rushed into his arms.

  “Hello Princess,” he whispered before kissing her softly.

She smiled up at him. “Hello Marcus. I didn't know you were here.”

  He stepped back and handed her the flowers he'd brought. “These are for you. You were incredible on stage.”

  “Thank you babe.” She took the flowers before reaching up to kiss his chiseled cheek.

  “Isis are you ready?” one of the cast members asked.

  Isis looked up at Marc. “I agreed to have a late dinner with the cast. Will you come with me?” she asked hopefully.

He nodded. “Of course, sweetheart, I came to support you.”

  Isis took his hand and the group filed out of the theater. Marc drove them to the restaurant where they'd all agreed to meet.

Inside the car, he took her hand and turned to her. “You look beautiful.”

Looking him over in his dark designer suit and tie combination, she smiled. “So do you.”

Bringing her hand to his lips, he softly kissed it. “I can't wait to go away with you.”

  “I don't care where it is...I just want to be with you.” She squeezed his hand and he smiled at her.

  When they arrived, the group was already seated and Isis introduced Marcus to everyone. Marc held Isis' chair until she was seated then claimed the seat next to her. Isis smiled to herself as her fellow actresses couldn't keep their eyes off Marcus, taking in everything from his suit and dark glasses to his handsome features.

Marc's phone rang and he checked the screen before turning to Isis.

  “I need to take this call. It's some information I've been waiting on,” he informed her.

Isis leaned over and kissed him briefly. “Okay, take your time.”

  “So Isis, an FBI Agent? What kind of trouble did you have to get in to find him?” one of the other actresses asked giving her a naughty smile. “And can I get into some?”

  “Be nice Sheila,” Isis cautioned. Sheila was known to get very raunchy which is why Isis rarely spent a lot of time with her.

  “Ooohhh, he is sexy and dangerous. I ain't mad at you,” another actress commented.

  “That dude is not an FBI agent,” the lead actor pronounced. “And if he is, he's dirty.”

  Isis quickly turned to him as well as all other heads at the table. “What are you trying to say Denzel?” she demanded.

  He smirked. “He's wearing a watch that costs enough to buy my apartment. Not to mention the suit, tie, tie clip and cufflinks. No FBI agent can afford that! Especially not a young black one.”

  “So you think that Marcus has to be doing something illegal to dress nicely because he's
?” she questioned.

  “Think about it Isis. What black man dresses like that on a government salary?”

  Isis gave a short laugh. “So you didn't consider that maybe he has other legal means of making money.”

  “Okay, what legal means does he have?” Denzel questioned.

  Her eyes narrowed. “First of all, it's none of your damn business how Marcus can afford what he has and I don't have to justify it to you or anyone else!”

  “Just because you can't afford it, you shouldn't uphold the stereotypes.” She pointed a finger at him. “I will tell you this though, Marcus' family probably has Sunday dinner with the man you're named after.”

  “And if you think you're going to question him about it, I'd think again because he will crush you and not blink an eye,” she finished.

  Everyone at the table looked at Denzel as Marc returned. Marc took in the scene and glanced down at Isis' flashing eyes.

  “What happened?” he asked Isis.

She stood to her feet. “Nothing. I'm not hungry anymore. Can we just leave?”

  Marc studied her face before turning back to the table. All heads turned to the guy Marc knew was the lead actor.

Placing a hand on Isis' waist, he stared down at her. “What's going on?”

She put a hand on his arm. “I just want to go now. We can talk later.”

  Marc turned back to the table once again looking at Denzel. He nodded slowly watching him. “Okay Princess, let's go.”

  The others at the table said their goodbyes as Marc watched Denzel. Quietly he led Isis out to the car and helped her inside. After he'd taken off and driven a short distance, he turned to her.

  “I see I'm going to have to handle your lead actor.”

Isis turned to him. “He said some stupid things.”

He glanced at her. “Like?”

  She turned back to look out of the window. “He strongly insinuated that you do illegal things to be able to dress the way you do.”

Marc looked her way again. “Really? How did this conversation come about?”

  Isis shook her head. “I think he was just jealous because the other actresses were fawning over you, so he started saying mean things.”

Marc took her hand. “He upset you.”

  “I didn't like him saying things about you like that.” She frowned. “Especially when they're not true.”

  He smiled at the conviction in her voice. “Thank you sweetheart, but I don't want you having to defend me.”

  She turned to him. “Of course I'll defend you Marcus. You're the most honest person I've known. I won't let someone question your character.”

Marc nodded. “Let's get you some food and take you home.”

She smiled. “We have the Matinee show on Sunday, then two days off.”

  “I get you for two whole days?” he asked softly.

  “Yes, and I get you for two whole days.”

He turned to her. “Can you work with that?”

  She looked him over and gave him a sexy smile. “Yes Marcus, I can definitely work with that and I'm so looking forward to it.”

  Marc drove to a quiet restaurant where the two sat and had a late dinner. He watched Isis eating from across the table and again marveled at her strength and beauty.

  “I think I'm getting used to you watching me eat,” she told him.

  “You should. I plan on watching you eat more often.”

Isis paused. “What are we going to do for two days? Are you going to use your handcuffs?”

  Marc reached across the table and took her hand gently rubbing his thumb across her delicate wrist. “I use my handcuffs to arrest criminals. I don't get off restraining beautiful Princesses.”

  “But if you want to get freaky, there are many other things we can get into,” he murmured.

She stared into his silver eyes. “Yes, I'd like to get very freaky.”

  Marc released her arm and leaned back. “You should finish your food before I take you away right now.”

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