Xan's Feisty Mate

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Authors: Elle Boon

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Xan's Feisty Mate

Iron Wolves MC Book 2

Elle Boon

Published by Elle Boon, 2016.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. February 9, 2016.

Copyright © 2016 Elle Boon.

ISBN: 978-1944246310

Written by Elle Boon.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Xan’s Feisty Mate

Iron Wolves MC Book 2


Elle Boon

© Copyright 2016 Elle Boon

ISBN: 978-1-944246-31-0

All cover art and logo © Copyright 2016 by Elle Boon

All rights reserved.

Cover by Tibbs Designs

Copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Xan’s Feisty Mate

ISBN: 978-1-944246-31-0

Xan’s Feisty Mate, Iron Wolves MC Book 2

Copyright © 2016 Elle Boon

First E-book Publication: February 2016

Cover design by Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design

Edited by Janet Rodman

This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen


Books by Elle Boon

Chapter One FireStarter

Prologue Jett's Wild Wolf

Excerpt by Caitlyn O'Leary


o the best crit partner, Caitlyn O’Leary. You are without a doubt the best partner in crime. Look out world, we are so going to take over. Truly, I LOVE YOU SOOO HARD <3

There are so many people I’d like to thank, beginning with my awesome beta readers Debbie Ramos, Trenda London, and Jenna Underwood, not to mention Karen DiGaetano for all her help. BIG HUGE thank you ladies <3 Janet Rodman, you are new to my team and I love you so hard, you are truly fabulous, and went above and beyond on this book for me. Y’all totally rock!

A huge shout out to all the readers, and reviewers who have taken the time to read and review my books. I hope y’all know how much I love you. When I say I love y’all so hard, I truly do mean sooo hard.

Many thanks to my hubby for his unwavering support, my oldest, Jaz for being so damn awesome, and to my Goob who is still my baby even though he’s six-foot tall. Without their love and support I’d never be able to do what I love, write.

To the amazingly talented cover artist Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design. This cover is gorgeous, which I say about all my covers, but this one...LOVE. I’m still that client that you get all squinty eyed with, but you love me and can’t quit me <3 Love you lady!



Book 2

Chapter One

Elle Boon


rielyn Mattice, or Breezy to her friends, worked the kinks out of her shoulders after a long day in the ER. Lord, how she loved her job, but hated some of the doctors on staff. She grimaced as she thought about the newest fuck who thought he was god’s gift to women. Sure, he was gorgeous with a great body and a good job, but that did not make him a good catch in her mind.

“Hey girl, you going to come out with us tonight?” Cheyenne asked, slamming her locker door shut.

The other nurse had already changed into a cute outfit ready to party, but Breezy just wanted to go home and soak in a hot bubble bath. “Nah, I think I’ll just go home and read a book.”

Her friend snorted. “What has happened to my cool friend? You know the one who was up for body shots and partying all night with me?”

It was her turn to snort. “First of all, the body shots were you, girlfriend. I just held your hair when you tossed your cookies later. You’re welcome by the way. Second, I don’t think I ever partied all night.”

Cheyenne shrugged her shoulders. “I told Dr. Hottie you’d be there. He wouldn’t agree to come if you weren’t. Please come. You can leave after one drink.”

Big brown eyes pleaded down at her, but Breezy wouldn’t be swayed. She’d seen the way the doctor had looked at her and didn’t want any part of him or any man for that matter. Well, no man other than the one who thought she was nothing better than a whore. If only he knew...she stopped her thoughts from swaying to the asshat who didn’t deserve her, and focused on Cheyenne. “I promised my dad I’d pick up some dinner and bring it home. Sorry girl.” She put just enough sorrow into her tone the other woman seemed to believe her. “Tell him I’m running late, and then pretend I texted you. Heck, I’ll text you and say I changed my mind.”

With a nod of her short dark head, Cheyenne grabbed her bag and walked out of the locker room.

Breathing a sigh, she quickly changed, and then headed out shivering as she entered the parking garage. At eight o’clock in the evening, the lot was almost empty except for several cars she recognized as the late shift. She wished she would have parked closer to the elevator, but at the time there weren’t any spots. Her shoes echoed through the concrete space, and she glanced around before reminding herself she was a wolf and could take care of herself.

Her vehicle was against the back wall, but with a feeling that wouldn’t let up she looked around. The hair on the nape of her neck stood up. She reached into her bag for the can of Mace she kept there. A large arm grabbed her from behind pulling her between two parked cars, one gloved hand clamped over her mouth. Breezy froze in her attacker’s arms, forgetting all the training her brothers and the Iron Wolves had taught her.

“I’ve got you now. Don’t fight me and you won’t get hurt...much,” hot breath whispered in her ear.

She couldn’t get any air inside her body with his large hand encased in leather gloves, covering both her mouth and nose. She began to feel lightheaded when her wolf woke up. Even though they all knew not to show their other half to humans, the fight or die instinct took over. Claws replaced her nails, and she dug them into her attackers thighs, her head went back. The satisfying sound of bone crunching had the man releasing his hold.

“You fucking cunt. I’ll kill you.”

Breezy gasped for air, her wolf wanting to lash out, but her human half still had control. She took a step away when his arm snaked out. Without thinking, she turned and hit him, getting her first glimpse of the masked man. He was large, almost as large as Xan. Fear and adrenalin kicked in. Her knee came up connecting with his family jewels, and at the same time he swung a right hook. She thanked the goddess her knee hit first, or knew his fist would have broken something. Stumbling back as he dropped to the ground, she didn’t stop to think about her actions, just kicked him in the side of the head. Xan’s words
to never let an opponent get back up or they’ll stab you in the back
ringing in her head.

His groans and curses could be heard when she fled, but she didn’t stop until she got to her car. Her hands shook so badly she dropped her keys, tears streaming down her cheeks, she swore it was like she was in a horror movie where the villain would jump up behind her at any moment. Finally, she unlocked her car with the press of a button and wasted no time backing out of the spot. Looking back, she saw the masked man standing at the end of the lot. The feel of her dinner threatening to come back up had her swallowing several times. The image of him doing the slow walk that all serial killers did as they caught up to their victims flashed before her eyes, making red dots appear and she realized she was holding her breath until she shot out of the enclosed garage.

“Oh, god. I almost died. Shit, shit, shit.” She looked at the speedometer to see she was going way over the speed limit and laughed hysterically. “Having the police pull me over would be a bad thing how?” She looked in the rearview expecting to see a van or something following her. Once she was sure she wasn’t being followed, she reached in her bag for her cell.

The thought of calling her dad and upsetting him was abhorrent to her, but she didn’t have anyone else to call. Kellen was alpha of her pack and would always protect them, but she didn’t want to make that call either. “It was probably just some random thing.” After the incident with the McCartneys, she hated to bring her trouble to the pack. Remembering the size and feel of the man’s hands on her, she dialed the clubhouse.

“Iron Wolves,” Coti answered.

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Hey, Coti. It’s Breezy.” Her voice shook.

“What’s the matter, nani?”

Breezy always sighed when he called her beautiful. People thought they’d make a great couple, but in reality, he was more like an older brother or best friend. She explained what had happened, and was about to say she was on her way home when the sound of rustling came over the line.

“Get your ass to the clubhouse, now, bella.” Kellen’s voice was low.

“I really want to go home and take a long bubble bath. I...”

Kellen cut her off. “That was not a request. If you don’t want me showing up at your parents’ home and dragging you out of there, I suggest you drive that fine ass here stat. I’m going to put Laikyn on the phone with you. I want you to talk with her until you get here. Do not hang up for any reason. Are you on a hands-free set?”

The need to salute him, and flip him off warred within her, but she also knew he was right. “Yes, I’m on my hands-free.”

“Good. How far out are you?” His deep voice rumbled sending shivers through the phone line.

She didn’t even think about denying him. “About fifteen minutes.”

“Drive safe. And, bella, you were smart in calling.”

Butterflies danced in her stomach.


ander Carmichael or Xan to everyone, barely restrained his wolf. He’d been beta to the Iron Wolves since he’d turned twenty-five and he and Kellen had taken over, physically beating the fuck out of the old alpha and his worthless shits of leaders. They’d both been alphas in their own right, but Xan didn’t want to lead. They opened the Iron Wolves MC shortly after and turned their little town back into a habitable place for wolves to live. Now, ten years later their families were all safe and well connected, albeit a little dysfunctional.

He couldn’t imagine what sweet little Breezy was thinking. His wolf snorted. Yeah, she was far from sweet, but no woman deserved to be jumped in a parking lot, least of all one of their pack.

Violence. He was used to that emotion, and needed an outlet for what he was feeling. He turned to the back of the club. It was a Friday night, and the fights were just getting started. His pack and the MC held regular, no-holds-barred fights in the club. It wasn’t often he had the urge to join in the cage, but when he did money tended to drop.

If he had any hope of facing Breezy with a semblance of control, he’d need to work out some of his anger, or he was liable to do something they’d both regret. Of course, he’d enjoy the fuck out of it and so would she, but he wasn’t ready to mate any woman, even one as feisty as the delectable Breezy. When he finally did settle down, he didn’t want one who’d been around the block like the town bicycle. Nope, he wanted a sweet woman who knew her place.

The sound of the loud bass met his ears long before he entered. Wyck looked him up and down as he walked in. “You fighting tonight?”

“Yep,” he grunted.

Wyck smiled. The large African American slapped his hands together, the man was a blood thirsty bastard. Xan wondered if he was going to jump in the cage with him.

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