Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Her Shield (The Uncut Series Book 1)
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Jordan's eyes narrowed. “You need help with something?”

  “No, I've got it for now,” Sean confirmed.

  “Whatever it is, handle it.”

Sean nodded his head. “It's handled.”

Jordan looked at his watch. “I've got to pick up Sage. I'll check on Izzy later.”

  “Yeah, I've got to get Lily as well. The women were supposed to be meeting about this group baby shower later today but since this has happened, they may need to postpone it.”

  “Ray will update us and we can just go from there,” Jordan said and Sean agreed. The two men gave each other a manshake before Jordan walked out the doors. Sean watched him go then headed to the desk and asked them to page Dr. Smith.

  A few minutes later Dr. Camille Smith appeared and looked up at Sean as she came to stand in front of him. “Mr. Jackson, right?” she asked.

  “Yes, you remembered,” Sean answered.

Camille smiled. “Yes, how is your lovely wife? Lily right?”

Sean smiled slowly. “Yes, Lily. She's fine. You're very good with names Dr. Smith.”

  “I was a physician for many years Mr. Jackson. I had to learn to remember names.”

  “So I understand you've come out of retirement...” Sean commented.

Camille nodded. “Yes, I was called in for a special case. Were you looking for me?” she asked.

  “No. I'm here for Milton Martin.”

  She placed a hand on her chest and sighed. “Oh, that poor man. We're all stumped as to how his condition deteriorated so quickly.”

Sean watched her carefully. “It's interesting.”

Camille agreed. “Those were my exact words.”

  “Dr. Smith, I know you're up to something and when I find out what it is, I hope for your sake you haven't harmed the fathers of my friend’s,” he warned.

  She gasped. “Mr. Jackson, I am a licensed physician. I took an oath to help people. I am appalled that you would even insinuate such a thing. As I explained to you when you visited my home, Justin Black had a heart condition and this hospital asked me to come and check on Mr. Martin. I didn't send him here.”

  “Why are you the Chair of the Board for The Black Foundation?” he asked with his eyes narrowing.

  She tilted her head. “I was Justin's physician for a long time. He and I became close friends and he asked me to sit on his Board.”

Sean continued to watch her. “Like I said Dr. Smith, I'm going to find out what you've done.”

Camille looked back at him. “There's nothing to find out. I'm not a threat to you Mr. Jackson.”

  “Until I find out exactly what you are up to, you are exactly that Dr. Smith.”

  Camille's pager buzzed and she checked it before looking back at Sean. “I need to check on Mr. Martin. I really hope he pulls through this. Have a good day Mr. Jackson.”

  Sean watched her turn and walk away. After taking a few steps, she stopped and turned back to him. “I think it's wonderful how much you care about Justin's son. It's amazing how much those Black men look alike...all of them.” She turned back and continued down the hall.

  “Who the hell are you Dr. Camille Smith?” he asked to himself. “And what the hell do you know?”

  “What are you doing here?” a voice demanded and Sean turned.

Sean sighed. “Hello Shana.”

  “You'd better not be here upsetting my Daddy,” she warned.

  Sean looked at her. “Why didn't you ever tell us that Milton was your father?” he asked confused.

  “You didn't care who my Daddy was while we were in your bedroom.”

He frowned. “Goodbye Shana. We were kids and that was a long time ago.”

Shana looked around. “Is Jordan here too with that crazy ass wife of his?”

  “No, and you should stay away from Sage,” Sean told her. “She's very protective of her husband.”

  “She'd better watch him 'cause if he anything like his Daddy, he got 'em coming and going.”

Sean frowned again. “What?”

Shana sighed. “Damn, aren't you supposed to be the smart one?”

  “What are you talking about Shana?”

  “If Justin wouldn't have rejected me, Jordan would have been my step-son.”

Sean shook his head trying to understand what she was saying. “You are out of your mind.”

  She smiled. “We'll never know now, will we?” Shana brushed past him. “Now, I've got to see my Daddy.”

  Sean watched her go in the direction of Milton's room and shook his head again. What the hell was wrong with these women and what the hell was Justin Black doing? He walked out the doors to his car. He needed to talk to Lily. Maybe she could help him sort this out.

  Shana walked into her father's room and found Ray and Isabelle along with Dr. Smith. She looked at the woman and gasped. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Isabelle turned to her. “Shana! This is the doctor.”

  “This ain't no damn doctor!” Shana yelled.

Ray stepped forward. “Then who is she Shana?”

  “She's Justin Black's wife!”

Both Isabelle and Ray looked at Camille as Milton's eyes widened.

  “And Jordan's momma!” Shana added and everyone looked confused.

Camille laughed. “I can assure you that I'm no one's wife or mother.”

Shana walked closer. “You're her! You look just like her. I remember you!”

  Isabelle took a closer look at the doctor. It had been years since she'd seen Joanna Black but she could see the resemblance.

  “I'm sorry Dr. Smith. Shana is mistaken, although you do look a lot like my friend's mother.”

  “No worries. I get that all the time. I think I just have a common face.” She turned to Shana and smiled.

Shana's eyes narrowed. “My Daddy has a doctor and it wasn't you.”

  “I'm the cardiac specialist called in to attend to your father. I'm Dr. Camille Smith.”

  Ray gathered Isabelle and began to head for the door. “We'll let you fill Shana in on Milton's condition Dr. Smith. My wife has had enough for today.”

  Camille nodded. “We'll let you know of any changes,” she assured him then watched them leave.

  Shana turned to Camille. “What's wrong with my Daddy?” she demanded looking at him lying still in the bed.

  “You should have a seat Shana,” Dr. Smith told her. “Or should I call you Millie?”


Chapter 11

  Isis awakened in yet another strange bed. This was the one she had tried to sleep in for the past two weeks after her father had passed away. Milton had suffered a massive stroke that had ended his life, two days after becoming paralyzed. The next week he had been laid to rest while Isis had cried standing beside her last relative, her sister Isabelle. All of their friends and acquaintances had attended, including Trent and Callie.

  Marc had stood in the wings watching her closely. After the service, she had returned to her sister's home and retreated to herself. She had not spoken with Marcus since the service over a week ago, although he'd called her numerous times. Isis would look at her phone and see his number before sending the call to voicemail. She dropped her head into her hands wondering how she would go on with her life. She needed to get an apartment and return to work. First, she needed to sleep. Something she had not been able to do for the last few weeks.

  What she'd shared with Marcus had been incredible but it had also been in the spur of the moment. He'd had a hold over her from the beginning and she had given in to it freely during their time together but the last thing Isis wanted to be was a rescue. She didn't want someone who possibly felt that she was a charity case. Marcus had been her protector and her shield but now she simply wanted him to be her man, and if that wasn't possible, she wouldn't want him at all. She couldn't.

  Isis climbed from the bed and headed into the attached bathroom still in her thoughts. Her body still craved Marcus Graham. She could not forget the way he'd touched her, held her, and kissed her. She looked into the mirror at her reflection. Her eyes were not puffy today and her skin was regaining its natural golden glow.

  Washing her face and brushing her teeth, she came out and got dressed in skinny jeans and a light blouse. She sat on the bed and added some slippers to her feet before heading to get some breakfast. She smiled as she thought about how her sister had breakfast on most days. Her husband Ray made her breakfast and fed her in bed. Must be nice, Isis thought.

  Isis was genuinely happy for her sister especially after the way their father had treated her for so long. Isabelle was happily married and carrying her first child and Isis was her number one cheerleader. She loved and respected her sister more than anyone in the world.

  Isis stood and walked to the door where she opened it to the hall and discovered Special Agent Marcus Graham leaning against the wall. He was dressed in his agent attire minus the dark glasses.

  “Marcus,” she whispered surprised. “What are you doing here?”

  His grey eyes held hers. “I promised Ray that I wouldn't wake you. I also promised him that I wasn't leaving until I saw you.”

  She stood watching him quietly. “You wouldn't take my calls,” he told her and she shook her head slowly.

  Quietly he stepped closer to stand in front of her and she looked up at him. “I've missed you Princess.”

  “Did you really?” she asked.

  He smiled at her. “I've been standing in this hall for two hours waiting to see you...and I wasn't leaving until I did, even if I had to fight Ray.”

  Isis stared into the face that filled her dreams and her heart. “I've missed you too Marcus,” she whispered.

Marc took her hand. “Let me take you to breakfast.”

  Isis smiled. “I'd like that.” She led him into her bedroom to retrieve her purse and shoes. Once inside Marc closed the door and pressed her back against it. Lowering his head, he kissed her gently and Isis felt the same tingles and tremors she always did. Wrapping her arms around him, she held him tightly absorbing his solid strength.

  When he lifted his head, she looked at him and smiled softly as he stood pressed against her. “Back to how we started,” she told him.

Marc shook his head. “We started way before then, Princess.”

Isis touched his face. “I need to get my purse and shoes.”

  He stepped back and allowed her to gather her things. When she was done he led her out of the room to the front door and out to the car.


  Ray watched the pair as they headed out the door. Carrying a tray he headed into the master bedroom to take Isabelle her breakfast. She was coming out of the bathroom when he entered and he sat the tray aside before he helped her back underneath the covers. Placing the tray over her lap, he picked up the utensil and began to feed her.

  “Thank you Sun God,” she said swallowing her food.

  He smiled at his wife, the woman who had changed his life and was now giving him a child. “You know I would do anything for you Goddess.”

  “I know and I love you.” She touched his rugged jaw. “I can't thank you enough for being here for me and Isis these past days.”

Ray fed her some more and waited. “Marc was here to see Isis. He's taking her to breakfast.”

  Isabelle smiled. “Do you think they'll make it to breakfast? They haven't been together in weeks?”

Ray looked at her. “I'm surprised they made it to the damn car.”

  She laughed softly as he fed her more and their eyes connected. “Once you've eaten all this food, you're going to get exactly the same thing,” he told her.

  Isabelle smiled broadly. Her husband was an extremely experienced man and he made pregnancy sex just as incredible as regular joining, if not more so.

  “You should feed me faster,” she said happily.

  He laughed and gave her more of the meal he'd prepared. “How are you dealing with the loss of your father?”

  Isabelle shrugged. “Although Daddy and I were not on good terms, I will miss him. I'm just worried about Isis. She was shutting everyone out. I hope Marc can get through to her.”

  Ray nodded. “I think she needed her space to get her thoughts together. Marc was determined not to wait another day to see her. I thought he was going to try to whip my ass if I didn't let him stay.”

  “He's very strong willed.”

  “He's stubborn and cocky as hell,” Ray amended.

Isabelle placed her hand on his. “He's like my husband, which is why I picked him for my sister.”

  “How did you know about them?” he asked.

  She sat back against the pillows having had enough food. “My sister always had such strong feelings about him and whenever they danced together, whether they knew it or not, they clung to one another as if they had been seeking each other.”

Ray lifted a brow. “Damn, how'd I miss all that?”

  “You had other things on your mind,” she explained remembering what had transpired over the last months.

  “One of which was getting my Moon and making her belong to me.” He sat the tray aside and took her into his arms kissing her.

  “I belong to you Ray Parker,” she whispered as he began to show her that she was right.


Inside the car, Marc turned to Isis. “Where would you like to go?” he asked.

Isis turned to him looking him over. “To your apartment.”

  He nodded and put on his sunglasses before starting the car. As he drove, Marc reached over and took her hand. Isis gently squeezed as he held her hand tightly. They rode in silence and Marc allowed her to look out the window without speaking. Every now and then, he would glance over to see how she was doing.

  They arrived and he led her inside closing the door behind him and leaning back against it. He looked her over as she turned to him. She was beautiful as usual even though she looked tired. He took in her dark brown eyes and clover honey skin.

  “What can I get you?” he asked removing his glasses.

Isis walked up to him. “Some peace,” she whispered.

  Marc pulled her against his chest holding her as she locked her arms around his waist. Isis placed her ear over his heart and listened to his strong heartbeat. She'd wanted to stay away from him, from this warmth and comfort he gave her by simply holding her in his arms. She realized she needed it more than she ever imagined. Marcus gave her something she found nowhere else.

  “I'm so tired Marcus,” she said into his chest.

  Marc bent and lifted her into his arms. “Come and rest Princess.” He carried her into the bedroom lying her on the bed. Quietly her took her shoes off and placed them on the floor near the bed. He stood, removed his weapon then placed it inside the nightstand before he removed his jacket and joined her, pulling her closer and enfolding her.

  “Rest Princess,” he whispered against her temple. “I'll be here when you wake up.”

  Isis burrowed closer and closed her eyes. She was where she needed to be and soon she was fast asleep. Marc stroked her back gently until he felt her fall into slumber. He hadn't understood when she had shut him out. At first he'd thought she'd needed space and had given her time, but two weeks was the limit. Two weeks without seeing her smile or hearing the laugh that he loved. He'd awakened this morning determined that nothing would stop him from seeing this woman, his woman.

  He'd taken her to be with her sister when it had been announced that Milton was dead. She'd walked away from him and shut off all communication until today. He hadn't known what his reception would be today, but he didn't care. He was coming for her regardless and an entire army could not have stopped him.

  Marc kissed the top of her head as she slept peacefully. Maybe now they could move on with their lives with Milton out of the picture. Isis was no longer in danger and she could resume her normal life again. Marc was going to make sure that he was a part of that life. He knew things had transpired quickly between them, but he was going to show Isis that she was his woman. Now he could date her without issues between them and give her the courtship she deserved.

  Isis Martin didn't know what was coming. Marcus Graham was about to show her how a man went after the woman he wanted more than anything. He would give her time, as he knew she was on shaky ground with the loss of her father, but he would make sure he stayed a constant in her life while she was settling herself.

  Marc closed his eyes. He'd been up since three in the morning and had arrived at the Parker estate at six. Ray had looked like he wanted to strangle him, but he hadn't cared. He'd told Ray he wanted to take Isis to breakfast but in actuality, he wanted to take her for good. He didn't think that would have gone over well with Ray, so he'd just mentioned breakfast.

Marc soon dozed off himself dreaming of the woman now sleeping next to him...

  When Isis awakened for the second time that day, it was no longer morning. In fact it was late afternoon by the indication of the sun. She looked up at Marcus who was still asleep. In repose, she studied his features. He was truly a handsome man with his chiseled features and full lips and when he turned those platinum eyes on her, she melted. She loved when he smiled at her because it transformed his entire face. While most of the time he looked stern and serious, when he smiled he looked absolutely adorable.

  She moved her gaze to his crisp dress shirt before she reached up and began to loosen his tie. Isis tugged gently at the knot before his hand came up to stop her. She looked up into his face and smiled.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

Marc held on to her hand. “Hi, did you sleep?”

She nodded slowly. “Yes, thank you for that.”

  He studied her face for a moment before touching her cheek. “Tell me where your head is at Isis.”

  She looked away. “It's been in many places these past weeks. I think after Daddy died, I just retreated inside myself.”

  “I know that was hard on you Princess. I wanted to be there for you,” he told her.

Isis glanced back at him. “I wanted to see you but...”

He frowned. “But what?”

  “I don't want you to see me as being needy all the time,” she said quietly. “I'm not like that.”

  “You've been through an extreme situation Isis. You've been held hostage and lost your father in the same week. How could I see that as needy?” he questioned.

  “Everything happened so fast between us,” she said watching him closely.

Marc lifted a brow. “Do you regret what happened? Was I just a way to satisfy your curiosity?”

Isis flushed and looked away. “No, you were much more than that. Marcus.”

  He gathered her closer and she held him tightly. “I know you're hurting Isis, let me help you to heal. However long it takes, I'll be here.”

  “I miss my Daddy, Marcus. Even though I know he wasn't a good person,” she choked out.

  Marc gently stroked her back. “Of course you miss him sweetheart, you loved him. You don't stop loving someone in the blink of an eye. You'll always love your Daddy, there's nothing wrong with that.”

  “I didn't want any of Daddy's money though. Isabelle and I gave it all to Shana,” she told him.

  “It's possible the government may be seizing some of those assets, so I hope Shana hasn't banked on getting those funds,” Marc informed her.

Isis pulled back and looked at him. “The money was illegal,” she surmised.

He nodded. “We just have to figure out how much and then go to court.”

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