Her Unexpected Affair (The Robinsons) (29 page)

BOOK: Her Unexpected Affair (The Robinsons)
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All teasing left him. He shook with desire and dipped his head. “I need you,” he said against her lips.

“I need you more,” she said, rising up on tiptoes to meet him, her arms moving around his waist.

From their previous kisses he thought he knew what to expect. But the electric storm between them took him by surprise. Like a tsunami, the kiss ripped away all their previous experiences and nearly took him to his knees. Needing support, he released her face, lifted her onto the bed, and followed her down. There. Perfect for the seduction he’d dreamed of. The seduction he’d follow through on now.

Staring into the multilayered jade depths of her eyes, Drew speared his fingers into Meilin’s soft, smooth hair. Like threads of heavy silk, the strands flowed over his hand, the pins holding it up loosening and falling away.

Mesmerized, he watched the glossy lengths fall to the bed under them. The pins fell soundlessly on the thick pile carpet at the sweep of his hand. Meilin’s head slowly tilted back, her eyes closed, lips parted, her sweet breath touching his face in soft puffs.

Her smooth as pearls skin glowed with a faint flush. Black lashes lay like delicate fans on translucent skin beneath her eyes. Red lips parted, tempting him closer, promising him kisses sweeter than ruby red cherries. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.

Meilin’s eyes opened enough to look at him through her long lashes. “You’re the beautiful one.”

The thumping of his heart increased, the blood rushing to his groin pulling elegant words from his brain. Little ability to speak remained, leaving him only with the roughly spoken words, “I want you.”

A slow smile lifted one side of her lips. “Then make me yours.”

Heart too full to speak, he dipped his head and tasted sweet nectar from her sweetly swollen lips. The short nails of her fingers gripped his shoulder and forearm, holding him to her, driving up his need. Her lips opened to him and he pulled her breath into his body. He wanted to dive in and plunder, but the drugging influence of her scent slowed him down, urged him to draw out the moment, savor each nuance. Savor her.

The fingers digging into him sank a little deeper, meeting resistance in the hard muscles of his arms.


He cut off her moan and nipped at her full lower lip. “Easy now. I want to record this moment forever in my mind.” Teasing, torturing, his lips whispered over hers. “I want to live right here, right now, for all time.”

His lady’s humor came to the surface. Her soft laugh was more a moan that tugged at his inner most soul. Her hands loosened their grip and glided over his arms, up over the cotton of his shirt, to his shoulders where they tightened again. Pulling him closer until he felt the softening of her breasts against his chest, the softness of her stomach against the rock hardness of his groin. She pressed her lower body closer, shifted and moved, testing him. Her hands then traveled down his back, to his ass where they gripped hard again, forcing him closer yet.

“Don’t take too long,” she ordered in a voice barely stronger than a breeze rustling the leaves outside the window. “I’m hungry. I want to devour you.”

Lord, she tested his resolve to make this special. Granted, the fact they were together now was special. A prayer answered. A miracle of bloody freaking biblical proportions. He’d be sure to offer a true prayer of thanks later. For now he had to worship at the altar that was Meilin.

Needing to get closer, he sealed his mouth to hers. Willingly she molded to him, extending her small sweet tongue to meet his in the middle. There they touched, like two dancers allowed only to touch fingertip to fingertip. How his ancestors had to have been frustrated by the little-to-no-contact rules at the formal balls they attended. How they must have reveled in the scandal of the waltz that allowed them so much closer to the untouchable ladies of society. The very wickedness recognized by other cultures who insisted the sexes dance segregated.

Breaths mingled and Drew’s desire burst into an explosive flare of heat. Teasing done, he plunged his tongue into her mouth. Meilin rose up to meet him, passion for passion, the kiss now deep, their mouths fused. Their breathing harsh, yet perfectly in tune.

Meilin’s hands came around to the front of his body, squeezing between them, following the line of his belt.

It became a race then. He searched out the zipper of her pants. She loosened his belt buckle. Arms tangled as he pulled her shirt up, her hands fumbled for the button on his trousers. With a little laughter, their outer clothing fell away as Drew toed off his shoes. Somehow he found a move that allowed him to sweep their clothing from the bed. Impressed with himself, he managed all that without breaking the kiss.

At last he stretched out on the bed beside her, the silk of the coverlet nearly as smooth as the skin rubbing against him. Only her lacy bra, panties, and his briefs remained between them. A situation that needed to change.

Reluctantly he left her lips and kissed his way to her jaw, down her throat, stopping to lick the hollow at the base of her throat. The beating of her pulse teased him and he stayed to taste her skin until she moved restlessly against him. As much as he wanted to touch and taste, he wanted to see. Torn by the need to rush forward and conquer, he resisted and pulled back to let his eyes catch up. Meilin offered a protest as he distanced himself a few inches.

“Hush, love. I just want to see.” Propped up on one elbow, he looked. Against the dark silk of her bed spread, her skin glowed like a sacred statue of twenty-four karat gold.

If he wanted to look, she did as well, her gaze stroking his body every bit as much as his study took in hers. When he touched her with a single finger, she mirrored his movement, gilding him with her light touch drawing across the upper bulge of his pecs as he traced the swells of her breasts.

Not overly large, not small, the perfectly sized and shaped breast cupped in his hand was in a state that begged attention. Attention he was more than happy to provide.

He was also thrilled to see the front closure on her bra. A truly wonderful invention. But he didn’t stop to wonder other than to flick it open. Her breasts were large enough to hold on to the cups, as if reluctant to bare herself to him completely. One gentle brush of his hand unseated them and at last his eyes feasted on the dark rose of her peaked nipples. They rose and fell with each deep breath she took. Just air being exchanged in her lungs, but the effect was like the gentle rise and fall of the ocean.

Meilin rolled to face him, her hand stretching down, reaching for him. “If you get to stare, I get to touch, learn by feel.” She found him, wrapped him in the warmth of her hand. He sucked in air, lost for a second in the feeling, so much so his head spun.

“Careful, I’m too close. Don’t want to finish too fast.”

“Then don’t stop.”

Gaining control again, he tugged the strap of her bra down, interrupting her torture. Once her arm was free, he rolled on top of her, settling between her legs only to endure a new torture. Her body held his just right, the warmth of her embrace a perfect cradle for him. This was home as he’d never known it before.

“I won’t stop. Not now, not ever. Not unless you want me to.” He sealed his promise by capturing her lips again and rolling a little farther to fully free her from the upper garment.

Once the wisp of cloth vanished, he pinned her hands to the bed on either side of her head. “Don’t move,” he warned her.

Eyes darkened and cheeks flushed, she sassed him back. “Not fair.”

“No one ever claimed life was fair. Now behave while I finish unwrapping my present.” The warm, exotic scent of her was driving him wild, and he wanted to taste and thrill her before he let go.

Content when she huffed out a small protest and surrender, he pushed up to gaze upon her. The look of passion on her face almost drove him to the main event, but he fought against the pull of desire. They weren’t going to rush this. She was too precious for that.

Weight on his elbows, he cupped her breasts, plumping them, raising the nipples to his lips. Slowly, he took the first one in his mouth and teased her, first with his tongue, then by suckling. The other breast he gently squeezed, then rolled the nipple between his fingers. To his satisfaction she pressed her head into the pillow, raising to meet him, writhing against him. Alive in his arms, warm and enticing, she drove him onward to please her more. At the small wail that rose from deep in her throat, he switched breasts, teasing the other with his mouth, pinching and rolling the wet nipple he’d just left.

Against his stomach the lace of her panties was no barrier to the wet heat coming from deep inside her. He rubbed against her, pressing himself into the bed below, the silk beneath them a caress nearly as exciting as her hand.

Meilin shuddered beneath him, whispered words of need a sweet song to his ear.

In that moment, in a flash of understanding, finally grasping what had eluded him weeks before, he knew why poets lived to breathe life into their words. He pushed up, rising above her to feast his eyes on her beauty. He also knew, truly and deeply, why painters and photographers were driven to capture their visions for all the world to see. He understood the lyrics to every love song ever written. Not very lawyerly or logical, but all was suddenly clear as crystal to him. This was why men conquered and pillaged. They did it all to feel this bliss. To seek more. Cavemen had used clubs to drag their lady loves back to their caves. Modern men became artists, or climbed to the pinnacle of business, or became warriors of a different sort. To claim the mate of their dreams. To feel this one connection, soul to soul. It made gods of men and goddesses of women. The very hubris that earned them the jealousy of petty deities.

Were the Chinese deities as jealous as the Greek and Roman pantheons? Were they courting disaster?

Determined to drive her mad, and revel in his new insight, he lowered himself until he could kiss each rosy nipple, then continued the kisses down her body, over her quivering stomach to her cute navel. A small giggle escaped her as he dipped his tongue into the divot.

“Keep going,” she ordered.

“Ticklish?” he asked.

“Not a bit,” she lied. It was bold attempt, but he knew. Later he’d explore each spot. Just something more to look forward to. There was so much he wanted to do with, and to her, he suspected it would take a lifetime. Something not yet guaranteed at this point, but he’d do his damndest to make it happen.

Moving down, he kissed her lower abdomen, enjoying the growing scent coming from her center. So delicious he couldn’t hold back much longer. Soon his fingers found the waistband of her panties and he tugged, pulling them down until she was exposed, her thighs trapped. The longer he played, kissing the sparse soft black hair on her mound, the more she writhed to sweet sounds escaping her throat.

At the feel of her fingers along his scalp, he nipped at her skin.

Meilin arched up against him, urging him to take what he wanted. Give what she wanted. It all blended into one. Pressing his lips to her mons, he settled between her thighs still restricted by her wispy panties.

“Andrew,” she complained. The moan pleased him. He might even forgive the use of his full name. But later. He needed to taste her now.

* * * *

Meilin groaned. Drew was taking his time, teasing her with only his breath against her most private parts. She didn’t care what he did, as long as he did it. Soon. Kiss her there, touch her with his fingers, or best of all, crawl up the length of her body and fill her. This torture was almost too much and when his lips touched her, she let out a little cry of joy. “Yes!” she encouraged him. She’d say anything to get him moving a little faster.

She wanted him so much she didn’t flinch when he tore her panties away. The only thought that crossed her mind was she could finally open her legs and let him in. He left her no time to think further as his lips briefly closed about her. One tiny swipe of his tongue, that’s all he gave her before pushing her thighs wider. She melted at the touch of his mouth, and quivered as he stroked, licked, and sucked. Although she was far from cold, she imagined herself an ice cream cone he devoured. When he used his thumbs to open her inner lips, she accommodated him by lifting her legs from behind the knee and pulling them up.

Drew growled and she glanced down to see his gaze fixed on her face. The pure hunger shining from his beautiful eyes made her hotter still. As if she could be any more turned on. With that look, and a deliberate touch of his tongue, he closed his lips around her clitoris and sent her straight to the stars. He held her there, a finger sliding into her body and stroking, as his lips suckled, he kept her coming until she couldn’t sustain it, couldn’t breathe anymore, and collapsed as a balloon deflating. Dampness coated her skin, and her chest rose and fell as fast as her heartbeat, sucking in as much air as she could. Surely she’d held her breath for a full minute as she rode the crest of her climax.

A smug grin on his face, Drew slowly worked his way up her body, his touches, kisses, and small bites lighting tiny fires along her nerves. By the time he reached her nipples, desire once more thrummed in her veins. How did he revive her so fast? As he suckled and pinched, she writhed against him, post orgasmic lethargy forgotten.

“Now, Drew. Now.”

“In a minute.”

The sweet agony he put her through… There’d be payback when she got her chance.

He lingered so long over her breasts she nearly came the instant his sheathed tip touched her. When had he managed that trick? They both gasped with pure pleasure as he slowly entered her, first an inch, then he drew back, only to enter a little deeper. His patience had her close to growling for him to speed up when he pushed up over her, his arms straight, and finally, finally entered her fully.

Then he stopped.

Dumb with disbelief she stared up into his blue, blue eyes which even now twinkled with passion and mischief. “Andrewww…”

He grinned, then pushed deeper still. “You feel amazing.”

“I… I wasn’t sure you’d…fit.” On a moan, she arched upward as he pulled back.

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