Her Wanted Wolf (29 page)

Read Her Wanted Wolf Online

Authors: Renee Michaels

Tags: #Shifter

BOOK: Her Wanted Wolf
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The unmated males began wooing the she-wolves to secure a lover for the
night. Their methods ran the gamut from playful enticement to blatant intense
stalking. Some women responded to their pursuit with coyness, staying just
beyond the men’s reach, and casting taunting glances over their shoulders. In
other cases, their advances were accepted with open arms. A few women brazenly
took matters into their hands and propositioned the men of their choice.

It was a game, an erotic dance to whet the appetites, a precursor of
things to come.

Sabine sat on a grassy verge, watching the interaction between the men
and women with fascination. She looked across the clearing to locate her
sisters. Ala stood in the circle of her lover Tija’s arms, nibbling on an apple
tart. Ishbel, on the other hand, flirted outrageously with several weres. The
remaining Silverwolf women dallied with the men or were engaged in earnest

She let out a loud hiccup.

“You’re tipsy.” Drew’s laughing voice dragged her attention away from the
tableau before her.


“Yes, not quite drunk, but close.” Drew dropped down on the grass beside
her and pulled her between his thighs.

“Yes, I suppose I am. If I stood up, I’d probably tip to the side.”
Sabine rested against Drew’s torso, replete. “But I’m nowhere near being
inebriated. I’m, uhmm, let’s say wonderfully relaxed.” She waved her half-empty
cup at him.

“Yeah, and it looks good on you.” Drew eased the paper cup from her grip.
“But I think you’ve had enough.”

She’d sampled every dish offered and sipped potent liquors with relish.
Couldn’t say she regretted doing that. However, she wished she’d saved more
room for the desserts. Caramelized fruit encased in flaky pastry, rich with
sticky sweet juices dripping from them…custard tarts with cloudlike toppings
which melted on the tongue…she wanted it all. Sabine would even have taken a sip
from the stone bottle Gustav handed her. Drew had snatched the container from
her when it was a millimeter from her lips.

“That’s one experience you don’t need.” He’d scowled at his uncle who
took a hearty swig from the jug. Whatever was in that bottle made Gustav cough
as if he’d swallowed a hedgehog.

“Do you think the women in my family will take lovers tonight?” Sabine
asked idly.

“If they don’t, it’s not from a lack of effort by the weres in my pack.”
Drew trailed his fingers over her neck.

“Ala and Tija are lovers,” she blurted out before she could stop herself.
Sabine bit her lip.

“Yeah, I picked up on that. They didn’t send out the lure a she-wolf
releases if she wants to attract an unmated were.”

“Will they be forced to take male mates?” She heard stories of forced
matings, to garner cubs.

“No, I’d never sanction such a thing in my pack.” Drew’s voice hardened

Ishbel drifted off into the shadows with a pair of men, their arms slung
loosely around her waist.

A thought popped into Sabine’s head. “Do you take multiple lovers?”

“Yes, I have. We’re not usually monogamous until we take a mate. And even
then, if the mated pair has a taste for sharing, it’s perfectly acceptable to
invite a third or a fourth partner to your bed.” His fingers trailed over her
breast. “The tradition of appointing a
to ensure the safety of a
mate is still practiced.”

“Logistically, how would that work? All those extra body parts, what
would fit into where?” She tried to imagine it and found the images a bit of a

Sabine felt Drew’s chest shake beneath her head. “What are you laughing
about? It’s a perfectly valid question.”

“I’ll get you a book. It will illustrate what fits into where.” He turned
her to face him. “Or I could show you.” An arch smile spread across his face.

Sabine should have found his smirk irritating, but she couldn’t manage to
work up enough peevishness.

She deliberately sidestepped his offer. “Where can I get my hands on
one?” Her ignorance was a source of embarrassment to her. “Maybe I’ll learn
something I can show you.”

“I’ll take you up on that. I’ll find a couple books for you. If you see
anything that tickles your fancy, I’d be glad to let you try it out on me.”
With the moon behind him, his expression was hard to read, but his eyes glowed
with amusement in the dimness.

“How generous of you,” Sabine said dryly.

“Nothing altruistic about it, honey. It’s a purely selfish offer on my
part.” He pushed her down and started to nibble on her shoulder. Tilting her
head back, Sabine offered her neck to him.

Sabine lay back on the night-cooled grass, looked up at the twinkling
stars, and gave herself over to the pleasure of Drew’s mouth on her skin.
Basking under the moon, without the accoutrements of civilization, she was
freer with her responses. After all, she was in her element.

He nipped the pulse point below her ear, moved down to swipe his tongue
over her nipple, and then pulled back to study his handiwork. The cool night
air hit the damp bud and it furled into a tight nubbin. He grinned with
satisfaction at her body’s response to his caresses.

Threading her fingers through his hair, she tried to pull his mouth back
to her breast’s aching crest. Drew complied with her silent plea and flicked
the nubbin with the pointed tip of his tongue. Unexpectedly, he slid down her
body and hooked her leg over his forearm.

He paced his mouth on the back of her knee. An electrified pulse surged
up the length of her thigh, which set her core throbbing. Drew nuzzled her skin
playfully and stroked his stubbly cheek against the tender flesh.

He sniffed his way to the juncture between her legs. The puffs as he
breathed on her flesh were light, but enough to tease her toward arousal.

Drew suddenly sank back on his haunches, cocked his head, and a sensuous
smirk spread across his face. He pulled her up by her arms and slung her over
his shoulder.

“Oooff, where are we going?” she demanded, a bit put out by the abrupt
cessation of his caresses.

“To a spot that will be perfect for what I want to show you.” He trotted
up the hill and the world spun woozily.

Drew climbed up to a stone outcropping jutting out of the hill like a
knotty fungus. Shaded by a copse of trees, it overlooked the clearing they’d
left behind. He gently laid her down on a patch of grass.

“Close your eyes,” Drew enticed. He had that enigmatic smirk on his face
again, as if he had a mystery to unfold.

Puzzled she asked, “Why?”

“You said you wanted to know how the bits and pieces fit. I’m going to
give you a panoramic view of every way they fit. After this I don’t think
you’ll need a book.”

A frown creased her brow. “How can you? We have nothing to use for a
demonstration.” She reached for him but he held her arms flat against the

“No touching yet. Listen.”

The night had its own refrain, the incessant clicking of crickets, owl
hoots, and the far-away howl of their distant cousins baying at the moon.

Her ears pricked up. She caught whispers and murmurs almost too low to
hear. She concentrated and separated the voices to filter the conversations. She
smiled at the purring feminine coquetry and gruff masculine appeals.

Sabine picked out unmistakable sounds, palms sliding over skin, pants and
harshly drawn breaths. The rasp of tongue against tongue. Sabine drew in a
breath at the unmistakable slickly moist sound of cocks sliding into wet female
sheaths. The soft undertones soon gave way to guttural moans, husky gasps, and
hoarse grunts.

The sounds of sex.

They evoked images of couples locked in carnal embraces. The fevered
sensual chants planted erotic images in her mind and caused her body to bloom.
The burgeoning tissues in her sheath flexed in response.

“You knew,” she said it almost as an accusation.

“Yes, we are wolves under the skin. What could be more natural? We live,
love, fight and die together.” He brushed his fingertips over her hot cheek.
“There are very few things that are so primal, which blurs the line between men
and were. Sex is one.”

“Oh.” That’s all Sabine could say. Who knew the sound of lovemaking could
be this arousing.


* *
* *


Drew tilted his head and listened. The sensual symphony stiffened his
already erect cock. Yes, what he was going to expose Sabine to was almost at
its erotic crescendo.

“You’ve seen the campers make love, haven’t you, Sabine?” He ran his
hands over the curve of her hips, up the narrow indentation at her waist to cup
her breasts.

He felt the ambient heat of her cheeks and stroked a callused thumb over
the petal-soft skin.

Sabine shrugged. “Didn’t see much. They were usually in their tents. We
got an earful though. I now understand what all the moaning and groaning is
about now.” She shot him a taunting grin. “You’re a very vocal lover.”

“Little pot, you’re calling the kettle black. Giving into your begging exhausted
me.” The expression on her pretty face was a mixture of indignation and

“You’re lying through your pointy fangs. I do not beg, I asked you to
consummate our mating.” She frowned and gave out a groan filled with
self-recrimination. “I didn’t beg, did I?”

“Oh yeah, but I loved it.” Yes, he loved her pleading mewls, the memory
sent lava-hot longing erupting through his veins. “I think you liked listening
to the humans. I think it aroused you.”

“How can you tell?”

“The first time you mentioned your little bout of voyeurism, I could smell
your excitement. It has a tangy sweetness to it. Now we’re going to watch

Drew rolled over, sat down a moss-covered rock, and winced. Hell, he was
getting too old for this shit. He didn’t remember the ground being this icy on
his ass when he was younger. If he wasn’t careful, he’d freeze his balls off.
No matter, he’d be burning up soon enough.

Drew pulled Sabine up and settled her across his lap, facing away from
him. His cock nestled between the full mounds of her ass. He let out a groan.
If she wiggled even the slightest bit,
might embarrass himself.

“Am I too heavy? You sound like you’re in pain.”

Sabine’s innocent concern made him snort. Hell, yes he ached.

“No, you’re not a burden,” Drew murmured. His answer came out in a gruff
growl. He brushed her hair aside to expose her back and placed his open mouth
on her nape. He worked his hands under her arms, cradled her breasts, and
fondled them gently.

Sabine twisted her head to look up at him. “Shouldn’t we be face to face
for what you have in mind?”

“Oh, just what do you think I have in mind?”

She tilted her head to the side to look at him, pursed her lips and gave
him a level I-know-what-you’re-thinking glare.

He grinned at Sabine. Hell, she was so easy to tease.

Drew released one breast and slid his hand down her stomach to cup her
crotch. The gossamer-fine hair on her mons was silky to the touch. Sabine did a
sexy little wiggle on his lap. He spread his legs to splay her thighs even
more. Dipping his finger into the fluid pooling within her slit, Drew took her
clit between his fore finger and thumb. Applying a little pressure, the
slippery bud emerged from its hood and it hardened under his manipulation.

Sabine hissed. The rise in her phermonal lure filled the air, telling him
it wouldn’t take much to make her have an orgasm. Her head fell back on his
shoulder and the breast resting in his hand quivered under his touch. In the
centre of her desire-crinkled areola, her nipple tightened to a hard pebble
under his fingertips.

Sabine pressed her groin against his hand.

He sank a finger into her. Her sheath gripped and released him. He added
a second digit. She sagged against him and her hands tightened on his thighs
above the knees.

“Open your eyes, Sabine.” His fingers danced in and out of her. To
prolong her pleasure, he paused whenever her breath hitched in her throat.

“Don’t want to, right there. Ohh.”

He stopped moving his fingers completely. “Sure you do. You’ll miss the

She looked up into the sky. “What are you talking about? I’ve seen a
shooting star before.”

“Just do as I ask and look down into the clearing.” He angled his chin in
the direction he wanted her to look. He could hardly point since his hands were
deliciously occupied.

Drew fixed his gaze down into the valley, and with his preternatural
night vision, he easily separated the silhouettes from the shadows. The longer
he stared the clearer the images became.

Sabine stopped squirming when she saw what he drew to her attention and
let out a shocked gasp.

Below them, Rafe lay with one she-wolf straddled across his hips, another
crouched on his face. Both women writhed in ecstasy over him, with their mouths
fused together. They caressed each other’s breasts. One of the she-wolves ended
the kiss and took the other woman’s nipple into her mouth. Her lover responded
and slipped tactile fingers into her shadowed cleft above Rafe’s mouth.

Farther on, a woman was sandwiched between two men, her long legs wrapped
around one man’s hips. His member was clearly buried deeply into her vagina as
she rode him. Her second partner stroked his shaft skillfully in and out of her
anal cavity. She encouraged him by arching her back slightly. Her husky
exhortations for more rose with each inward thrust of the men pumping their
hips in unison. Scattered around the vale, couples and trios were engaged in
every manner of loveplay.

Sabine writhed on his hips. “I feel like a peeping tom.”

“Or in this case a Thomasina.” Liquid spurted over his already wet

To his relief, what she saw didn’t turn her off. In fact, her secretions
flowed like a spring. The satiny muscles he toyed with undulated around his
fingers in strong pulses. Drew flicked her pearl with his thumb, and her nails
bit into his flesh. He welcomed the pain. It diffused his hair-trigger arousal
a little.

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