Her Way (11 page)

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Authors: Jessica Jarman

BOOK: Her Way
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“Beautiful,” he murmured and kissed each one.

She snorted.

“Again, it sounds like you’re doubting me.”

Emma didn’t say anything, just made a face at him.

“Really, sweetheart, they’re perfection. They fill my hands, and your nipples harden with the slightest touch. I love how your body responds to me, showing me how much you want this.”

He moved his hands down to splay across her belly. He pressed his mouth against her flesh and flicked his tongue across and around her navel. Damn, he couldn’t wait anymore. He felt the heat radiating from her sex, could smell her desire. He slid farther down the bed until he lay between her thighs. She was so wet, so ready for him. He leaned forward and ran his tongue along her slit.

“Oh. My. God.”

Will looked up. Emma’s eyes were shut and she gripped the slats of the headboard. He watched her as he repeated the action. Her lips parted and she sucked in a breath.

Grasping her legs, he draped them over his shoulders. He pushed his hands beneath her ass and lifted. When he licked her clit again and again, he savored her flavor and the feel of her thighs squeezing his head. Moving one hand forward, he ran his thumb along her folds. Emma trembled and her breathing quickened even more. Yeah, she was close.

He slid one finger inside her snug sheath, then another. She tightened around him as he pumped in and out of her. He circled his tongue around the pulsating bundle of nerves before catching it between his lips and sucking hard. That pushed her over. Again and again, she spasmed around his fingers, but he didn’t stop, didn’t let up at all. He pulled at her clit over and over until she arched beneath him and screamed his name.

Will lifted his head and looked up her body. Her skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat, and she shook slightly as she tried to catch her breath. He pulled his hand from beneath her and slid his fingers out of her. Stretching out above her, he kissed the tip of her nose.

“Can I move my hands now?” she gasped.


She let go of the headboard and grabbed his hair. Yanking his head down, she brought his mouth to hers.


Emma sighed into his mouth. She could taste herself on his lips, his tongue. Holy shit, he had made her come harder than she ever had. With any guy or self-induced. Everything he did turned her on. Even his ordering her to keep her hands over her head. And when he talked… Oh good God, she could almost come from his words. Most guys she’d dated, and subsequently slept with, had been more of in-and-out kinda guys. No talking, no nothing, just down to business. Well, shit, Will talked
got down to business.

She felt his cock pressed against her hip and her clit twitched
. In anticipation. She wanted him inside of her. Ached to feel him filling her, stretching her, pounding into her.

He braced his hands on either side of her and lifted up to look at her. “You okay, sweetheart?”

“I’m great. Thank you.” She stretched and planted a quick kiss on his chin.

Will laughed. “No need for thanks. And I’m not done yet.”

She wiggled against him. “I should hope not.”

He ran his hand down her side, over her stomach and down between her thighs. She bit her lip as he brushed against her sensitive clit. Oh…oh… One more good touch and she’d go off again.

“Are you ready for me? Or do you need to wait?”

Emma reached down and wrapped a hand around his cock. “I’m more than ready, Will.”

He traced his tongue along her lips and he shifted. After he settled between her thighs, she ran the tip of his cock along her slit, up to her clit and back to her entrance. She let him go and rubbed her palms up his back.

Will groaned into her mouth and kissed her deeply as he plunged into her. Emma dug her fingers into his shoulders as he filled her. She felt stretched to the limit and…oh, it felt good.

“This isn’t going to be slow, Emma.” He sounded guilty.

“Don’t want slow,” she gasped. God, she didn’t think she could take slow right now.

He pulled back and drove into her. Her muscles tightened around him and shards of desire burrowed deep inside.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he bit out.

She did, hooking her ankles together behind his back. A cry slid from her lips as she felt him sink deeper within her. He drove into her again and again. She lifted her hips to meet his. His muscles moved beneath her hands as she ran them up and down his back. Each thrust seemed to go deeper, his cock filling her more and more.

“Tell me how it feels,” he whispered into her ear.

“Incredible,” she managed. “So damned good, Will. I love…how…you fill me. It’s just,” she gasped, “so, so good.”

Heat burst inside her as an orgasm washed through her. He felt huge within her as she contracted around him. She cried out and tightened her hold on him. Her eyes squeezed shut, she let her head fall back against the pillows as she panted for air.

“Again,” he insisted and slid his hand between them to circle her clit.

“Oh God,” she gasped. “Will, I can’t…really, I…”

She was wrong. Another orgasm bowled her over. It felt like she was falling, sliding through liquid heat. Were those whimpers coming from her? She couldn’t hold them back. Didn’t try. Each stroke he made, he pressed harder against her clit. The orgasm continued to pummel her, intensifying until she thought she couldn’t take any more.

He swelled, impossibly large it seemed. His body tensed as he thrust a couple of times more. He stilled, deep inside, as he came. The force of his orgasm triggered another onslaught of pleasure coursing through her.

Will lay heavily on top of her, his breathing harsh. After who the hell knew how long—Emma couldn’t think, let alone tell time—he lifted his weight up on his elbows and stared down at her.

“Was it good for you?” She laughed. She had to joke. Her feelings were too damned intense to examine.

“Smart ass.” He leaned down and bit her lip before kissing her.

He rolled off of her and stood next to the bed. Emma studied him. He looked like he didn’t know what to do next. She sat up.

“Do you need to leave or…can you stay?” She bit her lip as she waited for him to answer. Maybe asking him to stay over was rushing things. Sex was one thing, but to ask someone to stay the night—maybe they weren’t to that point yet. Sure, he’d slept over before. Though that wasn’t on purpose. Shit, she really needed to quit thinking.

“I’d love to stay.” He grinned.

“Oh, good. Do I need to set the alarm? You know, for you to go to work?” She scooted to the edge of the bed.

“I took tomorrow off too. I thought we could get together and do something if you’re free.”

“That’s great. Okay, um, I have an extra toothbrush. Not that I have guys stay over all the time. I just always buy extras so if one of the kids or the girls stay the night or—”

He laid a finger on her lips. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

Emma stood, and together, they went into the bathroom. She felt like a dope, but it felt so right getting ready for bed with this man. Brushing their teeth, cleaning up, scooting around each other in the cramped space.

She went into the bedroom before him and turned the comforter and sheets down. She glanced over as he came in. Damn, he looked fantastic naked. “Left or right side?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

She shrugged. “Okay. Do you want to sleep or watch the news? Or a movie?”

“Movie sounds good.” He slid a hand along the curve of her ass as he approached the bed.

“Okay, let’s see what’s on the movie channels.” She hurried across the room to open the large armoire that hid her TV and grabbed the remote. Coming back to the bed, she gestured for him to get in. “I don’t care what side either.”

He climbed in and held his arm out. Her heart stuttered. Shit, she could fall for this guy. Hard. She went in next to him and pulled the covers up over them. Snuggling up against him, her back against his front, she turned on the TV. As she flipped through channels, his arms came around her and held her tight.

Yeah, she was in big trouble now.

* * * *

Will leaned against the headboard and stared down at Emma as she slept. He reached over and pushed the hair back from her face. He’d been awake for some time and just watched her. She had blown his mind the night before. Honestly, he hadn’t expected her to be so responsive, though he should’ve had a clue from their encounter in her driveway. And he sure as hell hadn’t been expecting his response to her. Physically and emotionally. Both were stronger than he’d ever felt.

He didn’t know whether to curl back up with her or run in the other direction. Well, yeah, he did. He wasn’t the running kind. He slid his fingers through her hair again, spreading it on the pillow. And, hell, the way he’d been drawn to her since they met, he wouldn’t get far before he turned around and ran right back.

With a sigh, Emma stretched her arms up over her head. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” He bent down and kissed her forehead. “Sleep well?”

“Mm hmmm. You?” She sat up and scooted back against the headboard.

“Very well.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “What do you want for breakfast?”

“You don’t have to cook.” She laughed.

“I know. But you said you only do cold pizza and PB and Js for breakfast, and I’m having no part of that.”

“Hey, I make a mean piece of toast with peanut butter on it,” she protested, poking him in the belly.

“As delicious as that sounds, how about I make some omelets?”

“Food snob.”

“Yeah, and I spent lotsa money and many years to achieve that status.” He winked at her.

Emma turned her head and looked at him, a grin curving her lips. She blinked and just stared for a moment.

“You okay?” he asked.

She gave her head a little shake and laughed. “Yeah. I’m…I’m just really glad you’re here.”

“Me too, sweetheart, me too.”

Will leaned down and slid his lips over hers. She opened for him, and he delved inside to taste her. His cock stirred to life. Emma groaned low in her throat when she ran her hand down his chest and belly to rest on his crotch.

“Well, good morning,” she whispered against his lips.

He shifted his body and pulled her until she was laying flat on her back and he was over her. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?”

Emma laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Will kissed along her cheek down to her neck. The feeling of rightness pushed away any of the panic that filled him before she woke up. Waking up with her, being with her…it was just right. That simple.

He let his weight down on her a bit until his cock pressed against her heat. Will closed his eyes for moment. Christ, she was wet and ready for him. All he wanted to do was drive into her and fuck her until they were both senseless.

“God, I want you so much,” Emma murmured and ran her hands over his back. She rocked her hips so his cock slid between her slick folds.

He bit the soft flesh of her neck, not hard enough to hurt much, but he knew he marked her. Selfish, but he wanted his mark on her for people to see. For people to know she was his.

Emma moved her arms down and grasped his cock with one hand. She glided it back and forth, rubbing it against her clit, back down to the entrance to her pussy. Poised to fill her, Will lifted his head and met her gaze.

The phone rang.

“Okay, seriously, worst timing ever.”

Will laughed at the disgust coloring her tone. He kissed her frowning mouth. “Go ahead and answer. We have all day, remember?”

She smiled and tightened her thighs around his hips as she reached for the phone on the bedside table.

“Hello? Oh hi, Tom.”
My brother,
she mouthed. “Uh huh…yeah…well, sorry, but I have plans today.” She lifted her hips slightly when she said that, grinding again Will’s erection.

He grinned and pressed harder against her. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as she closed her eyes.

“No. I said I was busy. I understand that it’s important but I can’t come over there. You should have called before or even asked me last night when you were here. I can’t do this last minute stuff all the time. Why? Because it’s not fair to me. Cripes, Tom. I have to go. I’ll talk to you later. Fine… Well, I’m sorry you’re upset, but I’m not changing my mind. Yeah, whatever. Bye.”

With a sigh, she replaced the phone.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Stupid family.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to think about that. Actually, I don’t want to think at all. I just want to feel…feel you inside me, feel you fucking me.” The last bit came out in a bit of a whisper, causing Will to grin.

He didn’t answer in words. Instead, he pushed a hand between them and moved it down between her legs. His fingers slid right between her pussy lips. Oh yeah. He circled her clit with his thumb as he slid his other fingers inside her sheath. Her muscles tightened instantly, like they were trying to pull him farther and farther in. He slowly fucked her pussy and bent down to slide his mouth against hers.

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