Here For You (7 page)

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Authors: Denise Muniz

BOOK: Here For You
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The next picture was of me and my dad when I was about eight. Damn, my dad looked tired, but he always tried to have a smile on his face. I guess that’s why I was cheesing so hard. It looked like my lips were pulled all the way to the back of my head.

My phone made a beep, indicating I had gotten a text.

James: What r u still doing awake? (11:45pm)

Me: Just getting to bed, and u? (11:45pm)

James: Just got in not too long ago. Showered now lying in bed (11:46pm)

Why did he have to say shower and bed? Now I was thinking about what he was wearing, if he was wearing anything at all? Once he told me that he slept naked sometimes. I should text Grey again.

Me: Yeah me 2 (11:47pm)

I flirting?

James: Really? What r u wearing? lol (11:47pm)

Me: Jackass, I’m not telling u (11:48pm)

James: Does that mean u r not wearing anything? (11:48pm)

Damn, he was typing mighty fast. Should I play around with him? He was always joking around with me so maybe this would teach him a lesson. I bit my lip before replying.

Me: Maybe (11:49pm)

James: Really!? Don’t be getting me excited, babes (11:49pm)

You know how you can tell a person’s emotion just from a simple text? I honestly thought he was getting excited.

Me: U r an idiot! Of course I’m wearing clothes. I’m not u (11:51pm)

James: What?! I am wearing clothes…this time (11:52pm)

I couldn’t help but laugh at that one. Even through text he was funny.

Me: U r an idiot (11:52pm)

James: U r always calling me names *hands on heart* (11:53pm)

Me: Oh poor baby. I’m sowwie (11:54pm)

James: Yeah right! (11:54pm)

Me: Yea u r right lol (11:55pm)

James: So what happened with ur date tonight? (11:56pm)

Oh great. I’d forgotten that I’d told him about my date with Grey, but even so, I never expected him to remember or even care about it, let alone ask me how it went.

Me: He had to cancel. Work (11:58pm)

I had been trying to avoid this awkwardness about Grey canceling on our date, but everywhere I turned someone was asking me about it. Was I that excited about our date? A couple of minutes passed and still James hadn’t written back. I guessed he’d fallen asleep. As I once again placed my phone on the nightstand it started to ring, letting me know someone was trying to FaceTime me. I didn’t realize my phone was so loud. Not wanting to wake my dad since he could be a light sleeper at times, I answered it in a hurry.

When I finally looked at the screen, I saw James. His hand was behind his head and he had sleepy eyes like he would pass out any minute. His hair was still wet from the shower and it spilled over his forehead.

“Hey, I can’t see you. It’s too dark,” he said. He already had his light on because the image was very clear…and he was half naked.

I reached over to turn the lamp on, blinking a few times to adjust my eyes to the light. “I’m right here,” I said. I leaned up on one elbow with the blanket wrapped around me; I wasn’t wearing a bra and you could see everything through this tank top. I propped up my phone on my lamp so my arms didn’t get tired from holding it.

“There you are.” He smiled, displaying those sexy fucking dimples.

Ugh, why did he do this to me? Best friends, Becca, remember.

I must have looked like shit; my hair was piled on top of my head with loose strands everywhere. “I look horrible,” I told him, trying to pick some of my hair up.

“Oh please, you look great.” I think I turned a few shades of red at that comment. “So, about your date?” He was suddenly all business. Here came the lecture.

I lay back on the bed. “It’s nothing. He had to work.” Short and sweet. Nothing to it.

Now he was the one sitting up. “Bullshit, Becca. He canceled on you.” He sounded pissed. Why was everyone angrier about this than me?

“It’s no big deal anyway,” I said, which was the truth. “I got to spend much needed time with my dad, so it all worked out.”

“Becca, I can see it in your face. You want me to punch him?” he asked me, smirking. I bet he’d been dying to do that.

I could always count on James to put a smile on my face. “No, it’s okay. He apologized for it.”

“Dick,” I heard him say before lying back down.

“Oh hey, I forgot, Emma’s boyfriend is coming down around your way soon. Mind if we stop by and hang?” I didn’t know why I’d just remembered, but I was happy that I did. I knew James wouldn’t mind as long as he wasn’t doing something.

He looked to his left real quick before answering. What the heck was he looking at? “Fuck yeah, just let me know when. You could stay at my place.” He winked.

“We’ll talk about that later, but I’ll let Emma know you said okay.” A yawn escaped my mouth, which I tried to cover but it was too late. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay, I just wanted to make sure you were alright after what Asshole pulled.” You could always count on James to speak his mind as well. “You get some sleep and dream about me.”

“Oh yeah, you’ll be all over my dreams tonight, James.” Little did he know that he was in almost all of my dreams, in and out of them for the past eight years. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Becca,” he said, blowing me a kiss.

I blew one right back.







Chapter - 5




I swore it’d only been a few weeks since I’d last seen my mom and she’d already started calling me to ask me when I was coming back to visit. Would be nice for someone to come and visit me for a change, but I couldn’t see my mom driving a car for four hours. So I promised her I would let her know when I would be back. Maybe the next holiday? When was the next holiday anyway?

After hanging up the phone with my mom, I switched my pajama pants for a pair of basketball shorts and threw on my running sneakers. Running; something to take my mind off of this crazy thing we called life. So many bills, so little time to enjoy the money.

When I moved to Florida almost four years back I paired up with my cousin, Jim, and we started our own construction company. I loved to work with my hands, so when he asked me to be a part of it I jumped on board.

Now I’m co-owner.

Being your own boss is a hell of a lot better than working underneath someone. During those four years we had expanded our company and had a few employees. I’d say we were doing pretty well for ourselves. We weren’t making millions, but we were living comfortably, not much to complain about at all.

I reached over the counter to grab my iPod, earphones, and strap for my arm. After stretching for a minute I was headed out the door.

The most beautiful thing about Florida, for me, was the weather. I loved when the nice breeze brushed against my sweaty body and the smell of the ocean washed over my senses. It was warmth with a little chill. Everything else was a bonus; the women in bikinis on their roller blades, the vendors selling things on the boardwalk, the palm trees. I let it all slip my mind as Linkin Park’s ‘Hit The Floor’ played, kicking me into gear. I ignored the looks, the bodies, and just released my brain. Running was my thing. Not only did it relieve my stresses it took care of my body, and it always kept me sane.

I was only eight years old when I found out my dad had left us to fend for ourselves. I was feeling so many emotions but the biggest one was anger. I was so pissed. I left my house without saying a word to my mom and just ran. I ended up running laps around the track field by the local high school until it grew dark out. By the time I made it home there were police cars in front of the house, sending me into a panic. I thought something had happened to my mom so I stormed inside to finally realize that they were there for me. My mother had called them because she thought I’d run away. I did run, but I didn’t run away, I just needed to alleviate the anger I was feeling. She was shocked when I told her I just went out for a run.

From then on, whenever I woke up I made sure to start my day off with a long run. I noticed that when I did run, the rest of the day seemed to flow a lot better.

With my legs going, the sweat was dripping from my body. As the wind breezed on by me, I caught a little chill and finally come to a rest. My lungs burned, but it was an awesome burn that I had under control. As my breathing slowed I saw a little stand that sold water. I purchased a bottle and downed it in a second. Purchasing another bottle, I emptied it onto myself. Damn that felt so good.

Since the beach was right in front of me I made my way to it. Getting close, I sat down and just watched as the rolls of waves come in and went back out, just to repeat. A lot like life. Life is a big repeat of your daily day. I mean, how many people could say that they do something different every single day? Not many.

You get up, you go to work, you eat, maybe you go out with your friends sometimes, and then you go to bed. Then it’s the same thing for the rest of the week, month, maybe even year. Before you know it, your whole life has passed you by. That’s how it would’ve been if I’d stayed back home. I loved my mother, and life back there wasn't too bad, but I needed to get away. I needed to get away from what I knew and do something for myself. I wouldn’t be co-owner of my own business if I hadn’t have moved. I wouldn’t be able to help my mom either, not the way I’d been able to since I’d moved to Florida.

As I continued to just watch the beauty painted before me, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Taking it out, I saw a text from Asshole.

Asshole: Hey son, I know you don’t want me to text you but I won’t give up. I have a lot to explain. Please give me that chance to explain it. Love you (6:34am)

I didn’t bother to text him back. I just pressed delete. I wished my mother didn’t give him my phone number. I could have cared less what he had to say. If he thought he could text me and I’d respond then he had another think coming. I told my mom I would try, but that was just to ease her worry. I didn’t want to speak to him.

Not then. Not ever.

He wasn’t a real man. A real man wouldn’t have left his family the way he had. Just left us, like we were yesterday’s garbage. I remembered that when I was young, whenever he’d had an argument with my mom he would leave and be out half the night. By the time he got home he would be stupid drunk. What a fucking loser.

Standing up, I dusted the sand from my shorts and made my way home. I only did five miles so the jog back was steady and mellow, just what I needed to end a great run.




“Paul, you girly son of a bitch, are you ready yet?” I swore the man took longer getting ready than any girl I’d ever known. Well, most girls, because Becca could be ready in five minutes.

I heard things getting knocked over in his room before he opened the door. “I’m ready, dickhead.”

He was dressed in long, white - almost see-through - pants, the ones where the wind was suppose to go through them and help cool you down. He matched that with a beige, dressy shirt, almost all unbuttoned, and these ugly ass brown sandals that I couldn’t stand. His hair was not styled at all, just tossed across his face. What was he, Justin Bieber? He almost made me feel over-dressed. I was wearing black jeans that were rolled up a little at the bottom, a grey loose button up which I’d left the top few buttons open, not tucked, and paired with all white, low Converse. I’d run a little gel through my hair so that it looked kind of wet, and I was ready to go.

“Well, it took you long enough. And what did I tell you about those ugly ass sandals.” Any chance I got to mess with him I took. People shouldn’t walk outside with those on their feet.

He just gave me the finger as we left. Since he wouldn’t get on my motorcycle we were driving in his black BMW. I couldn’t see the big deal with those cars. Everybody had them, they were comfortable, and I guess that’s a reason to have it. I lowered my seat all the way back so that I was basically lying down. As I closed my eyes for a few, Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ played through the speakers. Just then, my phone vibrated. This better not be Asshole.

Becca: Hey u…how r u? Haven’t heard from u in a couple days (8:11pm)

Me: Work has been crazy…forgive me (8:11pm)

Becca: Of course. So what r u up to tonite? (8:12pm)

I swore she would text me at the most random times, not that I ever minded.

Me: Going out to a party with Jim and Paul. U? (8:14pm)

“Would you get off your phone, dude?” Paul moaned.

“Says the guy who is always glued to his.” I ignored him, turning my attention back to my phone.

Becca: Nothing. Waiting for Grey to come over. Movie nite :) (8:15pm)

Me: Sounds like LOADS
of fun (8:17pm)

Becca: Don’t be mean…well have fun on ur party, stay safe, just wanted to say hi. (8:19pm)

Me: Have fun with ur movie nite in, babes (8:20pm)

I shoved my phone in my pocket and lay my head back down again, but it wasn’t long before Paul opened his big ass mouth again. “Was that Becca?” he asked me, still driving.

Tossing my arm over my eyes, I gave him a little attitude. “Why do you care?”

“Hey now, man-beast, calm down with the alpha male bullshit. I’m not jumping in her pants, dude.” At the mention of
her pants
I glanced at him. “Dude, I said I wasn’t. Fuck.”

“Whatever.” I was not in the mood to fight tonight.

“You get too wrapped up in that chick.” He was always trying to make some shit up. The fucker always was looking at the ‘big picture.’ Whatever the fuck that meant.

Ignore him James.

“Stop ignoring me, asswipe.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Maybe if shit wasn’t coming out of your mouth I wouldn’t have to ignore you.”

He chuckled. “You just don’t see it, dude. You got it bad and you’re blind to it.”

“Bro, if you would just drive and shut the fuck up then I won’t have to beat your ass,” I said. I was serious too, but that might lead to a car accident so let’s just rule that one out.

“Whatever, dude. Whatever.” He drove for another few minutes. “Are you planning on getting laid?” he asked me.

Sitting up, I looked around. We weren’t too far from Jim’s place. We were going to pick him up and then head to The Lounge. But Paul had just asked the million dollar question…

Was I planning on getting laid tonight?

I’d thought about it earlier, but now that I was thinking about it again I was questioning myself. How long would I keep this shit up? Sometimes it felt like it was getting old way too fast. There was no challenge anymore, women just fell into my lap. I didn’t even have to do anything. However, when I looked back at the week that had just passed I had worked my ass off, ran my ass off, and slept my ass off from all of the hard work I’d done. So when Paul asked me if I was planning on getting laid, I answered…

“Hell fucking yes.”






Finally Grey and I were going out on our date. We had a movie night a few weeks ago but it was inside my house and my dad was upstairs, so I didn’t consider that a date at all. He’d promised me that he wasn’t going to cancel this time and I was happy that he stuck true to his word. If he were to cancel I would have broken up with him. Well, probably not, but I would’ve been very pissed off.

As I closed the door behind me, I felt his arms snake around my waist, pulling me into him. “You look so edible right now,” he said, looking me up and down, making me feel naked.

I wore the blue strapless dress that I’d bought for our other date that I never got to wear, and teamed it with my tall, black pumps so that I wasn’t too short for his frame.

Putting my hands on his chest, I thanked him with a kiss. He tried to have a make out session but I was in front of my house. I didn’t want to disrespect my dad. You never knew when he was looking out the window. “Hey, that’s for later,” I whispered next to his ear.

“It sure is,” Grey said, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. He took my hand and guided me to the truck, opening the door for me like a gentleman. It was clear he was putting on his charm to make up for canceling last time. I could get use to this.

I placed my clutch purse next to me as he started the truck. “So where are we going?” I asked.

The windows were open so my hair was going all over the place. The wind in my face and hair…
I loved it.

“We have reservations at one of the restaurants near where I work,” he answered. I couldn’t help but smile. I had been telling him that I wanted to go around there for a while. I was wondering which one he’d chosen. I was about to ask him which one but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, so instead, I reached over to link our hands together.

“Baby, why didn’t you put your hair up?” he asked. What an odd question to ask me.

“I don’t know. I want it loose. Why?” I replied, taking my eyes away from the open road to look at him.

He shook his head. “No, nothing. It’s just all over the place. It would’ve been nice if it were up so that I could look at your beautiful face.” He unlinked our hands to touch my cheek briefly.

I had no idea if that was a compliment, but it made me second guess my whole look. I looked down at my dress as my hair spilled across my chest. My hair wasn’t completely down, I had a beautiful butterfly clip on one side to lift it. “Well, I thought it looked nice like this,” I told him with a shaky voice.

“Pumpkin, it was just a thought. Maybe next time?” Grabbing my hand, he planted a soft lingering kiss on my knuckles.

I nodded, quickly looking away from him. I mean, I thought I looked pretty, even my dad had told me so. Which I guess doesn’t count because, well, he was my dad. I didn’t want to look at Grey because if I did I knew I’d cry.

There was only one thing that could make me this emotional from a comment that wasn’t that bad, my stupid monthly would strike soon. I understood what he was saying, but it sort of threw me off, even if he was just being honest. Grey didn’t feel like women should cry; he would say that it was all bullshit and that he never knew what a real cry was anymore because women do it all the time to get their way.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. Going in my small clutch, I pulled it out. There was a new text message.

James: Hey babes, what r u up to? (8:01pm)

Even when he wasn’t around I could count on him to make me smile. It was like he knew when I was upset or something. I quickly responded.

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