Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1 (35 page)

BOOK: Here She Rules: The Chronicles of Erla: Book 1
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“I will only call you ‘Cassie’ if you will call me ‘Lee’ as Nera does.” She inclined her head to Cassie’s Queen, who smiled fondly back at Leandra. Cassie agreed and then grinned at them, awaiting Leandra’s answer.

“I would be happy to welcome one of your slaves into my bed tonight, but, gods above, how can I choose?”

“Perhaps we had better have Nera choose first as that will eliminate one,” Cassie laughed, “and, if you so desire, you may take two or three!”

“I will indeed take you up on your offer, Cassie,” Nera said as her lascivious eyes lingered on Kai’s strong physique, indicating her choice.

Kai beamed at the honor and bowed to the Queen, moving to sit behind her.

Cassie motioned for the rest of them to line up in front of the Ladies, which they did with sweet, shy smiles upon their faces. They did not desire to be with any woman other than the Mistress they loved, but the honor of her offering them to such esteemed women softened the blow.

“Kara, I insist you take one of them to enjoy tonight,” Cassie said to her friend.

“You know I always have my eye on that blond giant of yours, but how am I supposed to have any energy left to fight tomorrow if I take him to my bed tonight?” Kara wailed.

Cassie grinned and motioned to Arn, and he swiftly bowed and took his seat behind Kara, who groaned when he began to rub her shoulders.

Mika, Taylyn, Aidan, and Garen stood before Lee, awaiting her choice. Thinking better of leaving Garen in the lineup due to the likelihood that he may be unbearably uncomfortable in this situation (since Lee was still a stranger to him and the trauma he had suffered at the hands of the Trevians was still fresh), Cassie motioned him towards her.
may have earned his trust and restored a level of confidence to him, but the casual way in which slaves were shared may not be the right thing for Garen yet. With a relieved look, Garen left the lineup to stand behind his beloved Mistress.

Lee’s eyes swept over each of the remaining men lustfully, and Cassie, seeing her indecision, told them to disrobe. All four women sighed blissfully when they did so. Lee was just about to choose Mika when she noticed the longing way in which he looked at his Mistress. While she had no doubt he would be a consummate lover and pleasure her greatly, she also knew he would be thinking only of his Lady. She could tell they all loved her dearly, but it was obvious that this one in particular lived and breathed only for Cassandra, and for some reason, she felt compelled to give this unknown slave a gift by
choosing him this night.

The next was a beautiful, older slave with a scar, and while that didn’t put her off, she could see that he was a bit awkward. She considered him and turned her attention to the russet-haired man standing next to him. Despite the red hair, there was something about him which caused her heart to pick up its pace. She glanced back at the very handsome man with the scar, which seemed to only increase his sex appeal, and then back again at the drop-dead-gorgeous red-head. As a pair, they fairly screamed sensuality.

“Cassie, I think I will be greedy and ask for the two on the right,” she said as she indicated Taylyn and Aidan. They were both incredibly handsome and well-endowed, and she knew she would enjoy them. The raven-haired one was eye-catching with his perfect manhood and golden eyes, but these two were not in his shadow by any means.

When Mika’s eyes flared with happiness and Garen’s with relief, she was even more pleased by her choice. Lee couldn’t fathom why it mattered to her, but it did for some reason. She smiled at Taylyn and Aidan as Cassie sent them to sit behind Lee.

“Poor Mika. Poor Garen. It looks like you are both stuck with your boring old Mistress tonight,” Cassie teased them.

Their eyes widened, taking her words seriously, and they hastened to assure her of their happiness. Cassie’s hands caressed them as they moved to sit behind her.

“Cassie,” Lee said, “I would be happy to accompany you tomorrow. With my height, I can easily dress as a man and be one of your escorts.”

“Lee, there is no way that you could pass for a man.” Cassie laughed at the very thought of it. Although Lee was nearly six feet tall (and strong and lithe), she possessed lush curves at her bust and waist. Lee definitely was unmistakably female. Neither Kara nor Nera, who were Cassie’s height, could pass as men either for that matter. Kara’s rich hair framed a beautifully feminine face adorned with deep gray eyes and full lips. Nera was just plain stunning with her platinum hair and smoky, violet eyes. She was every inch a woman.

“I will be fine. Just don’t be too long in backing me up; I don’t think the Ambrians will be too pleased with me after I kill Ston and Sern,” Cassie said.

“My dear friend, you may rely on us being there earlier than you expect,” Nera said. Kara nodded in agreement. “I hope to be there before you kill Ston, so I may have that pleasure for myself,” Nera said, her eyes glittering with hatred. The women talked for a while longer and then left for their tents, Cassie’s slaves following behind them obediently.

Cassie lay back on the cushions and stretched, feeling a Mull-induced languor. Mika lay down next to her, staring into her face as Garen moved silently, cleaning up the remains of their meal.

Mika’s fingers reached out and caressed her hair as Cassie rolled towards him until they lay on their sides facing each other. She cupped his neck and pulled him closer, kissing him softly, and lingering over his full, sweet lower lip.

Cassie retreated to look into his beautiful, liquid-gold eyes and then delved her tongue into his mouth. Their tongues clashed and caressed, tasting and worshipping each other. Cassie rolled him onto his back and nibbled her way down to his belly button, and Mika squirmed in delight as she tickled and blew on his rippling abs. Her tongue found his navel and swirled around it before following his treasure trail down to where his loincloth was covered his rising flesh. Mika moaned softly; his body was taut as she rubbed his erection through the cloth when a voice from outside the tent stopped their play.

Cassie’s head came up, and Mika rose stiffly when she stood. He moved to the tent flap, his manhood painfully erect, and pulled back the opening. Prince Nall stood outside, wishing to speak with Cassie. Garen sent his brother a compassionate look as both men moved forward to serve.

Cassie motioned Nall inside and dismissed Mika and Garen after Nall turned down the offer of a cup of Mull. Her men went around the silken barrier which cordoned off Cassie’s bed from the rest of the tent and sat upon her bed (both to allow the two their privacy and to await their Lady’s pleasure). Cassie shook off her arousal and smiled at Nall as she waited for him to tell her the purpose of his visit. Instead, Nall just met her eyes and looked into them for a moment before he spoke.

“Lady Cassandra, I wish to tell you how much I have come to respect you since our arrival in Erla. As you know, in our society, women are meeker creatures who live to serve their men. I had no experience with a woman such as you until we came here, and to be perfectly honest, I did not believe Erla was worth having as an ally since it was ruled by women.” Cassie’s eyebrows rose at this and Nall hurried to continue. “I now know how very wrong I was. I was convinced of my error in thinking the very first day after seeing your warriors train, and now, having had the chance to know them on all levels, I am happy to have been wrong. As you may know, there are those amongst our troops who have developed close relationships, and I feel that each of us will lose some good warriors to the other.” Cassie nodded. She had witnessed many pairings that, oddly enough, seemed destined to end in mating.

“Having said this, I must now tell you that I am in love with you. Even here in Erla, you are unique. The thought of you fills me with longing, and it was all I could do not to kill Darien when I learned he had been in your bed. I wish for you to return to Serlenn with me where we could build a life together. You have changed my perception of what a woman can be. You have made me a better man, and I would make of you, a Queen,” Nall finished. He sat with his heart in his eyes as he looked at her.

Cassie was speechless; she had not seen this coming. As she stared at him—stunned—Nall took the opportunity to lean in and kiss her, softly at first and then deeply, tongue probing. When she made no protest, he took it for encouragement and laid her back against the cushions, his mouth moving to her neck, his hands caressing her body.

Cassie fought the fog which had enveloped her brain and pushed Nall off of her as she rolled and jumped to her feet. Nall stood quickly, reaching out towards her.

“My Lord Nall, I am honored beyond words by your extraordinary offer,” Nall’s smile lit up the tent, and he made to move closer to her, but Cassie held up her hand to continue, “but, I cannot accept. My life is in Erla, and I have no wish to leave it. I am overwhelmed by your proposal, and while I am grateful for your esteem, I cannot join with you.” She bowed stiffly, trying to maintain her composure.

Nall’s face fell, and he turned from her, burying his face in his hands as he fought to control his disappointment. Loss welled up in his chest. For the first time in his life, Nall was in love with a woman—and not just any woman, a woman he respected as an equal. A woman he could not have.

Cassie’s heart twisted at his dejected posture, and she moved closer to him, touching his broad back gently. At her touch, Nall shook his head and turned to look at her.

“I cannot change your mind?” he asked.

“I am so sorry, Nall. If I could love outside of my own household, it would be you I would want to love.” He flinched slightly, pain lancing through his chest. He pulled her to him softly and hugged her, then lowered his mouth to hers and gave her a toe-curling kiss. When he finally lifted his head, Cassie was breathing rapidly.

“Lady, if you ever change your mind, or if you ever have need of me, know there is one in Serlenn who loves you and would lay down his life for you. If you ever want me, send word, and I will come to you—anytime, anywhere, for anything.” His voice was thick with emotion as he lifted her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

Releasing her hands, he stepped around her and left the tent without looking back.

Cassie stood rooted to the spot for what seemed like hours. She could not believe what had just happened.

She felt a soft touch on her arm and turned to see Mika and Garen standing near her.

“Mistress, are you all right?”

She nodded and pulled them both to her, letting their nearness soothe her troubled thoughts.

“Do you wish that you had told him yes, Mistress?” Mika’s voice was strained with the fear of what he might hear, but he had to know.

Cassie pulled back and looked at him, shaking her head.

“I have no wish to leave you or the others. You men are my happiness. Protecting and caring for you and my Queen is what gives meaning to my life.”

All of the love and passion he had for the woman in his arms filled Mika’s heart, and his mouth dropped down to cover hers in a ferocious kiss. His mouth ravaged hers as he sought to be as close to her as possible.

“Mika!” Cassie rasped out, stunned by his fierceness.

She pulled back, looking at him in astonishment. Mika picked her up in his arms and strode to her bed, laying her down before tearing at her clothing and his own until, at last, their naked flesh met, and Cassie moaned.

She knew she should reprimand him, but his aggressive passion was turning her on, and she let him have control of the encounter. When Mika’s mouth left hers and traveled down her neck, nipping and raking her with his teeth, she shuddered and moved her hips against his.

Mika couldn’t control his passion. He wanted to consume her, join with her, and show her she belonged here with him always. Shadowy guilt played around the corners of his mind over his actions, but he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t behave like he knew he should; she
to know how important she was to him. His mouth moved down her body, nipping and licking every inch of her flesh until he came to her womanhood. Her scent was intoxicating, and he ran his tongue along her folds. Cassie was fully aroused, and his wicked tongue had her arching off of the bed. Mika was beyond control, and when she came, he reared up and impaled her with his hardness.

Cassie cried out in pleasure as her usually gentle Mika took her like a wild animal—his cries echoing through the tent. They reached a breathless end together, clutching each other and panting wildly.

Mika rolled from her and lay still, unable to speak. After a few moments, he turned to look at her.

“Mistress, forgive me! I did not mean to behave like that. I don’t know what happened, but I couldn’t stop myself. Please . . . Please forgive me!” Tears flowed out of his eyes as panic set in. Would she sell him? Dear gods, no! He would die without her; he knew it.

“Mika, calm down. Don’t you think I could have stopped you if I had wanted to? I enjoyed this as much as you did. It doesn’t hurt once in a while to let passion take control. At least I know this time you were truly enjoying yourself and not just trying to please me,” she said reassuringly, gifting him with a smile.

Garen exhaled loudly. He had stood by during their encounter, not knowing if he should intervene. Cassie reached her hand out to beckon him to join them, and he slipped onto the bed on her other side.

“Mistress, each time you take me to your bed, I enjoy it and you touch my soul. It seems so long between the days when it is my turn. I cannot fully express all that I feel inside for you. I would not want to live without you.” Mika’s beautiful eyes were so warm and full of love that Cassie let herself float in them for a moment.

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