Heritage (42 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“How are you feeling,” He asked looking truly concerned.

“I’m not going to lie to you, I’m completely terrified.” I breathed, relieved that I could tell someone how I was truly feeling.

Taking one hand from my waist, he stroked my cheek with his thumb and smiled at me. I’m defiantly trying my damn hardest not to kiss him right now, why was he making it more difficult.

“I’m not going to lie to you Elle and tell you everything is going to be ok, and you’re going to be safe. I know that’s not what you want to hear. It’s also not the truth. This isn’t something anyone can control, but with that said, I have faith in you. I know you will do everything you can to protect yourself.” He spoke whilst looking straight into my eyes with his dark blue eyes. His words made some of my fear disappear, but it was soon replaced with more fear, as the clock struck eleven.


We both looked up at the clock as it chimed. Logan’s hands tightened around my waist at each stroke. He was just as scared as me. He knew this wasn’t going away without a fight.

“Get away from her,” My father yelled, as half a dozen soldiers charged towards us. Looking around I couldn’t see anyone other than them surrounding us. Pulling Logan from my grasp, two soldiers held him back as my father pulled me towards him and my friends.

“Dad wait...” I pleaded.  He ignored my pleas and walked towards Logan with one strong stride.

“You have no business being here,” He yelled.  Logan stood un fazed by my father’s presence. He took his eyes from my father and looked at me. His dark brown hair had replaced the fair hair he had changed to stay un noticed. Pulling off Logan’s mask, he revealed the face that I had repeatedly seen haunting my dreams.

“I came to see Elle. You may have stopped her from seeing me, but you can’t stop me seeing her,” He smirked. His back talk to my father for some reason made me like him more. It's true, girls really do like a bad boy.

“Stay away from my daughter!”  My father spat.

“Dad, what the hell!” I yelled running over towards them. This was getting completely ridiculous, I was four months away from being nineteen.  He couldn’t control me like this or tell me who I could see.

“Stay out of this Elle!” He yelled.

“What? This is about me!” I yelled back. The vein on his forehead began pulsing as he gritted his teeth.

“Logan just go!” I yelled.

“No...” He replied stubbornly. I knew like everyone else, he wanted to stay and protect me and out of everyone there. I wanted him to stay, but he couldn’t.

“Please,” I begged pleading him with my eyes. He sighed and shrugged off the arms of the men who had hold of him.

“Fine, on one condition,” He insisted stepping slightly towards me. My father stopped him, causing Logan to form a fire ball in his hand in anger.

“You are not in a position to make a proposition!” My father snapped.

“It’s not for you!” Logan snapped back.

“What’s the condition,” I asked. I half wanted him to just go and stop this scene that was happening, and I half was intrigued.

“Believe in yourself,” He smirked and shimmered out before I could disagree with him.


“Carry on everyone,” My father exclaimed. Giving me a sharp glance he walked away as I rolled my eyes. That could have gone a little less dramatically. Why did Logan going fill me with more dread.

“One word for that situation,” Alex mumbled.

“Fuck?” I asked.

“Yeah that and awkward,” She replied.

“What happened to staying away from him?” Josh exclaimed his eyes growing larger under his mask.

“Josh I...” My sentence became unfinished, as I turned back towards the people that were dancing.


They were all dancing in unison, taking the same steps at the same time. As if there was a magnetic form keeping them tied together.  Every movement they made looked like it had a purpose. The rest of the room fell silent as they continued to dance to a melody that the band wasn’t playing.  The melody had the entire room hypnotised, apart from me.  Glancing around, no one was moving. All eyes were fixated on the five dance partners.  Dressed in black satin, their feet seemed to dance on air. Their presence made me uneasy. The fact that no one apart from me and the dancers were moving,made me completely terrified.  This was it, I could feel it but why weren’t they attacking. Why were they continuing to dance to a hypnotic melody.  Keeping one eye on them, I glanced to where my father stood motionless.

A scream brought the dancers to a halt. As they slowly glided towards me, six soldiers jumped in front of me. It wasn’t enough. They were thrown across the room, like a piece of paper in the wind. Flicking my wrist at them, my powers created dust on the floor. Something was stopping them from working. This defiantly wasn’t good. No one else seemed to be able to fight with their powers. We were just going to fight as humans.

Ducking under one of the black figures arms as they tried to grab me, I ran towards the stairs.

“Elle RUN!” Leo screamed as he rugby tackled a masked figure.

There was only one place I could run, and that was up. Judging from the outcome of people in horror movies, up was never a good idea. Taking the stairs, I took each step with caution as I walked backwards.  Two men dressed all in black, advanced towards me as I reached the last step. I buckled as my foot dropped through the air. My miss calculation of the steps made me stumble back slightly.  Backing up with speed, my back hit the double doors I had walked through less than two hours ago. Without taking my eyes off the approaching men, I searched for the door handle. It was locked.

“ Nowhere you can run now princess,” One of them snickered.


“Elle!”  My father shouted as the two black figures covered me in a black mist. I heard the commotion around me but could no longer see what was going on. The sounds of screams became muffled as the mist slowly swallowed up my senses and I fell through the air.  Feeling like I was dreaming and falling from a building, my body jumped as it felt like I hit the ground.


Not daring to open my eyes. The sounds of screams and people running around, was replaced by the sound of rustling leaves.  My body was lifted from the ground by two pairs of strong arms. The sound of opening doors made me open my eyes. I was standing inside the church that Logan had rebuilt in Icarus. As I was dragged down the aisle, I saw Lorias. Stood at the altar with a huge grin on his face.

“Here’s the diamond sir. It was easy, just like you said.” One man bragged, handing the diamond key to Lorias.

“Ah, Here’s our guest of honour. Hello Adabelle, how nice of you to dress up for the occasion.” He smirked. Turning away from me, he placed the diamond in the golden box that sat on the altar. I knew that box was part of the whole key system, why hadn’t I removed it.


The room glowed with a piercing bright light, as the box disappeared and was replaced by a huge wooden door. It was odd looking, as it didn’t match anything wooden in the room. With its dark wooden oak frame, it stood tall on its own. Nothing was holding it up. It was free from any wall. Checking around the back of it, Lorias sneered.  Ok I didn’t like that look one bit. Pulling at the arms of my restraints, I couldn’t release myself from their hold.

“Stop struggling. You can’t fight the inevitable,” Lorias laughed glaring at me. His eyes seemed to burn holes into mine, and I couldn’t look at him any longer. Turning my head away, he laughed even harder. How was this little boy controlling all these demons. He is at least two years younger than me. He was a good twelve years younger than the rest of them. 

“What’s that for?” I asked. If I knew what was going to happen, I might be able to avoid it. I don’t like the thought of what’s behind that door.

“Oh you will see Adabelle, You will see,” He smirked.

My heart jumped as he reached for the door knob, as his hand twisted I couldn’t breathe. The door opened to a dark graveyard. From what I could see, it wasn’t very big. If they wanted to see some graves, there were some perfectly good ones outside. Why did they have to go through that door.

“Where is that?” I asked my voice quaking.

Smiling darkly, he ushered for the two demons holding me to bring me through the door.

“Where are you taking me!” I exclaimed digging my heels in. They just slid across the paving stones on the floor. We went through the dark doorway into the unknown, followed by the rest of them.


Chapter Twenty three




As soon as we stepped foot on the grass in the graveyard, I was pushed and pulled to follow Lorias and his minions. Megan caught my eye, as she stood proud as anything next to Lorias with the diamond in her hand. If I get out of this alive, that bitch is the first one I’m going to kill.

Megan threw the diamond in the air. As it levitated, the element stones in her hand lit up and flew towards the metal diamond, like magnets.  A blast of light circled the flying crystals, creating a ray of rainbow colours. That danced on the dark pavement.  All of the Demons surrounding me stared in awe, as the circle of light began to darken.  Glancing around me, the familiarity of it all made my stomach knot. How could this be the place where I die. The very church I had once walked in with my mortal friends.  It explains a lot on its own, with the fact I had been so drawn to Merial’s statue. Her eyes began to bleed again as they had done before. Who would have thought that Icarus had been a decoy. I can imagine Alex and my father all scouting the area. Unaware of the fact I was here. In the human world, awaiting my death and the resurrection of someone truly evil. How could I be so stupid, to be caught like this. My arms were held back by two tough demons and the tight grip they had on me, told me they weren’t going to let me go this time.


“This is it!” Lorias shouted as the demons began to cheer in unison.

“You should smile Adabelle.You are creating history here. You will be known forever as the girl who released our master. Does that not make you happy?” He asked, approaching me with arms open. It seemed to me as if he was going to embrace me, but I had a little luck left, as he let his arms fall.

“You make me sick,” I spat.

“I suppose that was a long shot, but it doesn’t matter. We can do this with your consent or without. It’s no bother to me,” He chuckled, walking away from me with his arms folded.  Glancing back at the flying crystals, my eyes opened wider as the diamond had disappeared with the crystals. In its place, was a smaller diamond, made up of the four elements. Patterned like a kite, each section shone with the colour of their element.  Earth was the last to shine as the green glow faded, the diamond lowered, and landed directly into Megan’s open hand.

“It’s Time,” She reported as she twisted the diamond in her hand.

“Perfect. Place it in the centre of the statue in her chest,” Lorias commanded, standing back showing Megan the way towards Merial's crying eyes. Her blood tears trailed down her face and into the carving on her chest that I hadn’t noticed the first time. The indent was diamond shaped and the exact size of the diamond, now in Megan’s hand.  If that was the key, then this statue is the door. How had I not seen that.This was all so random,the church, the statue and the door. Megan placed the diamond into the statues chest. It burned as soon as it touched the marble.  Merial’s face began to crack, as she split in two. Opening to show a portal that seemed to lead into a dark obis. 

“I’m not going in there,” I objected, digging my heels into the ground. It was useless, the two demons holding me against my will lifted me two feet into the air and carried me through the portal.


As my vision became clearer, I wished it hadn’t. The portal had brought us to a devils gate.  The copper coloured cliffs split in the middle, creating a gap which overlooked a hundred foot death drop. This is not looking good at all. Was I going to be thrown to my death over this huge gorge.

“This is it!” Lorias exclaimed, pacing around the open cliff side. Padding through the moss that covered the sandy floor, he stopped. Turning sharply towards me, he grasped my shoulders. So tightly that I could feel his finger prints being embedded into my skin.

“Now it’s time for you to see what you were really born for.” He spat, tightening his grip on my shoulders. Biting my tongue, I tried my hardest not to scream as his fingernails dug into my skin. He let go of me and walked towards the edge of the Devils gate. Blood dripped down my arm from the deep cut. The pain seared through my skin.

“I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment and you Adabelle. You are the one who is going to make this happen.”

“You are going to have to kill me first,” I yelled, fighting the arms that held me back from tearing off his head and throwing him into the gorge.

“You think you’re, so special don’t you?” He spat, shimmering inches away from my face.

“No,  I don’t!” I yelled.  Punching me in the stomach, I cowered over in pain and fell to the floor. Unable to breathe, I felt like a dead weight as I was lifted back up, so Lorias could look me in the eye.

“It wasn’t a question.  You disrespectful little girl. What are you? Your pathetic. You don’t belong to either worlds. You’re not strong enough to be a demon and not weak enough to be an Angel. Does it make you sad, that you will never be a part of something that you desperately crave to be? When your father looks at you, does he see his angel daughter? Or a monster?” He smirked, scratching my face with his finger nail. I held in the scream that I wanted to let out, as the pain seared through my cheek.  I wouldn’t let him see how in pain I was. I wouldn’t let him win that way.

“You know nothing,” I whispered. If I spoke louder than a whisper. I was sure it would crumple and show how scared, and in pain I was. He laughed at me as he threw another blow to my abdomen. I couldn’t hold it in this time, I cried out in pain as his fist hit my body. He was right, I wasn’t strong enough not for this constant pain. Why he couldn’t just kill me and get it over with I didn’t know.

“Pathetic.” He spat, kneeling down, so his face was inches from mine. As I lay crumbled on the sandy floor.

“What do you want from me?” I asked. “I’m not going to play your pathetic games. You have me, now get this over and done with!” I yelled, pulling myself from the ground. As soon as I was standing up again, two arms held me in place.

“Really? That’s what makes it more fun. Besides,we still have six minutes before I have to kill you,” He smirked.

“I hope your mothers proud of you. You Bastard!” I yelled.

“That Adabelle is where you are right. My mother would be proud of me, as would yours be proud of you. You have fulfilled her destiny for you. This is all she wanted you for.  From birth,  you were the destroyer of your own kind.”


Looking around him, his army of demonic creatures were smirking and chuckling along with him. They disgusted me, I wanted to kill each one of them but I couldn’t. I wasn’t strong enough anymore.  He was right I was useless. I had walked straight into this. Why hadn’t I listened to everyone when they told me to lay low.

“You know nothing about my mother,” I whispered, trying my best to lift my head. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me defeated.

“No,  Adabelle. You know nothing about our mother,” He spat. His words echoed in my mind as I stared at him intently. Did he just say our mother, that is impossible.

“You’re Lying.” I winced as his hand whipped across my face, leaving a burning sensation on the right side of my face.

“I would never lie about that big sis. You see our mother wasn’t killed by your father. No,  she lived and had me and then was killed by an attack by your father when I was eight. So our mother was alive up until you were nine years old and your father never told you. I’m guessing you’re a little pissed.”


Pissed no, slightly confused, yes. How could my father not have told me that my mother was alive all that time. Even if, he was trying to protect me, he should have at least told me. Lorias was my younger brother that would make him a year younger than me how is that possible. It’s not, he is lying. I do not have the same blood running through my veins that he has.

“I don’t believe you,” I winced as my face stung.

“It’s true. We have the same mummy, and she loved me more. She never came looking for you, she hated you. You were only conceived so that we can bring back my grandfather.”

That didn’t help the searing pain making me want to collapse and faint.

“YOU’RE LYING!” I yelled as he pulled my mother’s necklace from around my necklace. Walking closer towards me, he pulled a dagger from his pocket. This was it, he was going to kill me or seriously wound me so I couldn’t escape. In a split second,  he tore the skin under my neck. He began carving a shape into the burning skin of my body. Screaming out in pain, he laughed at me as he pulled the dagger away from my blood soaked body. The dagger hadn’t gone very deep into my skin, but the pain was still there.

“There we go, the last chaos symbol. Now isn’t that better,” He smirked.


The anger inside me built up as I screamed at him. Every cell in my body became inflamed as I flipped.  Pushing against the two demons on my sides. They self combusted in fiery flames, I fought against the blood soaked carving in my chest.

“That’s it. Get angry sis, that means it's time,” He smiled.

“I don’t think so!” I yelled running past them all and to the edge of the devils gate. I’m guessing they couldn’t take the powers of a dead person. This was my only plan and as stupid as it was, it could still work.

“I won’t let you do this. I may not belong to any of these worlds, but I sure as hell am not going to let you destroy them,” I shouted, stepping back towards the edge. The feeling of emptiness behind me, made my knees buckle. I was actually going to kill myself. My attempt to not look behind me failed as I saw the gigantic drop that I would soon be taking.

“You are so stupid!” Lorias chuckled. As I took one more step back, his face dropped. His bluff wasn’t working. I knew I had him right where I wanted him.

“Lorias we have less than two minutes,” Megan exclaimed, as she raced to his side. Her long hair tied up tightly in a single pony tail. She looked so much older since becoming a vampire. She was hardly noticeable under all the black she was wearing.

“I know Megan!” He yelled clenching his fists.

“Tick Tock Little brother!” I smirked, edging so close to the edge that parts of the cliff crumpled under my foot and fell down into the river below. Gulping I looked down, wishing I hadn’t I turned back to the watching eyes of my newly found brother.

“You wouldn’t kill yourself,” He smiled, walking towards me.

“Do you really want to take that chance?” I asked, taking another step back. There was no more ground left behind me. The next step I take, will be my last. Well isn’t that a comforting thought.

“It’s too late, it's time and you have a front row seat”


The sky darkened as the clouds covered the sun overhead.  Glancing around, Lorias and Megan stared up at the sky.  The wind picked up around me pushing me away from the edge of the cliff. It was to strong, and I couldn’t fight it as it blew me towards Lorias.  Punching me in the face, he kneed me in the stomach sending me crashing to the floor, gasping for breath.

“Let’s see just how powerful you are,” His voice beamed over me as he tossed me over a boulder. Every inch of me ached. I’m giving up, I can’t win. I’m no match for him. Lifting my fragile body up, using the last blast of energy I had. I threw a fireball in his direction, but my lack of energy caused me to miss. Throwing me against another rock, he gave me an evil sneer.

“Where’s daddy now kid?” He mocked, kicking me in the stomach. Groaning in pain, I lifted myself an inch from the rock, using it for support.

Lifting my eyes from the floor, I saw him looming over me. Making me feel more angry and weak.

“What’s up? Given up?” He snarled.  Gripping his leg, I pulled him down. It was a cheap shot, but it was all I had. His groan shocked his sidekicks, but they didn’t have time to help. I threw two fireballs their way, burning out both of them. The smell of burnt demon filled the air as I finally made it to a standing position. With Lorias still on the ground, I turned to him with a mocking smile. Megan ran towards me, but before she could reach me, Lorias threw me across the floor. Straight into the pond, that stretched out over part of the sandy terrain. 


The cool swampy water smothered me, as my body was unable to move out of pain. Lifting me from the pond with his powers, Lorias floated me back to lying on the floor in front of him. Opening my eyes slightly, I could see the destroyed dress that was meant to be a symbol of power and authority. It no longer symbolised them. It was torn by evil and put down in its place, just like I was. Drifting in and out of conciseness, the familiar voice formed in my head. Is that in my mind or is it actually happening. I can’t even bring myself to open my eyes. The pain was searing through my head.


This offering I give to you

One body with the mind of two

Break the seal to reveal

The darkness that is within

Take away the ultimate power

Breathe in life to what once was

Break the cage and free the soul

Release the demon from its hole


“Witness Adabelle, The rise of a new era.  Filled with power and destruction! Now doesn’t that sound like fun?” He chuckled.

“Sounds like a hoot,” I whispered, opening my eyes to see the devils gate had been covered in a dark mist.

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