Heritage (44 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“Calm down, he won’t be back for a while.” He calmed. As he took my face in his hands, my heart skipped. 

“You’re safe now.”

“Funny but your still a demon,” I corrected.

“Funny ten minutes ago, so were you,” he explained. That’s what happened. I turned into a demon, the thing that I hunt is what I was. Is that what my destiny is to become my enemy. The pain in my stomach increased with the doubt in my head.


“Are you ok?” He asked. His cute serious eyes made my head hurt and stomach flip.

“I have a few cracked ribs. A gapping head wound and a hole in my chest, but I’m great, how about you?” I replied sarcastically. He chuckled and looked around. All the commotion and I hadn’t realised exactly where we were. We were sitting on the edge of Goodrington Cliffside in Blackstoke. Of course we were, I knew I recognised the pond.

“I suppose Demetri is out now,” I sighed.

“It’s not your fault Elle. It's mine,” He sighed dropping his hands from my face.


“I don’t know, but I don’t want you to take all the blame,” He smiled.
Sitting up so that I was closer to him, our faces were inches from each other. His breath caressed my face and my heart tripled in beats. I winced as the pain in my chest grew stronger when I moved.

“Shit!” He exclaimed as I dropped to the floor. Losing a lot of blood wasn’t agreeing with me very much.

“Logan. Sorry about the other night,” I breathed

Tearing the shirt he was wearing. He tore off a piece of material and held it to the open wound on my chest.

“Your friends should be here in a minute, and they can fix you up.”

“Are you listening to me,” I asked, stopping his hand from clearing the blood on my body.

“Yes Adabelle. I always listen to you, and I don’t know why you are being so dramatic. It’s not like this was anything serious,” He replied.


“Sorry did I hurt you?” He asked pulling his hand away from my wound.

“Not physically no, but I’m glad that cleared a few things up.”

“I’m only saying what you want to hear Elle,” He replied. I’m sure that wasn’t what I wanted him to say, but at the moment the pain in my body was so strong. I was having difficulty speaking, never mind making sense in my head of what was going on.

“How about for once actually say something besides from a smart arse remark,” I grunted clutching my right side in pain. Where was Alex and her father. He should be able to heal me with a single touch. My mind was slowly going in and out consciousness. As the wound on my chest continued to bleed.

“Elle, Stay with me now!” He yelled tapping the side of my face.

“It hurts too much...” I trailed off as the sky began to disappear under my eyelids.

“Come on, Man up!” He chuckled nervously. 

Straining, my eyes opened slightly. The last thing I could look at were his dark blue eyes before the darkness clouded over everything.







Chapter Twenty four



I woke up to the baby pink walls of my bedroom. The pain in my chest had gone, but my head was playing a tune on the drums. How did I get here, the last thing I remember was Logan and the Cliffside. Had I fainted. Great,I bet that was embarrassing.

“Elle, you’re awake. Thank God!” Alex exclaimed, leaping on me.

“You can Thank God, but I doubt he would have time to listen,” I croaked.

Lifting my body up with my arms, the room spun before my eyes, creating a head rush.

“Geez,” I groaned, holding my head as I sat up properly.

“Don’t move so fast!” Poppy worried as she rushed over from the bathroom to my side.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, completely dazed. How long had I been out and what happened to Logan.

“Oh No, I think she has amnesia,” Poppy fussed, placing a cold flannel onto my forehead. I would have disagreed if the ice cold fabric didn’t make my head feel better.

“No, I haven’t lost my memory,” I grumbled.

“Oh, Ok well. That’s good then” She smiled a little too enthusiastically. Turning her smile from genuine to fake in a second. 

“What happened?” I asked Alex, removing the flannel from my forehead. The cold moisture was starting to give me a brain freeze.

“Well, we don’t know what happened before we got there but...Logan told me where you were. Then when we got there, he shimmered out. A good job he did otherwise your dad would have possibly killed him. He really cares about you, you know,” Alex replied glancing from me to Poppy as she spoke.


“He’s my dad. He’s supposed to,” I muttered.

“She didn’t mean him,” Poppy mumbled.

“I know,” I whispered, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the wall behind me. Why did that fill my mind with dread rather than hope. I’m so confused about how I feel about him, and I know he is confused about me.
I could see it in his face,
whenever we were together.


“One more thing,” Poppy mumbled biting her lip and reaching for something on the floor.

“What?” I asked slightly worried. They both looked wearily at each other, as Poppy handed me a mirror. I thought I was going to have two heads or something. The way they were staring at me. Lifting the mirror to my face, I didn’t see anything unusual. Checking the cheek in which Lorias had dug his nail into my skin. I didn’t see anything but my pale cheek. 

“You guys are freaking me out!” I yelled. Frowning, Alex titled the mirror down to my chest.

“Oh my god!” I breathed, staring at the chaos symbol that was embedded into my skin. The pink outline shone as the mirror reflected light from the window onto it.

“What ? Why couldn’t your father fix it?” I gulped tracing the outline with my finger. The bumpy texture made me feel physically sick. I had been branded by a demon, not only that but my little brother. Yeah that fact needed to be broadcasted at some point.

“He tried. He sealed the wound, but the scar wouldn’t go...It’s not that bad.” Alex tried to console me as I continued to look at the scar on my chest. The constant reminder of what had happened.  A brave tear made its way to the surface. As I sighed, it slithered down my cheek. Crawling onto my bed, they both sat at each side of me.

“I’m fine,” I lied as another tear fell from my eyes, faltering my disguise.

“Sure you are.” Poppy hugged me as they both laid their heads on my shoulders.

Our reflections looked depressing, they were both so beautiful. Then me well, I now have a huge ugly scar smack bang in the middle of my chest. Turning the mirror over, I placed it on my bed. I couldn’t stand to look at it anymore. I’ve had a few war wounds, but this one takes the biscuit.


We fell silent for a while, none of us knew what to say. It wasn’t an it will all come out in the wash moment.

“What happened?” Alex asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it just yet,” I sighed. I needed to get my head around it. I’ve been unconscious for judging by the light outside a whole night.

“That bad huh?” She replied.

“You have no idea how messed up my life now is,” I mumbled.

If I thought my life was messed up before, with having a demon for a mother. A dead mother at that. Now I had a demon half brother. I honestly don’t know how I haven’t been on Jerry Springer or something. I had let out a demonic servant of Satan, but at least he didn’t have powers. Not yet anyway but he will try and get them.  I hope he knows that I will be there to stop him, whenever he rears his head. Megan also needs to watch her back, for the next time I see her I will kill her.


“Hello girls,” Logan’s voice broke through the awkward silence, as he shimmered into my room.

“You are one determined individual. I hope you know that Logan Night,” Alex chuckled as she leapt from the bed. I wasn’t going to sit in bed in front of Logan. For some insane reason, I didn’t want him to see me weak. Besides I didn’t have any injuries, I was just completely shattered.

“I’m Ok Pops,” I sighed as Poppy held my elbow, to help me get out of bed. It was surprisingly easy to move. I thought I’d be bed ridden for a few days, apparently Alex’s dad works miracles.

“Ok me and Poppy will leave you to it,” Alex smiled heading towards the door.

“Just to save less drama, I’ll watch the door.”

Before I could tell her to not be so stupid, they had both left the room and closed the door behind them.


“Hey,” I greeted awkwardly. I hadn’t realised that I had been changed into my normal day dress. Why not my pyjamas.

“Hey,” He replied as awkwardly as I did.

“Are you checking up on me?” I asked, taking a seat on the pink ottoman at the end of my bed.

“Sort of,” He smiled. His smile faded as he noticed the scar on my chest. Averting his eyes, he slowly crossed the room and took a seat next to me.

“I know what you’re thinking.  It’s hideous,” I sighed.

“No, no its not,” He replied. His response didn’t really convince me of anything.

Sighing I chewed the inside of my cheek. I didn’t know what to say to him.

“It’s a scar Elle, It shows what you went through...”

“Exactly,” I interrupted frowning.

“It shows how strong you are. Someone tried to take you down, but you fought back. The only thing they did to you was leave you with a scar, which to be honest makes you look like a rough nut,” He chuckled.

Chuckling with him, I nudged him with my shoulder.

“You always know what to say,” I smiled.

“That’s good to know.” He smirked his usual sexy smirk and made me blush slightly for some unknown reason.


“So have you told them lot about... You know who being you know what?” He asked. His coding had me confused for a couple of seconds before I realised what he was talking about.

“How did you know?” I asked, he wasn’t there when all that was happening. Well if, he was, I would have liked to think he would have stopped it.

“When you were hanging from the cliff. He kind of boasted about it and his plan to destroy you. No major,” He mocked.

“Funny and no not yet. It’s not something that I really want to vocalise,” I sighed. Saying it would make it more real, and I couldn’t handle that now, especially with this banging headache I have got going on.

“You really don’t have it very well do you,” He sighed. Looking towards the door he stood up and opened it a crack. I couldn’t hear what he was whispering, but I did here Poppy’s screech of glee.

“Come on,” He smiled taking my hand.

“What? Where are we going?” I asked as he shimmered us out of my room.


Before he had time to answer, we were standing in the middle of the graveyard in Icarus. Of all the places,  he was going to take me why here. This was the last place I wanted to be.

“What are we doing here?”  I asked quietly. Maybe if, I was quiet enough, I wouldn’t alert anyone and no one would come after me.

“I want to show you something,” He smiled holding out his hand for me to take. Taking a moment to take in the bright graveyard, the fact that it was bright confused me. On all of the occasions I had been there,  it had been so dark and shadowed by trees that it had been hard to see.

“I’ll keep you safe,” He assured me. Biting my lip I ignored all the notions telling me to go home and took his hand.  Leading me up the orange bricked path that led to the brightened church, butterflies filled my stomach. My heart began to beat three times as fast. I was scared. I froze at the double doors and couldn’t breathe. As Logan smiled at me my heart regained its normal pattern and so did my breathing. I trusted him. After all,  he did save my life, why would he do that if he was just going to kill me.

“It will be fine, I promise,” He smiled. Taking a deep breath I watch as he opened the doors.


It wasn’t what I imagined it would be inside. The door had disappeared, as well as the golden box that had sat on the altar. Filling the rows of chairs, were a hundred elves dressed in church clothes. They all rose out of their seats as I stopped at the beginning of the aisle.

“I don’t understand,” I squeaked. Surely they should all be locked away in their homes in fear of Demetri. Pointing down towards the front, Logan ushered me to walk forward.

“Maybe I could be of service,” A small elf spoke up from the podium at the front of the church.

“Cedric?” I questioned, walking closer so that I could see him.

“Your highness,” He nodded. What was Cedric doing here, I am totally confused. Ushering me forward, I walked slowly towards him. Taking a glimpse at the other elves as I walked.


“What are you all doing here?” I asked.  He smiled sweetly at me, which was unusual for Cedric to do. Not once had I seen him smile. His face was always permanently turned into a frown.

“We are here to thank you,” He replied. The cheers from the other elves made a smile appear on my face.

“But I set Demetri free?” I questioned turning to face them all.  I saw Logan lingering at the back with a proud smile on his face.

“You may have set his body free but not his powers,” A ginger elf cried above the others.


“Will you stop interrupting and let them speak Adabelle,” Logan laughed from the back row. Pulling a face at him the crowd began to laugh and cheer, which made Logan smile more.


“You have freed us Elle. We shall no longer live in fear for Icarus is now ten times more protected. Other than your highnesses no one from the outsides realms can enter. The golden box that sat on this altar could not be touch by anyone of our realm. We read the inscription around it and feared its use. As soon as it appeared the killings began. Now that, it has gone we are all safe and it's all thanks to you,” He cheered.

“What was the inscription?” I asked. I didn’t care if Logan didn’t want me to talk, but I was too intrigued to not ask.

“It was that of the crystal...”


This offering I give to you

One body with the mind of two

Break the seal to reveal

The darkness that is within

Take away the ultimate power

Breathe in life to what once was

Break the cage and free the soul

Release the demon from its hole


They all recited in unison.  The words made me tense up a little. Seeing my fear, Logan shimmered beside me and placed his hand on my waist. Having him near me took away my fear and I knew I was safe with him. If I never heard that chant again it would be too soon.

“Without you we would have to live in fear every day,” Cedric continued.

“Without you I would have never become the new mayor,” He coughed.

“Excuse me?” I asked.  Did he just say he had become mayor.

“It’s true,” I heard Josh as he entered the church, closely followed by Poppy and Alex.

“Hey I thought only royalty could come here?” I smiled.

“We made a few exceptions,” Cedric smiled back. I felt Logan’s hand tighten around my waist as Josh came towards me.  Placing my hand on his I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back as his hand relaxed back onto my waist. Josh scowled at him as he made his way to stand next to me.


“Guys I don’t want any trouble,” I sighed looking at both of them. They both sighed and averted their eyes as I glanced at them.

“Yeah, chill guys. Elle doesn’t have to choose between you,” Alex piped in smiling at Cedric and the rest of the elves. As she skipped down the aisle, closely followed by Poppy.

“I won’t choose between you...Any of you.  Whether you are a shape shifter, witch, elf, human...” I smiled at Poppy as she blushed a little.

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