Heroes Never Die (27 page)

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Authors: Lois Sanders

BOOK: Heroes Never Die
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“For Christ’s sake, Stephanie!  You couldn’t possibly love him more than you love me.  You were on the rebound when you married him.”

“You’re right, Kyle.  I was on the rebound when I married Brian, but marrying Brian was the smartest thing I ever did.  I moved on with my life.  It’s time you did the same.”

She watched as he just stood there, as though he were losing her all over again.  Then he reached inside his sport coat and pulled out a manila envelope.  “Here’s five thousand dollars,” he said as he slapped the envelope on the dresser.  “Use it for anything you need.  And don’t leave another trail by using plastic.”  Then he opened the bedroom door to leave.

Kyle’s abrupt departure was unsettling.  S
tephanie still had unanswered questions.  She was still afraid.  “Kyle,” she frantically called after him as she followed him to the front door.  “You can’t just leave me here.”

“You’ll be fine,” he said without looking back.  “I’ll call when the coast is clear.  You can stay on here, or you can go to your in-laws.”

“But Kyle,” she pleaded, not wanting him to leave her there alone.  “What are you trying to do to me?”

His steps came to a halt.  “I’m doing exactly what you’ve been telling me to do all along
.  I’m walking away as if I never knew you.”  Then without looking back, he walked out and closed the door.

“Kyle!”  She screamed after him.  Then she just stood there and stared at the door.  It was what she had wanted, but suddenly, losing him terrified her.


Stephanie watched the bright reddish-orange ball slowly ascend over the majestic ocean.  Playful dolphins somersaulted out of the sparkling water.  A fishing vessel drifted out to sea.  Sea gulls screeched as they scampered ashore to outrun another assaulting wave.  Extravagant beach homes, mostly vacant until spring, lined the deserted pristine shore.  Another late winter morning on Manteo Island had dawned.
  She walked along the beach, using the time alone to face her battered emotions.  Over the next few days, there were times when she sat along the shoreline and allowed herself to think of nothing, letting the magnitude of the ocean melt away her pain.  But at other times she stood by the shore and gazed into the horizon, thinking only of Brian.  He was out there beyond her reach, and she wanted him home more than anything in the world.  The seeds of doubt had been planted, but she still loved him, and she was certain that no force on earth could tear them apart.  Then she would blow him a kiss, and as the ocean floor shifted and carried all of its treasures back to sea, she imagined that her kiss would drift across the ocean until it found its way to him.  “Hurry home, Brian,” she whispered.


Chapter Twenty-Eight:

Stephanie drove to Columbus, Ohio, to stay with Brian’s parents.  She pulled into their d
riveway and for just a moment imagined that she could see Brian growing up inside of his lovely home.  Then she opened her car door, anxious to go inside to be part of his family.  She made it halfway up the sidewalk when she saw Jessica and Chris hurrying to greet her.

“Stephanie!”  Jessica warmly hugged her.  “I’m so glad you’re here.  We’re going to have so much fun.”

“Now, Jessica,” Chris said impatiently.  “It’s my turn to hug my daughter-in-law.  How was your trip, Stephanie?  You know we would have been glad to come and get you.”

“I appreciated the offer, but the trip was fine – honest.  I’m just glad I’m finally here.”

“You go on in with Mother and make yourself at home.  I’ll bring in your luggage.”  Jessica put her arm around Stephanie’s waist and led her through the front door.  Stephanie could sense the love in Brian’s home the moment she walked inside.  I’m going to like it here, she thought.

Chris was right behind them with all of her luggage.  “How did you get all of this into the car with a broken arm?”

Stephanie giggled.  “It wasn’t easy.”

“So when does your cast come off?” Jessica asked.  “It’s been on now for what
…three weeks?”

“About that.  I have another three or so to go, but I need to have a specialist look at it first.  Can you recommend a good doctor?”

“Sure we can,” Chris remarked.  “But he’s over in Turkey.  You’ll have to settle for second best.”  Stephanie laughed freely for the first time in months.  She suddenly felt right at home.

“Have you heard any news from Brian?” Jessica asked as she maneuvered Stephanie into a comfortable chair so she could rest after her long trip.

The corners of her mouth turned down.  “No,” she sadly replied.  “In all of this time I haven’t received the first letter, from Dad, either.  I’m worried about them.”

Stephanie’s in-laws gave each other kindred looks of surprise.  “That’s the postal service for you,” Chris ridiculed to ease her concern.  “Their letters are probably sitting in a heap somewhere.  We just received a letter from Brian the other day, and it was postmarked three weeks ago.”

Stephanie’s face filled with awe.  “You received a letter from Brian?”

“Several,” Chris replied.  “He mentions you every time he writes.  Jessica, where are Brian’s letters?”

Jessica had already returned from the hutch with Brian’s letters.  “I left my glasses upstairs,” she said as she handed the letters to Chris.  “You read.”

Chris skimmed through the first letter until he came across Stephanie’s name.  “Here we go,” he said as he glanced up at Stephanie.  Stephanie sat on the edge of her chair, wanting to savor every word
, as Chris read an excerpt from the letter.  ‘I trust that Stephanie is safe in your care.  I miss her more than words can express.  Please tell her how much I love her and that I’m looking forward to coming home.  And one more thing – let her know I remembered her Christmas present.  She’ll know what I mean.’

Stephanie’s eyes began to flood with tears of joy.  Brian did love her, he did miss her, and he even remembered her kiss.

“You see, Stephanie,” Chris said to encourage her.  “You don’t have anything to worry about.  Brian is fine, and he loves you very much.”

Jessica was bursting with curiosity.  “What do you suppose he bought you for Christmas?”

“The best present of all,” she said with a brilliant smile.  “We both agreed to blow each other a kiss on Christmas Eve.  It didn’t cost us a dime, but it meant the world to me.”

“Oh, brother,” Chris groaned.  “Your dad was right.  You and Brian are just a couple of crazy lovebirds.”  Stephanie’s face beamed with happiness.  It was wonderful to hear her dad’s words again.

Jessica patted her hand.  “Are you hungry?” she asked to cheer her even more.

“Famished,” she desperately replied.

“Good, because I made something special just for you, and then if you want, I’ll show you Brian’s baby pictures,” she said as she helped Stephanie to the kitchen.  “And we made up Brian’s old room for you.”

“It all sounds wonderful.  I’m so glad I’m here,” she said, gratefully.

“You may change your mind once Brian’s brothers come over with all of their kids,” Chris laughed.  “We thought we’d give you a day to settle in, and then we are having a big family celebration on Sunday.”

Stephanie’s life was finally returning to normal.  She felt warm and safe, and for the first time in months extremely happy just to be alive.


Stephanie’s cast was finally removed, and the dry skin on her arm eventually disappeared.  Her arm was still weak, but physical therapy was helping the strength return.  She was hoping that Brian and her dad would have been home by now, but the war refused to end.  Brian had already been gone for over three months, longer than they had spent their married lives together.  At times she felt estranged from him, as though she would need to become acquainted with him all over again.  Then there were times when she could feel the warmth of his body pressed next to hers, and she longed to have him back in her arms.

Stephanie sat down next to Jessica on the comfy sofa in the living room.  Jessica was knitting a beautiful afghan, Chris was watching the evening news, and Stephanie was writing a letter to Brian.  The phone rang and Chris hurried to the den to pick it up.

“Yes, she’s here,” Stephanie heard Chris say.  “Stephanie,” Chris called.  “The phone is for you.  He said he’s a friend of yours.”  She hurried to take the phone, wondering who it could be.

“Thank you,” Stephanie said as Chris handed her the receiver.  “This is Stephanie.”

“It’s Kyle, Stephanie.  I have some good news for you.”

“It had better be.”  She hoped his call had not caused her in-laws to become suspicious.

“I thought you’d want to know before it was officially announced.  A cease-fire has been called.  We’re just hours away from signing a peace agreement.”  Stephanie was too stunned to speak.  “Stephanie, you there?”

“Yes,” her voice shook with exhilarating nervousness.  “Yes, I’m here.”

“Brian and your dad are coming home.  You need to head back if you want to meet their plane.”

Stephanie’s eyes filled with tears of joy.  The months of waiting and worrying were finally over.  “I…I don’t know what to say,” she stammered.  “I can’t believe they’re finally coming home.  But are you sure it’s still safe?”

“I’m keeping a close watch on things here.  If anything changes, I’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you, Kyle.”  It was impossible to ignore the pain he had caused her, yet he had just delivered the news she had been longing to hear.  “I really appreciate the call, well…everything.”  Then she heard the click of the receiver.  Kyle never said goodbye.

Stephanie slowly lowered the receiver onto the cradle, trying to absorb the wonderful news.  Brian and her dad were finally coming home.  It was all she lived for and now it was only hours away.  Then suddenly it all sank in, and her insides burst with uncontrollable excitement.

“Mom – Dad!” she cried as she hurried back to the living room.  Jessica and Chris jumped to their feet.  Something extraordinary had just occurred.  “Brian and Dad are coming home!”


Chapter Twenty-Nine:

The large hangar at Andrews Air Force Base was crowded with families waiting to welcome home their loved ones.  Stephanie stood in the middle of all the commotion and fixed her eyes upon the door, watching for Brian to come into view.  Then pandemonium erupted as families were reunited.  Stephanie pushed through the crowd desperate to find Brian.  She was beginning to wonder if he was on the plane.

“Stephanie!”  She heard Brian’s voice from somewhere in the crowd.  She looked from side to side, eagerly trying to find him.  Then she froze and gazed into his face, admiring him, loving him, wanting him with all of her might.  She ran into his outstretched arms, and he pulled her body tight and pressed her mouth with a kiss.

“My God, I missed you,” he gasped as he kissed her over and over.

Stephanie’s insides exploded with happiness.  “I missed you too,” she cried, never wanting to let him go.

“Let me take a look at you,” he admired as he brushed her hair with his hand and gazed into her wild blue eyes.  “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”  Her body melted in his arms, and he pressed her mouth with another impassioned kiss.

“What do I have to do to get one of those hugs?” Stephanie heard her dad ask.

“Daddy!” she cried as she threw her arms around him.  “I missed you so much.”  The little girl in her wanted to cuddle up in his arms and stay there forever.  He was so strong and brawny, and she suddenly felt completely safe.

“I missed you too, sweetheart.”  He pulled her close and rocked her in his arms.  Then he cradled her face in his hands, his eyes strained with relief.  “How did you get along?”

y,” she emphatically replied.  “I missed you both like crazy.”  Then she noticed an unfamiliar woman standing at her dad’s side.  The woman was smiling at her as though she belonged to their group.  She was a stunning brunette with sultry blue eyes and smooth skin, and Stephanie wondered who she was.

Robert remembered his manners.  “I have someone I want you to meet.”  He pulled Jamie close to make the introduction.  “Jamie,” he said as his eyes filled with pride, “may I present my daughter, Stephanie.”

Jamie cordially reached out to shake her hand.  “I’m so pleased to finally meet you.  I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you that I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

Stephanie slowly reached for Jamie’s hand.  It was impossible to dislike her, and still she wondered why she was with her dad.  He answered her question before she had a chance to ask.

“I’ve invited Jamie to spend a few days with me.  Give us a day to rest up, then all of us will go out to dinner.  I know a place where the steak melts in your mouth.”

Stephanie threw him a look of disapproval.  “Why not now?” she demanded, not wanting to let him go.

Robert grinned at Jamie and then he answered his daughter.  “Not a chance, sweetheart.”  He gave her a kiss goodbye and then reached out to shake Brian’s hand.  “Welcome home, Brian.”  He gave Brian a one-armed hug.  “You did an outstanding job.”  Then he took Jamie’s hand and they vanished into the crowd.

Stephanie watched after them until they disappeared.  “Where are they going in such a hurry?”

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