Hex and the Single Witch (Vehicle City Vampires) (15 page)

BOOK: Hex and the Single Witch (Vehicle City Vampires)
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Walk? That is just people dressed like zombies right?” he asked nervously.

“Well, yeah. I
mean there are real zombies, but they are rare. It takes a super powerful
necromancer to raise the dead and make a zombie, and I don’t know of any who 
still exist.”

“Zombies are
real?” He looked dumbfounded.

“Mike, would you
like a drink?”

He ran his hands
through his thick wavy chestnut hair, cut right above his ears, short enough to
be presentable but long enough to run your fingers through, not that I thought
about running my fingers through Mike Malone’s hair. “Annie, I would love a
beer if you have one.”

“I got Coronas
and limes. Want one?” I held the refrigerator door open, while I grabbed one
bottle for myself.

“My favorite,
you better believe I’ll have one,” He answered, still standing next to me. “Great,
go have a seat, make yourself comfortable. I’ll bring the drink to you in a

I grabbed
another Corona out of the fridge along with the half of a lime left over from
earlier. I sliced the lime and opened the Coronas. When I made it back to the
living room, Malone was kicked back on the couch looking comfy and very, very
sexy. He had taken off his jacket and lounged in a tight, well-worn black
t-shirt. It hugged his chest and made his biceps look even larger than normal.
He also wore a nicely faded pair of blue jeans which stretched over the long
lean muscles of his legs. He looked…good, but odd seeing him without the normal
dress shirt and tie.

No macho cop
with all the swagger and pretense of a school yard bully, in his place sat a
man who was comfortable with his strength, confident in his masculine appeal
and not one iota of jackass radiated from him at all. Odd. But I liked it. It
would take some getting used to, this off duty Malone, but I had a feeling I’d
get the chance to know the real Malone a lot better. And with no complaints.

Malone was
definitely an attractive man. A large attractive man. Well, over six two and
probably at least 200 pounds of solid muscle. He looked like a body builder,
though not as beefy and scary. Much prettier. His dark starling blue eyes could
possibly tell me everything… or nothing at all. A solid square jaw and
perfectly straight nose, that surprisingly had never been broken, adorned his
face. Most guys of his age, size, and profession had broken their noses at
least once.

But, the feature
I found the most interesting, his mouth. Full, soft, and comforting lips that
could also be hard and demanding or filled with pleasure, or so I imagined.
Damn, the alcohol already camped out in my head. Maybe I shouldn’t have grabbed
another Corona. I already drank two earlier when Galen had been here.

Right, Galen.
The vampire with an angel’s face. How could I forget him?

First one man
shared my sofa and now another. What the hell was I doing? Of course this guy was
actually a man, not a vampire. I didn’t have to worry about fangs with Mike.

I couldn’t help
myself and smiled as I handed him the beer, he smiled back and couldn’t seem to
take his eyes off me as I sat down next to him.

“You look good
tonight, Annie. A little color in your cheeks and your hair is kinda wild. It
looks good on you.”

I couldn’t think
of a snappy retort so I just said, “Thanks.” I looked around and then back at
him. “So about the lack of preternatural activity…”

“You know what,
let’s not talk work tonight. Can we just sit here like normal people and not
talk about vamps and ghouls, werewolves or witches, no offense, and just not be
cops for a little while?” His sigh filled the room. He had been a cop a lot
longer than me; I imagined it could get to you after a while.

I thought about
it. Just to sit and be normal people. I really liked the sound of that. “Sounds
great.” Not thinking about it, I scooted a little closer to him. He took my
inch and pulled me for a mile, wrapping his arms around me and drawing me next
to him. He snuggled me in close, threw one arm around me, and then crooked his
head so it rested against mine.

I was surprised
but didn’t struggle. In fact, I found it so comforting I snuggled in even

We sat for a
while. Neither of us said anything as we just sat cuddled together drinking
beer. After a bit he leaned over and put his empty beer on the end table,
grabbed mine and did the same.

Then he kissed
me, blowing me out of the water.

He tasted of
beer and lime and that wonderfulness I have come to associate with Mike Malone.
His lips, soft yet firm, explored mine, his tongue darted into my mouth and
fireworks rocked me with the promise of what his tongue could do to other parts
of my body.

Maybe it was the
beer, or maybe just my need to feel a man inside me without fear of being hurt,
but it didn’t take long for things to move farther than a kiss. Mike passed
second, worked on third and maybe thought about making the home stretch when my
good sense came back to me.

Sudden awareness
told me I was completely naked on the sofa with Mike Malone. How the hell…? But
I couldn’t keep my train of thought as his lips blazed a trail from my belly
button all the way down to my aching wet core. His tongue drove me toward the
edge and pushed me into a place of pleasure I had never been before. He plunged
one of his large fingers deep inside me and my whole body quivered in response.
So close, I hung on the precipice. Another finger delved into my slippery
folds. I cried out as wave after wave rocked my body, the orgasm ripped through
me causing me to crash into myself, conscious thought became nothing but
feelings, emotions, colors, lights. Fireworks shot off inside my brain and
behind my eyelids.

His mouth gently
held and lapped at me as I came down from the highest of highs, his hands
moved, caressing other parts of my body. One hand kneaded a breast while the
other caressed my inner thigh. So sweet. So wonderful.

When he moved to
cover my body with his I caught a glimpse of his naked shaft. Holy crap, the
man was huge everywhere! And when had he gotten naked? Probably the same time
my own clothing had disappeared along with my better judgment.

Before I could
protest his mouth covered mine. This time he tasted like me. Such a heady and
arousing delight knowing this strong man now tasted like me. A turn on like no
other, I devoured his lips, delving my tongue into his mouth wanting more of

His big cock
nestled between my thighs, poised and ready to enter me. I wanted him, I really

But could I do
this? It was Malone. I was having sex with Detective Mike Malone, my co-worker,
my almost boss.

What about
Galen? This was going to break his heart.

He didn’t push
into me; maybe he felt my hesitation.


“I’m sorry; I
didn’t come here prepared for this. I don’t have any condoms. Do you?”

“Uhm, no. I’m a
witch, I am not susceptible to any human sexually transmitted diseases, and I
am on the pill so won’t get pregnant.”

His cock pushed
into my opening, stretching me, as waves of pleasure threatened to push away
coherent thought. I pulled away before becoming lost in the sensation.

“No, that’s not
why I was hesitating!” I cried, jerking my body away from his the best I could
considering I was under him...

“Annie, what is
it? What’s wrong?” He looked at me with those intense blue eyes, face filled
with concern. He thought he hurt me. He hadn’t, but goddess help me I was about
to hurt him.

“Mike, I don’t
know if I can do this. It’s kinda weird isn’t it? Us?”

Concern turned
to cop-face. “Weird? You didn’t think it was weird a few minutes ago when you
were screaming and clawing at my back, filling my mouth with your pleasure.”

Now I really was
embarrassed, when he put it that way it did sound really stupid to protest now.

“You’re right; I
was just getting cold feet. So, where did we leave off?” I thrust my hips up to
him and tried for sexy. I managed forced.

He let go of me
and climbed off the couch grabbing for his clothes. “Forget it, the moment is

I jumped up. “Mike,
wait, stop, please, I’m sorry.” And the sad thing, I really was sorry. As soon
as the warmth of his body left mine, cold and lonely set in…and empty.

“I need to go
now, Anwyn.”

I stood there
and watched him get dressed. Such an intimate thing but it was also sad because
I knew things never would be the same after this.

“Mike, you
shouldn’t drive, you had a beer.” I tried to get him to stay.

“One beer over
an hour ago. I am perfectly fine to drive.” He pulled his shirt over his head.

“Mike please,” I
sounded anguished. Why did I have to screw this up? Sure it might have been
weird working with him after sleeping with him, but now it was going to be even

 “Anwyn, I am
sorry I came here tonight. I’m sorry I let things go this far. I don’t know
what I was thinking. I want you to understand I didn’t come here with any
intent of sleeping with you. Not that I don’t think about it. I know I would
enjoy it, enjoy you, I wasn’t planning on this. Not tonight. I just wanted to
be here… with you. I didn’t want to be alone. I drove out here and saw your
lights on. I drove around and passed the house three times before I got up
enough nerve to knock on your door.” His jaw set tight, his mouth drawn into a
firm line, more upset than I had ever seen him.

Still completely
naked I walked toward him. “Mike, please don’t go, not like this.” I didn’t
care I was completely naked with Mike Malone in my living room. I just couldn’t
let him go. I threw my body against his and wrapped as much of myself around
him that I could.

He stiffened,
all his muscles tensed as I curled around him. When he finally relaxed he
wrapped his strong arms around me. “Do you really want me to stay?” he asked,
quietly against my hair.

“Yes,” I
replied. And I meant it.

He reluctantly
agreed and I led him to the bedroom and watched him undress. He was so
beautiful, so male, so human.

I crawled into
bed and he crawled in next to me. We lay down and curled up in a tangle of
limbs. Spooned together flesh on flesh and fell asleep.

We slept
together. Actually slept together. We didn’t have sex. We just slept.

Until, we were
rudely awakened at the crack of dawn by shouting and banging on my front door.


Chapter 20


I threw on a
robe and peeked out the peephole to find a very pissed off looking vampire
pounding on my door. Galen.

Shit. This was
about to get ugly.

“I can hear you
breathing Anwyn, open up or I’ll forget being polite and just rip this fucking
door off the hinges.” His voice was a combination of a hiss and a growl and
sounded so utterly foreign coming from Galen’s lips. He was usually so in
control, so refined with his British mannerisms. This was kinda scary.

But angry at his
rudeness, even though a little afraid, I opened the door for him and tossed all
the bravado I had into it. “That wouldn’t be a very nice thing to do would it,
now?” I snarked.

“Why Anwyn, why
the hell did you have to go and fuck the cop? What, was he on your god damn
speed dial list, as soon as I left last night you dialed him up for a booty
call?” His nostrils flared, his eyes glowed with green fire and he looked every
inch the supernatural predator he was. I even caught a flash of fang. But
underneath it all I could feel his anguish, the feeling  I betrayed him.

“That’s not how
it happened and not even what happened.” I was pissed at his ranting yet feeling
more than a little guilty about the whole situation. I tried to stay outwardly
calm. Getting riled up would only feed his fire. Thank God Malone stayed out of

“Come on, I can
smell his stink all over you. The stench of humanity doesn’t suit you, Anwyn.”
His sneer turned into a lip curling snarl, showing more than a little fang.

“And the stench
of vampire would suit her better?”

just couldn’t stay out of it could he? Add insult to injury he walked out of
the bedroom in just his pants, no shirt, no socks, just pants. Pants were
slightly undone, zipped but not buttoned. Nothing like making it very clear we
had been naked together.

Galen glared at
him with enough power and hate a lesser man would have crumbled under the
vampire power; it was bad enough, I saw Malone cringe, only a little. Just his
eyes, nothing else, but enough it gave the vampire the upper hand in the power
struggle. Galen’s nose wrinkled and he turned to look at me.

“He smells of
you… intimately.” Anguish was apparent in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared
as he turned to look at Malone. “So mate, does she taste as good as she smells?
I wouldn’t know. I haven’t partaken… yet, though she’s offered many times. I’ve
been playing the good boy, but I see she likes to be bad. I’ll remember. Don’t
think you’ve got her forever, old chap. You see, you’re just a man, your time
is limited, but I have forever.”

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