HH01 - A Humble Heart (10 page)

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #mathewson rl heart romance romance novel humble hollywood love funny sweet romantic

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“Dana, are you okay?” Edward asked. He took her hand into his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

She nodded. “I’m fine.” She sighed and looked back at Jeff. “Okay, what’s going on for real now?” She tried to pull her

hand away, but Edward refused to release her. After a few seconds she held his hand just as firmly.

Jeff seemed to be having a hard time taking in Edward holding her hand. “How long has this been going on?” he

demanded in a jealous tone.

Before Dana could answer, Edward spoke up. “That’s none of your business. Focus on what she asked you. I want to

know why those kids are upset.”

Dana answered him when Jeff wouldn’t. “Apparently they eloped yesterday and they wish to use this week as a

honeymoon and don’t want the kids to interfere with that.”

Edward narrowed his eyes on Jeff. “What the hell is wrong with you? You’re really going to break their hearts like that?”

Dana put a hand on his chest, trying to calm him down. “It’s okay, Edward. I’ll handle it,” she said soothingly. He looked

down at her and nodded. Before she could say another word he led her to the couch across from Jeff and sat her down, keeping

a firm grip on her hand.

“Okay, Jeff, there’s something more. Spill it,” Dana said.

“Well, it’s just that we were thinking, you know since we live in Massachusetts and I can only really afford to see them

once a year,” Jeff started to say.

“Jeff, you get three weeks of paid vacation a year, you don’t pay child support or alimony and I take the kids to New

England at least three times a year to see family, and all three times you were too busy to see them,” Dana said tightly.

“Why should he have to pay child support? You’re rich,” Bea said bitterly.

“Bea, I really think we should allow Jeff and Dana work this out with as little interference as possible,” Edward said

calmly. Bea didn’t respond, but stared at him openly.

“Well, see Bea likes it if I take my vacation time so we can spend time together. As for money I have a wife to support

now so I won’t be able to come out here again.”

Dana pulled her hand free from Edwards and dropped her face into her hands. “Oh my God, please tell me you’re not

doing what I think you’re about to do.” Edward put his arm around her shoulders. He didn’t know what she thought, but he was

suddenly nervous for her and the kids.

“Jeff and I think it would be better if he were to sign over his rights since he is not an active part of their lives. We live so

far away and we feel it’s not fair to the kids to keep this up. A clean break is best for everyone,” Bea stated in a bored tone.

Dana dropped her hands into her lap and stared at Jeff. “You are really willing to give them up? Never see them again for


Jeff didn’t speak, but Bea sure as hell did. She pulled out a packet from her oversized purse. “Here, we already filed for

termination of rights. It’s all set,” she said coldly.

Edward reached out and took the papers, ignoring Bea’s fingers caressing his. He looked at the papers and felt a punch in

the gut, this was no joke. “What the hell is wrong with you, man? Those are your kids! They’re great kids!” Edward said,

coming to his feet.

Jeff stood up and shrugged indifferently. “I never wanted kids in the first place,” he said casually. “They were all her


“You son of a bitch!” Edward snapped, taking a step forward. Dana’s hand was the only thing that held him back. She

placed a hand on his bicep and gently pulled him back.

“Jeff, think about this very carefully because once you leave through that door that’s it. I won’t put those kids through this

hell. I told you when we divorced I didn’t want any drama,” Dana said calmly.

Jeff took a step forward and reached out to take Dana’s hand. Edward shot his hand out protectively and stopped him. Jeff

stepped back and sighed. “Look, Dana, you’re doing a great job with them. I have to be honest, I never felt like a father and

never wanted them. I can’t go on pretending for their sake. I know it sounds selfish, but that’s how I feel.”

Dana bit her lower lip. “You know what? You’re right. You are selfish. You can leave now. Do you want to say good bye

to the kids?”

He shrugged. “What’s the point?” He took Bea’s hand and left without another word, leaving Dana and Edward stunned.

“Oh my God,” Dana mumbled as her legs gave out.

“Whoa.” Edward grabbed her around the waist and led her to the couch.

“I….I can’t believe he just did that,” she muttered.

He put his arm around her, expecting her to break down. What he didn’t expect was for her to take a deep breath and stand

up. The look of determination on her face was awe inspiring. “I’m sorry you had to see that, Edward. Thank you for coming by,

it was a nice gesture.”

Edward stood up. “Hey, it’s okay.” He reached out for her and she didn’t back up when he took her hand into his. “What

are you going to do?”

She shook her head gently. “Move on and help them get through this.”

He watched her for a long moment trying to figure her out. She was strong, unbelievably strong. His heart broke for those

kids. He couldn’t imagine the pain they were about to experience. He was thankful that he never had to experience anything like

this, if his father had abandoned them his heart would have broken instantly.

Edward pulled Dana into his arms and hugged her. She reluctantly hugged him back. “It’s okay. You’re not alone,” he

whispered in her ear.

“Thank you,” she said against his shoulder.

“Where’s Daddy?” Cole asked.

They broke apart and watched as Cole and Elizabeth walked into the room. Cole’s face was covered in chocolate, giving

the illusion of a goatee. Elizabeth’s expression was stressed as she looked past them, searching for her father.

“He left, didn’t he?” she asked softly.

Dana dropped to her knees in front of Elizabeth. “Yes, sweetie, he did. I’m sorry.” She kissed her small cheek.

Edward watched the little boy take it all in. A small tear rolled down his face. “That’s fine, Mommy. I don’t like that

woman.” He was trying to sound brave for his mother. Edward realized this little three year old boy was trying to be the man

of the house for his mother and sister. It wasn’t fair.

He dropped to his knees next to Dana and took Cole into his arms. “You know what I was thinking, buddy?” he asked the

little boy.

“What, Uncle Edward?” he asked, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

“I was thinking it would be fun to go to the carnival over on Maywood and then maybe go for some burgers and fries.

Does that sound like fun?” he asked.

“What’s an ‘arnival?” Cole asked.

Edward laughed softly. “Well, they have lots of fun rides, games and junk food!”

Cole smiled for the first time since Edward walked into the house. “Really?”

“Yes, would you please go with me to the carnival?” he asked, knowing they needed a man to want to spend time with


Cole looked to his mother. “Can we?” he asked excitedly.

She nodded. “That’s sounds like fun.” She looked at the kids and frowned. “I have only one request,” she said.

“What?” he asked, hoping it wasn’t to invite someone else along.

“We have to take my car because of the car seats,” she said to his relief.

“Okay, but I’m driving.” He picked up Cole and headed for the bathroom. “Let’s clean you up, little man.”

Chapter 5

“Mommy, can I ride on that?” Elizabeth pointed to a ride that made Dana wince. It consisted of a cage that held screaming

people who were pulled a hundred feet up into the air like an elevator and then dropped suddenly to the ground.

“No sweetie and promise me that when you’re older if you go on something like that, that you’ll never tell me about it so I

can sleep at night,” Dana said.

“You’re no fun, Dana,” Deana said. When she heard they were going to a carnival she giggled and invited herself along.

Apparently she loved them. Edward wasn’t as upset as he thought he was going to be, because Deana liked to take the kids on

the kiddy rides and whisked them away when she saw something fun, leaving him alone with Dana.

“Aunt Deana, can we go on that?” Cole asked, pointing to a kiddy train.

“Oh god, yes! Let’s go!” Deana grabbed the kids’ hands and took off like a bat out of hell.

Edward stepped closer to Dana. “Wow, she really loves kiddy rides.”

She laughed softly. “No, well yes, but she really loves kids. She lost her stepson three years ago to leukemia and a year

after she lost her husband. It was really tough on her, made tougher when she found out she couldn’t have kids. She really

adores Elizabeth and Cole. She’s like a second mother to them. She gets all excited when it comes to stuff like this. She sees it

as a second chance.”

He shook his head lightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t know. She’s really great with them.”

Dana beamed. “Yes, she is. I was fortunate that she was available when we moved to California.”

“Dana Mathews?” a man asked, drawing their attention.

Dana smiled at the older man. “Could I bother you for your autograph? I’m sorry to bother you on your date. I’m just such

a huge fan of yours that I couldn’t help myself,” he said sheepishly.

“Don’t worry about it. Do you have something you want me to sign?” she asked.

Edward was glad she didn’t argue the date point. He handed her a pen, making sure his fingers brushed hers. He liked the

blush that crept up her face. He liked it a lot.

She signed the back of a business card. Dana turned it over and read it. “Playground Specialists,” she read out loud.

“Yes, ma’am, that’s my company. We build playgrounds for the city, schools, and businesses,” he said proudly. “They

keep us very busy, but it’s a lot of fun, especially the first day the playgrounds open to the public and we get to see the kid’s


Dana looked over the card again. “I’ve actually heard of you. I’ve been meaning to call you for the last month. There isn’t

any chance you build playgrounds on residential property is there?”

The man looked like he was considering it. “I tell you what, if you send me an autographed copy of
Constant Nights
I will

build your kids a playground that will knock their socks off.”

She smiled. “I think I can do that, but I was actually wondering if I could hire you to build a playground for Griswold’s

House,” she said.

The man looked surprised. “The foster home that specializes in handicapped children?” She nodded. “Ma’am, it would be

my pleasure. I’ve been waiting for the city to ask me to do it for a long time now. They approached me twice, but what I asked

for just to cover the materials and my men was too much for them even for the basic set up. They finally came up with enough

money?” he asked curiously.

She shook her head. “No sir, they didn’t. They don’t have the money for this.”

“But I don’t understand,” he said, frowning.

She looked at the card for his name. “Brian, they don’t have the money, but I do. I’m hiring you to do this if you want the


Brian nodded happily. “I would love the job, ma’am. My wife and I have been dying to do that for a long time.”

“Okay, but I don’t want the basic set up. Can you handle tricking it out? The kids deserve the best. You’ll have to adapt

your plans for the disabled. Is that a problem?”

“No, ma’am.” He reached out and took her hand into his. “Thank you so much, Dana. Oh my god, this is great! I have to go

tell my wife!” He began to turn away.


He turned to look back at her, still grinning hugely. “Yes?”

“I need your card so I can call you.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a card with her name and number on it.

“Here, so you can call me with your ideas. The sooner the better. Those poor kids have nothing to do in the backyard. Oh,

before I forget the physical therapist that works at the house will want to talk to you about ideas. Is that okay?”

“That’s fine,” Brian said, grinning hugely.

“Oh, one last thing. I don’t want you pricing this to cover just materials and the men. You charge me what you need to. I

understand you’re in business to make a profit and from what I hear you’re the best,” she said, smiling. His grin widened as he

walked away in a daze staring at her card.

Edward watched the conversation in total disbelief. Every time he thought he had her pegged she did something to knock

him on his ass. “That was really nice of you. Those kids will absolutely love you.”

She shook her head and smiled. “No, they won’t.”

“I don’t understand.”

“They won’t know it was me. I never attach my name to anything. This particular project will be named after Deana’s son

like the rest of them. I have a foundation in his name. It was something Deana tried to get off the ground. She was struggling to

do it. She was barely keeping a roof over her head. She made okay money, but it was all going to this foundation. I took over

and gave her a job. She oversees most of it for me. I have a lawyer that handles the business aspects and we pick the projects.”

He reached out and took both of her hands into his. “You are a wonderfully kind woman, Dana,” he said, looking into her

eyes. She looked nervously away. “I truly mean that.” He leaned down, intending to kiss her mouth, but thought better of it and

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