HH01 - A Humble Heart (42 page)

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #mathewson rl heart romance romance novel humble hollywood love funny sweet romantic

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crowd surrounding them, “is too much.”

“A man, a very good man and friend died today because some fans went beyond appreciating our work to obsession. A

young man’s life has been violently altered because three fans decided they had a right to attack and pursue me in very

dangerous situation with two of our children in the car, a three year old and a six year old.” He shook his head in disgust.

“I understand the excitement behind meeting someone you admire, believe me I do,” he looked down at Dana and smiled

fondly. “But there needs to be an understanding. I am a very happily married man with four small children. I am not, now nor

will I ever be interested in another woman. I am done. I’m sorry if this upsets anyone, but this is the reality. Please respect that

when you approach me, respect my wife by not crossing the line and laying your hands on me or her. Especially stop doing it in

front of my children. It upsets and confuses them.”

“We don’t mind signing autographs and we especially enjoy getting to know you. All we ask is that some consideration be

shown for everyone’s safety so something like this,” he gestured to the hospital, “doesn’t happen again. Now, I’m taking my

wife home and making preparations to bring home our two children. We need to plan the funeral for our beloved friend and

right now I need to hold my two youngest sons more than anything else in this world. So please, if you are going to stay here

make it out of respect for that boy who is suffering in there because he lost his father. If you’re here for any other reason, please

leave.” Edward turned with Dana and climbed into the limo with Tyler close behind them.

Dana snuggled into Edward’s shoulder. “Do you think that got through to anyone?” Edward asked as he absently played

with a strand of her hair.

“Maybe a few people listened,” she sighed.

“What do we do now?” Edward asked.

“We go home, hold our sons, and prepare for tomorrow. I want nothing more right now than to enjoy our family and

friends.” Dana pulled his hand to her mouth and kissed it.

“I don’t want us hiding out. I refuse to let them take anything else from us,” Edward said firmly.

“No, we’re not going to hide out. I have no plans on giving up any more freedom. We’ll live and deal with all of this

nonsense as it comes. You’ll continue to act, I’ll write and sometimes maybe I’ll take a role. The kids will grow up in a happy

loving home with two parents. That’s all I care about.”

“I love you, Dana.”

“I love you too, Edward.” He leaned over and kissed her softly.


Ten years later….

“Come on, Dad! One more time.” Cole’s voice cracked. He ran a hand through his damp hair.

“Yeah, Dad!” Tristan begged.

“Please, Daddy!” Caleb joined in.

Edward stopped kissing Dana long enough to answer his very demanding sons. “Can’t you guys see I’m busy trying to

convince your mother to take tomorrow off so we can go to Busch Gardens?”

“Busch Gardens?” Caleb and Tristan repeated in unison.

“Yes, now go away so I can convince your mother properly.” Edward grinned. He didn’t wait for his sons to respond. He

leaned back down and continued to kiss Dana. His hands gently rubbed her back as hers gripped his shoulders tightly.

“Guys, leave them alone. Tyler already said he’d take you on Splash Mountain,
,” Elizabeth said. She had grown

into a very pretty young woman and Edward thanked god every day that she seemed to have her mother’s good sense. He never

had to worry about her bringing home some loser. All her boyfriends treated her with respect or
dumped them without

hesitation. It eased a great deal of tension off his shoulders over her dating.

“Yeah, but wait, Mom?” Cole asked. He was fourteen, but still her mama’s boy, when no one was around of course. In

front of his friends he was more like Edward, laid back, relaxed and a guy’s guy. But when it came to his mother he didn’t play

around. She was his best friend.

Dana playfully pushed Edward away when he wouldn’t give her up. “What’s wrong, Cole?” she asked. Even though Cole

and Edward were not biologically related her oldest son was almost his carbon copy. It was eerie. He already had girls calling

at all hours of the night for him. Not that he cared. He liked girls, but he just wasn’t interested in spending his free time pining

for them, well not yet anyway.

The twins were hanging off their older brother. They looked exactly like Cole and Edward. All of her men were funny,

relaxed, considerate and sweet, in her mind they were each the perfect man. They all had their own personalities and tastes, but

she was beyond happy her boys took after their father in the way they treated people with kindness.

“Mom, you guys aren’t going to get in trouble, are you?” Cole asked. He was very protective of his family. His family

was the most important thing in his life. No one messed with or badmouthed them without Cole jumping in to take care of it.

She smiled warmly at Cole. “No sweetie, I told you we planned this so we could have a family vacation. We’ll be

leaving you guys with Tyler and Connor in an hour so we can make our interview. Then we have a small book signing and a

meet and greet for the studio at four, then I believe your father promised to take me out tonight.”

Edward smiled and kissed her lips quickly. “Yes, I did.”

“Then we have to shoot a scene early tomorrow morning. We’ll meet you guys at Busch Gardens then we will have the

rest of the night and next two days together.”

“That is if everything goes according to plan tomorrow.” Edward added. “Then the film should be done and we’ll be off

to Europe for a month. We have a few book signings scheduled, but other than that we’re all yours, guys.”

“Why do you guys do everything together?” Tristan asked suddenly.

“Yeah, this is mom’s twentieth book and your fourth with her,” Caleb added.

“Yeah, and this is the third movie you’ve done with Mom.” Tristan pointed out.

“Also, you guys are always together when you’re not working on separate things, with friends or with us. You don’t act

like a normal married couple at all. Aunt Amy and Uncle Tyler aren’t like this and Aunt Deana and Uncle Chris aren’t either.

Well, Uncle Nick and Aunt Jamie are exactly like you. You’re always happy and kissing. Has it always been like this?” Caleb

asked Cole.

Elizabeth answered. “It’s because they’re madly in love, Shorty.” She reached over and messed up his hair.

“Yeah, but why? Why hasn’t Dad written a book by himself? Mom isn’t like that she does other films without Dad. So

why doesn’t he write by himself?” Tristan asked while he tried to smooth out his short hair.

Edward stepped behind Dana and wrapped his arms around her waist. “That’s because I enjoy writing with your mother. I

don’t have as much fun when I write by myself. Your mother does films on her own because she is a very talented actress and I

enjoy watching her movies and we do movies together because we love working with each other.
my young sons, I am

absolutely head over heels in love with your mother, which is why I can never get enough of her. Now have I answered your

questions? You need to hurry because Deana is going to be joining you soon and taking you out to eat and a movie tonight. So

move your butts if you want to squeeze a few more rides in.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Cole said. His kissed his mother and father goodbye and took off with the twins and

bodyguards on his tail towards Splash Mountain. Elizabeth followed after them at a leisurely pace. She wasn’t in a hurry to

wait in line for an hour. Her brothers would save her a place.

“Now, where were we?” Edward asked, pulling Dana against him.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I’m confused,” Zack, their newest bodyguard said. He was a retired New York Police officer and

came highly recommended. He was a nice guy and in a lot of ways reminded them of Brett.

“What is it?” Edward asked while he kissed the tip of Dana’s nose.

“I wasn’t aware you had any engagements booked this evening. I need the information so I can coordinate with Tyler.

Actually, I didn’t know about any of the book signings. Is there a list I can see?”

Dana pulled away from Edward. “I’m sorry, Zack. I didn’t get a chance to tell you. We finished the book tour when we

stopped in California a week ago. We tell the kids we have a book signing when we want to have a night to ourselves.

Elizabeth is old enough to understand. She doesn’t have a problem with us having time to ourselves, but the boys don’t. This is

really our second honeymoon, and well," she shrugged, "we didn’t want to be apart from the kids for that long so we decided to

make it a family trip as well. I apologize for not telling you sooner.”

“It’s my fault. I asked Tyler to tell him and I don’t think he’s gotten a chance,” Edward said as he leaned down to press a

kiss to his wife’s neck.

Zack chuckled. “No, I completely understand. I was married for twenty years before my Jenny passed on. With five kids I

know exactly where you’re coming from.”

“Than you, Zack,” Dana said. Edward released his hold around her waist and took her hand into his.

“Shall we?” he asked. He looked at Zack. “When we get to the hotel you can have the rest of the night off. The kids are all

set. They’re each carrying a phone and have a tracking device is in each of their Claugdah rings.”

“Not to mention the two heavily armed bodyguards and Deana,” Dana added.

“I think Deana is the most dangerous one,” Edward said teasingly earning a playful slap.

They began walking towards the exit. They passed vendors, happy families, and kids wearing Mickey Mouse ears. Men

and women stopped to stare at them, but they didn’t seem to notice. They only had eyes for each other. Gawking fans became

part of the scenery years ago.

“Excuse me? Mrs. Pierce, can I have your autograph?” a woman asked nervously. She chewed on her bottom lip anxiously

as she waited for Dana’s reply.

“Of course, who do I make it out to?” Dana asked, smiling warmly as she took the pad of paper and pen from the blushing

woman. That’s one of the things that Edward loved about her, she made time for everyone and never made anyone feel bad. She

enjoyed meeting her fans and getting to know them. That hadn’t changed over the years and it still surprised her when someone

wanted her autograph. It never went to her head. She was still his down to earth Dana and he absolutely adored her.

The End.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20


Document Outline

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