Hidden (23 page)

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Authors: Sophie Jordan

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Social Issues, #Adolescence, #Paranormal

BOOK: Hidden
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He starts firing his weapon. Not one of the tranq guns. They’ve all switched from tranq guns to other firearms—rifles, crossbows. They’re no longer here to retrieve. They’re here to kill. Just like Cassian.

Fire burns up my windpipe and there’s no fighting my fear.

“Will,” I say again, my voice a growling rumble, revealing that I’m half lost already.

Will reaches out and grabs my hand. His fingers hold tight to mine. He nods hard at the trees, and I nod back, understanding.

Together we run for the trees.

“Hey!” Angus yells after us and I hear the pound of running feet, someone, one of them coming after us. A quick glance over my shoulder confirms this. It’s another hunter—the older one with his serious face and hard eyes.

A moment after I see him, darkness flashes before my eyes like a great black veil cast down. Cassian. Again, he’s there, filling the near darkness.

Gunfire explodes on the air in sharp pops, but it doesn’t stop Cassian from sweeping the hunter off his feet and disappearing with him into the trees.

It’s chaos everywhere as the hunters shout frenzied instructions at one another. “He’s picking us off!”

“We’ve got to get out of here!”

“Like hell! Let’s go after him!”

We’re almost to the trees when suddenly a shuddering wind lifts the hair off my shoulders and whips it all around me. Looking up, I see another draki descending.

“No!” I cry thickly.

He snatches my arm and pulls me off my feet. My legs flail in the air.

Will shouts and jumps, trying to reach me. But I’m already too high.

The hunters redirect their attention to me and Corbin. Bullets and arrows fly.

I hear Will’s panicked cry. “Look out! You’re going to hit her!”

They’re not too concerned. An arrow flies so close it grazes my hair with a whistle. It misses me, but not Corbin. The arrow strikes him in the chest, impales deeply into the muscle of his pectoral. He wraps a hand around the arrow’s shaft. His purply blood flows thickly between his fingers.

He howls and we tailspin through the trees, my legs flying as if they’re made of nothing. He lands hard on his back. I’m sprawled half over him, half on the ground. I push up with the heels of my palms, careful not to prod the arrow.

I look down at this boy I grew up with. Despite what we’ve become, he’s been part of my life as far back as my earliest memory. His face contorts with pain, his ridged nose flaring in and out quickly … like he can’t draw air in fast enough. I don’t wish this even on him.

“Corbin,” I say, but his name comes out more a sob. I cover my mouth and choke back the sound.

He’s alive now, and if he can make it back to the pride he might pull through this. My jaw locks tight as resolve steals over me. I can’t let them kill him. As crazy and selfish as he’s been, I believe he was trying to save me just now. And he got shot for his trouble.

The hunters charge through the trees at us with weapons poised.

Will shouts for them to stop, waving his arms wide as he dives into the fight. “You’re going to hit her!” He tackles one hunter before he can lift his gun in our direction.

Angus breaks ahead of the group, pulling a knife free, and I know he intends to use it on Corbin. Finish him. With a bellow, he lifts it high.

My gaze swings to Corbin, defenseless on the ground. His eyes stare widely, lost in pain. None of the usual hard contempt etches his face. He looks so young and frightened. Like the boy I went to primary school with who stammered out his answers.

My mind works feverishly. He’s a big target. I can’t shield him. I can only do …

Use that part of myself—the thing that I am.

Sliding my hand off Corbin, I rise to my feet in one easy move and stand directly in front of him, bracing myself for what’s to come. For what I’m about to do.


or a minute, it seems like everything stops. Someone hit the pause button on everyone except me.

Angling my head, I look around at all the still figures, the frozen expressions, bodies halted in motion. I stare and absorb it all with an eerie sense of calm.

And then we all begin to move again. But only like underwater creatures, fighting against the fluid all around us, trying desperately to gain momentum. The shouts, Will screaming my name—it all comes to me as though from a very far distance.

Angus’s hair stands out brightly as he closes the distance between us. Almost like a torch rushing at me. The irony isn’t lost on me. I exhale, stretching my burning lungs. There’s nothing to hide anymore—no point. I’ve made up my mind to do it again. Show what I am.

All his attention is trained on Corbin. The enemy beast.

Angus is almost to me.

I simply let go. My wings surge from my back, ripping through my shirt and cracking on the air.

My wings push free and unfold. Like captive birds the sheets of membrane work on the air, eager to taste sky. Heat explodes in my chest, bursting from my lips in a great ball of red-blue flame. Angus flies backward from the blast of fire that I’m careful to aim in front of him, barely singeing him.

Tendrils of fire lick up his right arm. He bats at them fiercely, shrieking. One of his comrades hops on him and rolls him on the ground. It takes only a moment for the other hunters to charge me. Now they see me. Their faces twist red with fury as they aim their weapons.

Steam slides from my lips and seeps from my nose, weaving like ribbons into the air. I nod at Angus, flanked by other hunters, silently conveying to them to bring it. I’m ready.

Then Will’s there—where he shouldn’t be! Standing squarely in front of me. It doesn’t stop them though. Not from trying to get to me.

One of the hunters raises the butt end of his rifle, aiming it for Will’s face.

“Will!” I scream, my voice lost to draki speech, the sound a deep, inhuman cry. Everyone flinches.

Then my scream is forgotten. I’m forgotten.

A trainlike roar of spinning earth devours everyone, blinding us all. I can’t see anything. I hear only a deafening howl as a huge wall of earth surges up in front of the hunters.

. He’s doing this.

The whirlwind spins all around me, pebbles and twigs striking me everywhere, tearing my flesh. Not about to let Will’s efforts go to waste, I drop back down and feel for Corbin, grab him under the shoulders, and haul him into the cover of trees, coughing against the dirt, unsure how long Will can keep this up.

I drag Corbin until my muscles burn from the strain, arms shaking, and then I keep going, the sounds of Will’s work a distant groan.

“Cassian!” I scream, hoping he can hear me.

Releasing Corbin, I squat down next to him. I examine the arrow. His pain-glazed eyes focus on me. “Don’t take it out,” I instruct. “Wait until we get back to the pride.”

“Jacinda,” he chokes, “I—I’m sorry—”

I shake my head and press fingers to his lips. “Shut it. You’re going to be fine. Don’t go making apologies like you’re dying. Besides, you probably don’t mean it anyway. We both know you’re a jerk.”

He starts laughing but ends up in a violent coughing spasm.

I grunt. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be here.”

I wince. Of course he will.

I turn back for the river. For Will. For Cassian.

The dirt is everywhere, inescapable, so thick and swirling. Like a sandstorm I can hardly see through. My draki eyes fight to adjust, assessing my surroundings, peering into the chalky brown all around me.

I just need to find Cassian, to reach Will and get him out of here, to locate Tamra so that she can shade the hunters. Then we’ll be fine. We’ll be free. I cling to this hope, this belief as I stagger back into the fray.

I detect a tall and lean shape in all the swirling brown. “Will,” I shout, hoping that he can hear me over the roaring wind, even in my unrecognizable draki speech. By now he should know my voice, no matter the language.

The wind alters, grows more alive, more violent. Doesn’t he know he can ease up? I fight against the barrage to reach his side. Particles sting my skin like needles. Holding a hand over my face in a weak attempt to protect my eyes, I look up, squinting against the assault of grit.

For a moment, I think I see rippling shadows, dark shapes swirling through the flying earth and debris—like murky forms moving through swamp waters—but with the opaque air it’s impossible to tell for sure what’s real.

I move toward Will, clenching my teeth as I battle for every step against the powerful wind, my wings folded so they don’t catch air and pull me back. I’m almost to him, my aching eyes devouring the sight of him—and then he’s gone, down, laid flat on his back by a swooping draki clearly unaware that Will is helping.

Instantly, the tornado of dirt dies, Will’s concentration severed. He grabs at his face, and I glimpse blood streaming between his fingers where the draki clawed him.

I blink and scan everything in a glance. Chaos reigns as half a dozen draki screech across the sky, diving at the hunters. They’re all onyx, the soldiers of our pride … doing what they’ve been trained all their lives to do. Cassian is there, chasing a hunter into the river, his great leathery wings stretched wide in a low fluid glide.

With a desperate glance at Will, I shout for Cassian, but he doesn’t look back. He’s full of cold resolve, eager for payback. I feel this. It wraps around me like a hunger. If Will and I are going to get out of this, we’re going to have to do it on our own.

Several draki circle above, carrion birds on the clearing air, calling to one another in guttural cries. Will lies exposed, an easy target. Fear for him coats my mouth as I rush toward him.

I spot Severin, sweeping high over the scene. His wings are large, nicked in spots, the tips jagged and irregular in shape. His gaze sharpens on Will and he screeches.

I dive for Will, determined to shield him.

And that’s when Tamra and Deghan emerge side by side from the trees. Fully manifested, they look powerful and magnificent, a daunting pair.

“Tamra,” I shout as I help Will to his feet, wincing at the bloody gashes scoring his face. “Shade them, Tamra!”

It’s the only way to end it—before every last hunter is killed. Maybe I wouldn’t have cared before, but now … with Miram’s and Xander’s motionless bodies mere feet away, I just want this to stop before more blood is shed.

I’m sick of it all. And these are Will’s family and friends. I don’t want their deaths on his conscience, and I know it would weigh on him. On us both.

Tamra nods purposefully and steps forward. Amid the gunfire, shouts, and screeching draki, she holds out her arms and mist begins to flow.

Standing close to Will, I watch, marveling at my sister’s gift. She possesses a talent that can save lives. As a shader, she is hope and salvation.

The mist doesn’t have a chance to build and rise. One of the many bullets zooming through the air finds its mark.

I scream as Tamra staggers from the impact, one hand flying to her head where blood pours. She lowers her hand, stares at it with incomprehension.

My agony is intense … the closest thing I ever felt before was losing Dad.

Deghan grabs hold of Tamra. Her head lolls and then sags against his shoulder. He lowers her to the ground, shouting her name. The anguish in his expression echoes what spins inside me.

Almost immediately, the shielding fog begins to evaporate, and we’re exposed again, caught back in a war zone with nowhere to hide.

“Tamra!” I scream. I move toward her, one arm still wrapped around Will’s waist, unwilling to let him go.

It’s slow going, and I think I’ll never reach her when my back explodes in pain, propelling me forward.

I land chest first on the ground, unable to move, too stunned, too hurt. My vision grows fuzzy, tear blurred. I try to speak, cry out. Pain radiates up and down the length of my body. Even so, the physical aches are no competition for the misery of my heart.
Tamra. Tamra!

Will’s face is there, filling my vision. His mouth forms my name. He touches my face, but oddly everything is silent around me, like someone stuffed cotton in my ears.

I feel my lips part, speak, say something. I can’t be sure what—not while I can’t hear my own voice. Not while a million thoughts ricochet through me.

I think I say Will’s name. Tamra. Mom.

Help, help, help

Then nothing as darkness rolls in.

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