Hidden (3 page)

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Authors: Mason Sabre

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“What’s this?” he said, coming to the double doors to the side of the room.

“The theatre,” Cathy said. “You can't go in there. It’s sterile.”

He said nothing, just stared at her, eyes fierce with intent and determination to see into the room.

Cathy sighed. She knew that there was no way she was going to stop him if he wanted in. Better to let him. “I’ll open the door, but you can't go in.”

He gave a nod, and she let him eye the room over before shutting it up again. When he was satisfied, he stepped out of the way to let Cade in with Gemma.

Cade carried her to the bed in the middle of the room with no effort at all. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, holding onto him. Her trust in the loyalty of these two
men was both shocking and wonderful at the same time, Cathy thought. Yet what none of them actually realised was that the enemy was already in there with them, and they didn’t even know it. Cathy felt like a fraud watching them. As if she didn’t deserve to watch with the intent in her mind. She was about to break all three of their hearts, and maybe her own in the process. She turned away and wiped her eyes before they saw.

“I’ll sit outside,” Stephen announced when Gemma was comfortable. He had checked everywhere, not caring to hide it. He had gone to the windows, checked that they were locked and secure. His eyes searched every possible spot until he deemed them safe. “I’ll be out here,” he said to Gemma. “Just shout for me.” He turned to glance at Cathy, and she tensed. “My sister and my best friend are very important to me,” he said. “I will do anything to protect them.” The way he said the words, the pronunciation at the uttered declaration, she knew all too well what he meant. The underlying threat was there. She gave a nervous nod.

“I’ll take good care of them,” she lied, hoping that he wouldn’t detect the quiver in her voice or hear the betraying beat of her heart inside her chest.

He left, closing the door behind him.

Cathy let it all settle inside her a moment before she went to Gemma and Cade. Cade was sitting by her side in the chair for expectant fathers. She couldn’t help but watch him with sorrow. He was just as worried as Stephen was.

Cathy pulled one of the blankets from the pile on the metal table to the side of the door. Gemma wouldn’t need it soon, not when full labour kicked in. She would be much too hot for that, but for now, usually at the start, expectant mothers wanted their dignity.

“You're going to need to take your underwear off,” Cathy said to Gemma, offering her the blanket. “Do you want me to help you with it?”

Cade was up instantly, snatching the blanket from Cathy’s hands. “I can do it.” She let him have it and said nothing.

Cathy stood back to let them have a moment of privacy while he helped. Maybe
was going to be the biggest problem and not Stephen. Gemma rested her hands on Cade’s shoulders as he slid her skirt and underwear down. He tried to help her back onto the bed, but she collapsed against him, and as Cathy came to help, Cade shook his head and Cathy stayed back.

She stood to the side, her heart pounding with the anxiety of everything—everything they were going to do and everything that might go wrong. She wrapped her own arms around herself as she leant against the counter. She wanted Jeff to come in, just to have him there and feel his calming presence. He could ground her mind on the worst of days. He was her rock. She stared at the door and willed it to open. There were two doors in the examination room, one that led to the reception where Stephen sat watching and on guard, and the theatre, where Cathy and Jeff would take Gemma, alone, and cut her baby from her womb and steal it. Cathy tried to push the thought from her mind before it overwhelmed her, but it snaked in there every chance that it got.

She was so relieved when Jeff finally came in. Cade was helping Gemma with another contraction. Cathy didn’t even offer to help. There was no point. It was clear he wasn’t letting anyone near his mate.

Jeff came to stand beside his wife as Cade rubbed Gemma’s back and Gemma panted. She reached her hand down to hold his, and he laced his fingers with hers. When Gemma’s contraction eased, Jeff moved in closer.

“I’m Jeff,” he said, extending his hand to Cade first, a wise move, and then to Gemma. His smile was warm to them both. It warmed her heart, but it equally upset her. The warmth of his smile, when what they were about to do was so wrong. Couldn’t she just take him away and leave the three youngsters here to do their own thing? God knows the baby had better chances without medical assistance. “This baby could be a mix-breed? Is that right?”

Cade stood, but Jeff didn’t step back.

“I have to make sure I know what to expect,” he said, offering an explanation for his offending remark. “Proper mix-breeds are harder to deliver, that’s all.

Card gave a slow nod, his brow furrowing as he eyed Jeff. “Hard in what way?”

Jeff absently pulled a pair of latex gloves from his top pocket and began to put them on. “Mostly, when two different
have a baby, the baby takes on only one strain—

“It won’t be both?”

“It might be.
both have very strong instincts.” He smiled again at them as their faces just seemed to deepen with worry. “Maybe we should get a listen first. See how the baby is doing and then examine you and see how you are doing.” He turned to Cade. “How does that sound?”

“Examine her?”

Gemma rested a hand on Cade’s forearm, drawing his attention. “It’s fine,” she said. “Just let the doctor work.”

Normally when they had an expectant mother in the room, they wired her up to be monitored. The hours would pass with the calming sound of the infant’s heartbeat echoing around the room, but Jeff and Cathy couldn’t do that this time. Jeff used a stethoscope to listen to the baby, and they all remained silent as he did. After a moment, he nodded.

“The baby seems to be doing okay. The heartbeat is a little slow—nothing to be bothered about right now—but we’ll keep an eye on it.”

“It’s normal?”

He nodded. “Babies heart rates change. We just monitor it, that’s all.” He examined Gemma next, and when he was done, he took his gloves off and tossed them into the small trash bin. “A little while yet,” he said to her. “Is it okay if we set you off with an IV? Just something to get the pain killers into your system for when you need them. Build it up.”

“Painkillers?” Cade frowned.

“Not everyone wants them. Some women like to just go natural. But …” he turned to Gemma, “you’re only four centimetres so far. A long way to go yet.”

“The pain gets worse?”

Cathy came forward. “This is just the start,” she said, and it wasn’t a lie, but she needed them to opt for the pain killers. It was how they would put her to sleep.

Gemma looked up to Cade for reassurance.

“It’s just a painkiller,” Jeff said. “When I am delivering
, I like it in their system as early as possible. You know what your healing rates are like. With the faster metabolism, when you need the pain relief, it won’t work. So I do it this way.”

“It’ll not harm the baby?”

“Might make it sleep a little after, but that’s not a bad thing.”

She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, hesitant. “Okay.”

Cathy brought over the IV. They had prepared it earlier. Gemma held out her hand. This was it. This was the thing, the Trojan horse, as Cathy pushed the catheter under Gemma’s skin and then opened the valve on the IV bag. Cathy watched as the first droplet of the tranquiliser slowly made its way along the line and into Gemma’s hand.

Soon, the baby would be put to sleep, and then Gemma.

Soon, they would take her baby.



Chapter Three

Cathy watched with an ever growing pain in her chest as the tranquiliser slowly dripped into the girl’s hand. It wouldn’t be long now, she hoped. They had never done it before—put someone to sleep slowly—a smaller dose. That was what they were trying, at least. She couldn’t decide which was worse as she watched them. Was it the father of the baby? Just watching him alone was enough to make Cathy feel the full extent of her guilt. He sat, his face contorted with worry for his mate. His face looked weary, his eyes tired as if he might pass out in a moment. But he didn’t move for himself. Everything he did was for the girl. He rested a hand protectively on her belly, the other held her hand. Between her contractions, he rested his head on the bed next to hers, foreheads together. He whispered words to her, promises of things they would do. He assured her that everything would be okay—it would all work out. Perhaps it was the other one sitting in the reception—her brother. He sat opposite the open door. He couldn’t see Gemma and Cade, but Cathy could see him. He sat with his elbows resting on his knees.  Every part of him was tense and ready to leap into action if it was needed. He was like a statue sitting there, his face set in a firm expression, every sense in him alive. Was it the man sitting next to the girl? The one with a face contorted with worry and care for his mate?

The silence around them was too much for Cathy. It weighed so heavy in her chest that she felt like she was suffocating. She stood and stretched, making Cade and Gemma, and even Jeff, glance at her. Stephen didn’t move, only his eyes watched her. Rich, green eyes. They bore right through her as if he might see the secret she was hiding. She turned away, shame causing her face to flush. “Does anyone mind if I put the radio on?”

Gemma lifted her weary head. Her eyes were hooded as she sighed and shook her head. Cade didn’t protest. The only indication that he had heard was like Stephen’s. Only his eyes moved, just for a second, and then he closed them and went back to just lying with Gemma. Jeff gave Cathy a worried glance, but she smiled at him, letting him know that she was doing okay. She had to be—on the outside, at least. She was sure that later, she would not sleep. Not for days, maybe weeks. These moments would haunt her perhaps until the end of her days. The silence only made it worse. But then, if it didn’t bother her, maybe that would be the biggest problem. She hoped that in all the years of doing this job that she wouldn’t become hardened to it. That she would never reach a point where she could not empathise with the patient’s plight. If that ever happened, it was time to retire.

Cathy walked to the window and glanced outside into the dark and towards the cars parked there. Her skin tingled with irritation, and her
pushed at her insides for some kind of freedom. She tried to calm herself and not think about everything. It was no time now to alert her animal that there was something wrong. It was already on alert with the idea of a new cub coming into the world. She rubbed at her face, trying to wipe away the thoughts her mind wanted to entertain. “Would anyone like anything to drink? Tea, coffee? I think I have some lemonade in …”

“Gemma needs some more ice,” Cade said to her, freeing his hand just a moment to lift up the jug.

Cathy was more than aware of Jeff watching her. She knew what he was thinking—maybe she was going to lose it. This birth was so different from the rest. The room would be loud and alive. But not this time. The impending birth was like a force that oppressed them, holding them all down—even the mother and the father, who knew nothing, were not acting like expectant parents usually do.

Cathy took the jug from Cade, and he immediately went back to holding Gemma’s hand. Cathy eyed the IV. It was the star of the show and everything was resting on that.  She went to the kitchen for the ice and to make a pot of tea, but even when she stopped for just a moment, the thoughts of guilt and pain hijacked her mind. She was such a fraud. That was probably what bothered her the most. She could see Stephen from where she stood waiting for the water to heat up. If only Stephen knew that the threat was in the room right next to him, dripping from a bag in a controlled dosage. It snuck in, taking out the baby first, and then Gemma … and they had no idea.

None at all.

Part of Cathy wished that she could do something that would alert them to what was going on, and then maybe they would run. Maybe they would get Gemma to safety.

Leaning against the counter, she gripped the side and let herself take in a breath to calm herself. She had to do this. There was no choice. She had to because what would it be like to tell Malcolm that she had failed? What excuse could she give to him that he would accept? She couldn’t forget that it was because of him that her family was safe. It was because of him that she had this semblance of a normal life—this facade of life, perhaps. She couldn’t give it all up for one girl and her baby. Maybe that was selfish of her. Maybe it was unkind, but then she had to trust in Malcolm, too. This was his daughter after all. She wasn’t some nobody, whom he cared nothing for. There had to be some kind of meaning behind his instructions. There had to be because if there wasn’t, Cathy was sure that the guilt of it all would drive her to insanity for a long, long time.

She made the tea up in the pot and put it on a tray with some cups. Maybe they would want some when she took it in. A yell sounded from the room, pulling Cathy abruptly from her thoughts. She left the tea. Stephen was up and in the room before Cathy. She followed just behind him. Gemma was sitting bolt upright in the bed.

“A contraction? A big one?” Cathy said. That was how labour went, contraction after contraction and then, bam, a big one.

Gemma shook her head, her eyes blinking slowly as she did. Her words slurred. “It’s not a contraction.”

“Jeff …” Cathy said, but he was right there already. Cathy hung back at the doorway as the three of them crowded around the poor girl. Jeff pulled out a pen-light and lifted the lids of Gemma’s eyes to shine it in and see if she was anywhere close to unconscious. He pulled the stethoscope from around his neck and pressed it to the bump, holding out a hand to signal everyone to shut the hell up.

“I don’t feel right,” Gemma said. “I feel …” She opened her mouth to say more, but her words trailed off as if she had forgotten what she was going to say. It was like she had slowed down, everything about her taking a docile pace. Even her breathing became heavy and laboured.

“Gem?” Cade brushed Gemma’s hair back from her face. “Gem. Open your eyes.”

              Stephen pushed himself forward, peering over Cade’s shoulder at his sister. “What’s wrong with her?” he asked Jeff. Both men stared at Jeff worriedly. Even Cathy’s heart was thumping wildly in her chest. Had something gone wrong? Had they given her too much? Of course, they didn’t know what was too much. They’d never tried to put someone to sleep slowly before.

Gemma’s head began to loll backwards and her posture slumped. “What’s wrong with my sister?” Stephen demanded. Jeff hushed him and listened.

“Is it the baby?” Cade asked.

“I feel too hot,” Gemma croaked out slowly. “It’s too hot. I can't breathe.”

Jeff put his hand to Gemma’s forehead. “It’s okay,” he said. “She’s just a little overheated.” He glanced at Cathy. “Get me a cold cloth?”

Cathy pulled one of the small washcloths from the side table and ran it under the cold tap, soaking it. She handed it to Jeff, but it was Cade who took it. She was feverishly hot. Cathy could see it without even touching her. She got another cloth and wet it just the same, putting it against the back of Gemma’s neck. Cade placed the other one on her forehead.

“I need to listen to the baby properly. Can we lay her back?”

Cade did as instructed without question, lowering the girl back onto the bed. She moaned in his arms, letting out a whimper. “It’s okay,” he soothed as he wiped around her face with the cloth.

Jeff lifted Gemma’s blouse higher to expose her swollen belly fully and then listened to the baby. “Is the baby a mix? Do you know?”

Cade shook his head. “We haven’t had any checks done.”

“Does it matter,” Stephen cut in, “if the baby is a mix?”

? Yeah, I’d say that matters. Both are dominant breeds.” He moved the stethoscope around, listening again before standing up straight and putting it back around his neck. “If the baby is a true mix, if it has both
, it is possible they will fight for control.”

“You have mix children,” Stephen said. “My father told me you had experience with this.”

Cathy shook her head. “I am
, he is
, but both of ours are
. They didn’t take on any of my

“What does it mean?” Cade asked.

“If it is a true mix—a hybrid—her
might reject the cub as not being truly hers.”  It wasn’t true, of course. Both Cathy and Jeff knew that. The only hope was that these youngsters didn’t know.

“They can do that?”

Jeff pressed his fingers into Gemma’s abdomen, feeling around for the baby. “Well, it’s as rare as having a true mix, but yeah, it can happen.” He turned to Cathy. “The baby’s heartbeat is slow. We need the room ready. I think we need to get this out.”

Stephen pushed forward, and grabbed Jeff by his shoulder to pull him to face him. “What do you mean the baby’s heartbeat is slow and you need to get it out?”

“We don’t have much time. The baby’s heartbeat is too slow.” He glanced to Cade. “I’d like to get the baby out now. If that is okay with you both?” Jeff stared Cade straight in the eyes, but Cade tore away and glanced at Gemma. His hand was still firmly holding hers.

He looked back up, worried eyes staring at them as he looked at Jeff and then Cathy. “Do it. Whatever you need.”

Gemma strained in the bed, trying to pull herself up. Cade caught her. “No.”

Cade leaned in closer to her. He stroked her face in such a way that Cathy wished she could send them away. “I’m not losing either of you.”

“There’s nothing else that can be done? Speed the labour up or something?” Stephen was clutching at straws.

Jeff shook his head. “I need to get the baby out.” The baby’s heart was slower, but not for any reason other than it was now sleeping. The drugs were beginning to work on Gemma.

“We’ll be right here with you,” Stephen said to her. “By your side all the way.”

Gemma nodded weakly in response and let her head drop back again. She closed her eyes, and just then, a contraction shocked her back to life. She tried to sit up, but slid sideways, and Cade caught her. Cathy rushed to them to help as Gemma retched. She snatched a bowl from the side of the bed and stuck it under Gemma’s mouth as she vomited. She heaved until there was nothing left to bring up. Her brow was wet and perspiration rolled down her face, her damp hair stuck to her.

“We need to go now.” Jeff rushed to the back of the bed where Gemma’s head was. “We’re going to wheel you into the theatre.” He kicked off the small brake by the casters and pressed the controls to make the bed lower so that Gemma was laid back properly.

Cade gripped the side of the bed, making Jeff stop. “We’re coming with you.”

Cathy unhooked the IV from the mount and rested it on Gemma so that they could take her in. “You two have to stay out there, in the waiting room. No one can come into the theatre.”

Cade’s face was set with hard determination, his bright
eyes clearly there, but there was no time for predatory instincts. “This is my baby.”

Jeff stiffened, his face stern. “Either you wait outside while we’re in the theatre, or we don’t go in, and we risk your mate and the baby’s life. It is your choice.”

Jeff was no real match for Cade. Cade was tall and lean, maybe not as big as Stephen, but he would still be faster than Jeff; he had youth on his side, but Jeff wasn’t so small himself—years with his bikes and his friends. He wasn’t just a doctor in the safety of his clinic, he was also a man—a
—the head of a family.

“We’ll wait outside,” Stephen said, daring to reach for Cade and placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

“No, this isn’t …”

“We’re just out there,” Stephen placated him. “Let them help. My father said that this is the best clinic.”

Cade ground his teeth as he glared at Cathy and Jeff. The seconds ticked by, and Cathy fought the urge to just move, but she knew that setting off an already alert
was not a smart move.

“Fine, but as soon as the baby is born, you come and get us.”

“You can see her in the delivery room.” Jeff
pushed Gemma towards the theatre and away from the two watchful men.

This was it now. The final act in their plan—maybe the hardest of them all. This was the climax in their story.

They wheeled Gemma into the room and closed the doors, setting the lock into place. 

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